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Written By Ras

June 8, 2020, 6:10 p.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

You were nice.

Written By Jenessa

June 8, 2020, 4:27 p.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

Prevail Through Calamity. For every Lyonesse that has come into existence since the formation of our House, these three words are deeply ingrained in both heart and mind. Never before has our motto filled my thoughts so completely. It is persistent and repetitious. My mantra.

There have been many hardships we Lyons have overcome, calamitous events survived and wars won since our foundation. We anticipate and expect, at all times, for anything and everything to go wrong, but still hold tightly to hope and the belief that we will prevail - I do, at least.

Even when the worst situation imaginable is held as a viable possibility, we are prepared to endure, to overcome, but I never saw this coming. Perhaps I should have, should have kept it in the back of my mind, that any day, any hour, it was a possibility. But I didn't. Had I done so, it might have prepared me for Rymarr's death. Instead I'm reeling from it, wondering what hit me, and how.

I'm numb. Lost. I keep repeating our motto with the hope that it will help me endure and provide me with comfort. There were six of us originally, Rymarr being the second eldest. I had three brothers, but we lost Marcorr and Dormire when I was a child, and then it was the four of us. We four endured together, and it was with Rymarr that I had the strongest bond with out of all my siblings. Now we are three.

We still had so much to do, brother. I had things yet to tell you, to share with you. I had yet to update you on my research, there is still so much, so much left undone, and I am filled with regret. I should have taken time to visit, I should have written more, and instead I was always nose deep in manuscripts and tomes, spending hours upon hours in the library or the Great Archives. I'm sorry.

You were always everything I thought a Lyonesse should be, the perfect epitome, an example that all Lyons should strive to learn from, if not become, in our own fashion. I looked up to you the most, you always had my utmost admiration and respect. I've always been tremendously proud of you, of everything you have accomplished, and to hear of your valor and heroism, of your final act in this world, I couldn’t be more proud. Some have said a legend has been born from this, and it undoubtedly has, but you've always been that sort of figure to me, since I was a child.

You were always there when I needed you. When tragedy struck after I came to Arx five years ago, and the mantle of responsibility abruptly fell on my shoulders, you were there to help me. Countless times did you offer your wisdom and guidance, gently nudging me onto the right path, many more times were you my confidant, always listening when I was troubled, angry, or distressed, and never casting any judgment on my inexperience and missteps while I was trying to settle into my role as Voice.

The world is a little less without you in it, brother, and I have simultaneously lost my best friend. I weep, knowing I'll never again have conversations with you, or hear that familiar clanking of your armor when your steps brought you to the Chateau, never again share with you the excitement when I found something of interest with my research. I will miss you, your sense of humor, and sending you pies when I might see one in the window of a shop when strolling about the city - I know you dearly loved pies.

I am beside myself with grief, but I know you wouldn't wish it, and I know that I must not falter, or let myself become overwhelmed with emotion or irrationality. It isn't our way. Your departure is acutely felt, but through this, too, I must prevail. There is work still to be done, and I promise you that I will not give up on that task. I will see it through, and I hope I can make you proud. I will miss you terribly, Rymarr, more than I can express with words, but never will you be forgotten. You truly were the greatest Lyon in our pride. I love you, brother, and we will prevail, I promise.

Written By Avary

June 8, 2020, 3:37 p.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

Those who challenge the veracity and authority of the Faith and to incite and encourage others to break their sacred given vows of fealty, to spill the blood of innocents, have only the Sentinel’s Justice to look towards. May the guilty find it swift and decisive.

Doing the right thing isn’t easy in a world where injustice exists all around us and often feels like you’ll be taking on the entire world by yourself. But as you witness these injustices, will you let it slide and pretend you didn’t see it, that you don’t know about it? Or will you side with justice? Change and doing the right thing often seems impossible by yourself. And yes, there might be real repercussions that you might have to deal with that are painful, uncomfortable, hurtful. And so rather than help change, you might listen to those voices of doubt that tell you to be quiet, put your head down, ignore the wrong because what can one individual do against a big world.

