Written By Valerian
May 20, 2020, 12:37 a.m.(4/27/1013 AR)
That's why, especially after that rioting and thievery, I was so surprised to be reunited with one of the special heirloom trinkets left to me from my grandmother's estate. It's a comfort to have something from home with everything else so uncertain.
Written By Ophira
May 19, 2020, 11:26 p.m.(4/27/1013 AR)
I champion those who step forward with bold alternatives that provide others means when it looks like the current system is ailing - no one likes to feel like they're backed in a corner, especially when what is backing you into a corner is starvation and idleness.
" Take everything." Even if it's the assistance from those who are willing and able to give it.
Written By Lierre
May 19, 2020, 10 p.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
Written By Azova
May 19, 2020, 9:33 p.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
Mercy and Physician alike are called by our skill and creed to serve others no matter their class or their vocation. While I cannot speak for anyone but myself, I serve without reservation and will continue to do so for love of people and Lagoma. And, I will pray we continue to find common cause as we work to find solutions that ensure nobody goes hungry, and nobody needlessly suffers.
Written By Shard
May 19, 2020, 8:04 p.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
Secondly, this is a stupid fucking question that comes up every single time people start taking criticism from other people over not doing shit, and I'm going to explain why that is in four words: Why. Does. It. Matter? Why does it matter! Why? Because either someone is looking for an excuse for why /they/ don't have to do anything, an excuse for why they only have to do as much as whoever they're challenging, an excuse for how much better /they/ are, or because they are annoyed they were criticized and feel like having some kind of metaphorical sword measuring competition than actually helping.
Who cares what the person who called you out is, or isn't doing? Are they a hypocrite? Sure, alright. So what if they are? That's not an excuse for you not doing something. That's you pointing fingers like a child and whining to your mother that some kid over /there/ doesn't have to feed the horses. Once you're done actually helping as much as you possibly can, come back and yell about the bad mean hypocrites all you want. Stop having tea parties. You know who the people are who don't have tea parties? Usually the people who can't afford to have tea parties.
But sure, fine. Let's do this dumb dance yet again. What am I doing? What have I done? I'm not writing up a fucking list, here's the most recent thing: the Valorous Few are guarding the Craft Hall so that people can get fed. You know what I'm paying my people for this job? Enough to feed their own damned families, because their families are hungry and going without too. They're getting a meal from the Crafters Guild while they work. They're getting money out of the contract for danger, expenses, profit enough to make it worthwhile. You know how much the Valorous Few itself is earning from that contract? Nothing. I charged no overhead. There's not going to be any profit, the Few itself is eating the costs outside of direct pay. /I/ am not getting paid in any way for this job. Why? It sure as fuck isn't to answer stupid questions like this, or to /look/ like I'm charitable or concerned or whatever else. It's /because I don't need it/.
What am I doing? I'm working. Sellswords don't work for free, and yet look at this, I'm working for free. It's because I don't need to buy new armor. I don't need a new sword. I haven't had to worry about eating for years, but I grew up in a situation where starvation was a fucking fact of life. And people don't have to starve in Arx. Or, at least, a whole lot of them don't have to starve if all the people with most of the food and most of the money would stop whining about neo-nobles for half a second and actually pitch in.
I bet most people asking these questions don't know who /is/ actually helping. Because the people doing that aren't bothering to stand around puffing out their chests to talk about how kind and great they are. Marquessa Reigna Keaton worked her fingers to the bone and stayed up all night to save people, she went back the next day, she's probably /still/ over there healing as many people as possible, and she's doing all of that /while pregnant/. And on top of that? Donating silver. And food. Looking for other ways to help out. Oh, what a shock, she's not here in the journals talking about what a giving person she is. She didn't go to that sermon yesterday and mention one damned thing about what she's done. She's probably going to be embarrassed that I mentioned it.
And if you are doing that? Even a fraction of that? If you're doing just about everything you can? Then I'm not talking about you.
Oh yeah, and Sereceni? Stop trying to recruit desperate people in the middle of a fucking crisis, pretending like somehow you're not going to make a bunch of silver from sending them off to risk themselves by being raiders, tilling your fields, working in your mines. Everyone knows where the fuck nobles get their coin from, none of you are fooling anyone, this is no sacrifice whatsoever on your part. You're trying to take advantage for your own gain and nothing else.
