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Written By Jaenelle

June 3, 2020, 11:37 p.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

Happy Birthday, Leona. You are my favorite twin sister. Visit soon, two years is too long.

Written By Piccola

June 3, 2020, 8:25 p.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

One moment, you are swept into a tempest.

There's nothing to cling to, nothing in sight. The rain pelts you and the chill sets into your bones. You are all alone in the storm, and the howl of the wind is your only comfort. Yet you survive, and persist, because these are the only two things which matter.

The next moment, you are in the comfort of someone's arms.

It is warm and kind, confusing and frightening. The sun is hot and inviting, but too much of it burns. You are alone, but not lonely, and the sound of their heart reminds you of your own. You yearn to grow and learn, but the lessons are dangerous.

These are the things to live for.

Written By Brigid

June 3, 2020, 7:37 p.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

I'm so deeply grateful that you sought to include me in the building of the hospital and what a success! Your guiding expertise and reaching out to those who have skill in cultivation and gardening management will serve all of Arvum well - I trusted you with those Frosthope snippets and with the addition of Baroness Fortier's skilled hand, they were granted a chance to flourish.

Laurent is so lucky to have you.

Written By Gwenna

June 3, 2020, 6:08 p.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

We are a fealty that harbors few, if any, ills against the past. We fight fiercely, loudly, passionately, and then we are done. To quote Prince Sherrod Redrain, slain at the Night's Grove: "When the Northlands quarrel, it's a fire that burns white hot then is done. We don't roll around in the ashes and breathe deep poisonous fumes and see who dies first from a cancer. Grudges are madness."

Even so, when one picks at a deep and painful scar so recently just healed, it often will bleed again. To invite those feelings back, to remind those who lost through blatant deception and betrayal, is certainly a choice one might make. Such choices are to be respected, but that does not mean they will be without consequence.

Written By Iseulet

June 3, 2020, 5:47 p.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

Yesterday's tea was a lovely affair.

I know it was a controversial thing to do, given the tension in the city with the markets the way they are and how we are holding our breath and waiting for something to happen... but I just needed to be social and put myself out there. I find I need friends more than ever to not only help me through this tough time but to help others cope with the stresses too. I know that's fundamentally selfish of me, because it pleases me and makes me feel good to help others. But, you can't help others if you don't know others.

Anyway, as a result I met quite a few lovely ladies and got to spend time with a new friend.

And then I had a little surprise for myself - what a shock. What timing.

Cats. What can you do.

Written By Darren

June 3, 2020, 5:32 p.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sunaia

"It's surprising to me that so few remember this side of my brother - or maybe, they just didn't know him as I do."

I remember that he killed my father. Perhaps think on that a little before writing your next white.

Written By Tikva

June 3, 2020, 5:26 p.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sunaia

Do as you will, my lady. I tell no one who to love, or not love. The bonds of family are sacred to Limerance.

But choose not ignorance. The facts of what happened are there to be known, not a faraway history of confusion and chaos but a recent and tragic betrayal whose facts are not remotely unclear.

They are facts that cost the Compact dearly. And there is no one who would be more furious at the idea that his brother's betrayal would be lost to time than Killian Ashford.

Except... maybe Cara.

Written By Sunaia

June 3, 2020, 1:03 p.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

Princess Sorrel,

Somewhere between you and I there has clearly been a mix-up in conversation. I never said you intended to kill me - I have merely advised people that I am fearful that you might, after you yelled at me and, in the words of Archlector Hamish "manhandled some of [his] furniture" in his office. As I have written privately to you and have told others: I have no further interest in having anything to do with you.

My words have clearly been misinterpreted and I am sorry for the anguish and stain to your reputation they caused you; and I publicly state that I will henceforth not mention your name in any context whatsoever.

I ask that you do the same of me.

Written By Lucita

June 3, 2020, 12:12 p.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Valery

The spring onions are ready to gather already, they grew so quickly but we started the gardens back shortly after the whirlpool showed up. I wonder if you are guiding your students to have other houses utilize areas for food gardens to help ease the strain. Every little bit helps with shortages and ornamentals can, as your students informed me, be restored next year when need is less. The two wards who are your students did well. Now we must devise a means to distribute the food safely as it ripens, and I say we since it involves your students efforts.

Written By Sunaia

June 3, 2020, 10:47 a.m.(5/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva

It's not easy living in the shadow of two brothers and a sister - all famous (or infamous) for their deeds. And yet, want to - somehow - embrace all of this life: All of what I feel and am.

Addison was wrong in what he did. It's a fact I don't deny - and I'm shamed by this brother's actions.

Killian took the choice from Tolamar Brand to destroy the world and saved us all. That's another fact I don't deny - and am more than proud of.

And Avary, joined the Faith and became Archlector to The Sentinel. We've not spoken in years. Yet, another undeniable fact. I miss having a blood sister I might talk to about all of this.

I am, regardless of my feelings, regardless of all other facts, sister to all. And I, for reasons of my own, also went in my own way, my own direction - and I missed great swaths of time with each, in which I might have known them better.

