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Written By Cassandra

Sept. 26, 2018, 4:20 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

As I have watched words such as chivalry, honor, and the Thirteenth bandied about in the whites, I found myself turning inward and looking at the circumstances that brought me to the place that I am today. I was still but a youth when Gloria introduced herself to me after a battle that left it's kiss upon my cheek to this day.

I thought at the time, that to serve Gloria - to be chivalrous - was to continue to follow the path that I had placed upon by my birthright. To become Duchess Laurent and to bring about the next generation of rule for Artshall. And to do everything as I should as a noble to bring this about.

But I could not. I thought that this type of chivalry is what was expected of me because it was what my father expected and I should have to honor my father and mother as providence of Gloria's teachings. Then one day I was out in the stables, and it came to my attention that there was a new mount that had been brought in - a gift from one of my suitors at the time, that needed to be introduced to the others of the herd.

That is when I realized that chivalry can be likened to taming and training a horse.

What does it take to tame a horse? It takes courage, not recklessness, but that kind of disciplined and developed courage that comes from learning to fear being thrown, and getting on horse again. It takes self-mastery, because the horse is a prey animal that will amplify your fear. You must learn to ride through it, until even you don't really feel the fear in the same way anymore.

It takes gentleness. A horse responds to the slightest touch. You must be sensitive to its movements, its breathing, the language of its body.

What does it take to ride a horse to war? It takes trustworthiness. The horse must believe in you to charge into the smell of blood.

It takes honor. You can't ride alone. You must build relationships with other men and women like you, who know they can count on you while there is blood in your body. There is your self-sacrifice, even to death.

Anyone can have chivalry - you can practice it every day as you deem it. Chivalry is about doing what it right. What is kind. And it is what brings it into the direct conflict with the Thirteenth. As Legate of the Arts, I can understand the draw and allure of the power that he offers, and the temperament that must come with it. Those that would want to Tehom are going to find themselves drawn to a horse that does not wish to be tamed.

There are creatures that I was told of in my youth - they would take on the appearance of a calm and gentle horse waiting in a pasture near a stream. When approached, the horse would allow the rider to mount it to take it on a ride. They would ride and ride, and when the rider would grow weary and want the ride to end, the horse's body would start to pull in the rider as it bolted for the nearest lake. And once there the horse would reveal it's true nature as it drowned the rider and pulled the pour soul down.

Chivalry is not a perfect code. You cannot simply hold yourself to it's standard and always be right. That would not make sense. Everyone, myself included, will make mistakes from time to time. Chivalry, at the end, is three things: mercy, charity and humility. Mercy means that you are conscious of your advantage and treating other humans with kindness and geniality. Charity means that you give without anything expected in return. Humility for when you make mistakes, you accept them and recognizing that those who do not have your advantages are not your inferiors. It is tied to honor in doing what is right and just even if it comes into conflict with others - but that is a writing for another time.

Written By Shard

Sept. 26, 2018, 3:56 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

One of the things I liked about Skald is that I'd never heard or seen him used for something like this. Or, more bluntly, that he wasn't used as a literal weapon by the Faith.

Written By Faruq

Sept. 26, 2018, 12:35 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

I have been reminded that there is more alcohol than spiced rum. I am certain there are many but are there any as good? I am not certain any such thing can possibly exist. Since my arrival in Arx I have been fortunate enough to try many different types of spiced rum and all of them have their good qualities. I cannot say the same for other types of alcohol.

Yes scribe, this is important thoughts.

No I am not going to write down where my stashes are either.

Written By Cambria

Sept. 26, 2018, 12:14 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

An intellectual is one defined as a person who perpetually seeks targets for their critical thought and mourns the passing of a problem.

Written By Jasher

Sept. 25, 2018, 11:53 p.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Saved by the grace of a puppy. You win this round, Aleksei Morgan.

Written By Imane

Sept. 25, 2018, 11:29 p.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte


Written By Perronne

Sept. 25, 2018, 11:29 p.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Several of the journals that people are talking about these days are mentioning, you know, the Thirteenth.

