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Written By Natalia

Nov. 10, 2016, 11:18 a.m.(2/1/1005 AR)

Last night was interesting to say the least. There was a duel during dinner and I commend the winner, but there are also questions that linger on my mind as I go into a new day.

Is a horse truly meant to be tamed? Is there really only hope for it, if it can be broken to it's owner or is there beauty in allowing it and seeing it for what it is before the restraints drive the spirit from it?

As well, how much does it mean anymore to give one's word? I have taken the respect given to me and if I give my word to something, I try my hardest to honor it. This is not always easy. It is not always fair, but who would I be if I went back on my word? What would that make me appear to be, even to the one I broke my word for? There are so many illusions and I am trying to sort through them and plan what is best, but I find roadblocks every turn. I find that when I allow my trust, I should not.

I adore the people of Arx. I have enjoyed meeting them and laughing with them and in some points feeling their sorrows. However, I am still at a loss on who to really trust. I suppose that is an issue for many of us. However, I have now found two that were not true to their word and true to the trust. One hurt my feelings, but one shattered something else. Something I am still at a loss on how to wrap my mind around.

It seems people and things have changed and I must accept this new information and move forward.

Winter has longer shadows.

Written By Talen

Nov. 10, 2016, 10:40 a.m.(2/1/1005 AR)

Sourcing skins suitable for a new suit of armour has proven more troublesome than I thought. Nothing seems to be fit quite right. True, its thickness and durability is a factor, but what good is a man born and raised amongst the Velenosa if he cannot set the latest trends of fashion.


Written By Abbas

Nov. 10, 2016, 10:39 a.m.(2/1/1005 AR)

Titles. I never make my men address me as fucking Captain or as the f@$@king Lion of the Darkwater. I hate when someone calls me a Sea Lion. It just makes me sick as I walk around Arx and I hear of military and holding titles bandied about like they had any metal to them at all. It's like they got fat and haven't earned who they are through deed; it is hard to not roll my eyes you would think with the number of great titled people in this city we would have no #$%@% problems.

Written By Dawn

Nov. 10, 2016, 10:38 a.m.(2/1/1005 AR)

I have been thinking a great deal about disclosure. So often, these past months, I have heard (and used, myself!) the words, "Let's keep this to ourselves." And there has been so much-- so much-- that has seemed to require this quiet hoarding of information.

But then I begin to think of how trust is built, and confidence too. When the world becomes a frightening place, we do not find the path to balancing our fears by hiding away from them, or by hiding away the knowledge that's needed to cast light at shadows. Without knowledge, shadows grow deeper, darker, an abyss filled with imagination and speculation. With gossip, with rumour, with exaggeration.

I have feared igniting a panic among those who are in my care. The responsibility of that, the stewardship of a people, is a heavy one and it has worn on me. I have made decisions that I thought were best at the time. But now I wonder if some of those decisions have contributed to the atmosphere we find ourselves in. I think perhaps it is coming time for disclosure. I think it is almost time to speak the truth, and shame the abyss opening up around us. To cast light instead of feeding the shadows.

I cannot trust without giving trust. However great a risk it is, however much it might hurt when that effort is spurned or abused. It will happen, here or there. But most, I think, will respond in kind because in the end, we all want the same thing: we want the things we care about most to be safe.

And my greatest care is the Compact, and Arvum. So I will trust, and come the Assembly, I will share.

Written By Rook

Nov. 10, 2016, 10:37 a.m.(2/1/1005 AR)

Stealing control of my fate away from walking as my family would wish me, heir to the Grayward enterprises, has been a tumultuous time.

My younger brother-- a man far better suited to becoming a knight than a merchant prince-- has been slacking.

They continue, these missives from my mother, my father, my sister; I am bound to them even if I've come to court. I shall continue to assist with untangling the mess made since my departure from Bastion.

I had hoped to trade one profession for another but in fact I've only acquired additional ones. An economist, a linguist, a courtier and a scholar -- what next, I wonder?

