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Written By Dora

Sept. 27, 2018, 4:06 a.m.(9/5/1009 AR)

I do not hide the fact that I dislike responsibility. But usually people think it is because I am lazy. And while yes, I like my leisure, that is not it. No. I dislike it because I need to have a freedom to go where I need and when. Despite that I am grudgingly managing the Mangotta ships. I will help Arty and I will do my best. But by the gods he better find someone better suited to replace me. I was -not- born to leadership and I think I quite detest it. My hand hurts from all the writing. Ew.

Written By Laric

Sept. 26, 2018, 10:59 p.m.(9/5/1009 AR)

Several months ago, I asked Mistress Perronne Amboise to keep an eye out for a particular item, a small piece of history that means a great deal to me but was otherwise not important enough for me to justify finding it. She agreed but offered no promises which was of course well enough; it had not been reproduced since the Reckoning, after all, and most were destroyed during the worst of the fighting. In the intervening weeks it slipped from my mind. Imagine my surprise and delight to learn she had found exactly what I was looking for, timeworn and weathered yet easily and immediately verifiable for what it was.

Tactile proof of ancient history is a special thing, and this will prove to be both a source of inspiration to me and a reminder that humanity will always need heroes; a reminder that what makes those heroes is not always strength of arms nor clever wit. The most impactful heroes are those who have had the courage to take a stand in the face of overwhelming adversity and do what must be done at great personal cost.

"Forever the Flame Against Darkness."

Powerful words.

Written By Perronne

Sept. 26, 2018, 10:13 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

I have completed the first of my relic-hunts-by-commission.

It's a bit odd, especially since it didn't involve much travel or delving into dangerous ruins. (Which is a shame! I miss both those things, and I wish I could do them again!) It did involve breaking out some of my rarer treasures so that I could trade for the desired item, however.

See, I probably need to explain this, at least briefly. There aren't a lot of journals about it, I don't think - one, because it's not particularly important, and two, because I suspect everyone was deeply, culturally embarrassed. But if you're a student of history, then you know about the Crownbreaker War and that it was a pretty terrible thing with not a whole lot of joy and happiness, but definitely with a whole lot of death, misery, and lots of people chopping each other into tiny bits.

So, when all of THAT died down, there was a rather peculiar sort of artistic revival. I guess you could call it a revival. Not many people wanted to memorialize the Wars, because quite frankly, pretty much everyone spent a lot of time killing everyone else, and no one was PARTICULARLY proud of it in the end. So in the period after the Wars, a lot of the art isn't about the usual heroics. Instead, artists were commissioned - or maybe just demanded - to throw off the shackles of history and memorial and dismal memory, and instead enshrine happiness, joy, and spontaneity. WHEE!

Afterwards, the art of this period got quietly filed under the label of "The Silly Years" and everyone tried very hard to pretend that they weren't involved. Most of the art was 'accidentally' broken in the generations after, because really, who wants some of this stuff to be seen by actual people.

Turns out, some people do! And will trade other things for it. And I am reminded that I have a whole crate of Silly Years items in storage which aren't doing anyone any good in there. I'll probably put them out for display at the shop in the upcoming days, see if anyone's feeling silly.

Written By Berenice

Sept. 26, 2018, 10:03 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Silvio

I certainly hope no one is waiting for me to learn how to _make breakfast_.

Written By Eleyna

Sept. 26, 2018, 8:43 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Silvio

My cousin's entry regarding breakfast proves that he's not only stylish, but also wise.

Written By Silvio

Sept. 26, 2018, 8:36 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Is it S, my dear Sparte? What prize do I win?

Written By Silvio

Sept. 26, 2018, 8:35 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Regarding a proper and elegant breakfast, I have a different opinion, and I am, after all, a master of good taste.

You could, of course, subscribe to a complex system of rules that guide the behaviors of those of any station above 'broke and homeless', but I believe that a simpler method may be used. The breakfast that is the very best of all breakfasts is the one that your partner from the previous night prepares for you(or orders prepared) before you have managed to flop an elegant hand out of bed.

*some loopy swirls surround his entry*

Written By Sparte

Sept. 26, 2018, 8:28 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

A begger never needs me, a sailor always can. A princess once gave me away and a priest can't give it again. What am I?

Written By Archeron

Sept. 26, 2018, 6:36 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Had a strange time in a tavern today - met a man who claimed to be a trader, yet he'd never visited Tyde Isle. Why would you not visit the richest island in the Mourning Isles?

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 26, 2018, 6:30 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Sometimes I create things with the imaginings borne of my clients, beautiful, exquisite creations that take my breath away, love clearly put into every line and thought.

And then sometimes I make a massive necklace with a stone carved to look like a spleen. -With- -humor-, mind you, and that part I also enjoy. But the differences between the two commissions are big enough to make me cackle. I do enjoy what I do.

