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Written By Khanne

Sept. 30, 2018, 9:04 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Thank you for the reminder Uncle. I shall embrace my true nature more often. Some nights call for howling!

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 30, 2018, 8:02 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Luis

I like this person.

Written By Emily

Sept. 30, 2018, 8:01 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

A delightful potted plant.

Written By Etienne

Sept. 30, 2018, 7:59 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

.. I can't stop staring at this ring. The Goddess is endlessly generous.

Written By Emily

Sept. 30, 2018, 7:57 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebastian

Congratulations on your new position. May you speak for your house with wisdom.

Written By Cambria

Sept. 30, 2018, 7:46 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

"It is not easy for men to know themselves," said the Seraph of Ostria, during a particular sermon many years ago now. I was reminded of this rather poignantly this evening, and have spent some time pondering it anew.

Why is it not easy? Because typically people do not want to know themselves, for if they did, they would more than likely be chastised by the knowledge of what most of us so often are: selfish, dishonest, delusional, envious, hypocritical, and more.

Written By Nuala

Sept. 30, 2018, 7:34 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

A scrap of wisdom that resonates: If you want glory from your books, you must … not just have them but know them; not place them in your library but in your memory; and lock them in your mind and not in your bookcase.

Written By Nuala

Sept. 30, 2018, 7:22 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

A week of difficult confrontations with myself have left me weary. Not in the worst way, but that way of climbing a mountain height over days. I may have reached a peak and with it, a clear view. But it's still cloudy.

Written By Esoka

Sept. 30, 2018, 6:51 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

My days are spent working with the other disciples of Gloria, to prepare to aid in defense of the Lodge. It is much the same as the marshaling for war I've done with the Rivens more times than I can count. That I watched my grandfather do with the bloodwarriors of our tribe when I was a girl. I wonder what he would think if he beheld me with the Templars. It was he who told me the first stories of Gloria and Limerance I learned, yet the telling of them on his knee was a very different thing than that I hear in the shrines. It feels right. It feels a good fight and a good way to go to it. I think that, he would have been happy for.

Written By Bliss

Sept. 30, 2018, 6:22 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

A few words of advice on how to make the world a better place.

1. If you are the representative of your family's honor, don't make bets you never intend to fulfill! This is a Bad Idea.

2. If you are the representative of your family's honor, don't vow to repay someone ten times what has been done to them and then when they ask you to just repay what they are actually owed, refuse. This is also a Bad Idea!

3. If you find out these things are happening in your family, don't just ignore the problem and hope it goes away! Fix things. Give people what they are owed, even if it hurts you, because whatever loss of honor there is in that, it is far less than knowingly wronging someone every single day a situation goes unresolved.

You would think these are lessons that do not need to be spelled out, but some of the Peerage is really quite bad at being noble.

And for that, it always seems to be someone else who pays the price.

Written By Nijah

Sept. 30, 2018, 6:03 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rowenova

I am thinking that I have made my first friend since I am arriving in Arx, it is a nice thing and Rowenova is being a very gracious host and is inviting me to her home with Draven, another friend I am making. They are looking very good together and I am hoping there are more dinners! Nova is being a very good cook!

Written By Kenna

Sept. 30, 2018, 4:46 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

There are squirrel babies forthcoming - any day now in fact.

My dearest cousin Tabitha has been taking care of Sally while I keep up with my other duties. I can think of no more gentle soul to see my little friend through this time.

Written By Sunaia

Sept. 30, 2018, 4:18 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Under advice that it's always better to have several irons in the fire, I have prevailed upon Prince Laric to allow me to join the Inquisition as an apprentice, an event which occurred upon my birthday. The ghosts of my ancestors haven't appeared to scream at me in warning and horror for this decision, so it must be the right one.

Written By Luis

Sept. 30, 2018, 3:59 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Someone pointed out to me that I had been referred to as a potted plant and so instead of taking it as some strange insult, I began to think about the mysteries that could be wrapped up in such a statement.

For I could have been a seed of a mighty oak, planted in what had appeared to be rich, wonderful soil, only to find out that it was but an illusion, only surface deep truly, set upon a rocky crag, only to realize too late, roots taken into cracks and fissures to ever truly be able to grow, and be something it was meant to be.

I could have been that, but instead as a potted plant, I would be able to travel. To the walls and beaches of Setarco. To the waves and islands of the Maelstrom. To the forests around Arx. I could travel and experience things that were I to be such a stuck oak, I would not be able to experience, nor take part in, even if I had wished it.

So yes, I suppose it is better to be a potted plant.

Written By Luca

Sept. 30, 2018, 2:47 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

I hear congratulations and condolences are in order.

Congratulations! My condolences.

Written By Nicia

Sept. 30, 2018, 1:49 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

As things loom on the horizon I find myself feeling the need to put words to paper...recording my feelings and thoughts.

I could never have imagined what I would have found waiting for me when I arrived in the city, and I am thankful for every day that I happened to be at the Valardin ramparts the day I was, and at the time that I was, for if I had not been there things would have been different in my life.

I love my family, and perhaps some with hearts of stone could say that love is a weakness, it makes you cautious and reluctant to do risky things for fear of losing them. I find that my family, my husband, my children, they are a source of strength for me. It is my love for them that spurs me to do the things I do, make the decisions that I make, colors my every choice and makes me willing to take risks.

Written By Delilah

Sept. 30, 2018, 1:28 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Congratulations. We have much work to do.

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 30, 2018, 1:20 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jenessa

She has an ember of determination in her that I am both surprised and excited to see. I don't have a favorite among my siblings, but the youngest of us does create stiff competition for the spot should it ever become a thing.

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 30, 2018, 1:18 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Emily

It's quite fortunate that she decided to remain as part of the House and did not run off to be with the Lycene potted plant.

Small victories are still victories.

Written By Sheena

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:47 a.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Date: September 1009

Dearest Scholars,

I was talking with someone recently about Ex-thralls and the people who held their debts. Many things were said that will not be gone into since that is not what I wished to write about this time. Merely a pondering.

We were discussing ex-thralls, as I said, and I noted that my patron, Baron Edward, took me in again even after my debt to him was paid. Which he had no obligation to do. By this I mean he didn't have to become my patron nor did he have to assure I would have a roof over my head. His obligations to my care was finished when my debt was paid. At least in my opinion.

This made me wonder to where the obligation ends and how much one does for a person of their lands, be it noble or commoner.

With Regards,

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