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Written By Jourdain

Feb. 15, 2020, 1:13 p.m.(10.180296792328042/11.09662037037037/1012.765024732694 AR)

Relationship Note on Drake

Cousin, I will take your very important advice on the very important matter we discussed to heart.

Written By Sebastian

Feb. 15, 2020, 1:04 p.m.(10.179873098544974/11.07289351851852/1012.7649894248788 AR)

Relationship Note on Athaur

I have never more looked forward to a match than for you to face my Thorns challenge again, my lord.

I'll bring an extra bottle of wine to either toast you... or for you to drown your sorrows in.

Written By Martino

Feb. 15, 2020, 10:28 a.m.(10.172187913359789/10.642523148148149/1012.76434899278 AR)

Relationship Note on Jules

Delight of a meeting with the Messere while having my servants measure the training ring for the tournament. While they took tape and made marks upon the sand so a new grandstand could be built - conversation swirled on a daring delight of an opportunity to bring Messere Jules' fine wares and Company down to Southport. To begin in the new dockside being planned.

Written By Martino

Feb. 15, 2020, 9:43 a.m.(10.169948330026456/10.51710648148148/1012.7641623608355 AR)

What a busy week that seems to have not stopped. From writing agreements to open trading relations with Houses to finding the perfect frame to have my first victorious adventure hung on display in Malvici Hall.

As well as planning a delightfully Lycene arms tournament.

It cannot be claimed that these hands ever go idle.

Written By Lucita

Feb. 15, 2020, 8:57 a.m.(10.167682291666667/10.390208333333334/1012.7639735243056 AR)

If I hurry, there is time for more trips to Saikland before fall passes and winter sets in. There are a few lingering tasks need seeing to, a map to follow, some forbidding stones to examine, some land to explore. If I hurry... fast enough. There always seems to be a shortage of time and sometimes of energy.

Written By Jules

Feb. 15, 2020, 3:13 a.m.(10.15059482473545/9.433310185185185/1012.762549568728 AR)

Had a delightful day today. Spent time with Lady Mikani and Zoey and then had time on the beach and had unexpected company there. All around excellent time.

Written By Natalia

Feb. 15, 2020, 1:33 a.m.(10.145658895502645/9.156898148148148/1012.7621382412918 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

I discovered today that I am actually not terrible at stones. I don't think I've gotten any better, though. You'd still win.

I miss you.

Written By Jules

Feb. 14, 2020, 8:12 p.m.(10.12972056878307/8.264351851851853/1012.7608100473985 AR)

If I could marry anyone in all the compact, I wonder whom I should pick. Given my limited value, I wonder what my options are?

Written By Teagan

Feb. 14, 2020, 3:55 p.m.(10.116961805555556/7.549861111111111/1012.7597468171297 AR)

The project is complete. The Direhorns of Cloudspine are ready. It has been deemed, by those who know these things best -- my cousin Estelle and Duchess Fianna -- that they will never serve as mounts, but they will be a staunch ally in battle... at least to those that can manage them.

Written By Rosalind

Feb. 14, 2020, 12:33 p.m.(10.10695849867725/6.989675925925926/1012.7589132082231 AR)

It's getting cooler outside! I'm so EXCITED!

Written By Porter

Feb. 14, 2020, 8:25 a.m.(10.094678406084656/6.301990740740741/1012.7578898671737 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

My gods, woman. That was one of the greatest performances I've ever witnessed. In my entire life. I look forward to another outing with yourself and Dame Bree.

Written By Porter

Feb. 14, 2020, 8:24 a.m.(10.094584986772487/6.296759259259259/1012.757882082231 AR)

Relationship Note on Bree

It's always great to meet someone who can laugh big, knock back an entire tankard of ale and wear possibly one of the greatest hats in the entire Compact.

Written By Colette

Feb. 14, 2020, 4:51 a.m.(10.084028604497355/5.705601851851852/1012.7570023837081 AR)

Why is summer always ending so quickly?

Written By Mabelle

Feb. 14, 2020, 2:18 a.m.(10.076460813492064/5.281805555555556/1012.7563717344576 AR)

I ordered milk today. In a bar. I think it is time to visit Lenosia again.

In my defense though, those cookies were terribly dense!

Written By Strozza

Feb. 14, 2020, 12:19 a.m.(10.070531167328042/4.949745370370371/1012.7558775972774 AR)

It's good to be free, and know others that can understand the meaning of such freedom. Bonded, yet unfettered.

And I had intended to make the next thirty days dedication to foul moods.

Written By Tanith

Feb. 14, 2020, 12:06 a.m.(10.06989666005291/4.914212962962964/1012.755824721671 AR)

Twenty seven bottles of beer on the wall, twenty seven bottles of beer.
Took one down, passed it around? Now there's ...

...shit, where was I?

Written By Athaur

Feb. 14, 2020, 12:02 a.m.(10.069706101190476/4.9035416666666665/1012.7558088417659 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebastian

So. I see that we shall once again face each other in noble conflict. I have prepared myself for whatever havoc you intend to unleash.

You will not be so successful this time.

Written By Torian

Feb. 13, 2020, 11:28 p.m.(10.068038607804233/4.810162037037037/1012.7556698839837 AR)

Relationship Note on Mayir

Mayir, you'll get the better of me next time round I'm sure.

Truth be told, to you or any who take the time to read these journals amongst all others now or in years to come, both our families are engaged in the business of shipping and moving goods about and that business has been kind to both.

So in honesty what does a merchant family do with three ships? We carry food and other goods to those that need them, and in time if Magnata and Gild be kind, we may acquire more ships or we may not.

We can only hope that history will show the rising tides lifts all our boats, and that the common folk of the lowers can enjoy success together.

Written By Esme

Feb. 13, 2020, 9:26 p.m.(10.06198330026455/4.471064814814815/1012.755165275022 AR)

Love is freedom. It does not oppress with chains. It does not hold envy. It does not wish tears and pain. It is the freedom of all of that. It allows people to come and go as they would choose to do. Some people we love for a moment and others for a lifetime. We offer only restrictions that are gone into without blinders.

I have felt the joy of first blooms of love.
I have felt the betrayal of lies in love's name.
I have felt the burden of loss when the love was no longer there.

But I have always been grateful for the love. It does not matter if it was the love of family, of friend, or of lover. Just the love. It is not that you set it free, it is that you are free within it. Love is not a game of conquering. It is not a game at all. Love is lightness in the darkness around us. It is also work. It is also understanding. So love the people around you and be grateful for those that love you.

Written By Esme

Feb. 13, 2020, 9:26 p.m.(10.061982473544974/4.471018518518519/1012.7551652061287 AR)

Love is freedom. It does not oppress with chains. It does not hold envy. It does not wish tears and pain. It is the freedom of all of that. It allows people to come and go as they would choose to do. Some people we love for a moment and others for a lifetime. We offer only restrictions that are gone into without blinders.

I have felt the joy of first blooms of love.
I have felt the betrayal of lies in love's name.
I have felt the burden of loss when the love was no longer there.

But I have always been grateful for the love. It does not matter if it was the love of family, of friend, or of lover. Just the love. It is not that you set it free, it is that you are free within it. Love is not a game of conquering. It is not a game at all. Love is lightness in the darkness around us. It is also work. It is also understanding. So love the people around you and be grateful for those that love you.

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