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Written By Thena

Oct. 2, 2018, 7:19 a.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

That's our Tynan! Proud to be that man's sister.

Written By Audric

Oct. 2, 2018, 6:51 a.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Adora

I imagine Lys's bones will wind up laying next to mine. There's a very nice little spot down in Afflua - the marshes part to reveal a little grove. It's quite lovely, really, except for all the upturned graves from before I took it. Quite idyllic!

Written By Archeron

Oct. 2, 2018, 6:26 a.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Don't worry Princess Alarissa, we will keep him safe. I make no promises about sober, but safe we can manage.

Written By Preston

Oct. 2, 2018, 6:23 a.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

If we did not write whites about other things because people were dying, we would never write whites. It does not trouble me to know people are still trading silks and other fabrics, or drinking or cooking delightful pies, or doing whatever else they might be doing in their regular lives while we fight. That is exactly /why/ we fight. To preserve our way of life, our lives themselves.

If people wish to write about fornicating ducks, I still would rather praise them for doing their duty to Vellichor than castigate them for daring to write things down while I stab something and sweat in armour.

Written By Marian

Oct. 2, 2018, 2:10 a.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

I find myself consumed these days with preparations. Training with my bow, testing zip lines, and getting to know these fine archers who are under my command.

When I am not with them, I spend time with my children. Nia is upset about the twins birthday party preparations. Stomping all around the villa. Fergus and Valen seem blissfully unaware of their sister's ire.

Once they're in bed, I have a few hours to read, relax and study my plans. I enjoy the calm before the storm, knowing these moments are precious.

Written By Coraline

Oct. 2, 2018, 1:07 a.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

There are innumerable skills in the people I meet. Some are phenomenal warriors, their lives put in danger to keep other safe. This is not something to take lightly to be sure.

However, other skills are incredibly important in their own way. They are quieter skills, many might consider small in comparison but might make a huge difference in at least one, if not more, lives.

There are different forms of bravery as well, that of a fighter facing certain death or someone who wrights on a publicly view-able space. The content so log as it isn't harmful, truly only matters to the few. What matters more is that it is a public record of a life lived.

We can look back hundreds of years, a thousand at least, at the lives of those who live no longer and returned to the wheel so long ago. Little things in comparison to war, but perhaps big moments in those lives and to those who lived them. I find value in those moments, I think the courage to produce them, and the meaning it might have held to be something worth existing.

I realize this is simply my view, and may not be shared, but I commend those who share those moments be it about pets, chairs, or preparing to face the likelihood of greeting the Queen and her wheel in the near future. Just my own thoughts.

Written By Ouida

Oct. 2, 2018, 12:50 a.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sunniva

I know that you are eager to take part in the aftermath of what happens in the aftermath of a great battle--from little stitches to resting a hand on the brow of those whom you can do nothing but wish them well as they pass from this life they know well. Waiting for you when you return from finding your place amidst the fray shall be a properly drawn bath with appropriate herbs and sweet smelling things to ease the stench of blood and bile and piss and shit that is inevitable. I am not a healer, but I have been the recipient of such caretaking many a time, and know that the muscles of one assisting a physician grow fatigued and faint in the end as anyone else's. I'm sure your husband will have other tender caring things prepared for you, or at least he had better!

Let us hope this is not worse than what you have seen thus far. How passing strange that I should wish so much to protect you from the mantle that you have worked so hard to achieve! I have confidence that you will be a credit to Harthall.

And I propose in the near future, that we should take advantage of the splendid baths in the city, when we are ready to purge the sounds and sights and smells of the field at least for a time from immediate memory.

Gods guide your hands and bless those that you bring comfort to, dear heart.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 1, 2018, 11:38 p.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

If he returns safe he won't want my chair. Not that he can have it. I have a chair for him as well. All tufted leather and comfortable. Nearly overstuffed. He'll learn that I hear his little complaints and see to their resolutions. As a good spouse should. When they can.

Written By Victus

Oct. 1, 2018, 11:06 p.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

I can clearly see an entry here made earlier today about buying steelsilk.

I'm slow but I'm not that slow. I expect my ass will be cushioned when I return from looking for otters with Dame Leola and friends.

Written By Victus

Oct. 1, 2018, 11 p.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

One time recently, Magpie told me I owed him 90,000 silver because a family member of mine said I was good for it. I replied to him, '90 thousand fucking what now'. His lawyer, Tynan, invoiced me later saying he'd take me to court if I didn't pay up.

That really tells you the man will handle any case you throw his way, good chops on that law-man.

Written By Rosalie

Oct. 1, 2018, 10:52 p.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

Having just watched my cousin and my husband both send off their wills to the Whites, knowing that I must do the same myself shortly? I find it a small comfort to see someone, -anyone- taking pleasure in something so simple as a well-crafted piece of furniture. Of having things go -right-, no matter how frivolous it may seem.

