Sept. 25, 2018, 11:22 a.m.(9/2/1009 AR)
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I appreciate your words on Tehom, and have found much of what you speak of most enlightening. I am an Oathlander raised within the Orthodoxy, though, since coming to Arx, I no longer think that I can still call myself strictly Orthodox. It is easy when you are within a chorus of voices, singing the same melody with little to no variation, to think that is the only way to sing. But the addition of counterpoint, subtle harmonies and even the occasional dissonance adds so much more depth and complexity, so much more life to a piece. It was not until coming to Arx that I learned to appreciate this new music of the Faith. I immediately gravitated towards the teachings of Skald and of Death. Incorporating their melodies into the song of the canticles I have loved my entire life. Tehom took more time for me to really understand, but the more I learn, the more I study, the more I understand the value offered in his teachings. I understand that being afraid of what is inside me gives that flaw or quality, power over me. It shapes all my actions the more I try to deny it. By facing it, embracing whatever it is, by removing the fear and seeing it... I take my power back and it no longer controls me. Self evaluation, being able to remove yourself from whatever emotion is overtaking you, taking a breath and then accepting it -- it is a powerful gift.
I think the aspect of Tehom's worship that most grates, or feels uncomfortable for most Oathlanders (and I could be wrong, this is only my theory) is the contrarian nature. The questioning. Chivalry is drilled into Oathland children, and chivalry is often based on implicit trust in those around you to conform to the same rules that you do. It is, quite literally, an honor system. Some see this as hopelessly naive, this trust placed in others without question. And it can be. Trust can be a fragile thing. Questioning can feel as though that trust is wavering, that there is uncertainty when chivalry demands that faith, that belief and trust. I am not saying either side is wrong, but I do see how they can rub one another the wrong way.
What needs to be understood, or what might smooth those ruffled feathers, is understanding that the questions are not asked to shake the foundation, but to provide context for that belief. If you can answer those questions and feel steady in those answers, your faith, your trust is strengthened. If you cannot answer those questions without feeling the ground shifting under you, that is a sign that perhaps your faith, your trust is not as solid as it should be. The trick is not being afraid to face that answer. Accept whichever answer you find. If you are uncertain it does not mean your faith is wrong, it is simply providing an opportunity to strengthen your belief by finding the root of your uncertainty and resolving that question for yourself.
Sept. 25, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(9/1/1009 AR)
I went to watch the duel between Champions Aleksei and Salvatore. I was glad to be there on time, as it was a surprisingly short fight. I think even they were startled by the end of it. It was good to watch the people and the champions, as I haven't been out at such events for a little while.
I've been very contemplative the past little while, thinking about life, marriage, children, and a few other thoughts that came to mind. I reached absolutely no conclusions, mind you, but that hasn't stopped me from thinking.
Sept. 25, 2018, 9:23 a.m.(9/1/1009 AR)
It seems today is the day of talking about children and pregnancy and birth. So I think I'll add to the talks!
Anyone that knows Alex and I knows that we wanted children straight off. We took Kes into our home before we were even married! And she has been insistently demanding a sister ever since. Well now I am pleased to announce that she will have her wish, or as close to it as we can manage. The first new Redtyde will make his or her appearance in the spring! Fitting, a new year and a season of growth and rejuvenation, and a new addition to our House!
...yes Coraline, you can now fuss at me in public!
Sept. 25, 2018, 9:20 a.m.(9/1/1009 AR)
Thirteen years ago today the Compact lost someone truly special.
I'm not sure who they were, but they were probably great. Also my mother died.
I haven't spent a single day of those thirteen years mourning or missing her. Might as well spend another thirteen years doing the same!
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Sept. 25, 2018, 8:52 a.m.(9/1/1009 AR)
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Yes you do. You're not fooling us.
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Sept. 25, 2018, 8:49 a.m.(9/1/1009 AR)
Tehom and Lagoma.
Our Lady of Change's tenets are closely tied to Tehom. While historically the Mirrormasks and Scholars of Vellichor have ever been close, even before the Faith's civil war, one could argue that Lagoma's teachings are as essential. The Mirror is not offered simply for knowledge's sake. Awareness of our Light and Darkness does not end there. We are not to simply accept our passions and do nothing with them. This inertia is not of the Gods, and is not what is expected of us by Tehom.
No, awareness and knowledge are to be used for change. When one's raging core is uncovered, anger that causes the man to lash out at those close to him, it is not enough to simply say "I am an angry man." and accept it. "I am an angry man, but I shall channel that anger." is the better route. To put one's passions to work, instead of simply embracing, is a core principle of the teachings of Tehom. In so doing, one improves not only their own life, but also the one of those around them. In so doing, they change, and grow.
Yet the relationship between Tehom and Lagoma goes further. It is the duty of the Mirrormasks to offer a mirror to those seeking counsel. We, faceless mirrors, are to listen and aid in whatever way we can, to guide others upon the path of self-improvement and understanding. And how can one do such a thing without mercy for the failings of men and women?
Sept. 24, 2018, 10:46 p.m.(9/1/1009 AR)
Today, Damianos celebrates his first birthday. Congratulations, son, you have survived year one.
Sept. 24, 2018, 10:33 p.m.(9/1/1009 AR)
My reading material has been a bit dry lately. What with maps and tactics being the majority of what I deal with right now. So I was quite surprised to find myself opening a messenger with a rather nicely detailed drawing. Impressively well drawn. Though sadly something I can't share with the masses. It's good to know people around here can still inject some good humor into the random day to day of life. Sending a random missive to someone you don't speak with often, or know well, can be a rare bolt of sunshine on an otherwise mostly dull day.
