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Written By Romulius

Nov. 6, 2020, 1:27 a.m.(5/3/1014 AR)

I am pleased that I might be able to play some part in helping my sister and uncle to build Blackshore back up. If friends and family are to be believed, I do so with at least a shred of competency. I pray that we stay the course.

Written By Ripley

Nov. 5, 2020, 7:36 p.m.(5/2/1014 AR)

I should get a tattoo that says Thornburn tattoo'd on my arse.

but pretty sure my mum and my sisters would drub me upside the head. Ried'd get it though. Pretty sure he'd understand.

I really should...

Written By Ezmeralda

Nov. 5, 2020, 6:53 p.m.(5/2/1014 AR)

As family begins to arrive from Tremorus I find my spirits lifted. There's always great joy to be found in being reunited with those you love. House Pravus has been very generous with us and none more than the Princess Viviana who has my eternal gratitude. Never have I considered myself to be very outgoing but the people in the capital make it easy. I've gotten to meet some very choice Whispers, some kindly members of the Peerage, and a few Liege-lords who have been very welcoming. There is a lot to look forward to when it comes to building new relationships with an entirely new people and the sheer majesty of this city can sometimes overwhelm but I am determined to do my absolute best for the people of Tremorus and the Compact alike.

We have recently had a small measure of difficulty with a few of the Abandoned in our region (who did not take our joining the six kingdoms of Arvum very well) but we are hopeful for a bloodless resolution with the Conclave of Syskepsia. Whether or not this will become reality depends on the voices of our most gifted speaker on the island, Precious Maharet. The Seraceni have been very respectful of the situation and volunteered one of their own, the Lady Ophira, who will stand in solidarity alongside the Voice of Tremorus, the People's Beloved, to deliver our own terms. From what I have gathered some of our own in the fealty of Pravus will also be attending for cultural observation. All things considered, I would have to agree with Precious Maharet that we should have some way to de-stress and wind down.

Written By Sydney

Nov. 5, 2020, 6:09 p.m.(5/2/1014 AR)

While there's something to be said about training in the Training Center, I'm finding pleasure with going back to my roots for the time being - taking a reprieve from learning about how to defend and deal with weapons and more about how to refine my craft against those who also follow what I've heard referred to as 'the sweet science'.

I've got bruises on my bruises from some solid strikes, but I'm pleased with the experience.

It's a real treat to have a training venue that's closer to home.

Written By Valerius

Nov. 5, 2020, 5:57 p.m.(5/2/1014 AR)

Spent a lovely evening on the beach just watching the waves and talking with friends.

Written By Rowenova

Nov. 5, 2020, 3:14 p.m.(5/2/1014 AR)

To one 'Horse-Eater Jim', I am sorry if you are hungry, but my horse team is very special to me. They are not for sale and they are also not for eating. Should any harm befall them, the perp might want to pray that the Iron Guard finds them (before Sir Floppington and I do).

Written By Monique

Nov. 5, 2020, 1:07 a.m.(5/1/1014 AR)

A new outfit, incredible conversation, and the fruition of an idea long in the making. Tonight could not have been any better unless a dragonweep stone mysteriously dropped in my lap from the sky.

Written By Lucita

Nov. 5, 2020, 12:27 a.m.(5/1/1014 AR)

Oh, how I wish Estaban was here to deal with this. I think the only thing helped me keep my composure long enough to attempt diplomatic responses in the Lycene meeting tonight was that I never knew Baron Eos or Baroness Kima. Still, Saiks are my family, my responsibility, my duty and I will do my best to do right by them. It felt like being hit on all sides from friends, family, royals and trying to keep my wits about me, to think, to remain calm while my thoughts and emotions were whirling.

Written By Michael

Nov. 5, 2020, 12:22 a.m.(5/1/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

I worry that the song that I ad-libbed some five or so years ago is being taken out of context and without the proper attention to the originals lyrics. Below, is the portion of the song that is about Duke Aiden Rubino nee Grayson.

Hes a fool, hes a scamp, he loves all birds in hats! And a crow's fart makes him squee out in glee.

Written By Graziella

Nov. 4, 2020, 7:21 p.m.(4/28/1014 AR)

All my life, I've been treading paper in the space between the words
And there implied is that I'm but another body for the birds, carrion, absurd-
And accidentally waking when I should be sleeping, carrying on;
-unwitting pilgrim of an unyielding despair.
Linger on, just for a moment, until we can ascertain if something's wrong with me

             - with us.

Or the assumptions of these addled masses, I contend that all of this is more than just a meaningless charade, that each and every moment there are crevasses...
Hidden places tucked into the lines, written in the spaces, devoid of waking words.

It is dark, Scholar? Next time I come to share my poems I will remember to bring a lantern...