Written By Eos

Nov. 10, 2016, 10:37 a.m.(2/1/1005 AR)

In the south, I would rather be on patrol in the winter than the summer. Most of my men feel the same. The summer brings the Stench, and any soldiers veteran of even a single summer in the south knows it an speaks of it like a mythical beast. The men, the animals, the latrines, the rot of the wounded and dead; it rises from them all and strangles the throat of even the most hardened man. Many try wearing potpouri satchets to ward against the smell, but shit will never smell any better for having flowers thrown on top.

In the winter, however, when the heat abates, the Stench relents, it keeps to where you expect to find it rather than ride the winds. The horses are lively and the work less exhausting. The troops stayed close to the Greens through most of the summer, save those that came north to train. They trained hard through the autumn, and now that winter is upon us, I've sent small units throughout the Lyceum to patrol with those from other houses to keep blood on their blades, dirt on their boots, and rust off of their minds while building stronger ties with our neighbors.

Written By Rook

Nov. 10, 2016, 10:34 a.m.(2/1/1005 AR)

I attended a Thraxian dinner yesterday evening and though my understanding of cultural differences is extensive there is certainly something to be said for experiencing them first-hand.

It was... interesting. What gets me, however, is that I couldn't shake the feeling that what I sat through is likely considered "tame" by some.

Still, my pouch will be 5,000 silver heavier thanks to the sporting nature of Prince Valerius Thrax; the result of a bet made over an impromptu duel.

Written By Aldwin

Nov. 10, 2016, 7:31 a.m.(1/28/1005 AR)

I have grown into my golden years of life thankful for the opportunities I have found, the friends the gods have blessed me with, and the duty that has given me the purpose needed to remain this happy with what I have become. There are few who now remember me as I was before I took my vows to the gods and the crown, and that makes it easy to forget that I was ever any other kind of man before. As I begin to read of the dissatisfaction that some of those residing in the Burroughs have for their lot in life I am reminded of my own origins.

A lifetime ago I crawled out of the gutters, wearing naught by torn rags and with not a copper to my name. It was by the grace of the gods and their servants in the Faith that I was able to become more than a beggar sitting on a bench in Common's Square. It was through the charity of the Disciples of Gild that I was given clothes that allowed me to respect the man I saw in my reflection. It was through the devotion of the Mercies of Lagoma that I was healed of the cough that plagued me after inhaling too much smoke in a fire. It was through the benevolence of a Scholar of Vellichor that I learned to appreciate and develop curiosity about the world around me.

None of them asked me for a coin. None of them demanded that I take vows in return for their kindness.

I have come far since those days. Yet I have not forgotten them. I remember my life before I was Archscholar Aldwin.

It pains me to know that some of you reading may not have had the same supportive experience with the Faith that I had. It pains me to know that not all who chose to represent the gods are as sincere in their efforts as we might wish. But many, nay - Most - are. The Faith is still here to serve the people of Arx. Whether you live in the Burroughs or reside in a noble demesne, the Faith is here to help our fellows in humanity.

A peer of mine is fond of teasing me for my simple style, my plain robes, and my choice to remain in residence in the Burroughs instead of residing at the Rectory. The truth of the matter is these things remind me of where I come from and of the purpose we have to serve all walks of life.

Written By Aldwin

Nov. 10, 2016, 6:57 a.m.(1/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

I first encountered Princes Sophie only a short time after the Tragedy at Sanctum. It was a horrid event, and one that I dearly wish everyone could have been spared having to live through. Since then I've watched Princess Sophie grow into a fiercely dedicated person and one of the finest Mercies of her generation. We all have our tragedies; Sophie has not let hers hold her back, but rather used it to propel herself forward.

Written By Joscelin

Nov. 10, 2016, 2:24 a.m.(1/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

I have a beautiful, gentle, sweet deer-hound curled up on my run before the fire. She's so long. I could almost ride her.

Tagapagtanggol. Taga.

She's strong, huge, a giant of a dog.

And she's mine!

Written By Orazio

Nov. 9, 2016, 10:14 p.m.(1/27/1005 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

It is one of the pleasures of service to the Sentinel to stand in judgement when the Faithful have a dispute or grievance which does not enter the domain of the Iron Guard, a lord's personal demesne, or other such interests. There are more of these than one might suppose, even in the great city of Arx. Since I have arrived from Southport, my administrative duties have been such that I've rarely had the opportunity to judge in such fashion.