I don't particularly like him. I mean, I'm from the Oathlands, so I suppose that's not a surprise. We don't really TALK about him much, and while it's acknowledged that he's a part of the Pantheon, it's sort of know that family member, right? They're blood, so they're invited to all the gatherings, but everyone secretly hopes they don't show up, and spends most of the dinner stepping gingerly around them and hoping that THIS year, the drink sends them straight from sober to asleep without the ranting and spitting stage in-between. That's kinda the Thirteenth, or was when I was growing up.

I do see value in his teachings, I guess. Not so much in the questioning; it tends to be nobles who talk a lot about the sacred right of questioning, because they're used to having the power to question things and not get stabbed or tossed out of their homes for it, and I suspect it really burns a lot of their bottoms that there might be anyone, even gods, who someone might suggest they SHOULDN'T question. So, of course, the Thirteenth appeals on that level. For me, I guess it's more the cautionary tale part of it - there but for the grace of the gods go I.

I'm a merchant! My job is to get money from other people, in exchange for goods and services, and to profit by the exchange of it! No profit, no food. No food, very sad Perronne who fades away dramatically on the side of a road, inconsiderately leaving her dead body for some poor bastard (probably not an ACTUAL bastard) to find. Yes, yes, I suppose I COULD wander off somewhere more private to die, but I'm going to tell you right here and now, if I starve to death in penury, I plan to do it as PUBLICLY AS POSSIBLE! But I'd really rather not. Where was---oh, right! I'm a merchant! I like acquiring money! Which means that there's always a temptation to acquire more money than a fair and equitable exchange could give. There's always that feeling that, hey, this person could stand to pay a LITTLE more, even when maybe they really can't. And I'm pretty good at my job! I could push them into it with the right words, the right framing. Or just outright cheat them. I COULD do those things.

I don't. I work really hard to make sure I don't. But I think, maybe, for me, the Thirteenth's place in the Pantheon that really resonates with me is that he's the guy who reminds you that you're never pure. There's always a bit of darkness in your soul that you have to be on guard against, that you have to fight against and make sure that it never becomes the biggest part of your soul. You can starve that piece, you can try and whip it into shape. But you can't really ignore it. Because if you pretend it isn't there, then that darkness can sort of seep into everything you do, and you justify it, because you can't imagine that you could be evil. But all of us CAN be evil.

The Thirteenth reminds us of that, I think. But sort of in the way certain bad smells can warn you of rotten food? You can't expose yourself to it too much, or else the bad smell starts to smell normal, and you start eating a lot of stuff you shouldn't. So, I guess, look to the Thirteenth as a reminder of what you DON'T want to be, but it's the rest of the Pantheon that shows us what we DO want to be...and for me, that shows me pretty well where I want to spend most of my time.

Written By Sparte

Sept. 25, 2018, 11:10 p.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

I am ignored when I am given, I am given when I'm not needed, and I am needed when I am ignored. What am I?

Written By Evonleigh

Sept. 25, 2018, 9:32 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

A thank you to Monique, Etienne, and all the finders who took part in a merry sport of riddle chasing. One wonders what others thought when they saw the merry band of finders running around town, wind in hair and cheeks flushed with laughter and not a small amount of spirits. Greenmarch does make a fine whiskey. Thank you all for not leaving me in the hedge maze to wither into nothing. My lack of direction sense will be legendary one day, I feel. There are worse things to be infamous for, I suppose.

Written By Thena

Sept. 25, 2018, 9:04 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Like all Godsworn, I have vowed to serve Tehom as I serve any other god.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 25, 2018, 8:33 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Harlex

Neither Godsworn nor knight, yet you've presented a perspective worth learning. And a core precept of Tehom, at that.

Thank you for sharing.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 25, 2018, 7:16 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cirroch

As my most excellent High Lord mentions, Keaton does indeed breed a spectacular specimen of dogliness. Bloodhounds are built for hunting, and they make incredible companions. I do not know what I would do without my Oaken. We have a relatively young litter available right now, as well as a few juveniles that have already undergone their basic and intermediate training. We also offer training for those who wish to be better handlers themselves.

If you would like to come and meet our pups, send a missive to our outstanding kennelmaster, Lady Shae Keaton. She is better with them than anyone else I have ever met.

