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Written By Theodoric

Sept. 28, 2018, 12:44 a.m.(9/7/1009 AR)

I hadn't thought this would all come together, the Commons Courts, with its great view of the lowers, a little slice of what it must be like looking down from up on the hill. It isn't anything fancy, but it'll do. Already got a couple of folks moving in, pretty soon the shops should be opening and we'll have another bit of community down here.

Written By Skye

Sept. 28, 2018, 12:33 a.m.(9/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

That fish was certainly worthy of an epic tale.

Written By Thena

Sept. 28, 2018, 12:01 a.m.(9/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Godric

She must have sold out. Guess you got lucky, doc.

Written By Godric

Sept. 27, 2018, 11:13 p.m.(9/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

So I went to this shop, annnnd there was nothing remotely frightening in it. I'm starting to wonder if the location of that lemon balm we picked was really the best decision.

Written By Jhond

Sept. 27, 2018, 8:22 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

I've made a fashion decision that was met with actual smiles for once instead of just polite ones. It's a moment likely not to be repeated.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 27, 2018, 7:31 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

Iron Guard Kennel-master, widower, father of a five year old boy who stays with neighbors or friends while Jyri works. He writes stories, worries about his social skills, which really are quite adequate though not polished. He visited me at the Saik Tower to check on Gunther after Sparte told him I had mentioned that sometimes the dog still remembered and would walk along the old patrol route. He brought 3 of the dogs he is training when he came. They got along well with Gunther and Golden and the five of them played with sticks and balls, had treats and raced along the Tower Garden paths. It was a pleasant afternoon and I enjoyed meeting another person who knew my late husband.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 27, 2018, 7:22 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

A couple of days past I wanted to think and as I often do, took a walk while doing so, no particular destination in mind. My guard dogs were with me and as we stepped out the Lycene area, my late husband's dog, Gunther took the lead subtly, and a few blocks later I realized we were walking my husband's old Iron Guard Patrol route that they followed for a few years. Step by step, building by building, pausing to observe, the dog remembered his training and the routine and we wound up at the barracks. It was both amusing and sad at the same time. Poor Gunther. He is content with me and my other dog, Golden and adores the twins, but he still misses Estaban.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 27, 2018, 7:14 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

I dislike riddles am not good at solving them. Therefore for the sake of avoiding un-necessary irritation, perhaps when you pose a riddle I might see or hear, you could just... messenger me the answer.

Written By Amari

Sept. 27, 2018, 6:59 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

I won a raffle! Finally.

I'll have a medic follow me around now, in case I trip and fall down. They're going to be so bored. I might have to seriously take up jousting so they have something to do.

Pretending to have an ailment at the fundraiser was fun, I'm glad I took a pass on the itchy berry bug bites and ended up with dementia instead. Thank you, Reigna.

Written By Jyri

Sept. 27, 2018, 6:14 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

I didn't think I could get blisters any longer. I was very, very wrong. I got blisters on my feet AND hands. I got new boots, so there's that. But the hands? I've softened up, clearly. All this digging has proven I'm not as tough as I thought I was.

Written By Alarissa

Sept. 27, 2018, 4:17 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

And now I know what will be on the menu for dinner in Thrax.


Only cookies.

I shall have to state my pleasure into the mirror.

Written By Gianna

Sept. 27, 2018, 4:08 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Waterfalls of sapphires. I love them so. Mistress Josephine, your work is beautiful and I am honoured to wear this necklace and these earrings. I shall be flaunting them about Arx. Garnets come in such interesting colours, don't they?

Written By Vayne

Sept. 27, 2018, 4:03 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

As I rummaged through Driskell's effects, I found this. I submit it for posterity, and so that Driskell's lessons - even the less theological - can be taught to others.
His entry states:

I sit here in Setarco at my southern star while battle preparations are underway like they have happened a myriad of times before, gazing in the pool and what is there beyond the reflection thinking about other times, places, people. My dark brother Mysterion, of green mothers, dragons and wyrms, stormborn, elves, of proteges and students, the mystery of the coin and such things that my mind is pulled towards.