Written By Dio

Nov. 4, 2020, 10:33 a.m.(4/27/1014 AR)

It feels like a lifetime since the Battle of Setarco, yet, to the sea and the gods, few years have passed. Now another great foe sails for Setara.

A low fog hung over the morning I set sail with the Black Fleet to meet the Gyre's forces. Segrid accompanied me to the docks, and while my mates held close their loved ones before boarding longships, galleys and dromonds, I gave her a silver necklace, and told her that if I did not return, that she should visit Prisila. I pressed a letter of introduction into her hand. Segrid, young as she was then, displayed little emotion, but the trepidation and uncertainty in those shimmering green eyes is not anything I wished to see again.

How many Seraceni sailors will part from their wards as I from mine? How many will not return in this life?

A fiery emissary spoke to me of the power of the Skal'dajans. They cannot be underestimated. The price of victory will be high, but defeat is not an option. Seraceni will sail with House Pravus, and remind our enemies why they fear the black flags of Ischia.

Written By Valerius

Nov. 4, 2020, 10:24 a.m.(4/27/1014 AR)

This city needs more beauty.
An aquarium for all to visit, to see the majestic creatures of the depth without need to get wet.

Written By Rysen

Nov. 4, 2020, 8:05 a.m.(4/27/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Zyanya

Whose dream is this in which I trudge
Amid the frosty forest black?
Ahead she moves with panting breath,
With gathered silken skirts in hand:
Black hair billowing like the pall of night.
Whose dream is this in which I trudge
Till cold swallows up her sapphire eyes
And the touch of her fingers, devoid of warmth,
Reveals her as my mistress?

Have I ever known myself?
Whose dream is this?

Written By Zyanya

Nov. 4, 2020, 1:02 a.m.(4/27/1014 AR)

Whose dream is this in which I run,
dark and unfettered, hands full of silk,
a song in my heart, a smile on my lips?
I knew myself once before this forest,
before this chase, but it has gone now,
like the blue of my eyes, heat in my veins.
Whose dream is this in which I run,
my elbow already caught by his hand,
the path ahead already turned.
Whose dreams draw such shadows?

I knew myself once.
Whose dream is this?

Written By Esme

Nov. 4, 2020, 12:54 a.m.(4/27/1014 AR)

I went to the Saik Dinner.

I have learned two things:

1. I cannot dance (unless it's with Talwyn)
2. I land on my feet when thrown in the air.

Written By Esme

Nov. 3, 2020, 6:04 p.m.(4/26/1014 AR)

Dearest Reader,

We walk a path of uncertainty. It is around us now. We see the banners fly and we hear the call of war on the horizon. There is bound to be fear and that is right of us. For the mortal heart knows the sins of man and fears that lie there. Mortal minds relive our lives and play them out in all outcomes that we cannot know. It is an uncertain path when the control is not our own.

But beautiful children of the faith, I bring a reminder of hope. For the control is ours. We may never dictate what another does, but we command how we respond. If one has hurt you, forgive them. Why you might say, for they are not worthy? But are we worthy of the love and attention of Gods? Have we become so vain that we have lost our humility? Is that something of duty or honor? I ask in these times that we reach out and forgive. When you hold your grudge, you allow the grudge-doer to hold a piece of your heart. They may not even know how they have harmed you or slighted you. They may know and not care. That, my darling, is not yours to control. You cannot control a mortal heart. We cannot command it to beat or to break. You can command your own. Release your feelings of regret, release your feelings of anger, of unworthiness - these will not serve you; but will blind you to what on the path of what must be.

I ask that no matter how the tides turn, we meet them with open hearts and clear minds. Do not allow our angers and aggressions, our hurts and trangressions, or our regrets and misinterpretations live with us after the suns have set. Take these not with you, for they are seeds of unrest. They are power to that which should not have power.

Written By Lisebet

Nov. 3, 2020, 12:03 p.m.(4/26/1014 AR)

Harlan and I went out for a bit without the children. A breath of fresh spring air and a visit to the Golden Hart. It was very nice and I am glad to have met some new folks, and renewed acquaintances with some others.

Written By Azova

Nov. 3, 2020, 11:59 a.m.(4/26/1014 AR)

What joy there is to be found in a celebration of changing seasons. Fine food, drink, and company. Lovely crowns of flowers. And lively music to dance to. It seemed that everyone was in good spirits, and if I am not mistaken, there wasn't a single injury to be attended to.

And now I shall look forward to the summer celebration!

Written By Lianne

Nov. 3, 2020, 3:24 a.m.(4/25/1014 AR)

I have been accused of sentimentality on more than one occasion.

Hearing echo after echo in the songs and city around me, I might find myself inclined to agree.

Written By Natasha

Nov. 2, 2020, 11:25 p.m.(4/24/1014 AR)

This year's Eclipse of Mirrors was illuminating in unexpected ways.

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