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Written By Mabelle

Feb. 12, 2020, 6:13 a.m.(9.945263723544974/32.93476851851852/1012.7454386436287 AR)

I would often discard things because I think they have not to do with me. Bits of information archived in the back of my head. Until I realize they do.

Written By Sabine

Feb. 11, 2020, 11:05 p.m.(9.924024057539683/31.74534722222222/1012.7436686714616 AR)

We depart soon for a festival in Iriscal, a week of celebration and giving thanks for our success, our prosperity. Iriscal, the March once again. Constantin will be presented to his people for the first time as their future Marquis. Cosimo will have to make a speech, and Nurie will have her first public appearance as one of my ministers. There will be frolicking... there had better be frolicking, for how much silver this costs me. A worthwhile investment but an expensive one.

Would that I left Arx smiling but I find myself incapable of late. I am triumphant... but I cannot celebrate. I have no words to describe this mood I've fallen into. The only words I have are "I do not like this". And I don't.

Written By Esme

Feb. 11, 2020, 8:07 p.m.(9.915308779761904/31.257291666666667/1012.7429423983135 AR)

I keep trying to figure out something to write and strangely have no words. I have tried to compose them and then they are just doodles with a pen that I'm supposed to be writing with.

I have enjoyed reading of others adventures though.

Remember, you are all so very loved.

Written By Esme

Feb. 11, 2020, 8:07 p.m.(9.915307953042328/31.25724537037037/1012.7429423294202 AR)

I keep trying to figure out something to write and strangely have no words. I have tried to compose them and then they are just doodles with a pen that I'm supposed to be writing with.

I have enjoyed reading of others adventures though.

Remember, you are all so very loved.

Written By Strozza

Feb. 11, 2020, 7:55 p.m.(9.914685846560847/31.22240740740741/1012.7428904872135 AR)

Relationship Note on Selene

A gift of a coat to be worn at the high seas - truly I am understood. Thank you.

Written By Torian

Feb. 11, 2020, 7:48 p.m.(9.914372933201058/31.20488425925926/1012.7428644111001 AR)

Relationship Note on Mayir

I have heard from Mayir that some are questioning the success of the Culler Mercantile, bringing three caravels into our enterprise.

That is fair enough. We /have/ achieved heights that even many Mercantiles have not.

But look at it this way: The Cullers will be known as Arx's premier marine logistics provider. It would be damaging to our reputation to NOT have three caravels to meet our clients' needs.

So don't hate us; hire us.

Messengers always welcome.

Written By Dianna

Feb. 11, 2020, 5:13 p.m.(9.803031994047618/24.969791666666666/1012.7335859995039 AR)

Sometimes, I just want to write you little notes and tell you how much I [REDACTED] you.

Particularly as I very much [REDACTED] this - though it's somewhat nice, the idea of [REDACTED] you, seeing how well you actually understand my words, my meanings, my intent.

I wonder what you'd think if we started dribbling [REDACTED], if you'd find yourself stronger from the effort or so very much weaker.

Some still think they're safer in [REDACTED].

Written By Rysen

Feb. 11, 2020, 2:50 p.m.(9.795949074074073/24.57314814814815/1012.7329957561728 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

The Boast

O fie! Fie on you bejeweled combs and pins
Of alaricite, or star iron rich!
With all your gaudy, pompous luster bright -
Never will rest in hair of Glory's knight!

While I, though of soft silk in blooming pink,
Do to a fall of purest gold yet cling.
While you at seasons end are cast aside,
I with my knight to holy battle ride!

You boast expensive jewels that richly gleam?
Only till you are junked, and they redeemed.
So silence! Give your snobbish airs a rest,
And weep that Jayus me has highest blest!

For while you rust, I for all history
Will be named with peerless Princess Reese!

Written By Jules

Feb. 11, 2020, 1:27 p.m.(9.791844824735449/24.34331018518518/1012.7326537353946 AR)

I finished helping the duke and am moving on to other projects. The question is who or what to help first and most?

Written By Tanith

Feb. 11, 2020, 11:07 a.m.(9.784877645502645/23.953148148148145/1012.7320731371252 AR)

Murder cabinet has been restocked. Whiskey's back on the shelves and kegs have been doubly secured. Nothing's gonna be served in glass for a spell yet, so it's metal and horn for a while, though I don't think anyone I serve on the regular's gonna be the pretentious sort to turn their nose up at anything not served in glass.

Written By Otho

Feb. 11, 2020, 10:36 a.m.(9.783349867724867/23.867592592592594/1012.7319458223104 AR)

Sending my smoke a-dancing, through the latticework and out the window -- this is a fine tobacco, procured at a finer price. My boots are drying by the fire, but they're taking their time at it - just poked around the soles and they're wetter than an otter's pocket. Ho-hum; there's worse ways to pass the time than burning a good bowl of cavendish.

