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Written By Sheena

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:08 a.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Date: September 1009

Dearest Scholars,

I sorted out the will of Sameera Coldrain. The people she knew seemed to be happy to get things that she either made or were hers. People must have liked her.

With Regards,

Written By Sheena

Sept. 30, 2018, 11:01 a.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Date: September 1009

Dearest Adoptive Grandparents,

I just wanted to write ad say hello. I don't have too much to say, as usual. I still do not venture far from places I know. Arx still has so many people. I am still pretty sure it is far too many for me.

I have went to two larger events. There were lots of people at them. I went, though. I hide with Princess Coraline or Lady Rey at both of them. They are good people.

I have also been designing clothing and accessories.

That is all I really have to write.

With regards,

Written By Gwenna

Sept. 30, 2018, 8:31 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Sir Bunnibus, where ever he may be now, must be so proud!

More sincerely, a deserved appointment and my heartfelt congratulations, cousin.

Written By Archeron

Sept. 30, 2018, 5:02 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

At a young age life taught me a lesson. If you allow yourself to care about something, it can be taken away. So you have to choose precious things, and guard them close. And the rest? The rest treat as a joke. Move through life in such a way and you are immune to the worst of it. To the randomness of things. To the choices of others. To the dark sense of humour the world seems to have. All of it.

It seems sometime in the past year or so I forgot that lesson, a lesson paid for by others. The result is that blooms seem brighter, voices louder and more varied, faces blur less. I notice the world more. I am not sure if the risk and the punishment is worth the reward, but. There that is. I shall try to, if not be a more serious man, then at least allow myself to feel the world of man a little more.

Written By Michael

Sept. 30, 2018, 4:10 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

How dare I not write a white entirely for you. Samantha Deepwood. At the risk of angering others, you are the favorite of those I got to share my childhood home. Those that were brought to stay, I don't think either of us want to earn Lailah's wrath.

My parents generosity has gifted me a broad range of people to whom I may consider to truly know me. I am thankful to have you as one. I hope to be as much a part of your children and wards lives as Gabriel was of yours.

Written By Michael

Sept. 30, 2018, 4:05 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

Did we discover if we are anticipating squirrel babies?

Written By Michael

Sept. 30, 2018, 4:02 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Voice of Bisland. Another title, but this weighs far heavier from my lips than a sword ever might. I would say that I know exactly what to do, and its only true so far as I know who speak with.

Samantha, a dear sister who I will never call otherwise, is the one I speak to when things shake and I am uncertain.

Lumen, for when I have wronged someone and must make right.

Father, for when steel is needed in my spine more than my hand. The most difficult lesson I have ever had laid upon me.

Zoey, when family matters most and I feel need to be valued.

Kenna. Kenna Whitehawk. When things must be done and so much else.

Written By Eddard

Sept. 30, 2018, 3:50 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Norwood

Thank you for your hearty welcome, to a young man who's only bound to you was by blood alone. The streets of Arx are wondrous and invigorating, but they may prove too much for my Oathlands heart and soul. I thought that I could carouse endlessly and spread my music as far as I can. I learn Temperance, Uncle, from you.

Thank you.

Written By Shard

Sept. 30, 2018, 2:53 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

No one knows what killed the Marquis of Storm March and his warriors.

But one can make an educated guess.

Written By Saoirse

Sept. 30, 2018, 1:57 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

That is not how pregnancy works.

Written By Coraline

Sept. 30, 2018, 12:52 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Once again women around me are getting pregnant....I wonder if it is something in the water......

Written By Coraline

Sept. 30, 2018, 12:46 a.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Life has gone from the excitingly dangerous to the every day normalcy once more. It was interesting there was a comment made recently that I threw myself into danger often and I couldn't help thinking it wasn't as often as all that.

Besides, I think living is dangerous enough as it is. Not that I look for death, but I also feel if fear of dying is what stops me from doing what I feel is right, then I would fail as a knight. There is a difference between taking the time and planning to be as safe as you are able, and hiding for fear of meeting the wheel. When I do die, I would like to know I did everything I could to live well and protect the freedom of others to live as well.

Written By Valencia

Sept. 29, 2018, 10:57 p.m.(9/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Geraint

Another I was fond of is now gone. I fear I lose more and more each day. I am told that is to be expected. That is the way of things. I confess I prefer it was not.

I had the pleasure of enjoying a some lovely evenings in the company of the Marquis Geraint. He seemed a kind man. A charming and clever man. One I enjoyed the company of and speaking with very much.

I am very much regret that I will never have the chance to speak with him again. I suppose that is the source of my sadness. It reminds me there are many who I am fond of and kept company with that I will one day never see again. I would have enjoyed to getting to know more about him I think.

Rest in peace and love, my lord. Thank you so very much. I wish we could have share more drinks and more conversation.


Written By Fredrik

Sept. 29, 2018, 10:09 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Caspian

Well there goes my succession plan....

(Just kidding, of course. Until such time as Zara and I produce a child, my lands are left to my niece Rosalie to manage)

Written By Caspian

Sept. 29, 2018, 9:59 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

Just in case anyone had any ideas to, if you write me into your will to take over your house when you die I will refuse. I'm more interested in leading The Champions then your lands. Sorry, you can't pin me down with nobility!

Written By Alis

Sept. 29, 2018, 9:30 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

Huh. And here I thought assgoblins was a word used to describe what happens after eating curry.

Written By Sebastian

Sept. 29, 2018, 8:46 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

It has been slightly over a year since I stepped down as Voice of Pravus. It was a year that was needed, a year of focusing on myself (this required the most work of all, and is still ongoing), and on renewing my bonds with my closest family and friends.

In that respect, it was not a year wasted.

But my twin, Juliana, is right. I love Pravus, and when asked to step up I couldn't do anything but agree.

Written By Cambria

Sept. 29, 2018, 8:44 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

The latest news out of the Grey Forest is worrying indeed. Two hundred soldiers lost, among their number the Marquis of House Blackwood. There is little more information than that, so we have no notion of who they faced. There is only this dreadful rumor, supported by his heir's recent proclamation.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 29, 2018, 8:36 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fredrik

Worth remembering, though I never was a diligent practitioner of that method.

Besides, I expect it requires more than mild ennui to get to that point.

Written By Fredrik

Sept. 29, 2018, 8:15 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

properly done where it won't demean you, howling in outrage can be quite cathartic, in short doses.

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