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Written By Preston

Sept. 26, 2018, 2:47 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

It is why I was unhappy with the analogy - the fire is the feelings, the parts of us that Tehom forces us to confront, to engage with. And yes. Maybe we quash it, maybe we redirect it, but the danger is that we stoke it. Or so it is in my mind.

The rest, I assume you refer to Marach and I would caution, though I am sure you do not mean to, any whose approach is to view Marach as anything other than a lesson that there are limits to all things. No faithful should seek to 'own' him and his mistakes. Though I think it is fair to view events around it as a tragedy. Sometimes a vow forces us to kill another who is simply holding up their own vow. Sometimes a vow forces us towards death or dishonour. It is not an easy choice, and I am thankful I have yet to have to choose between competing vows.

Written By Vanora

Sept. 26, 2018, 2:42 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

I don't believe I ever stated that self-reflection ought be the entire focus of one's time and attentions.

Given my experiences among the Mirrormasks I'm not sure that everyone /does/ get it. Discussions and debates like this are also part of Tehom's dogma. I consider engaging in them both my privilege and my duty, but there is no expectation that everyone feel the same.

The fact is, He knows each and every one of us down to the marrow. Whether we wish Him to or not may concern us, but I have studied no doctrines that suggest it concerns Him.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 26, 2018, 1:58 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

The analogy is fine enough. And, again, I must submit that the trick is neither to embrace the inferno, nor freeze. It is about finding the correct balance. Do not ignore the fire lest it burn everything, but do not suffer for lack of warmth.

If you (generic you, not You, Sir Preston) simply try to smother the darker impulses within you, squash it down and never address it, your willpower is going to break. It is simply a matter of time. And when it does it is going to be ugly. And the stress and pressure of trying to deny those feelings is going to make it that much more difficult to hold out. If you face that part of yourself that makes you uncomfortable, examine it, deal with it and find a means to express it in a positive direction, then the stress is manageable, it holds no power over you.

It is a balancing act, as all things should be. The needs of self vs the needs of others, the darker feelings that bring us shame vs our selfless impulses. Extremes on either side are unhealthy. Tehom is a god, who like all the others deserves our worship and respect, but not to the exclusion of all else. Not everyone's balance will be exactly the same, but we all must find the one that works for us.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 26, 2018, 1:51 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

One has to find the balance between self-reflection and everything else. Yes, I think we can all agree, and no one has argued that self-reflection is a bad idea. We all get it. We all understand that that is a necessary thing. But we also have other things to do. If one only focuses on the self, that is as much of a pitfall as not being self aware. There are others that need to be seen to, others who have needs that need to be addressed. We are not alone in this world and we all rely on one-another to make it through the trials we face.

Written By Vanora

Sept. 26, 2018, 12:53 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

It's a fine enough analogy. Assuming that the fire represents the potential within the self of every human. It is not Him.

From there though, we might also acknowledge how very quickly any contained flame might grow out of hand.

Thus the only real hope of safety is paying extremely close attention, as the Thirteenth teaches us all.

Written By Vanora

Sept. 26, 2018, 12:48 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

If one is looking for an example as to why self-examination serves us /all/, consider the Crusade of Shattered Mirrors. There were plenty who then, and perhaps plenty now, who believed that the violence, the destruction of knowledge, and even an assassination were the path of righteousness. Regardless of whether they were correct or otherwise...some very dark acts were considered necessary and important, and thus committed by those who felt themselves chivalrous people.

If one can gain no other wisdom through Tehom, perhaps it might be this: We are the true danger to ourselves. We can choose how to mitigate that, if we choose to at all.

Written By Preston

Sept. 26, 2018, 12:12 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

I have been pondering on how best to phrase the Thirteenth, and the concerns of the Orthodoxy. The journals of some make the risks clear - to revel in the bestial nature of killing is not something Gloria would ever allow. Sometimes to see such nature in ourselves should not cause us to try and direct it, but instead to quash and purge it. Not all power is good, nor are all risks worth it.

Consider perhaps the fire of a small wooden family home. The fire provides warmth, it allows cooking to provide sustenance. Yet, it carries with it the risk that the fire might grow too large, it might consume your home and all you have. And rather than provide essential things, it deprives you of them. It is not the fire's fault - the fire was always fire - but the result of our interaction with it.

So, you do not light a fire when you do not need one, you do not let it run out of control. You are careful with it. Some will shy away from using fire without great precautions, others have mastered how to build a fire so it collapses inwards and minimise the risks in that way. These approaches are like those paths of the faith. Some in the past stepped too far - they said to control the fire was impossible. We should let it consume us, be done with it, and find a way to instead live in the scorched ruins. None of the three followings within the Faith should seek to claim such people, they are beyond the Faith and met their fate.