Written By Cambria

Sept. 26, 2018, 5:50 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

A decent breakfast can easily consist of a haunch of pork and a pint of fortified wine, but if you are the sort who prefers to dine light in the morning, while the shadows are still long, I have some advice for you:

Your choice should be tart and compact, and not invite too much repetition. Sparkling wine, the ghastly bastard that is sparkling wine mixed with the juice of an orange, or its inbred cousin of vodka and tomato should be shunned. Skip the red wine as well, due to its sleep-inducing and more-ish qualities. (I shan't actively sanction you from opening a nice bottle of Southport red; just don't blame me for the consequences). Beer should be avoided unless activity of a nonsexual nature has already been undertaken; you are in a hot part of the Compact; and you can smell the sea. That not always being the case, the following journals will explain my top choices for the day-to-day.

A Lycene aperitif (that is, before a meal, if you absolutely do not know) cocktail consisting of a proper Tor white mixed with an herbal liquor defines the necessary 'pick me up' quality we are seeking, and is sure to be found in all but the most barren of drink cabinets. I mentioned the white from Tor - put this away again until lunch. If you need to ask why, refer to my previous journal concerning the novice. A slice of orange if you think you will be getting up to anything more strenuous than a leisurely walk before noon can be added. Lastly, its bright color is a great mood booster, perfect for the gray days with which Arx is plagued in the winter months.

Written By Josephine

Sept. 26, 2018, 4:49 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Oh my. This was a very unhappy ruby. Truly. Such a tantrum. Would that you could discipline them like a child.

So fine. It can sit in the ear of someone. Alone. Throwing a tantrum there instead of in my trays and giving me a headache.

Written By Alis

Sept. 26, 2018, 4:12 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

It is my most fervent hope that we will always remain strong as a family. Brothers, sisters, cousins no matter how many times removed. Our love and loyalty to one another is steadfast, as it should be.

Ellara has also started referring to you as Cousin Booboo, since you are one of only two she will allow near any of her cuts and bruises. The other being Marquessa Reigna of course.

Written By Berenice

Sept. 26, 2018, 3:49 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Some people really do like to play with fire, don't they?

Written By Preston

Sept. 26, 2018, 3:44 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

You are kind, High Lord. And I am sure my Little Sister will not mind that I am someone's favourite - she often takes that crown with her Solace.

Thrax's love of tradition, and our own, it helps bring understanding - even if those traditions differ in places. To see Thrax come from distant from the Faith to so very close, it says great things of the leadership of yourself and your wife.

Soon perhaps we shall have the chance to stand beside each other in battle - it seems each time we are in different places.

Written By Sophie

Sept. 26, 2018, 3:29 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabeau

Ah, I've done it. It's come to my attention that an entry that was intended for my black journal was placed in the white journal. I'm so grateful for everyone's concern.

I am joyously awaiting the marriage of my sister, and looking forward to an entire manor of bouncing baby nephews and nieces that I can spoil with chocolate, spun sugar, obnoxiously loud toys, and lots of Auntly hugs and kisses.

Isabeau, change makes us stronger - once we adapt, and we will adapt to this too!

Written By Eurion

Sept. 26, 2018, 3:25 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Even if I prefer life on a ship, it's nice to take a stroll amongst trees now and again - it's where I grew up. Amongst the trees.

I guess technically I am amongst those trees on a ship, too.

Written By Victus

Sept. 26, 2018, 3:24 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

While it's semi relevant, I'll also sing about Grandmaster Preston a bit.

Though the Faith and Thrax have a long history of differences, something that is understood well between the Church and the Isles is the incredible importance of tradition and it's veneration.

Grandmaster Preston has always understood that well indeed. I'm happy to say he is definitely my favorite militant of the Faith and apologize in advance to Solace folks.

Written By Victus

Sept. 26, 2018, 3:17 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Carita

It has been a bit of time since I sung the praises of anyone. So I feel it good to sing the praise of someone I've come to admire quite a bit in Lady Carita Darkwater.

In a short time she has already proven her effectiveness to House Thrax with her solid grasp on income. That and she's a pretty sweet thing too. Glad to have her on board.

Written By Preston

Sept. 26, 2018, 2:55 p.m.(9/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

I would agree but, if I may also be so bold, I might disagree, Marquessa.

No, not all will be able to quash. But. Removing temptation is part of the Godsworn duties. So many of those darker desires have no purpose with us. Why would I chase wealth when all I have is provided, when there is no children to take it on? Why would I seek lands when I can hold none? It is not fully an answer. And some Brothers and Sisters have fallen to temptation. But. There are precautions in our nature, but also in our contemplation.

I do have sympathy with the followers of the Lycene traditions - they are a minority voice in the Godsworn, and in the wider Faith. I do not think that anything I say will solve anything, even if I were to accept that by virtue of my position I am at least a middle ranking figure in the Orthodoxy. But. I also want them to know that we can discuss matters. I may disagree, and they may disagree, and we may not always see the world in the same way. And we may have different priorities. But, we are one Faith. And as I explained to Prince Talen - hmph, it must be over 2 years ago now. The ways most mirrormasks worship here in Arx may not be the style of worship that I myself am drawn to with Tehom, but, I will fight and defend and if necessary die to protect them as I would any other.

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