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Written By Sudara

Feb. 9, 2020, 8:10 p.m.(9.669083167989418/24.468657407407406/1012.7224235973324 AR)

What a privilege it is to not only witness but play some small part in a remarkable accomplishment every now and then. The work done by and for the Lodge of Petrichor has been quite astonishing, and I earnestly hope that it will be of assistance to people throughout the Compact. And in this first flush of the news... I don't think that I have ever been so widely recognised in the streets of Arx!

Written By Baelor

Feb. 9, 2020, 8:03 p.m.(9.668761987433863/24.450671296296292/1012.7223968322861 AR)

Relationship Note on Adalyn

Raw egg, fish sauce, red pepper sauce, black pepper and salt.

Don't you dare add tomato juice.

Written By Baelor

Feb. 9, 2020, 8:03 p.m.(9.668723544973545/24.44851851851852/1012.7223936287478 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

The Gold Order has many fine individuals, and Dame Leola must surely be prized at the top of the list.

Written By Baelor

Feb. 9, 2020, 7:59 p.m.(9.66856109457672/24.439421296296295/1012.7223800912147 AR)

The wool has been pulled over the eyes of House Keaton. They believe things that are not true.

I did not plan nor ask for the Keaton Summer Celebration.

Written By Nina

Feb. 9, 2020, 7:45 p.m.(9.667848875661376/24.399537037037035/1012.7223207396385 AR)

Today I got my best new dress on and went out to have my first real noble ball experience! It was a little bit scary. If it wasn't for the fact that I met a few people at poetry night I would have been overwhelmed by everything!

At first I thought perhaps I would be totally outclassed, but everyone was so nice and kind. And being able to tell a story does come in handy!

Written By Brigida

Feb. 9, 2020, 6:33 p.m.(9.664258019179893/24.19844907407407/1012.7220215015983 AR)

Relationship Note on Rosalie

It was a honour to be present at the Godsworn vows of Rosalie and to be there when she joined the Faith as Sister Rosalie.

She will do us all proud.

Written By Brigida

Feb. 9, 2020, 6:31 p.m.(9.664169560185185/24.19349537037037/1012.7220141300154 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

You did well Leola. Very well indeed and you are an inspiration to what those who worship Petrichor should aspire to.

Written By Hamish

Feb. 9, 2020, 6:24 p.m.(9.663836392195767/24.17483796296296/1012.7219863660163 AR)

Hope is like water.

You absolutely need it to survive.

But you shouldn't try to live on it.

Written By Breidaia

Feb. 9, 2020, 5:57 p.m.(9.662488839285714/24.099375000000002/1012.7218740699404 AR)

I have signed up to assist house Crovane with transporting refugees back to Stormwall and their lands. It will be nice to be back aboard a ship again and sailing upon the seas. I am hopeful that any troubles we encounter at sea are those that we can easily manage, and find our way out of.

Written By Jourdain

Feb. 9, 2020, 5:33 p.m.(9.661314897486772/24.03363425925926/1012.7217762414572 AR)

Relationship Note on Bianca

There are times I greatly suspect she is up to something.

Written By Leola

Feb. 9, 2020, 5:22 p.m.(9.660741567460317/24.001527777777774/1012.7217284639551 AR)

To those who may read this (and I suspect more than a few will, as it is a somewhat grand occasion, as even I'll admit, for once), I apologise. I'm not the best spoken of individuals, and I can write, but don't ask me to write a speech. That's what this requires, though. So. To those who read it now; yell at me. To those who might read it in the future; I'm so sorry, you deserved a better class of farmer.

Perhaps I've given you one.

The Lodge of Petrichor has spread across the land. What was originally a seed of an idea, of a way to help the Compact enjoy the blessings of Petrichor and enforce his word of Dominion, has become a reality in ways I barely ever dreamed was possible. My desk is filling up with missives and reports and requests from half a dozen domains, all across the Compact, and I am smiling as I respond, as my assistants, Lindsey and Innozentia, annotate and reply and bring things to my attention, that I barely had time to write a journal for the future. I was reminded it was my duty to Vellichor, and so, here it is.