We can't change the choices of our ancestors. We can't change the choices we've made in the past. I wonder if we can even change our feelings about all of that, without knowing more. I do know that we'll never be what anyone else expects us to be, no matter what judgements anyone place on us; no matter what expectations may be had. Yes, we'll be disappointed, at times, with the choices others make - particularly if we love them. But the respect of choice matters most, to me; and the acknowledgement of truths; and the protection of those I love.

This makes my feelings complicated, though it changes nothing of the truth of any actions.

If I could, I'd look Addison in the eye and ask him why he did what he did. I'd ask Killian, too; and Avary - because I want to understand them all. I'd rather know their reasons, so I can better judge with my heart and mind - and maybe I wouldn't be so conflicted.

For now, I have very mixed emotions about it all. I would rather not to be disappointed - or mistaken - by expressing those feelings openly.

Written By Tikva

June 3, 2020, 12:43 a.m.(5/27/1013 AR)

From the Scholars' records of the Assembly of Peers, spring 1005 AR:

"Our city, and indeed, all of the Compact, is in very grave danger from a force known as the Bringers of Silence, and I have made it my personal mission to discover who they are and what they have done, as much as possible. To that end, I have been investigating, searching for the man who ordered an agent to disrupt the meeting of the king’s retinue at the Night’s Grove. I know this agent, because I found out after his death that it was my late husband, Addison Ashford. He was ordered by letter to ‘direct the King’ to disrupt the meeting there, bringing violence down upon them all and breaking our treaty obligations.

"Through my study, I discovered that in addition to causing the massacre, these agents of the Rex'alfar - called the White Stewards - began a campaign to disrupt and destroy the Abandoned of the Gray Forest, all to weaken the Nox'alfar, their foe and our allies. They manipulated our lords into war, and more, they used foul magics to appear as beings of white light to holy people, convincing them that they served the Pantheon when in fact the tasks they carried out were at the behest of the Rex’alfar.

I have a great deal of information more pertaining to these White Stewards, but I feel as though I should sum up, to be brief. I found a letter among my late husband’s things, in Lord Everard’s hand, specifically ordering him to betray the King to break the treaty. In this way, and through investigating his patterns of movements, I determined that Lord Everard worked for the White Stewards, serving the Rex’alfar who now move armed, unnatural forces through the Crownlands. When myself, Marquis Vincere as the Minister of Defense, Duke Leo as the Minister of Loyalty, and the Lady Regent herself went to speak to Lord Everard, to ask him questions about what may be happening, he drew live steel and set to attempting to kill the Regent and setting loyalists among the Iron Guards to the task as well. We were lucky to survive; only a truly heroic stand by Duke Leo allowed us to escape. I owe my deepest thanks to Duke Leo and the House of Fidante, indeed, we all do." - Cara Ashford, then Voice of House Grayson

We know what Addison Ashford did.

Written By Lucita

June 3, 2020, 12:23 a.m.(5/27/1013 AR)

Ohh, the food garden plants for the lowers are coming up nicely. I wonder if any other houses are following my example. Silver and writs can not buy what is not stocked in markets. At least some good fresh seasonal vegetables and fruit will help avoid a little hunger and if shipments are restored, there are still supplies that need to be replenished, so this year's crops will not go to waste. Next year we can always replant the flowers.

Written By Tikva

June 2, 2020, 11:25 p.m.(5/27/1013 AR)

Sing with me
a song of hope
as any song can be if it lifts your heart.

Sing with me,
a song unfaltering,
lift your voice and sing aloud, apart.

Sing with me,
a song unforgotten,
no matter how many tears you've shed

Sing with me,
a song that's changing,
because your chances are never all spent

Sing with me,
because I love you,
and because hope never lets go, and nor do I.

Written By Pepper

June 2, 2020, 9:41 p.m.(5/26/1013 AR)

5-26-1013 AR
I write today because while I am not typically a material person, I made some purchases I am rather fond of. My stay in the compact this time is going to be for the foreseeable future and with this in mind I am settling my roots and looking towards the future. Since I returned so many months ago, so much has changed? and it's that point in my life I realize I need to sit and chronicle the changes I have experienced.

     The change from Navegant to Crovane has been a large one. But upon reflection, it was far simpler than most will believe. I guess, love has a way of propelling you over barriers. My newly expanded family has by so many means have been warm and welcoming. Honey and Hazel have been adapting well just as the young typically do. It's nice to know that their family is so close. The girls are rather headstrong for their young age, a trait I was hoping that if they would inherit wouldn't show until later years, But they will do their family proud. I am sure I will repeat this on several occasions; these girls embody everything that I am proud to say about the Navegant household, and I am blessed that I will always have them and my memories to hold dear. But now with my current Husband I finally feel like I am starting to stand on my own two feet.