Written By Shard
May 19, 2020, 8:02 p.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Drusila
They do also need food.
Written By Ravna
May 19, 2020, 7:30 p.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
What is riddled with holes, stinks and is not cheese? It's slow, inept, yet full of praise. Surface fine, blood blue, do not be mad if you think I speak of you. Haa!
...So, you want a story, Scholar? M'kay, m'kay. No, no. I-I got one, I do, yes. Dozens, even, hahaha. I do. Yes. So, so, sooo...
...So, once, I'da been walkin' on The Road, yeah? Not all that weird. Once I'da been walkin' The Road, right? And maaaaannnn, the rain. The rain wouldn't stop. I was somewhere between Tor and Blancbier I think, you know, and man. MAN. THE RAINS. So like, I go to find shelter, right? Right. Natural thing to do, that.
Come to a farm, no one home. Went to the barn, no one home. So I says, 'Fuck it. You're a Culler, and a Greyback. Let's take a nap!' So's I napped, yeah, probably five hours, maybe six. Wake up, still grey, still fucking rain, and I go to the hay loft - you know the place high up? Go there and make a bed outta some shitty hay, my pack, and my Greyback coat. Now.
How was it then, I did hear the most peculiar thing? But an owl, there watching me, with rust and amber wings? Wiiiide, wide eyes, of midnight black. I heard it whisper, 'Run! Run, and don't come back!'
Well, I mean, fuck it, right? Fuckin' owl. So I drank...and drank, and hurled the bottle at that stupid bird. Then I remember...quiet...cold...not a sound, not a word.
There She was, My Friend, in beautiful snow white. Her veil was down, as always, though never once had I showed fright. "A Game?" She says to me, and I nod my head. It'd been years you know, years, since I had seen My Friend.
Scholar, before me, she did offer the most...beautiful...cards. Not gold, no jewels, just paper painted with tar. I could smell the sea on them, I'll never forget -- the day I played - and won - with a dead sailor's deck.
Hours I think, maybe days, it felt like forever to me that My Friend played me in this Game. But in the end, as before, I won, and she sighed. "Lucky thing." She said. "Ravna, I suppose this is goodbye."
You know how you can feel a person's sadness, and regret? That was this, and I will never, ever forget. Because every time I see her, My Friend, in white or in black, when She loses The Game - for some reason, She is sad.
Now there in the hay I did wake, sleeping off a mean as a Thrax-kind drunk. But the rain, and the grey were gone. Just my luck.
....Hmnn? What do you mean I rhyme? I don't rhyme. No. No, no. Y-you've been drinking my Woel, eh? I do not rhyme. Silly beastly Scholar man.
Written By Iseulet
May 19, 2020, 7:09 p.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
The bed is much colder.
Much less cat hair to contend with.
Feels strange.
Written By Vulpiano
May 19, 2020, 2:48 p.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
Written By Drusila
May 19, 2020, 12:16 p.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
It's not charity that the hungry of Arx need, they need sustainable solutions. They need to know there's a place for them in the machinations of the nobility and not just when it's convenient. Why don't we craft something better?
Written By Nurie
May 19, 2020, 10:54 a.m.(4/26/1013 AR)
Written By Strozza
May 19, 2020, 9:28 a.m.(4/25/1013 AR)
Written By Poppy
May 19, 2020, 6:39 a.m.(4/25/1013 AR)
Hope that food stores didn't get that low. Hope that there was enough food to go around. Hope that something would change. It is what kept me sane when I was young. Hope and work hard and maybe tomorrow will be better.
I won't lie, some of the decadence here throws me. The clothes people wear. How silver is so disposable. But I should not be surprised. The city is for all. The young and old, the poor and rich and on and on. Where there is decadence there is also poverty. Where I have seen great decadence and hedonism, I have also seen generousity beyond my belief and a kindness that renders me speechless.
So with that scholar, I end this rambling. I want to end like I have started. With hope. Hope that we can find a way forward that helps others. Hope that the people go to bed with less fear. Hope that, well, I guess just hope.