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Sept. 24, 2018, 10:18 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
I dreamt that I sat before a weeping woman; her tears ran like a river until she flooded the world and I drown within them.
Sept. 24, 2018, 10:16 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
Thank you for such wonderful entertainment tonight, and an invitation to the Finder's Keeper's festival. It was the sort of fun I really think I needed, plus I have a new bottle of whiskey to add to my collection!
But then, I have always loved Lady Monique's wonderful parties.
Sept. 24, 2018, 10:08 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
I don't have a clue what I did.
Sept. 24, 2018, 9:07 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
The furniture has started coming in for the shackles renovation and I am very pleased. The seasilk bolsters that have been woven with idyllic views of the isles. Of course, in keeping with the rest of the furniture in the suites, we have have them covered in Cardian leather. The guards are watching close in case some misbegotten soul might think to make off with victus' footstool. They look very nice though. So very nice. Earthy and in keeping with the desire to have a sense of the isles in the back of the soon to be great room, and then the more oceanic, watery toward the window.
Oh the window. It should be done soon, much like the atrium. A bank of them instead, so that we may see the harbor below and the bay beyond. I have Brother Driskell to thank for this suggestions on such. But for now I work with Mistress Adora to see them made. Tufted loveliness. It will take a few more weeks to make the side tables and the last arm chair. Perhaps a card table. Of a certainty a liquor cabinet or something.
It helps me to focus and keep my mind off how miserable this time around I am. This child is already set to be a beast, I am sure.
And almost all of the fruit basket that Prince Edain sent is gone. Though some choice bits were tossed at Victus. He knows what he did.
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Sept. 24, 2018, 9:05 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
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Fine, I'll say the obvious if no one else will.
Magpie Grayhope's journals have been super fishy lately.
So very very fishy.
Sept. 24, 2018, 8:53 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
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I think if I give birth in my shop before the altar of my crafts, I'd be quite blessed and quite annoyed, equally.
Sept. 24, 2018, 8:16 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
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I think you are quite right. I can speak of it now, for it is no longer a memory that brings me any sort of discomfort, but when I gave birth to Aeryn, well. He was an extremely large baby, and while I am taller than most women, well. It was a very difficult birth and had Mother Mercy Sophie not been on hand I might have had a much more difficult time. Kael was beside himself. But within a few days it had faded to a nebulous unpleasantness with the sweetest of rewards. I was carrying Talis within six months of Aeryn's birth. I thought after Talis I would give myself a break of several years, but already I see myself staring at babies and getting that flutter of memory. In time only the good memories remain, and I think we can thank our survival as a race to that peculiar selective memory that mother's have.
Sept. 24, 2018, 6:56 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
I've a birthday approaching and thought to celebrate with a ride, a few hours stolen for myself with an old friend. East has been restless since the joust. I thought maybe it had reminded him what it was to be a young horse again or he was sulking because we placed next to last or grumpy with me that so much of my time is spent training now instead of wandering. Wishful thinking.
I found him ailing in the stables this morning with the grooms clustered around discussing what was to be done. There's precious little to remedy old age and a life spent on hard trails. He'll go soon, I think.
He's a good horse and has been my constant companion since I set out from Ashford with stars in my eyes all those years ago. Before that, I learned to ride on his back and he always looked out for me, to make sure I didn't break my fool neck. After, he kept me alive and carried me out of more trouble than I can recount with the ink I have on hand.
He's a good horse. I'm glad we had that last joust and he heard crowds cheering for him. He deserves the applause.
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Sept. 24, 2018, 5:16 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
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The first one is always the hardest. The pregnancy, the raising, it's all so new and so many times there isn't really one perfectly /right/ way to do it. There is the wonder and joy for each new thing too, though. That flutter in the stomach, the kicks, the coos, and first laugh. I don't remember the pain, to be honest, and almost swear the body or mind has some trick to make us forget so we all won't stop with one. I am, of course, no physician. By my third? I was in the forge when my water broke and I think that's why my youngest and only daughter Caerwyn is the talent that she is. Not that my sons are not, but she was almost literally born into it. Ha!
Sept. 24, 2018, 5:10 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
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Dearest Guildmaster Joscelin, I think it is important to state that I never, ever, consider it an imposition to answer any and all questions from a first-time mother. Pregnancy is a frankly, terrifying thing. There are all sorts of new and unusual pains, discomforts and symptoms that make one feel utterly out of control of their body. There are a few perks, thicker, more lustrous hair, a certain glow and sense of wonder at the fact that we are carrying a separate life within our own bodies. But mostly it can be an exercise in trying how to will time into moving faster until you can just get the child out. I will happily be with you every step of the way, should you desire it. Send me all your questions. Knowing what is happening to you can do wonders, having someone to complain or gush to, who has been through it before also helps.
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Sept. 24, 2018, 4:36 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
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I can hardly take credit for a design you so perfectly described, it was like having it right before me as a guide to create them! I could not have managed that swirl without your assistance and I must say, they are one of the more detailed pieces I've ever attempted. I truly could not be happier that you love them! You always have incredible design ideas that both challenge and inspire me. For that, I am quite grateful.
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Sept. 24, 2018, 4:19 p.m.(8/28/1009 AR)
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Sometimes we must weigh what is most important in our lives, and consider what we can handle. The life of a Scholar is by no means an easy one, and it is quite a dedication of one's time and resources. It is understandable that you must cull the responsibilities to lighten your workload. Given all that you have on your plate, while we are sorry to see that you have set aside your Scholar's pendant for now, please know that you are always welcome back as a Scholar at any time, Marquessa. We will always have a place for you. We will always be here for you, and we will always seek your wisdom in kind. We thank you for your service to Vellichor, and hope that you will find your way back into our ranks one day.