Don’t wait for someday, tomorrow or for someone else. By doing that you’ll be in the exact place you’re in now. Stand up for what is right, now.

Written By Sabella

June 8, 2020, 2:57 p.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

I have thought very hard about what to include in this journal about my trip to Sungreet with the Crusade. There are so many details I can record, some of them horrific, many of them brave, all of them most definitely seared into my memory. But what I shall recount is this:

The Carnifex allowed me to meet with House Helianthus and their representatives first and while I made many arguments and pleas for a peaceful resolution, it became very clear that they were not treating with us in good faith and the talks were being used as a stalling tactic while they awaited the Eurusi fleet. Any hope of a peaceful resolution then fell apart very quickly and it felt like war was everywhere for a time. Now I am no fighter and I think that historically this will be recorded somewhere as I can barely lift a sword and could not hope to swing one, but I was able to convince some of those fighting to lay down their arms and I remained unharmed for the entirety of the event. I will not say that I rushed out to the battlefield to avail myself of the good nature of those we were fighting against, but I tried to do what I could in the places where I thought I might be heard.

And I suppose that's the part that I want to be recorded. That there were certainly heroes that lost their lives fighting and some that turned the tide with their strength and skill with their weapons, but that even in the most intense battles, voices of reason can still be powerful. Lives can still be saved even if you cannot lift anything heavier than a quill or simply your own voice. All one needs to do is to try.

Written By Corrigan

June 8, 2020, 1:37 p.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Swift

Shame. You were one of the family I actually kind of got on with.

Not going to cry or light any candles, but I'll pour one out for you next time I'm in the pub. I mean, I'll drink it, of course - figure that's what you would've wanted - but it's the thought that counts, right?

Written By Preston

June 8, 2020, 12:57 p.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

And as for whatever Apostate Ivan wishes to spout? If he is such a traditionalist, he would not tear at the structures of society like a particularly inquisitive mirrormask on a drunken bender.

I really couldn't give a squirrel's left testicle what an Apostate has to say. The only thing I wish to hear from him is some faint whimpering and a kind of 'ekh' noise as the blade severs head from shoulders. But I am a simple man of simple desires.

Written By Preston

June 8, 2020, 12:33 p.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

I am lucky - for I have seen through another battle with my worst complaint being that I need to get my pauldron seen to by Ida or Felix. And spend some time with my arm in a sling so I don't tear the wound open again. It was my greatest fear that we would be pinned between the two forces, but knowing it was a risk we still had to try.

The cost though is heavy, many lie dead, others injured. Some broken in spirit. Some in body. I am grateful for Lady Oili, who has tended to our troops, and for the mercies and their Solace guards. I do not know how many more would lie on the butcher's tally were it not for them.

I cannot regret the battle though, even if the deaths bring me sadness. It is what had to happen, the righteous path. I will forever remain endebted to those diplomats who came with us, Princess Sabella and Prince Niklas of Grayson, and Lord Rysen Crovane, who tried to find a path to avoid war. Tried to find a path without conflict. They exhausted themselves to find it, but it was not there to be found. And knowing we had tried all to find it, so we could go into battles with our conscience clean. That service is one we do not honour enough, but it is one which is so great I can barely thank it enough.

Raja Culler ran herself ragged on the field, keeping me informed of occurings in battle and the city, and the observations of Princess Sabella. Dame Ida's ability with my siege engines was once again on display. There is so much to praise. Dame Katryn's unwavering dedication. Lord Alban's tireless commitment. Prince Lorenzo who - having one ship sunk beneath him - swam to another to continue the fight. Marquessa Teagan's insight. And the unrelenting courage of Lady Tescelina's charges, until her sad passing in the battle.

But it was not Templars alone. House Blanchard, House Blackram and House Crovane all sent troops with us. The fleets of almost all the Great Houses transported us. The words of the Most Holy, Dominus Orazio, sent us off. And the work of Prince Victus, Mother Ailith, Aleksei Morgan and many others found ways to provide us with friends within the city - though I admit the Eurusi allies were a surprise from quarters I did not even know were working to that end.