Today, I was able to change that. A lawyer of my acquaintance asked me to intervene in a matter of a property dispute which, for reasons mutually agreed to by both parties, no one wished to escalate to a matter for the Guard. We met in the Shrine to the Sentinel, and both counsel presented the details of the case as their respective clients understood them. Under questioning, it became apparent that one party was lying about the date of the initial acquisition. Further examination revealed that the lying was only necessary because the second party had been intending to defraud the first party, and had simply been beaten to the punch in dishonesty, so to speak.

After some deliberation, a purebred, notch-eared Westshore hound was removed from both parties, and instead gifted to the House of Solace, where it will serve as a comfort to the wounded and a runner of medicines, as needed. The first and second party received appropriate compensation for the lost, considering both their testimony.

Written By Max

Nov. 9, 2016, 1:28 p.m.(1/26/1005 AR)

I needed to clear my head last night, so I took the beach. The Damnation and her support ships, the Purgatory and Pariah, they anchored just off the breakers and I could hear their drummers. I built a bonfire and I walked the beach.

The smell of salt and soot, the crash of waves and the thrum of the wardrums, they helped me to find some peace with my situation here in the city. With my brothers death and my new responsibilities.

Many say the sea provides everything you need. That if you walk the beach long enough, you will find the item or idea you were lacking.

Last night, the sea gave me a vision of a mermaid, a lass of seaweed hair and perfectly buoyant breasts. A warm kiss on my lips and a firm hip under my hand. I took, she gave. I gave, she took. It was a lovely distraction.

Did I dream it? Perhaps.

But the sea gave me what I needed.

Written By Nadia

Nov. 9, 2016, 7:54 a.m.(1/25/1005 AR)

There are only a few days left before we depart from the city to ride North. The estate has been in a flurry of activity since I made my intentions clear to the Berserkers and gave the order to prepare themselves. They're anxious, restless even - and so am I. We have every reason to be, but they needn't be afraid. We're the Mountain Men. From the depths, comes courage and strength.

Written By Viktarkim

Nov. 9, 2016, 12:26 a.m.(1/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

Let me say that the more I get to know the Lady Dawn, the more I like her. I've never met a woman who inspired more loyalty, making a man want to give ever more in service if only he might please her. I think her fair and wise, and wisdom indeed she will need in these dark times, as well as allies.

Written By Viktarkim

Nov. 9, 2016, 12:22 a.m.(1/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

Sparring! The woman challenged me to sparring with blades and though I told her I was an archer more than a swordsman, she egged me on. So I agreed if in turn she'd owe me a favour at some later date. It was a tough, hard, long exercise with blunted steel and I have a gash and many bruises for the effort but a finer, better matched sparring partner I couldn't have asked for! In the end I put her down into the gritty sand of the Training Center but she took it without hard feelings. That woman's got fire in her!

Written By Eleyna

Nov. 8, 2016, 10:06 p.m.(1/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Esera

When we were children, I was always striving to keep up with Esera. In our games, she always surpassed me by at least a narrow margin. She grew into the epitome of Lycene beauty, smoke and flames and shadows in human form while I was ice and alabaster.

When I was sent away to marry my first husband, I wondered at why the gods had designed her to rule while I was meant to be nothing but a piece in the game.

Now, all these years later, when I look into my cousin's eyes, I feel grateful for the role the gods gave to me. I know what I am, I know my strengths, and I also know that I was never equipped to carry her burdens.

Written By Natalia

Nov. 8, 2016, 10 p.m.(1/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenemir

This shall be a wonderful working relationship.

Written By Eleyna

Nov. 8, 2016, 8:12 p.m.(1/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

He is as much a riddle as his puzzle box. I wonder what would be revealed if he is ever solved.

Written By Natalia

Nov. 8, 2016, 8:04 p.m.(1/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Theodoric

We shall talk more about living in the moment.

Written By Cicero

Nov. 8, 2016, 6:42 p.m.(1/24/1005 AR)

So many cousins
Some more unique than others
All to be greater

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