But before I forget, the main reason I was inspired to write today was that on one of my walks recently I wandered across a shop, Oakheart Woodworks. From there I was able to request of a master Tallius some furniture for my current home in Stormwall's haven. A jewelry box, wardrobe, and a couple of shelves so I could put those books I owned away properly. I received those items today, and they are glorious. Completely worth every silver I spent, I would say, I am much impressed by the craftsmanship and quality I received. These are items that I believe with full confidence will provide for many generations to come. I've always been one to believe, pack lightly, so that you can embrace your journey ahead, and it feels a little odd the roots these items represent I am setting. There is so much to value daily and I look forward to where my current path leads me.

I have put in a few requests with a few other crafters in the City, The lovely expecting Mrs. and Mr. Greyhope. Once those requests have been completed, I am sure I will be more than happy to write about them then. But I have heard promising details about these two and their exceptional skills sets and look forward and hope to have the opportunity to pass on more praise.

To write this all seems trivial. There is so much more going on in the world that needs writing about. So much more that needs action. If there is one thing I have learned though, it is that well... The people here in the compact are some of the strongest for driving change. With so much change happening in the world around us I can't help but feel these moments, these experiences, like what I have written about today are important to document to. A small window of insight, whom knows what future generations will gather from these words on paper.I will end this entry on a positive note, filled with my hope that despite all that is going on right now, I have hope for the future and am working on making taking those next steps forward to assist it to be a future worth living in.

Written By Lucita

June 2, 2020, 7:49 p.m.(5/26/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

There are far better ways to sweep a woman off her feet and make her fall for you.

Written By Poppy

June 2, 2020, 7:26 p.m.(5/26/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Azova

But they'll know! I'll get that squinty disapproving look. And the lecture! The, I'm not mad, just severely disappointed in you one.

I don't see why they were so upset. I mean, it's educational, right?

Written By Carita

June 2, 2020, 6:39 p.m.(5/26/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Evander

A more caring, generous soul there never was. Keenly inquisitive & smart, Darkwater and I are so fortunate to have this Kennex treasure.

Written By Ysabel

June 2, 2020, 6:14 p.m.(5/26/1013 AR)

You'd think that I know about ship building, or be somewhat aware of such. A new thing to go spend hours in the archives researching. As if I needed an excuse.

Written By Sunaia

June 2, 2020, 5:54 p.m.(5/26/1013 AR)

Honestly, I'm looking forward to the upcoming trip - though I have a number of things to do before I head home to see Mother. And, of course, I've taken on yet another task before I go, since being busy seems to ground me.

Sleep beckons me in a pleasant way. I think I'm finally exhausting myself, with all of my various projects; my mind is just too busy to be concerned with what dreams may come.

I likely need to talk with Killian before I return to Ashford Keep. ...Yes, I know he's not around, but sometimes, it's just for me. And maybe he can hear me. When I return home, I'll talk with Mother about making skulls for Father and Killian, to put in the Shrine to the Queen of Endings. I might make one for Addison, too, and keep it in my own belongings, since there are surely those who would be offended that I pay tribute to my eldest brother, considering all that happened. But I remember him differently than it seems everyone does. We weren't close, but he looked after me when I was young; and he was still my brother, still my family. I can't hate him in the same ways that Killian did; Addison simply didn't treat me in the same ways as he did Killian. Probably because I was so young, I'd guess.

...What was Addison like to me? Oh, well. He was protective of me, of course - aren't all brothers like that with their baby sisters? ...They're not? I can't imagine, honestly. He wanted me to grow up strong and confident - as I did. He worried for me when I cried and was afraid; he couldn't understand why I was so afraid. He told me to pray to Jayus before I slept and thank him for my dreams, since Addison believed they were gifts, no matter how terribly frightening they were for me. And he would pray over me, with me, trying to help me remember my place in the world. How could I not love him? Of course, I loved him. It's surprising to me that so few remember this side of my brother - or maybe, they just didn't know him as I do. ...Did.

Family is everything. And justice is being balanced: Punishing the evil and accepting that it exists, but it's just as imbalanced to forget the good and presume everything in a person is bad because they make some mistake or go down some dark path. Addison... I don't understand what happened to him, really. I don't know how he wound up going down the path he did. Killian and so many others felt - and feel - such ill towards him. There has to be someone to balance all of that, in the world. Maybe I'm the only one left who does, though I think Mother - for all the pain it likely causes her - stands with me. I know Father was proud of him, believed in Addison - perhaps mistakenly. Honestly... I was gone during all of that. I just heard that he was gone, that the king was in some strange state and it wasn't until years later that I learned my eldest brother was deemed to be responsible. The shock sent me into the woods; I ran away for weeks, horrified and confused.

...Yes, I'm okay. It just stings, still - all of the confusion. And knowing I'll never truly know what happened.

But, he's my brother; and I'll stand as the balance, for him. Because, as I've been reminded before: Not everything is as simple as it seems.

...Oh. Yes, mmm... I don't really remember if there was more I wanted to put into this entry. I think that's all, for now. Thank you for your time.

Written By Mirella

June 2, 2020, 5:43 p.m.(5/26/1013 AR)

Following up from my last journal entry, I have to admit I've been entirely spoiled by the gorgeous clothes my patron has conjured up for me. They're works of art and I will treasure them forever.

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