Written By Strozza
Feb. 20, 2020, 10:19 a.m.(10/15/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Cambria
Cambria, you're fortunate that I like you.
Written By Strozza
Feb. 20, 2020, 9:03 a.m.(10/15/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Valencia
Don't get me wrong - from even so short a meeting as at the Oyster shucking it proved to be a most enjoyable trait.
Written By Strozza
Feb. 20, 2020, 8:57 a.m.(10/15/1012 AR)
Written By Rysen
Feb. 20, 2020, 12:22 a.m.(10/14/1012 AR)
Is it the case that Writs only exist in the Undying Empire in order to protect its resources from dangers? The ability to change and grow, so well represented in the fires of Lagoma, is smothered by the coercive effects of Writs. What does mean to be "of no use?" Who decides what is useful?
Surely it can be argued that giving up part of one's freedom to the Emperor is better than giving all of one's identity to the Traitor. But what if there's another option? A way that one could have even greater freedom, and share it with others? To find protection in liberation, in the full scope of what it means to be a being that grows and changes and chooses? Is that not the true legacy of the Great Unbound? The most creative weaver? Is that not, perhaps, what we are being offered by the Seraph Prism?
Written By Arik
Feb. 20, 2020, midnight(10/14/1012 AR)
When the Gyre armada sailed on the Mourning Isles and then the Northlands how many tribes of abandoned were visited by the Compact? How much time was diverted from the defense of Darkwater and Stormwall to save these people? Holdings were razed to the ground in that war.
To claim the Compact has not sacrificed for the abandoned is a lie. Common blood, noble blood, silver in the palm has been spent to spare them the threat of the abyss. The Undying Empire doesn't offer anything the Compact does not, save unwavering writ. Though it is anathema to our beliefs an oath can be broken. A choice can be unmade with consequence. No shav kneeling to Jadairal can ever weigh that choice again.
How long will it be before regional shav'arvani dialects are not the sign of the abandoned and Jadairali becomes the cant used by those unlawfully trespassing on our lands?
Written By Lisebet
Feb. 19, 2020, 9:23 p.m.(10.490061590608466/21.443449074074074/1012.790838465884 AR)
I am certain that would make me dizzy.
Written By Zulana
Feb. 19, 2020, 5 p.m.(10.477018849206349/20.713055555555556/1012.7897515707672 AR)
They were offered the same choice the Compact was, with the same condition. For the Great Unbound -- Copper -- defended Arvum against darkness, protecting /all/ who live here; not just those in the Compact, but all of Arvum. For Arvum is far more than merely the Compact, regardless of what your maps like to claim. She considered those 'Abandoned' just as worthy of protection and salvation as the Compact, and the Empire believes no differently. This is why the new province of Tongdjiyi was named in her honor, and with the full approval of its citizens: it means "Legacy of Copper" in Jadairali.
And it was in respect to her and that legacy that the offer was made to the Compact that should you join with the Empire, only those who chose to learn the Art would need take a Writ. Tongdjiyi is the same; only those who choose to start training in the Art -- as what you would call adepts, or mages, or druids -- need take a Writ. Some others have willingly asked for it nonetheless, for it can be a shield when facing the Horned God and his master. One cannot compel you to give up your name -- and your free will -- if you are already bound not to surrender it to the abyss.
Others claim that I -- and the Empire -- see the citizens of Tongdjiyi as nothing but resources to be used. This is half-true.
Yes, the people who have pledged themselves to the Empire here are resources, that much I admit. They are people to be trained as weapons against the Horned God, should they choose to fight. They are people to stay behind and help those who are injured, should they choose to heal. They are people to build a new city, and to keep it running smoothly so the others have a place to come back to.
But I'm no less a resource to my Father. To be a resource is not a bad thing; it means you have value in a greater plan, a bigger picture. I am proud to be a resource. All people can be resources: yours, the people of Tongdjiyi, the people of Daobujin Bo such as myself... even the citizens living in the Black Spire's vile shadow are resources to something.
It is the 'nothing but' which is untrue. Just because you are a resource does not mean you are not also a person. I can be a weapon in my Father's hand to be wielded against the darkness, and still be a person.
Young Emery has become a shining star of the new province -- an aspiring adept whose efforts inspire others, who could easily have found a home among the Children of the Emperor. She has done more than I care to detail to oppose the Horned God. She is unquestionably a valuable resource in this fight, but she is also a person. And one who I have come to respect and call a friend.
I would rather be a person seen as a resource than to be someone seen to have no use. I expect Emery would agree, as would most others in Tongdjiyi training to act in defense of their home and families.
