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Written By Harlex

Sept. 24, 2018, 3:52 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Berenice


But for some reason I didn't get to my coffee this morning.

It puts a man in a state of disquieted reflection.

Written By Berenice

Sept. 24, 2018, 3:42 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Harlex

This was because people were being cheerful in the Whites, wasn't it?

Written By Khanne

Sept. 24, 2018, 3:17 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

Have I raved about the wolves you made for me yet? I should have, if I didn't... If I did, well, they are worth double praises. Triple even. I love them so incredibly much! Thank you for taking my vision of something and making it into wearable, and dangerous, art!

Written By Harlex

Sept. 24, 2018, 3:11 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

My stepfather, Arturus Valtyr, would have celebrated his 55th birthday today.

He worked as hard as any man out in that field. He prayed, he shucked, he toiled, he read books on the subject of agriculture, and consulted with shamans in secret--to proud of his Faith.

He did just about everything a person could do and still, the crops did not grow or when they did; the ear rot grew with them.

Till, finally, one day his heart gave out while we were in the tall stalks. His face got twisted and ugly and he fell on his back, curled like a dead bug. I watched him go, staring and thinking to myself; just die already, stubborn old man. Then he was gone.

He tried. He did his best. And that's all I can really say about him.

Written By Victus

Sept. 24, 2018, 2:55 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

Quit talking long and come bring that kid over sometime. We got new couches, these ones didn't involve squirrels.

Written By Thena

Sept. 24, 2018, 2:26 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

There are many paths to the gods.

Written By Aureth

Sept. 24, 2018, 2:23 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

I think that it takes self-awareness, maturity and dignity to look at one's schedule for the week and recognize when there are too many demands on one's time to do all that one has inveigled oneself into.

A discipleship is a true commitment to the Faith of the Pantheon. It requires a minimum of ten hours per week. You can absolutely worship, devotedly, pray, daily, contribute, as much as you can, without having those ten or more hours of your life to dedicate to the gods. And that is _okay_.

Know yourself. Know your limits. If you are called to serve, great! I'm glad to have you. If you want to serve but you just don't have the time right now, _that's also fine_. You can return to being a disciple when the other needs and responsibilities of your life permit.

Love the gods, embrace the Faith, serve your community, but also take care of yourself. Stressed, panicking, burned out disciples are of benefit to nobody, least of all the Faith.

Written By Aureth

Sept. 24, 2018, 2:03 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

I think you've had a little too much fish with your breakfast.

Written By Magpie

Sept. 24, 2018, 1:58 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Are you having troubles? Are you in misery? Buy some fish to smoke!

Hahaha, I'm so hilarious.

Well, my kid thinks I am and that's all that matters. He's also very confused because I don't actually sell fish, but I think I should wait til he's a smidge older. It's so fun being a father. I don't know how people fuck it up so badly. Maybe because I picked my kid out instead of just seeing what Death throws at me? Must be. I'm sure Aureth will correct me on anything I'm wrong about Death's involvement in children people get.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 24, 2018, 1:51 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Identity is such a strange thing. What makes a person who they are? Is it titles and oaths and responsibilities? I often find there are these moments in which I suddenly find myself shaken to the core, unable to process anything because some fundamental truth that I held has been countered in a way I cannot explain away. When this happens to my image of myself it is especially troubling. For if you do not know yourself, how can you claim to know anything else?

I have been struggling. With Oakhaven's elevation to March status, our responsibilities have trebled. I am mother to three children under the age of four years, the eldest being just over three, the middle, two and the youngest almost one. I am the Guildmaster of the Physicians Guild, a thriving, hectic and beautiful collection of the most selfless people I know. To have the drive to heal others is one of the most painful and exhausting callings there is. We deal in the pain of others daily, we toil to bring life into this world, preserve it, cure it and ease it back into Death's dominion when it is time.

What I can no longer claim to be, is a Scholar. It is... I do not have the words. There is a sense of failure, a tinge of guilt that somehow I should have found the reserves of energy, of time to commit to this, my first calling. I love knowledge. I love sharing it. I love seeing that look in someone's eyes when something they thought was beyond them suddenly becomes clear. That great surge of pride and happiness when something just clicks into place. I love mysteries and trying to figure out why things are the way they are. In my heart I will always be a scholar. My vows to Vellichor remain in place. My purpose in teaching and sharing knowledge remains unchanged... but as I woke this morning, my hand reached for my silver pendant and for the first time in years I did not put it on. I looked into my mirror and I felt... different. I still find my hand moving to touch a pendant that is not there, a weight I never noticed is more tangible in its lack.