Soon we will have to have an event of Thanksgiving, to commemorate the good deeds of people in pursuit of a holy cause. And then a pilgrimage to lay to rest those for whom the fight is over. That is not us however. For first, we need to win this crusade.

Written By Stygia

June 8, 2020, 11:10 a.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

The moonbeam passed on. Maybe the mouse will see her again next turn. The mouse hopes so.

Written By Ida

June 8, 2020, 11 a.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

Not you too, my dear old friend. I can't even find the words to describe this feeling of loss. It is like losing a part of my history. There aren't a lot of people left who I can trace back my path in Arx with, and you were one. I feel lost, but I know I can't allow that for long; you sure as abyss would not brook it, hmm? Thank you for the opportunities, trust, and friendship. You will be severely missed.

Written By Fortunato

June 8, 2020, 10:42 a.m.(6/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

Yours seemed a gentle soul. I wish I knew you better. I hope you allowed yourself forgiveness.

Written By Fortunato

June 8, 2020, 10:41 a.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

We all return to the Wheel. But I hope you never forgot how valuable living was.

Written By Viviana

June 8, 2020, 10:25 a.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

The Compact didn't deserve you.

I didn't deserve you, Little Dragon.

Your light will shine eternal in my heart.


Written By Raymesin

June 8, 2020, 10:02 a.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

So many dead, Scholar. You'd think I'd be used to death by now, but this was different. I've seen a hundred ends in a dozen different ways, but now I've seen thousands in one day, in one place, and even my tears are bloodstained. If battle is glorious, then you can take your glory and shove it sideways where the sun doesn't shine.

May the Queen of Endings gather them in, and may we make a better world for them to come back to.

Written By Poppy

June 8, 2020, 6:38 a.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Dycard

You went to Sungreet without warning me!

For that, I will certainly teach Mr Snuffles to aim for your boots next time he suffers from sea sickness.

Written By Shard

June 8, 2020, 4:21 a.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

I have been in a lot of battles, and not all of them as a hunter. A few times I was just a scared girl tasked with leading away younger children. Once I climbed a tree to hide and hoped the enemy tribe's warriors wouldn't look up. it was easier, in hindsight, than hiding from a predator. Human noses can't track you up trees.

There was a distinction between warrior and hunter, though not as much as there is here. My tribe had no warriors. My tribe had no interest in war. But we lived by hunting, hunting was quite literally the difference between life and death. A hunter, then, is someone who keeps the tribe alive by killing what is needed. Usually, that meant rabbits, birds, hare. Often caribou, occasionally moose. Sometimes, it means killing a predator looking to kill you, and /sometimes/, that predator is not an animal.

We had no warriors, but we did /kill/ warriors. Warriors in heavy armor wielding heavy weapons aren't very good at climbing trees. They aren't very good at chasing people down. Burdened horses can't run as fast, and burdened war horses aren't used to racing through thick forest. Warriors are used to charging lines, to formations, to meeting enemies head on who will meet them head on. Warriors raise banners and shout battle cries. Hunters are silent. Noise gives away your position, and your numbers. Noise alerts prey. You don't charge a mountain lion head-on. You don't get within reach of a bear. You don't stand in front of a charging herd and expect them to stop for you. Hunters do not fight like warriors if they can help it, and if they do have to, then best to stack the odds in your favor.

Does this sound dishonorable? We didn't think so, but the Compact measures war differently. The hard truth is that individual soldiers are expendable, and mercenaries even more so. The Compact deals with armies of thousands, tens of thousands, so it can absorb far more losses. To us, even one dead hunter was a blow. One dead hunter meant less chance at survival, even if we won the battle. We could not afford dead hunters, and almost always there were far more warriors than hunters.