Written By Harlex

Sept. 25, 2018, 6:17 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

I am not a knight. Nor a Godsworn. But I am a soldier and I have killed plenty in my time.

Plenty more to come by the course of things.

What I have learned from Tehom is that if violence and war make a beast of you than you had best not lock that beast up too often or it will tear you apart from the inside.

There is a passion for violence in me that I long tried to hide and only by acknowledging that darkness am I able to choke it some for control and turn it against a foe.

Instead of myself. It takes effort to not let it consume me. Still, it remains a better option than trying to deny it.

Written By Edain

Sept. 25, 2018, 5:56 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cirroch

What you want is a Keaton bred bloodhound.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 25, 2018, 5:55 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

While we're on the subject of knighthood, perhaps some of the Godsworn knights might want to share their perception of how Tehom might be involved in their duties or very life as a knight sworn to the service of the Gods.

Non-Godsworn knights are of course free to voice their own opinions, I am genuinely curious.

Written By Cirroch

Sept. 25, 2018, 5:42 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

After petting Sir Floppington I've decided, I want a dog. A smart, well behaved dog for both hunting and companionship. If anyone knows a breed of dog I should get, feel free to suggest one. If you train dogs, feel free to reach out to me.

Written By Preston

Sept. 25, 2018, 5:12 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

I have just spoken to the Order's carpenters and engineers. It seems that our second siege trebuchet is finished and loaded onto carts ready for assembly where we need it. The smiths and carpenters have been working a great many hours to get this ready, and I am grateful for their diligence and humbled by their skill. People often only see the fighting knights of the Templars, but we have a whole community behind us. Farriers, Smiths, Carpenters. All we need to sustain a crusading army.

But, I digress. A new siege engine, and one I fear will soon see use. After some discussion I think we will name this one Skald. The Liberator seems like a fitting namesake for a device designed to free people quite literally of the walls they place between themselves and the Faith.

Written By Preston

Sept. 25, 2018, 5:07 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

If I might be bold enough, I would say that the experience will differ depending often on the context in which one lives. The knightly codes, the obedience to Gloria and Limerance, it exists for me within the structures of an order. We have our chapter house, and each full brother and sister of the Templars of any Parish may gather at theirs to discuss matters and make decisions. That said, there will always be a point where the senior brother or sister - be they simply the appointed commander, a Knight Marshal, or even myself - must make a decision. All voices are heard and have input, but the decision rests with the person who will ultimately have to answer for it.

I think of discussion as different to questioning however- perhaps it is distinction without difference though. But to me, questioning has that implication of doubt, of uncertainty. Even when I disagree with my brothers, I do not doubt their motives nor their sincerity. What I seek is simple understanding of their view. As I have said before, I think this is where it is clear that the differences between the paths of the Faith are ones of nuance. They seem major in their discussion, but are nothing in reality. Each sits alongside the other, and the Faith endures.

Written By Alarissa

Sept. 25, 2018, 4 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

The people -we- made.

He needs to stop handing them things made of metal. Really.

This is why we have nursemaids.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 25, 2018, 3:34 p.m.(9/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

So, true story, I was at home, penning in exquisite detail the things a woman's body goes through during pregnancy and birth. I was laughing to myself thinking that Aleksei, should he read it would be horrified and Prince Jasher would be amused. I had just finished said masterpiece when the sound of shrieking children and barking dogs startled me, so I looked over to see what was transpiring, and my eldest Kata, who has developed an unhealthy fixation on fire, had succeeded in setting Aeryn's favorite plushie on fire and was running around with it, while the hounds were barking to summon attention. I jumped up to deal with the situation with the aid of several nurses (Who were given stern a stern talking to about watching Kata around the hearth) and managed to get the plushie into a cauldron of water. I then had to deal with an inconsolable Aeryn who wanted his stuffie back and who I had to explain the consequences that come from breaking Kata's favorite puzzle box. After the pair of them made up, I returned to my desk, sat down to review my writing, only to find that somehow in the chaos, one of the puppies jumped up onto my chair and decided that my parchment smelled just enough like sheep still to chew on it. It would have been salvageable, had his tail not knocked over the inkwell as he turned to jump down from the chair.

So... you're welcome Aleksei?

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