For a thousand years, the Compact has been slowly beaten back. I do not apologise for saying this. We have faced terror after terror, threat after threat, and our history is one of remarkable tenacity. I think of all I know of history and I want to weep, but instead, I turn my tears to a better use. We have lost so much of Arvum, as we have been Abandoned by those who once swore oaths with us. We have lost so much of our history. The Lodge of Petrichor, if it does nothing else, will be attempting to reverse this.

We will, of course, offer our aid across the Compact. We do this already. We teach agricultural techniques to farmers. We'll help their animals and breed fine lineages and bloodlines for them, to better feed our people. What might be our most telling achievement, though, is our hunters. We know the woods, and the wild places still are so dark, and so dangerous. Tonight, in many places, they are safer than they've been in many years, many decades, perhaps centuries. We are watching, and we will make the Compact safe. We will protect the people of Arvum.

This is the word of Dominion.

Written By Tarik

Feb. 9, 2020, 5:18 p.m.(9.660543568121692/23.990439814814813/1012.7217119640102 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Well, Shard is Shard. I would love to call her my friend, but I also would love to have a million silver in the bank too.

Written By Estil

Feb. 9, 2020, 5 p.m.(9.6596626984127/23.941111111111113/1012.7216385582011 AR)

It has been wonderful to have projects to work on, it seems soon we will be heading to the new island we have secured for Navegant. I admit I am curious to find out what all is there on land. The pragmatist in me, knows there will be a lot of work and trouble ahead for us as we work to settle the island.

Written By Shae

Feb. 9, 2020, 4:57 p.m.(9.659496114417989/23.931782407407404/1012.7216246762015 AR)

Relationship Note on Kedehern

Twelve is way too many, perhaps four or six. And if you truly want twelve or, a nice baker's dozen, we can adopt.

Written By Estil

Feb. 9, 2020, 4:53 p.m.(9.659329117063493/23.922430555555557/1012.7216107597553 AR)

Relationship Note on Skapti

You shall have to come by soon and pick out a new book to read, and allow us a chance to discuss the one that you just finished.

Written By Sunaia

Feb. 9, 2020, 4:39 p.m.(9.658630952380953/23.883333333333333/1012.721552579365 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaia

It's good to adventure with one's best friend. It's been too long and we should do it more often.

Notes for Future Adventures:

* Teach Lord Martino to swim a little [the previous is crossed out] lot better.
* Improve my armor.
* Snorkeling tubes were useless.

Written By Allegra

Feb. 9, 2020, 4:19 p.m.(9.657649222883597/23.828356481481478/1012.7214707685737 AR)

Out I go into the world, oh joy. To a ball, of all things. As I can't dance and I understand reading in the corner is frowned upon, I shall have to find someone witty to keep me company. Or plenty of good wine with which to occupy myself.

Written By Anisha

Feb. 9, 2020, 4:17 p.m.(9.657526041666667/23.821458333333332/1012.7214605034723 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

It is a stunning realisation to have, knowing you have been part of creating history.

I shouldn't be surprised, really. Dame Leola Allenatore, Paladin of Groves, Daughter of the Woods, Rider of Whale and Porpoise...

Really, I could go on for hours listing her accomplishments, and still have a ways to go.

Since coming to Arx, we've shared a bond, I'm proud to say. My love for the gods is deep, and working with the Dame was pleasing to me. And it culminated in this. Months of trips, speaking to varied folk. Convincing lieges to allow the use of their land. Watching the construction, hearing the word "Leolan Lodge".

Hearing the speculations.

Dame Leola Allenatore has become immortal, in a way. Her legend and touch on the compact will echo for generations. And all the people who aided her, whose lives she touched and touched her in turn, have my gratitude.

Now I need to start working on a design for a memorial statue commemorating the project.

Written By Katryn

Feb. 9, 2020, 4:12 p.m.(9.657290013227513/23.808240740740743/1012.7214408344356 AR)

Relationship Note on Bianca

Your generosity has been blessed by the hand of Gloria herself! Or, at least, a tiny glimmer of radiance has been shared with me. I am eager to show you the final result!

Written By Lucita

Feb. 9, 2020, 3:33 p.m.(9.655333581349206/23.698680555555555/1012.7212777984457 AR)

Relationship Note on Porter

Forgettable? Me? Harrumph. Well, maybe due to the circumstances that is excusable 'this' time. Too much glitter flecks must have blurred your vision, along with several glasses of rum. All is forgiven though after the kind escort home from the shrines.

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