Stand and die gloriously? I've heard incredible stories of heroes that did exactly that. But they did it for a purpose. They did it to save other people. That's why people still tell stories about them. Standing and dying gloriously meant the tribe would also die. I won't pretend that sometimes that wasn't necessary. We had stories about hunters who would pick a patch of ground and hold it until they were killed. Sometimes a hunter would stay behind while the rest of us fled in order to lure our enemies away long enough for us to escape. Twice in my memory, they didn't return. Making that kind of sacrifice is what my parents chose. But there was always a purpose, they were always doing it to save other people.

So a hunter is also someone who keeps the tribe alive by killing /who/ is needed. And /only/ who, or what, is needed. We had no interest in war, only survival. It was extremely difficult to adjust to the way things work here, and twice as hard to adjust to being a warrior. I like to fling myself at worthy causes still, to protect people. I like to act like a hunter, rather than just fight like a hunter, whenever I can. That makes me a terrible sellsword, and it always has, but it's not my fault I'm the one in charge now, seeing as Audric wouldn't listen to me no matter how many times I demonstrated it, and then he went and died.

So. I've been in a lot of battles. I've fought a lot of wars. Setarco was probably the largest, and the battle at the Lodge was probably the most dangerous, even not fighting with the main force. Some battles, though, aren't the most glorious. Some battles you don't fight alongside warriors, or soldiers. Some battles, /some/ battles, you get to fight as a hunter, even when you're right up in the face of a man a foot and a half taller than you with enough armor to outfit ten other men, with thousands of his friends coming up behind him. Sometimes you make a stand so that other people can get away, so that other people can live. Sometimes you stop running, you pick a patch of ground, and you dare them to take it away from you, and sometimes, /sometimes/...

...Sometimes you actually win.

Written By Nurie

June 8, 2020, 4:05 a.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

Once upon a time I had one kiss that was as sweet as starlight. I didn't know that it would echo in tears on my cheeks so much later.

May your next turn on the wheel be even brighter.

Written By Mabelle

June 8, 2020, 2:15 a.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

There was never a doubt in my mind you will die a heroine.
To me, you will always be the one who showed me where the Wyrmguards hide their chocolate.

You will be missed.

Written By Anisha

June 8, 2020, 1:16 a.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Swift

I did not know Swift Grayhope very well, and that is a regret that will follow me to my grave.

I spoke to her on a few occasions - she was vivacious, self-confident, and beautiful. She showed off an impressive tattoo which she got while drunk. She went on adventures.

We spent time together on the journey to Sungreet. We spent time together aboard the Eurusi ship. When the assassins struck, Swift moved as you'd expect from her name.

She paid for that.

They call us heroes for the work we did, for Lady Monique turning the Crown Prince and the work the rest of us - including Swift - did to convince and shift the crew before Crown Prince Damik'uhl'daja declared his defection.

I am thankful for that. But Sungreet brought us so, so many heroes.

And Swift Grayhope, though she's an example to us all, is just one of many, many dead after that battle.

I'll be lighting candles. In the Shrine of the Queen and Mother, that she may welcome them to her bosom, and send them along.
In the shrine of Gloria, in thanks for letting courage and honour be with our troops on the day, and hope for it every day since. In memory of the Swift action that saved the Crown Prince's life.

And then I expect, I will walk as my feet lead me, to each of the other shrines - to light candles there, and pray for the virtues of the gods that instill us, and the principles that we fight for.

Thank you Swift Grayhope.

May you rejoin us in due time.

Written By Tanith

June 7, 2020, 11:48 p.m.(6/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Swift

I've only just heard. You just had to die doing something brave and stupid, didn't you? Asshole.

Queen keep you, see you in the next turn, cousin.

Written By Khanne

June 7, 2020, 10:09 p.m.(6/8/1013 AR)

I would like to thank House Crovane and Lady Clara for hosting the Unicorn Masquerade. While it is not my usual type of outing to attend, I thought it would be a nice change of pace. Plus, wearing a mask I could just... relax. I can't say I went all out, but, it did also give me a reason to wear the unicorn gown my beloved Perce bought for me so long ago. I had fun!

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