Written By Mayir
June 7, 2020, 5:23 p.m.(6/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
Written By Insaya
June 7, 2020, 5:19 p.m.(6/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Videl
Written By Ianna
June 7, 2020, 5:03 p.m.(6/8/1013 AR)
Written By Gaston
June 7, 2020, 4:37 p.m.(6/8/1013 AR)
Written By Valencia
June 7, 2020, 3:16 p.m.(6/8/1013 AR)
I have thought on this a lot this week in the chaos that followed our last big event at the Hart. And now that the donations have all be accounted for, I am heartened and so very touched to see so many who wish to do good for our city and people.
The generosity of those who attended our Sip n’ Spar event leaves me so very humbled. To know so many from across Arx would come together to raise 409,500 in silver and writs in a single night leaves me nearly speechless and undeniably hopeful.
As some may be humble in their generosity, I will not name them today, but will seek permission to share their names so they may be recognized as those who not only care for those in need but are willing to do something to help. Every donation to such a cause counts, and I am grateful and so thankful to one and all for help us with his endeavor.
As promised, we will add another 100,500 silver to the donation to bring the donation to a full 510,000 in silver. It is not enough, but I hope that this will help at least a little.
It never fails to amaze how much we can do if we all work together. I hope to host another event to add even more to this cause. For Avrum to be strong, we must ensure that all our citizens are cared for. With this in mind, the Golden Hart will continue to work to collect donations to help those in need in the Lowers.
My thanks to all who came to the event and to those who were able to give so generously. And, for those who have not yet had chance to help, I hope they will consider.
My heart to everyone.
Written By Cambria
June 7, 2020, 1:08 p.m.(6/8/1013 AR)
Written By Cassandra
June 7, 2020, 10:08 a.m.(6/7/1013 AR)
Whenever I'm asked if the choice I so long ago is one I regret, my answer is immediately no. I have no regrets to dedicating my life to the Gods, despite whatever polite disagreement myself and my mother have over it.
Still, it was nice to just see my family together being nothing more than a family, all in the same area. I hadn't seen that in so long, perhaps not since we were all children. There are at times a connection that I feel I lack because I cannot be around as much as I would dearly wish. I know that's silly, believe me. But, I still think it.
It is times like these, I remember my father. And how much I still miss him.
Written By Val
June 6, 2020, 11:17 p.m.(6/7/1013 AR)
Written By Ianna
June 6, 2020, 5:37 p.m.(6/6/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Alessandro
Written By Piccola
June 6, 2020, 1 p.m.(6/6/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Sabine
Written By Iseulet
June 6, 2020, 3:42 a.m.(6/5/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Mabelle
Written By Mabelle
June 6, 2020, 3:22 a.m.(6/5/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Kedehern
The rest is mutual.
Written By Ravna
June 5, 2020, 10:08 p.m.(6/4/1013 AR)
No, no, proper point, yeah. 'Everybody has reasons.' Hahaha. But everyone in Arvum can read, everyone can write! Hahahaaa...that means all them motherfuckers can do basic math, man.
So like, think about it: You get a choice, right? Light, or Dark. Choice seems pretty even, yeah?
Except both are wrong, you know? You ain't no thing of extremes, dig? I-I can prove it, yeah? Ohhhhh, lookit'chu! All curious and shit, rightrightright. Watch this:
Can you breathe water? No? Then your home ain't the sea. Hahaha, you a man, not a thing of extremes. Right on down that center, not light or dark. Anyone tries to sell you better? I promise, it's farce.
Naaahhh, man, you can't pretend any side is better than the other. Nah, nah, that's like saying you'd be here without your father, without your mother. You need two sides to make a line, motherfucker, and you just a man, so enjoy your short time.
I've seen eeeeevery shade of Good, each dorky ass face of Bad, and even if I haven't? Ain't none of them worth more than the other, and THAT is why, my friend, I encourage you to laugh.
Written By Diego
June 5, 2020, 8:51 p.m.(6/4/1013 AR)
Written By Kedehern
June 5, 2020, 8:48 p.m.(6/4/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Mabelle
Written By Evangeline
June 5, 2020, 2:40 p.m.(6/4/1013 AR)
While it has been some time since I've come to write my profound thoughts to be recorded by the exemplary scholars of Vellichor, I have spent much of my time in contemplation, carefully considering my words and what exactly I wish to leave behind as a legacy. Our words reach far and wide and have the ability to hurt or heal. Our words leave lasting impressions which can leave scars deep beneath the surface of one's flesh. For that reason, I have always chosen to write from love than hate.
I feel an incredible amount of gratitude in my life; in the life I remember. Been given a second chance to live does not always feel like a gift especially when one cannot remember their origins. It took me many years to come to an understanding and come to accept the reality of my situation, that I may never recover those memories of who I once was. I was saved, nurtured, cared for, and healed by the generosity of those who found me on the shores of Setarco many moons ago. I will forever be grateful for them, forever in their debt even if they have told me numerous times I've already repaid them ten times over. For me, their unconditional love and support is worth that and an infinite amount more.