Written By Rowenova
May 19, 2020, 4:53 a.m.(4/25/1013 AR)
I certainly agree. I am all for helping out when people are willing to strive for what they want, and work as much as they are reasonably able, while those who work harder than the rest are rewarded for doing so.
I am beyond blessed with a full lab of wonderful assistants, a genius protege, and helpful gardeners. I only hire people who will work. Sometimes, there are those people who are in a rough spot. Helping them out with a little boost is also good, especially if they just need that extra step to finally thrive.
As for the Lowers issue, I wholeheartedly agree with what my liege lord has already written before.
It is unfortunate that people learn envy, but rewarding them during the time when they are being envious only positively reinforces it. Properly planning and specifically timing how you give is equally important.
Just giving (up) to a grouchy jerk because he guilt trips me? Not happening.
Should that outreach program happen, I would be interested in assisting, but until then: if you know someone with an interest in alchemy or gardening who might be barely scraping by or too new to get hired elsewhere but would work, please let them know they can write me.
I have plenty irons in the fire at the Defense Lab. They can watch and learn, and I always have dinner. (Plus, Sir Floppington & Squire Clovis are here for pettening purposes, and we certainly have a good deal of random fun here.)
Written By Dycard
May 18, 2020, 8:04 p.m.(4/24/1013 AR)
I will not pretend to be someone who lives like a pauper, scholar. To have privilege is one thing, to have it and deny its existence spits in the faces of those without it. I am a man of leisure, I enjoy and can afford fine food and drink without much consideration as to the cost, and appreciate a lavish party as much as the next Peer of the Realm. Hedonism has its appeal - if it didn't, we wouldn't indulge in it.
But this is not the time for feasts and parties, for displays of decadence in the capital when a stone's throw away, people question when (or if) their next meal will come.
I am not proposing that the Lords and Ladies of the city tear off their silks and don sack cloth, or that we trade in our every comfort for deliberately stale bread and brackish water. I do not think most of the impoverished in the Lowers are asking this of us, either - we all seek to have our basic needs fulfilled, and with them met, seek to make our lives more comfortable and pleasurable. But I implore anyone who takes an interest in my Whites to, as I was instructed when I plainly asked "How can we help," to give what they can.
Cancel that feast, for now. Reschedule or tone down that wedding. Give what you can, and show solidarity with those less fortunate. When the whirlpool finally ebbs and prosperity flows back into Arx, throw the mother of all parties to celebrate, if you feel the need.
We are in this together. Give what you actually can.
Written By Gwenna
May 18, 2020, 7:06 p.m.(4/24/1013 AR)
Written By Thea
May 18, 2020, 6:20 p.m.(4/24/1013 AR)
Written By Tanith
May 18, 2020, 6:12 p.m.(4/24/1013 AR)
Honestly. There's better metaphors. I know there are.
Written By Cambria
May 18, 2020, 6:04 p.m.(4/24/1013 AR)
After all, as Grandmaster Preston recently wrote himself, the problem is a condition. I would implore anyone reading this particular entry to consider how many acts of charity that they have witnessed, or been part of, during their time in Arx. And what about work programs? Even now, the Crafter's Guild has put out the call that they will hire those in need of employment, or train those who come seeking a new skill. It leads one to wonder if our education system is truly so lacking. Is there truly so little means of gainful employment?
Or is it more?
Members of the Peerage, rightly or wrongly, misguidedly or otherwise, you cannot go on throwing silver at this and assuage your souls and your hearts by claiming you are doing Gild's good work. There is more, much more, and it is much deeper than merely pressing a coin into a palm, or a bowl of soup into a pair of hands. When daily there are submissions into the Whites that lambaste the Peerage, the Peerage should really stop and reflect on this.
I beseech the Crown to lend their ear here, now, in the capital of Arvum, where men and women, young and old, are facing yet another crisis in but a few short years since the last.
Written By Esme
May 18, 2020, 4:54 p.m.(4/24/1013 AR)
As well, I'd like to remind everyone that our paths are our own. We must choose. We must stand by our decisions. We must accept what comes when we make them. However, we are more than one decision. We are more than a slip of forethought. We are blessed. We are loved.
You, my dearest reader, are so loved. You are so unique. Even if you are a twin, you are different people. Different paths. Different experiences. This makes you amazing. Never forget that.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.