And given that Her Highness is carrying her third child at this moment, the simple comfort of an exquisitely crafted and comfortable seat can be damn near a miracle to ease the ceaseless ache in the lower back, the tension in the legs, or the swollen feeling in the feet and ankles.

I would never presume, Your Highness, to tell you what to say or how to think. But I offer you an alternative view. One of an expecting mother, terrified to lose her husband, her family, perhaps even her child... let us take comfort where and how we can. More will be achieved with understanding and a dose of patience than with cutting remarks and assumptions.

Written By Nisaa

Oct. 1, 2018, 10:43 p.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

The sea, it called to me today and so I sat upon the shore. I did not remove my shoes and dance barefoot in the sands, as I so often do. I did not lift my voice in song. Today was not a time for that. Today was a time to watch the light of the sun disappear from the sky as day turned to night. It was a time to be witness to the blanket of darkness settle over the sea and beyond to the horizon, like velveted silk caressing the skin. It was a time to walk along the beach in quiet solitude and feel the water kiss my toes, to flow through me, cleansing my soul with its tears. Today was a time to remember what was, to cherish those memories. And, it was a time to know, that no matter how much you wish upon the glittering stars in the heavens, some dreams are simply not meant to come true. Even if people are promising to you that they will.

Written By Saoirse

Oct. 1, 2018, 10:33 p.m.(9/15/1009 AR)

A lot of people are heroically putting their lives on the line, writing terrified journal entries that bequeath their worldly goods should their efforts go south.

A lot of people are taking the time to craft carefully composed missives to their loved ones. Capturing their fears, their hopes, and desperately seeking some thread of hope that everything will be alright.

Or I guess you could just write about how much fucking fabric you buy.

Written By Delilah

Oct. 1, 2018, 9:36 p.m.(9/14/1009 AR)

In the untimely event of my death, know it was a lie.

Then go find Dame Felicia to drink with you.

Written By Lore

Oct. 1, 2018, 9:19 p.m.(9/14/1009 AR)

Who says you can't go home again? Because they're a liar! Four years its been since I set foot in Arx, but here I am! Take a whiff of that great city smell! Er, or wait until we're away from the docks, maybe. Smells like rotten fish and wet feet and swamp ass down here.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 1, 2018, 7:18 p.m.(9/14/1009 AR)

Oh it's glorious.

Perfection made incarnate that I can sit on. Perfectly stuffed. I leaned back and for ten minutes I forgot that I was fat with child.

Fifty silver, Victus doesn't realize what's woven into the fabric.

No sharks at least.

Written By Helia

Oct. 1, 2018, 6:49 p.m.(9/14/1009 AR)

In addition, I don't want anyone reading my Black Journals should I meet my untimely demise. They are a festering cabinet of angst and self-indulgent whining. Nobody needs to see those, believe me.

Written By Ida

Oct. 1, 2018, 6:34 p.m.(9/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Gerard

First, much as I wish I could forbid you to die, I know such choices are not mine to make. If I could do so, obviously I would. Should the worst happen, I will do whatever it might take to see that your wishes are granted. I hate writing this, but something will be taken to the Telmarch and placed with your family so that you might rest in the place you hope. This I vow to do even if I have to make my way to the Lodge myself to accomplish it.

Second, nothing you have ever given me could be considered paltry, material or otherwise. Time, love, and laughter are the real treasures in this life. I'm honored that you'd trust me with your possessions, and the gesture itself is hardly insignificant. I prefer you come home instead.

Written By Thena

Oct. 1, 2018, 5:11 p.m.(9/14/1009 AR)

Shouldn’t wills be handled by lawyers?

Specifically lawyers like my dear brother Tynan Grayhope?

Written By Gerard

Oct. 1, 2018, 4:52 p.m.(9/14/1009 AR)

Since this is becoming a trend, I suppose I shall partake.

In the event of my death, on the field of battle or otherwise, I want for my weapons and armor to be given to Ida, along with whatever mortal wealth I possess, to do with as she will. It is a paltry symbol, but I know she would do good works with it. If my body itself can be recovered in something resembling wholeness, I would like for it to be sent back to the Telmarch, to be buried by my family in our family plot, as if our tradition. Long have the Dastrid's served the realm in various capacities, and it would be my honor to rest there, with my kin.

It's a lovely spot really, near by father's forge, in a small valley under the protection of fine, hardy evergreens, with a babbling brooks singing most of the year nearby. In the spring, cardinals and bluejays roost upon the stones, and the morning frost at the end of the year gives a solemn, peaceful purity to the scene that I cannot ever quite describe in words alone. It is a feeling in my heart, and treasured much. But I pray, to all the Gods, that while I will do my duty, and not hesitate, that they will see it in their mercy to allow me more time before I join them. There is still so much to see. So much love to give. There is still so much left to the dance.

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