As a lost teenager, I was not always kind. I did not appreciate them and took them for granted. In the private rage I harbored, I took my anger out on them and left the sanctity of the home they offered me in order to love my life by my rules. The streets were not kind, warm, or inviting. I had to hustle for money just to eat and of course my pride did not allow me to return to the home whose doors were always opened to me. There were nights where I had no shelter, days where I went hungry.
When I found my niche and money flowed steadily, I always took a part of my earnings to buy extra food for those I'd come to know on the streets and for the new faces who were lost like I had been. I asked for nothing in returns and instead said to pay this kindness forward.
After I completed my training at the Courtier Academy in Setarco, I returned to my foster family and left them more than enough money to ensure their home and business were safe. I've not seen them in many, many years and admittedly, a part of me feels they are better off not having me in their lives, but I am thankful, grateful, and blessed to have been loved so when I could not love myself.
I pay this forward now, with gratitude.
Written By Ravna
June 5, 2020, 11:03 a.m.(6/4/1013 AR)
Eight? Damn, man. Hahaha. I, I have thirty-two siblings. S-see, Cullers don't get born, normally. You know? We're all unwanted misfits, young little snots and dipshits that get caught doin' a thing, given a second chance. Raja? She got picked by Orathy. Me? I, I got nabbed by Ajus. Ajas. Whichever.
You know what that man told me? Says it like this, you know? He goes: "Ain't no one gonna take care of you like Family, boy. No one. Not friends, not Crown, not Faith, not the woman you tricked into bed. Family is what you got in this life, just Family."
He'd made a point, once, to show us all what that meant, yeah? Yeah. He'd tied this guy by his neck to a post, you know? Somewhere. Not here, nah, that'd be illegal. But, somewhere. So this guy tried to hurt one of the lads in a fight or something. So he ties him to a post, by the neck, and sticks him out on some beach facing the sun and says, "See, boy, if you had a family instead of fucking with mine - you'd not be strapped to a post, about to die."
I watched that man drown. Ajas did sure of that, mhm, and when we were all sure he was dead? Sends this lady over, you know, medic or something and she somehow gets him breathing again - slaps the FUCK out of him, right? Says, "You are gonna remember the importance of Family for the rest of your life, and the moment you forget, the SECOND you think something is better than Family? You remember the sea."
That man? That man, they say, was Orathy. My big sibling. Like a daddy to me, he was.
That was a lesson to us about Family. Imagine what we would do to protect it.
Written By Sirius
June 5, 2020, 3:24 a.m.(6/3/1013 AR)
I've sequestered you two weeks now, I realize, and extend to you my humble apologies,
A group of priests have finished their madrigal in our shrine's ward and I noticed their humble gathering attracted many of the younger noble scions of this family. These were followers of Limerance, and there they preached the values of oath keeping and the importance of love and devotion to our everyday affairs, never leaving anything to half-measures and to always fear the dwindling of the soul towards polite routine.
To me, it was strange- I forever before envisioned children as perhaps more favoring of exuberant things, like Lagoma's flame or perhaps something else; something trite and conventional to their whimsical, childish ways. Skald's freedom, Petrichor's dominion over nature, something-something that'd perhaps arise interest in their burgeoning hearts.
So young, so thirsty for the wonders of the world, it was the 'Limerite' dogmas that echoed in their budding souls. Now, I'm no good with children from the perspective of an adult, in fact, I've always felt like I've always been one of the children- I'm much better at this. At sitting with them, there, in their little crowd and listening. Playing with them, as one of them. I've long surrendered to the notion that I have a baby's face, and argue with my mother no longer on the matter.
The goofy looks, the little silly jokes, being naive and a doofus, much better than the responsibility of being, setting, an example. This I can do. Acting my age? Too frightening, I think. Raising children, especially not my own. Makes you late for dinner. But something about seeing them makes me feel at ease.
I realize, seeing so many youngsters arming themselves for the up-and-coming trials and fallouts of this world, makes it all seem worth it. For the first time, I'm beginning to understand the many times I've heard those much wiser and aged than me when they said: "We do it for them." The children. Perhaps it is your own hand, and you're imparting your wisdom to me on this after all, scholar.
Thank you,
If not, thank 'me'.
Written By Donella
June 5, 2020, 1:25 a.m.(6/3/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Darren
He is a wise man.
When he tells someone to weigh their words, it would be best if they weighed them with thought and care.
Also, I do believe when he tells someone to think carefully before speaking, he means to stop speaking.
While he is a great man, a man that would not suffer his people, would not hold a grudge, and is the epitome of the North.
His wife is from Thrax and knows the value of a good shark.
Written By Ravna
June 4, 2020, 8:05 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)
It isn't the man-eating wolf, that survives this sad song.
Not bear, no matter how strong.
Not ox, not bull, not bison nor the great serpents we remember flying!
No! None of THEM can laugh, even as their insides are dying!
Not the gods, not the spirits, nor any of the monsters you've been told about. It's not THEY who can carry this sorrow, not THEY who can cry, and laugh, loud, loud, LOUD! THEY would crumple, they would break, with this misery locked in their necks! No, no, THEY would give in! Give that last sigh.
It isn't they, who can can watch their friends die, and then keep on keeping on, one step after the other, pretending to be alive. No matter the lie.
It is Us. We. Me. I.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.