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Written By Malcolm

June 4, 2020, 8:02 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

Look, see Scholar, back again to update my Journal.

Lately, things have sort of been. They've just been. And I have been trying.

Trying to find a protege. Trying to make friends. Trying to find new projects to tackle for Graypeak that will best suit these great folk I happen to be related to. Trying to think about things. That last one is the hardest. There's way too much I don't know - about, well, everything. Some days, I don't mind a bit. Some days, I do. Figure not knowing is what keeps me from hiding in the study with all the bottles of whiskey we have, you know? Figure that not knowing gives me peace of mind. That I can end every day with playing with a pile of dogs in the garden on a nice spring evening and enjoy that moment for what it is.

Think I'm going to go and do that now.

Night, Scholar.

Written By Mirella

June 4, 2020, 7:19 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

I was discussing with someone the matter of the past; someone whose childhood was unpredictable and harsh, with its backdrop being one of danger, poverty and uncertainty. Someone who, in adulthood, lives a life of relative safety and material comfort despite a rough introduction to the world.

There was a lot of pondering as they spilled wine into their glass. They wondered if they would have grown to be a better person had they been born into a wealthier family, and had they never been required to do questionable things in order to survive.

Out of courtesy, I didn't ask what those 'things' were, or what 'better' means, but it did remind me to think along the same lines: what manner of person would I be now, had I not been raised in Caina, but instead somewhere less... Caina.

As always, I stopped dwelling on these thoughts quite speedily (and almost certainly more rapidly than a Mirrormask ought to). I wouldn't change anything about my past or where I was born, because they forged me into the person I am. I liked who I was before I civilised myself. I like who I am now.

It occurs to me that I might not always be a good fit as a disciple of the Thirteenth. We're advised to examine ourselves and challenge our beliefs of who we are. But really, I just find that self-doubt and 'what-ifs' can be such a bore sometimes.

Written By Piccola

June 4, 2020, 7:10 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

Today I remembered well what Stephen told me long ago.

When faced with a superior opponent, keep moving; don't let them catch you. When faced with a comparable opponent, make them attack; don't let them hit you. And when faced with an inferior opponent, keep attacking; don't let them escape you.

Above all these things, the successful soldier is the one who survives and persists.

Written By Ravna

June 4, 2020, 6:21 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

He said, she said that he said, that she said - and when she said what she said, he said what she said, and then? She said what she said but only because he said what he said, in response to what she said.

Hahahahaha. Like children, Bookman. Like children!, s'your turn to drink! Yeeeeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

So, once, I got into a belching contest with a frog, yeah? Big fat bastard, he was. Mhm. Size of a cow. Huge. So, I'm sittin' there and I'm drinkin' by this pond, before me is this great fat frog, and we drinking, drinking good, and I burp.


This motherfucker takes it as a challenge, yeah? You know? I know. Sos he belches back, and soooo great s'this belch, scares my Beautiful Ass right on down the road and, you know, this ain't proper, you know? Scaring beautiful Asses like that!

So I, yes, me, Ravna, I burp - back. Then THIS motherfucker, rips such a huge burp as to cast my HAT to the ground! MY HAT!

Well, you know what? Fuck that. I got a torch, I took a drink, and I belched flames all over this cow sized freak of nature, you know, and thaaaat motherfucker DIED.

I ate great for a week, though. My Beautiful Ass, and I.

...What? Morals? Mor-als? O-oh! Moral to the story? Uh... I dunno man: Don't have belching contests or one of you will vomit flames.

Now, gimme.

Written By Sunaia

June 4, 2020, 4:10 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

I am sorry that my brother killed your father, High Lord Darren. I am sorry my brother betrayed the Compact. And I realize the impotence of my apologies - since I was not here to try to stop him and am not responsible for his behavior.

I, also, had no part in either and do not condone his behavior.

I have merely mentioned that I knew differently of him at one time.

I'm beginning to regret that I dared express my heart so openly.

Written By Marian

June 4, 2020, 3:52 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

Every birthday of Nia, I read a letter written by my late husband for his daughter. This year she turned six so his words of wisdom were on designing her first steel sword. A fine blade that is more than just training. He gave advice on weighting, a proper pommel and special instructions for the blade master. Each word spoke of his love to her. By the time I choked out the last words, I found the tears in my eyes which I quickly brushed aside so I wouldn't upset her.

A burden of love, to read the words of a man I will never hold in my arms again. I would not forsake this tradition with Nia for the world because these letters are her last connection to him. A way to know this man through his own thoughts. I hope as she grows, she can look at his painting over the mantle and know him.

In the end, she didn't change a thing in his design for her. So from paper to life, that sword now is strapped to side.

Written By Godric

June 4, 2020, 1:35 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

All right - fine, fine. I have a story. Once, when I was far younger - stupider - and real wet behind the ears I heard a story from another old doctor that told me he was called to the bedside of someone from Pridehall that had attended a Mourning Isles feast. This Lord, you see, couldn't stop eating. Apparently he gorged himself on an exotic seafood - eels perhaps, maybe lamprey. I don't remember. He ate against the advice of that old doctor. Then, he complained of stomach pain - took to bed - and died.

Know what the doctor told me then?

No, he said - it wasn't a lamprey. It was an eel. It was a moray.

Written By Rosalind

June 4, 2020, 1:11 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

I attended a garden party a couple days ago. Was so much fun! And then. THEN SCHOLAR...a duel about beards last night! Im not sure the exact cause, but EVERYONE knows that northerners grow the BEST beards! They should all attend the next beards and brew!

Written By Haakon

June 4, 2020, 12:34 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

Scholar, my people have a word for folk who should be dead, if only they had the brains enough to realize it.