Written By Mayir

Feb. 11, 2020, 10:05 a.m.(9.781813822751323/23.781574074074072/1012.7318178185626 AR)

Relationship Note on Torian

/Three/ caravels? /Three/? What do you even /do/ with three caravels?


Written By Miranda

Feb. 11, 2020, 8:13 a.m.(9.776264467592593/23.470810185185186/1012.7313553722994 AR)

Having a positive attitude and feeling that we are more than we know seems to make people nervous.

I'm not sure why believing in oneself and Arvum as a people would somehow be a detriment.

Grumpy-Pants. They're all around me.

Written By Drea

Feb. 11, 2020, 4:40 a.m.(9.765679563492064/22.878055555555555/1012.7304732969577 AR)

Darren and Donella are so well aware just how I adore my grandchildren. Each is a miracle that calls to my heart and I spend every moment that I can with my little ones. I tell them the stories of the North, the Gods and the Spirits that are common in the Northlands. These stories pass on our heritage and remind us who we are and what our purpose is. Little Dacien, you are adored.

Written By Nina

Feb. 10, 2020, 9:24 p.m.(9.744044312169311/28.666481481481483/1012.7286703593475 AR)

I am so very thrilled to pass my auditions and be welcomed to the Bard's College! This is going to open up a new chapter for me as I can spread my song to everyone around the city.

I may already have my first assignment too.

But I also have a commission I must finish. Grateful that life has been busy since I arrived!

Written By Tyrus

Feb. 10, 2020, 7:29 p.m.(9.738343667328042/28.347245370370374/1012.7281953056107 AR)

Genevieve would always be the first I saw on the docks upon my return. Even when I was still learning to sail, she would prove to be a constant and encouraging presence. Later on, she would insist that I take her with me when I'd go out on my own or with my crew, even when she had other tasks that needed to be done. My sister knew that I'd accept in the end, for while I shared my passion for reading with Sylvi, Genevieve was the one with whom I shared the most nights looking up to the heavens to gaze at the stars.

And few places can fill one with more wonder than the night sky above the open sea, with not a terrestrial light to spoil the view.

My mind plays tricks on me even now. She has been dead for years, my isolation the only reason why it still feels so recent. Yet as I wander the deck of my ship during one of these star-filled nights, I'll still catch a glimpse of her. An echo of a memory. Just as I'll think I can see her waiting for me at the docks. A ghost that only I can see, gone in an instant.

I wish we had more time. I wish there had been more time. I wish... this time was different.

But some things cannot be changed.

Written By Kedehern

Feb. 10, 2020, 6:10 p.m.(9.734429150132275/28.12803240740741/1012.7278690958443 AR)

Relationship Note on Shae

I think three to five sounds a good number, in truth.

Written By Shae

Feb. 10, 2020, 4:25 p.m.(9.72922619047619/27.83666666666667/1012.727435515873 AR)

I'm so delighted and excited by all the work that many have done for the Lodge of Petrichor, working to help expanded the Lodge throughout the Compact. Getting to be a part of this project has been a great honor, and one I am feel blessed to have had. I'm excited for the Lodge that been built in Artshall. I hope to continue to help build others throughout the Oathlands.

Written By Shard

Feb. 10, 2020, 4:01 p.m.(9.728017939814816/27.769004629629627/1012.7273348283179 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

The Abandoned do not call themselves 'Abandoned' because /they/ broke /their/ oaths.

That aside, I don't understand. People want to be safe, I get that. But wild places are not safe places; that's why they're wild places. This promise doesn't sit well with me. Are you trying to fill up every single spot in Arvum so that there simply aren't any wild places any longer? Nothing but endless farms and fences and walls and cities? That won't make you safe either. If the wild places are gone, the things that lived in the wild places won't have any place to live except alongside you.

Written By Rysen

Feb. 10, 2020, 12:36 p.m.(9.71788029100529/27.2012962962963/1012.7264900242504 AR)

Relationship Note on Ryhalt

Though I could not be present I am grateful to Duke Ryhalt and Lady Mabelle for hosting a poetry competition in Bold Espressions. Coffee is a most excellent subject for poetry, and I was delighted to hear that Nina, Scout Rowenova, and Lord Strozza performed their brilliant verse.

They tell me Duke Ryhalt performed my poem with great eloquence, far surpassing that of its author. Though I must now see if Rukhnis can treat deep wounds to my pride, I am very happy the duke found it worthy of recitation.

For those of us who chase the laurel crown of poetic fame, such events are a true joy of life. I only wish I could have been there in person. One day, perhaps, my verse will reach the ear and heart of His Majesty King Alaric IV, and my dream of becoming the Court Poet of Arvum will be a reality. Then truly would my promise to Gianna Whisper be fulfilled. Until then, my muse and I continue to draw our inspiration from Nature and all our fellow poets to please whatever audiences we may find.

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