Written By Alarissa

Sept. 24, 2018, 12:37 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Surely, at some point, things will subside. For I cannot abide this. Gods preserve me this is misery.

Written By Sabella

Sept. 24, 2018, 12:18 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

I am so excited for the raffle at the party that we're throwing on Friday! There are so many amazing things coming together! Lady Lisebet's basket is packed with goodies, not the least of which is a beautiful pair of hairpins that I find myself staring at way too often!

Lady Amari has put together some Adventure Apparel and Accoutrements in her basket! There will be an umbra cloak and plenty of Keaton leather all in unique designs of her own making, along with matching Oathlands steel arms for hunting and a small assortment of camping gear! I'm told she's slipped some alcohol in there as well, so whoever wins this basket will be able to have themselves a fine time camping or hunting in the woods!

And this iridescite ring with the dragonweep that Mistress Josephine made is...well, I had to have Prince Niklas hide it from me because I kept wanting to slip it on to admire it. It's truly a work of exquisite beauty and I shall be incredibly jealous of whoever wins that!

I just put the finishing touches on my own basket, which has a theme based on one of the children's plays we've done so recently: The Seafoam Princess! There's a gorgeous aeterna and seasilk dress and a matching cloak that has a beautiful iridescite clasp. A lovely lute donated by Mistress Gianna and a few other things are tucked inside, so make sure that you contact me to buy some raffle tickets! You don't need to be there to win and all proceeds go towards the defense of the Lodge of Petrichor!

Written By Amari

Sept. 24, 2018, 12:04 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Archeron

After questioning the scholars, I've verified that your journal entry was made in person with your badger's help, and not the badger alone in clever disguise. What couldn't be proven was if you'd had a sufficient pootle on the way there or back, nor if you took any true interest in any persons you may have met in your travels. I'll have to ask you to find your way to one of the many fine establishments in Arx where one might find drink, food and company. Then, have a witness of sound mind who was also in attendance to write a journal entry to verify the visit and that you were not, in fact, hiding in your fortress or in the woods again.

That will satisfy the request I made of you to go out and have a drink and no further remedy will be pursued.

Written By Magpie

Sept. 24, 2018, noon(8/28/1009 AR)

It's been a while since I got wasted and went for a stroll down white journal lane. I have things on my mind. I'm feeling philosophical.

A mind ponders... if you are say.. a dealer of the best fish in town. I mean, the very best fish that have been caught from the best waters of the sea and painstakingly brought back against the odds for the people of Arx to enjoy. Quality product that can be smoked, shared with friends, and enjoyed worry free in regards to authenticity...

Stay with me. We're definitely talking about fish. You sell the fish to the merchants. The merchants go and get themselves robbed of the fancy fish. Now people can't get their fish and they're unhappy about this. Is this the fault of the fish dealer that goes and gets the fish? Is it up to the fish dealer to solve this problem? It's the merchants that are failing.

The point is, if you're finding yourself deprived of your favorite smoked fish because your merchant isn't able to keep it safe, there is still some available at the source. Mind you, it's at a bit of a premium because supplies are low.

Written By Quenia

Sept. 24, 2018, 8:56 a.m.(8/27/1009 AR)

I might be crazy enough to start to believe the "Igniseri Curse" we joke about must be real. I know it's not. I don't believe in curses.

My would be suitor has been called away to work on the things he's most passionate about. I understood, of course. When a person has a calling, they should follow their heart. I can't say I wasn't disappointed. I was. But, the world is a better place for the work he does and I could never begrudge him that. I wish him well in his life.

I've read over the many suggestions people provided. Take up a hobby? I might consider it - though to those suggesting artistry, I'm afraid the only artistic thing I can do is work a crowd. Alas, the mechanical arts, performance arts, and artsy arts elude me completely. I can't draw or paint for the life of me, and I haven't a creative bone in my body for coming up with tales or songs. Those talents are better left to my sister and cousin, Baroness Lucita. I shall find something.