Written By Jael
Feb. 19, 2020, 2:03 p.m.(10.468242807539683/20.221597222222222/1012.7890202339617 AR)
Written By Jules
Feb. 19, 2020, 12:52 p.m.(10.46470486111111/20.02347222222222/1012.7887254050926 AR)
Written By Dycard
Feb. 19, 2020, 8:05 a.m.(10.450516286375661/19.228912037037038/1012.7875430238646 AR)
The Gambit's made port many a time in the past half year, of course - I've spent a fair number of nights ashore here and there, in varying places and varying company - but this is the first time since Spring that I've come ashore with any real intention to stay until the next morning.
Why I've come back feels as ambiguous and murky - and yet, as inevitable - as the reason I left in the first place. The open ocean called until I could ignore it no longer, and the solitude (to the extent that one's ever alone on a cramped vessel with two score of crew, anyway) was welcome, but it could only ever have been temporary.
I've got duties to attend to, for my family, for the Isles - and some personal affairs to dig into that can't really be explored leagues away from civilisation.
I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to some fairer company. The Gambit's a reliable old girl with whom I've been through a lot, and my crew have their charm, but I have missed spending time with individuals for whom personal hygiene isn't a novel concept.
So, here's to new beginnings. The tide goes out, the tide comes in.
Written By Rysen
Feb. 19, 2020, 1:43 a.m.(10.431537698412699/18.16611111111111/1012.7859614748677 AR)
Relationship Note on Alarissa
We eat a great deal of seafood in Stormwall. I was raised on cod and mackerel - even shark on occasion, but the cuisine of the Mourning Isles is something entirely different. Lady Catalana Kennex insisted, surely for the benefit of expanding my palate, that I try eel eye. I found it to be quite a delicacy - one that surely must not be overindulged in order to preserve its unique texture and flavor. Indeed, I believe it's taste so exquisite, that once in a lifetime will surely suffice.
Lady Catalana's great generosity was noticed by the Princess-Consort of Maelstrom, who showed me the greatest favor, by introducing me to an Island tradition. I was presented with a bucket of saltwater in which floated several small octopi. Princess Alarissa kindly offered me the following instruction: "bite them before they bite you," and "afterward drown them in rum." I remember little after finishing off the bucket, but the rum of House Thrax is second only to the company at its tables, and with a bit of Rukhnis's hangover tea, I can say that the next morning left me with happy, if partial, memories and only the slightest headache.
Written By Aureth
Feb. 18, 2020, 11:03 p.m.(10.42366691468254/17.725347222222222/1012.7853055762235 AR)
Relationship Note on Aleksei
Written By Thea
Feb. 18, 2020, 9:21 p.m.(10.418597470238096/17.441458333333333/1012.7848831225199 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
Written By Teagan
Feb. 18, 2020, 8:47 p.m.(10.416888227513228/17.34574074074074/1012.784740685626 AR)
Relationship Note on Baelor
Written By Dianna
Feb. 18, 2020, 8:25 p.m.(10.41580646494709/17.285162037037036/1012.7846505387456 AR)
Written By Shard
Feb. 18, 2020, 2:58 p.m.(10.399592427248677/16.377175925925926/1012.7832993689374 AR)
Relationship Note on Arik
The Undying Empire has a foothold on Arvum in part because of the danger presented by the Horned Butcher and his followers, but it also has one precisely because of the Compact's old and also extremely recent history with both the Abandoned and Prodigals. This is not the sort of thing that gets solved by even more killing, and nobody in their right mind thinks we can go to war with the Undying Empire and ultimately come out on top.
Written By Aleksei
Feb. 18, 2020, 2:02 p.m.(10.396842757936508/16.223194444444445/1012.783070229828 AR)
Also my dog.
I absolutely don't blame them.
Written By Tanith
Feb. 18, 2020, 1:38 p.m.(10.395697751322752/16.159074074074073/1012.7829748126102 AR)
Written By Mabelle
Feb. 18, 2020, 1:25 p.m.(10.395039682539682/16.12222222222222/1012.782919973545 AR)
Relationship Note on Lottie
I bought half the stock but if you hurry there might be some left.
Written By Lucita
Feb. 18, 2020, 12:41 p.m.(10.392859209656084/16.000115740740743/1012.7827382674714 AR)
Sometimes it seems like a puzzle, many parts to handle, to figure out, twist and turn. Some pieces rely on other parts to be set into place first before they can be set where they belong. It does not mean they are forgotten but set to the side to be as the place they are to be set is prepared. Still other pieces are for use even later, but eventually they all fit together.
I only hope someone is not hiding or hoarding or lost pieces of the puzzles we need to figure them out.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.