Written By Lucene
Feb. 9, 2020, 2:03 p.m.(9.650885003306879/23.449560185185184/1012.720907083609 AR)
"Some must suffer so that others will not, my girl. Those with privilege, wealth and power have a moral obligation to be the ones to shoulder that burden.
You should never stand by and do nothing.
Even the times where you feel that you can do nothing, you can still suffer. Suffer at the injustice of the world and suffer with others so that they do not feel hopelessly alone.
Suffer loudly, suffer proudly."
When I was younger, I believed his words to be literal, but now that I am older I realise that I was wrong. Leave it to my old man to make the mere act of helping others in need sound so melodramatic.
Written By Rosalind
Feb. 9, 2020, 12:01 p.m.(9.644847056878307/23.111435185185186/1012.7204039214065 AR)
Written By Tanith
Feb. 9, 2020, noon(9.644766451719576/23.106921296296292/1012.72039720431 AR)
Written By Bianca
Feb. 9, 2020, 11:29 a.m.(9.6432457010582/23.021759259259262/1012.7202704750882 AR)
Relationship Note on Briseis
At the very least I think she'll do wonders for Jourdain. He needs someone to drag him out of his comfort zone.
And oh! We have so much to discuss. I should go and find a selection of reading materials to go over for next we meet. I wonder how acquainted she is with the works of Scholar Fenton Mulley...
Written By Bianca
Feb. 9, 2020, 10:42 a.m.(9.64090236441799/22.890532407407406/1012.7200751970348 AR)
But there are times where we must stand firm, or step aside. Where we give ground, or refuse to yield, and face the consequences of our choices head on.
I, for one, choose to stand firm.
Written By Skapti
Feb. 9, 2020, 10:07 a.m.(9.639172453703704/22.79365740740741/1012.7199310378087 AR)
Relationship Note on Estil
Written By Catalana
Feb. 9, 2020, 5:17 a.m.(9.62477802579365/21.987569444444446/1012.7187315021495 AR)
I have packed away all glass and valuables.
Restocked the liquor cabinet.
Hidden all flammable materials.
Re-hung the portrait.
Encouraged best behavior and no nudity.
Surely no sheningans can occur with this level of preparedness?Can it?
Written By Hadrian
Feb. 9, 2020, 12:23 a.m.(9.61020626653439/21.171550925925928/1012.7175171888779 AR)
Why is it that Arvum is poised to fall in one direction or another? While I understand that the general idea of the conversation is less about the demise of Arvum and more specifically our Compact (see what I did there?) but nothing more than a simple phrase to indicate choices laid before us. Still that word stood out to me. Fall. Why not what's the next step that Arvum will take? Why not which direction will Arvum go now? Arvum does stand upon a precipice and while falling is an option, it's not the only one ahead of us.
Arvum has many choices ahead of it still. Our very own Compact still has many choices and opportunities ahead of it. Arvum shouldn't fall, but Arvum should step toward a future that has greater understanding. Arvum does stand on a precipice where it can show itself to be a mature, sensible nation. Frequently the occupants of it are seen as little more than squabbling children and when presented with the possibility to show itself otherwise, it must responsibly answer that call not only for itself but the future of it and all those who will someday call it home.
A hand offered in friendship should rarely be slapped away. Pride is a good thing, but too much of it can corrupt. It is my hope that Arvum will not fall, but will step in a direction that will someday allow it to recognize friend from foe and foe from friend. It can stand strong, yet still have friends. It has in the past and some day it will again. So many turn their minds beyond the shores of Arvum and think everyone beyond it is an enemy. Our own history has taught us that there are those who are not born of Arvum that buck the traditions of their homelands and seek friendship without the expectation of chains.
I like to think that Arvum will not fall in one direction or another. I like to believe that instead it will march into its future with responsible pride, weathered and experienced, but upright and intact.
Written By Hadrian
Feb. 8, 2020, 11:57 p.m.(9.608909556878308/21.098935185185184/1012.7174091297398 AR)
So often we call our collective the Compact. Rarely do we refer to it as our Compact. Not that it's some critical difference that most would ever consider worth consideration, yet here I am.
Idle thoughts best reserved for idle discussions at the Empirical, I suppose.
Written By Allegra
Feb. 8, 2020, 11:55 p.m.(9.608834325396826/21.09472222222222/1012.7174028604497 AR)
Relationship Note on Sebastian
Written By Thea
Feb. 8, 2020, 10:38 p.m.(9.604994626322751/20.879699074074075/1012.7170828855269 AR)
Relationship Note on Martino
Written By Otho
Feb. 8, 2020, 5:34 p.m.(9.589940889550265/20.036689814814814/1012.7158284074625 AR)
Written By Gwenna
Feb. 8, 2020, 5:15 p.m.(9.588958746693121/19.981689814814814/1012.7157465622245 AR)
Written By Evaristo
Feb. 8, 2020, 5:04 p.m.(9.588425512566138/19.951828703703704/1012.7157021260472 AR)
Written By Helena
Feb. 8, 2020, 5 p.m.(9.588218832671958/19.940254629629628/1012.7156849027226 AR)
I am so happy that the hard work of all those involved has paid off and I hope that it truly helps to unite our peoples in ever more productive ways.
Written By Evonleigh
Feb. 8, 2020, 4:56 p.m.(9.588019593253968/19.929097222222225/1012.7156682994379 AR)
Relationship Note on Ida
Written By Brigid
Feb. 8, 2020, 3:21 p.m.(9.583300677910053/19.664837962962963/1012.7152750564925 AR)
Relationship Note on Aedric
Thankfully, we seem to be of the same mind in our views of the world and so I find myself glad that he has washed in with the tide.
Written By Svana
Feb. 8, 2020, 1:36 p.m.(9.578100198412699/19.37361111111111/1012.714841683201 AR)
Written By Harlex
Feb. 8, 2020, 1:30 p.m.(9.577842261904761/19.359166666666667/1012.714820188492 AR)
I considered the individuality of each leaf on a tree and their similarities and how those few traits unique to each can be fascinating but ultimately meaningless.
In the end it isn't the leaf but the tree which it has fallen from or resides attached that matters.
And even this one tree which contains so much abundant life is one of many in the forest. Things went outward from this thought and I'm uncertain if there's a conclusion.
We understand so little. Extraordinary and pathetic all at once. Loud in our lives and quiet to the greater whole of existence.
That even the worst horror comitted by the wickedest demon is a disturbance, a rattle, against a greater scope. A concern only to the tree of which it occurs. Its sound barely a whisper when it reaches far off trees on the outskirts.
These thoughts too are futile. They lead me to nothing. As an animal to it's own reflection. A momentary awareness of more before the hunt continues. So it goes.
Written By Ophelia
Feb. 8, 2020, 1 p.m.(9.576316550925926/19.273726851851855/1012.7146930459105 AR)
Relationship Note on Leola
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.