Hrm. I do not think this analogy works, scholar. But. Leave it. Perhaps another might improve on it or at least know where not to tread.

It is more difficult to seek understanding with those you disagree with it seems, but it does also seem more rewarding. Providing each knows the limits.

Written By Miranda

Sept. 26, 2018, 11:51 a.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Wise words:

When judging your prowess with the blade, one must fight against a foe with better equipment and armor. If you win, you know your skill is great.


Written By Vanora

Sept. 26, 2018, 11:23 a.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Perronne

In skimming journals I've been motivated to consider a little bit on the role that Tehom plays in all aspects of my life and that of others, though that is the same for all the Gods.

I would encourage deeper reflection if one shies away from knowledge of Tehom because one does not 'like' him. Though the Gods are all representing parts of humanity, they are not human, and our affection for any particular deity largely irrelevant. It changes us, because we are adaptable creatures, able to change ourselves continuously. Moving past that to consider what The Thirteenth's deeper purpose is helps us to determine what we might wish to change, as well as how. What the dogma of Tehom would encourage is spending /more/ time, not less, examining the parts of you that make you uncomfortable. For while it is undoubtedly true that one ought not dwell...those who look deep into the Reflection regularly benefit from that constant examination. "Who am I? In what ways am I likely to submit to darker impulses? How can I prevent myself from doing so?" A life un-examined does not necessarily offer up the answers to these questions, nor even the questions themselves. The Thirteenth can deliver many a cautionary tale, and usually it amounts to how important it is to know the self. To honor the God who teaches us to seek that knowledge is hugely important.

The Mirrormasks are always there to add clarity, to listen thoughtfully and serve to counsel those struggling against the darkness, that they may subdue it in order to better know, and be, the light. One can certainly consider themselves to be a reflective person, trying to continuously improve, without paying much heed to the Thirteenth. Yet it remains that His gifts to humanity are real, and as important as those of any other God in the Pantheon.

I would phrase it as you do not need to fear Him. We must fear /ourselves/ for that is where the pitfalls lie...and Tehom is here to show us what to do about them. If we look.

Written By Miranda

Sept. 26, 2018, 11:18 a.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Harlex

The wolf is often thought of as a dangerous creature.
It hunts and slinks about at night, hunting its prey.
They speak of vicious snarls, teeth and claws.
No one speaks of how it protects its pack, loving family.
No one speaks of how they mate for life, devoted partners.
Like the wolf, you are more than you seem.

Written By Miranda

Sept. 26, 2018, 11:15 a.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

In my weakest moments, you make me strong
When I rail, you listen without judgement
No one makes me laugh quite like you do
No one makes me cry like you do
I would change NOTHING.
Nothing, Old Man.

Written By Isabeau

Sept. 26, 2018, 10:26 a.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

No matter the trials set before us or the changes that Lagoma ushers us through, you will always be my sweet little sister and I will always love you.

Written By Sparte

Sept. 26, 2018, 9:39 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

I'll never be a blue sky nor a bright yellow sun, children despise me though they often get me on their clothes when they're having fun. The unlucky sometimes look like me on boats or after meals, but when winter fades I dominate with zeal. What am I?

Written By Sophie

Sept. 26, 2018, 9:20 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabeau

My dearest sister. Things are a bit strained right now due to her upcoming marriage, but eventually things will be back to normal. I hope.

Written By Shard

Sept. 26, 2018, 8 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

That might get you better results in what's most immediately coming, but I'm not very familiar with trebuchets. I'd also pay to see it.

Naming one after the First Choice and then stating it fits because you're going to use it to remove the ability of other people to resist the Faith, on the other hand, is one hell of a fucking twist.

Written By Delilah

Sept. 26, 2018, 7:49 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

A week flew past without my knowing.

Time runs too quick and flows like a glacial tongue.

More work to be done, and still no time to do it.

Written By Thena

Sept. 26, 2018, 7:39 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

We are not flinging Skald at anything. Unless he would like us to.

Written By Marian

Sept. 26, 2018, 6:26 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Know thyself. This is a principal that I try to follow. Not live to an ideal. Or deny the different aspects of a situation because I want everything to fit in a certain way.

The teachings of Tehom have been instrumental in helping me understand myself. Question my actions, my worldview. Hopefully learn new ways to see an issue, resolve conflicts and grow as a loyal member of the Compact.

Accepting that my view may not be the only one. I can be wrong. I may even fail at times. But that never stops me from trying. It doesn't stifle my intellectual curiosity. I may still honor the gods even if I struggle.

I am a work in progress.

Written By Lou

Sept. 26, 2018, 6:07 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

That sounds like advice, but I could be wrong. I'm still honing my skills in riddles.

Written By Lys

Sept. 26, 2018, 5:18 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

I dreamt of roses; growing out of a snow cover valley ... but blooming rotted and reeking of spoilt milk.

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