"They'd be dead, if they were not so dumb."
I've the sense this word will be on my mind more often, in the future.

Written By Eirene

June 4, 2020, 12:28 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

Returned recently from Caer Morinen (I can never say it right, so just write it as I pronounced it, Scholar) and got high as Lagoma's blazing balls off some kind of blue hallucinogenic substance, which made me think I was seeing tentacle arms and ghosts and demons. It was nice to be able to say 'There's a scientific reason for all of this' for a change. The sky colors and air-turtles were exquisite though.

Written By Eirene

June 4, 2020, 12:24 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

So I told my toddlers I'm going to get a wedding dress made and they had Suggestions (tm).

Idris wants me to wear purple with butterflies holding swords.
Iris wants peacock blue-green (though she calls it Butt-Fan Bird Green) and skull motifs.

I don't know if I can accommodate their requests, but we'll see.

Written By Raymesin

June 4, 2020, 12:01 p.m.(6/2/1013 AR)

When a Highlord and the scum of the earth are united in dislike, Scholar, do you get the feeling someone might have cocked up?

Written By Thea

June 4, 2020, 9:28 a.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

Thank you Lady Mabelle for allowing me to aide in your project. I'm so happy to hear of its success, especially one as important as this. Congratulations to you and House Laurent.

Written By Jael

June 4, 2020, 8:43 a.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

It is impossible to calculate the good that my cousin Belle has done for the Laurent lands and people with her untiring work for the House. As at least one other person has noted here in the Whites, we are lucky to have her.

Written By Ravna

June 4, 2020, 8:33 a.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

Swing from the tree, fifty feet high and you'll know what it's like to be me, yes, I.

Climb the rope, up to the best you'll see who is who, and who is the rest.

They play with knives, swords, axes, daggers, spears - but you can always tell who's seen a friend split ear-to-ear.

I-I bet, you know, they would almost know, if their minds weren't so webby, so chained, so slow.

Gutter, butter, s-s-stutter, cutter. None know the Lowers like a Culler. For the Law of the Land is not the Law of the City, Law of Man will make great things itty-bitty.

So, walk in the mud, and down the brick too. Don't mind the rats who look at you, like you'd do good in a stew. We all have a heart and only a few ever use it, so listen, jackass, when you're warned you could lose it.

Slow, bow, no, show, ain't none of you matter, no matter how you glow. The only law we hear is: The Goods Must Flow. So come on down, we got all the things, don't mind the way the hanging corpses sing for dead men tell no tales and live ones ain't much better but every Culler you see is a legendary Go-Getter.

So pray to your gods, or sing to your devils, we don't care about the good or the evil. It ain't our job, nah, that ain't our show, no, the only thing a Culler cares for is: The Goods Must Flow.

Written By Tyrus

June 4, 2020, 8:32 a.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

I've not written many times of my older brother, Dominic. We were never exceptionally close. He had his beasts, I had my books, and while we would both sail and command men to battle, we did so differently.

He could be difficult to get along with. Yet he was not all bad. I can look back through the years and recall good moments and while they may be fewer than the ones had with some of my other siblings, they nonetheless exist.

Looking back also has me recall the time when we all lived in my uncle's household, and the man himself.

The Old Serpent's shadow lingers still. His mark upon those who grew up in these times still felt to this day. I can't say I have many positive memories. He gave me more leeway than he did others. To count a lesser tyranny as a positive doesn't seem right.

Yet for all that he was, Donrai was not an inhuman monster. He was always human, always with the potential to do good or ill. Humans all have their facets, and it is as much a mistake to ignore an evil man's good sides as it is to pay too much attention to them.

Because if you expect evil to be wholly so, then you will never see it coming until it is too late.

Written By Mabelle

June 4, 2020, 2:27 a.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

Another project reached completion. The teaching hospital named after my mother, the one who taught me all I know about medicine is standing proud in the south of Artshall. It will provide people with the best medical care available as well as an opportunity to learn a new vocation and different approaches to medicine available throughout Avrum. All inclusive.

I am ever grateful for my home and its abundance of resources allowing us to create the best enviorment for our people in the areas we can while striving to constantly keep them safe. I am also grateful for those who have been on my side, aiding me, particularly Baroness Fourtier for building a dream garden to answer all the current and future needs of the hospital as well as Lady Brigid Moore who trusted me with the snippets of Frosthope which we were able to successfully plant and grow.

To all my partners in this: Duchess Nicia, Barons Edward & Kedehern, Lords Naka & Kritr, Princess Gwenna, Ladies Thea & Eirene, Mistresses Rukhnis, Ilsa and Rosalie - Thank you for all your support and assistance and your faith in my ideas.

Finally, to my Duke Cristoph, who entrusted me with the welfare of our people and gives a nod to all my project, big or small, significant or indulgent.

Onwards to the new venture. The list is long!

Written By Iseulet

June 4, 2020, 12:57 a.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

I watched the duel between Lady Catalana and Lord Porter from the window of the Grimhall Longhouse.

And now I see there are beards littering the abandoned square.

It's creepy.

Deeply, deeply creepy.

Written By Tyrus

June 3, 2020, 11:45 p.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

How swiftly does time move, for I to find yet more events I remained unaware of that occurred during my absence.

It's a wonder any of the newer arrivals are able to keep up with not only everything happening, but everything that has happened as well.

Written By Aureth

June 3, 2020, 11:37 p.m.(6/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

"Thembarassment" is a truly excellent word for that feeling of shame you get witnessing the total absence of shame of another. Prince Niklas coined it. Very apropos.

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