Often, it is the little things which reinforce over time into something strong. The drip of water won’t cut a cavern, but after time can erode the greatest of walls. The highest sea cliffs stand proudly, but always will the constant embrace of the sea pull them down and create sand. And so, I find with mortals and immortals alike, that sometimes lessons and teachings are far more easily taken in and consumed willingly by a soul when it is hidden in plain sight. No doubt as before, my time will come and I will return from where I came and yet I will watch on from beyond and return as needed. We might say Non Omnis Moriar, but I think my friends would say after one of these, nom nom more.
Driskell’s Cookies for Lessons
- Half a cup of finely milled sugar from the Saffrons, it should look like dust or powder.
- 1 large egg representing Aion, Mortals and Tehom.
- 1 egg yolk representing the gold of lessons learned from sacrifices.
- 1/2 teaspoon of the finest salt made of Grayson tears. Or regular Thraxan salt will do.
- 2 tsp zest of any citrus of your choice. Beggars aren’t choosers.
- 1/2 tsp extract of vanilla. You may need to speak with an apothecary for this.
- A quarter cup of fresh Laurent heavy cream.
- 12 tablespoons of Laurent butter.
- 2 and 1/2 cups of flour
- 2 cups of that fancy chocolate broken up in bits
- 3 tablespoons of fine Laurent butter
- Other things that tickle your fancy for decorating
1. Cream together in a large bowl the butter and sugar until it is combined.
2. Separately, mix the egg and yolk, salt, vanilla, citrus zest and heavy cream and then add to the creamed butter and sugar. Mix together until you have a smooth batter.
3. Add the flour and mix until mixed.
4. Set your dough in the ice room and come back later on in a few hours. The goal is to cool, not to freeze. No one likes frozen dough.
5. Take out your chilled dough and let it sit for just a bit so it is slightly firm but not warm. With a well floured table or board, roll out enough of the dough until it’s about a quarter of an inch thick. Never ever re-roll the dough, do it once.
6. Cut out shapes specific to the lesson you’re teaching. I lately have been doing fish and sea animals, but whatever tickles my fancy to tie the lesson will do. Creativity is valued.
7. Bake the cookies for about 9 minutes, although little ones will of course need smaller amounts of time. The goal is to have a tender, not crisp, cookie with softer edges. They should have just the slightest hue of gold to them when you take them out of the oven, not ringed with brown.
8. Once you’ve baked the cookies, I enjoy melting the chocolate and drizzling it or dipping a slight portion. Sometimes I then crush nuts, or chop berries or other things, to dust the wet chocolate to give it more visual appeal. Be careful with the cookie, they are tender and will break if you rush the process; nothing ever good came from hurrying. Remember you’re investing time and care, which is what makes them so good.

Find a little box or basket and present them to the person you speak with, and deliver the lesson or truth while they’re consuming.

Written By Thena

Sept. 27, 2018, 2:15 p.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

Everyone should visit Mistress Perronne's shop and buy her Silly Years pieces before I do it and send them to my favorite people and thus alienate everyone I care about.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 27, 2018, 11:18 a.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

The Physicians Ball went spectacularly well! I would very much like to thank everyone who attended and participated! I hope it was as enjoyable for you as it was to host.

Special thanks to:
Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius for her incredible support and generous donations. I am humbled and so grateful.
Princess Caelis Valardin for a very generous donation in support of the healers of Arx, you are a gift to Valardin.
Grandmaster Thena Grayhope, your generosity is matched only by your honor and your dedication to the people of the Compact.
My volunteers, Goodman Waldemai, Lady Amari Keaton and Lady Kalani Seliki, your portrayals of the ailments were spot on and perfect!
My fellow physicians. Without you there would be no guild and Arx would be so much poorer for the lack. Your dedication to the art and craft of healing is second to none and each of you offer so very much to this world. I cannot express how much I appreciate your work and how proud I am to work with you.

Written By Perronne

Sept. 27, 2018, 10:51 a.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

Well, that's done.

The first few pieces from my carefully hoarded collection of 'Silly Years' pieces have been placed for display and sale in Storied Treasures. This is probably a sin, and I am going to have to donate money to Jayus as an apology for unleashing these things back on the world.

But they weren't doing ME any good in my warehouse, so off they go. Gods help us all.

Written By Vayne

Sept. 27, 2018, 10:51 a.m.(9/6/1009 AR)

Months after his demise, I find myself wading through the personal effects of Brother Driskell, trying to honour his will and give the things he owned to the people he believed would value them most.

It is a daunting task. Not just because I rediscover I miss my friend each time I open those chests, but because the man had a surprising number of possessions. I would suspect no one would imagine just how many things he owned. I always took him for an ascetic, but perhaps that was just one more of the ways in which he was unlike anyone I have ever known.

I will need more baskets, I'm afraid, as I'm loath to send thirty messengers to one person, each carrying a different thing.

Written By Ophelia

Sept. 27, 2018, 8:27 a.m.(9/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Silvio

That is a brilliant idea! And much safer since I'd probably burn the Estate's kitchen down if I even attempted to make breakfast...

Written By Corban

Sept. 27, 2018, 8:18 a.m.(9/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Simone

Time spent with my cousin Simone is always time well spent. With Simone as Marquessa and Voice of Greenmarch and me as an officer in the Silver Swords, our duties often keep us from seeing each other as much as we would like. But we are a good team together, and I owe her much for her support of my ongoing projects.

Greenmarch is fortunate to have a lady like Simone to lead them. And I am lucky to call her my family.

Written By Morrighan

Sept. 27, 2018, 4:38 a.m.(9/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Donella

It had been far too long since we last had a sit down and chat, and I'm glad that we were able to do so this evening. We've got a lot of catching up to do. Your presence had been missed in the ward, as well as your glorious sense of humor. I'm happy that you're back home, now - Taran too!

I hadn't seen the little Prince in quite a while, now he's walking about, babbling, looking like a miniature Darren (he'll be getting that beard any day now, right?). Don't think I'll forget the wee thing shouting, "Mo!". It was so stinking adorable, and the first word I've heard him say. Think I need to give that plushie a washing, though, I've never seen so much toddler slobber.

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