So, for now - it's work. My must current task is trying to divine whether or not the mine we found on Igniseri lands us truly haunted or not, and apparently some of the Gyre's forces who took refuge on Igniseri land have been dispatched, but others have gotten away - so we'll need to send another party of people after them, something I'm sure Luis will have well in hand.

I suppose, what I really need, is a goal for my very own. Something to do that's a part from the house that I'd find fun and exciting. Perhaps I'll start looking into dreams once more, as they do so very much intrigue me. And, asking the vintners to design more wines. It's beyond time to have another wine party, and to have people gracing Domus Igniseri once more.

Written By Archeron

Sept. 24, 2018, 8:17 a.m.(8/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

It seems my intended has been having a lot of fun with strange drink concoctions. And I have been warned not to simply sit in my bed fort and hide from the world while she stays a few days with the Keatons.

So I thought I would make an entry in my whites - as I am often remiss at doing, yes Scholar, I am a terrible idolant who loves too much the world of petrichor over the world of man. Prove to my intended I did indeed go out and make my entry and read others and pootle along and take an interest in my fellow people.

Oh, and Root would like to make his own entry.

<The rest of the entry consists of inky paw prints>

Written By Archeron

Sept. 24, 2018, 8:13 a.m.(8/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Skye

I suppose the blunt answer I'd have is the best way to become used to it is to do it. Though, I'd say that you don't necessarily want to lose those things, Baroness. War should make you hesitate. Killing should make you uneasy. When those things become easy? When they become the simple choice? That is how the Isles made the reputation it is trying to move away from.

I am glad that my first time at war removed the delusion that it was some great adventure, a painful but necessary lesson. And my second time at war dismissed all notions I had that I might know anything about the enemies we faced.

Ultimately I'm a great fan of recognition life is choices. Each of us has choices, big and small. And like I said, I'm glad the ones to go to war and kill are not easy ones for you, Baroness. It says a lot about the kind of ruler you will be.

Written By Skye

Sept. 24, 2018, 7:31 a.m.(8/27/1009 AR)

Things I've never done...

1) Struck another in anger.
2) Been engaged much less married.
3) Captained my own vessel.
4) Saved someone's life.
5) Traveled outside of the Mourning Isles or Arx.

Apparently war cries elicit fainting spells from me. I'm rather squeamish when it comes to injuring others. I do want to be more, have more adventures. I wonder if there are lessons in building tolerance for such things.

Written By Sina

Sept. 24, 2018, 4:41 a.m.(8/27/1009 AR)

Sometimes we find knowledge in the most unexpected of places. Today was a day for learning.

Written By Ouida

Sept. 24, 2018, 2:40 a.m.(8/27/1009 AR)

Another month, and another lover wed. I recall the lady in question's wicked smile, her dastardly ability to cheat at any game without the slightest flicker of it in her face, the softness of the nape of her neck underneath my fingertips, her laughter that was as sweet as an answered prayer. We have not seen each other in the flesh for nearly five years, though it’s seldom been more than a month between letters, and this month is no exception; it is always a source of great joy that something that started purely in pleasure and fascination can take deep root into friendship. I had hoped to attend her wedding in person, and to meet her now-husband, but duties called in Arx and a gift and a note and my prayers for fecundity and good fortune had to suffice.

I have never been one to long for keeping home and hearth and children, though I suppose no lady or lord can truly escape that mantle of expectation. One of the most delightful aspects of being thirdborn, I suppose, is that in almost all things one is granted the gift of time. And yet slips away bit by bit, as more and more of my companions and loves both great and small step up for their duty.

And thus I turn my mind to the hope that I might find myself as fortunate as my brother in his Marquessa; though I am certain that there are certain aspects of our family that are much more frustrating for my sister-of-the-heart than she shows, and their compatibility is such that it is clear that despite Father’s sternness, one can see his tender care in their partnership as well. Now I need only hope that in a few years when Orvyn’s mind is turned to putting together a list of potential compatible lords, he will forget how many times I dunked him in the cistern, or loosened the girth on his pony, or stuck a peppercorn in his wine. I suppose from now on I’ll have to be on my very best and most charming behavior. Perhaps.

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