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Written By Tarik

Feb. 16, 2020, 3:27 p.m.(10.258323412698413/8.466111111111111/1012.7715269510581 AR)

There is so much to do before next Spring. I really have no idea where to start. I think the first thing is to get some new clothes for the winter. I probably should get a chest too.

Written By Jules

Feb. 16, 2020, 3:23 p.m.(10.25810763888889/8.454027777777778/1012.7715089699074 AR)

Sometimes people are hurt deeply and it takes time for any change to happen. The people are not broken, just struggling. We all struggle at times and should remember to be patient just as we hope people may be patient with us in our difficult days.

Written By Madeleine

Feb. 16, 2020, 3:10 p.m.(10.257490492724868/8.419467592592593/1012.7714575410604 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

I did meet Dame Leola not in the best of circumstances, on my part. My hangover was not enough to dampen my respect for her or her work in the lodges. Not that it was her own doing, as she was the first to admit. She has some fascinating things to say and I am curious to talk to her more.

She took the crack across the shins from Blessed Brigida better than some I've seen.

Written By Breidaia

Feb. 16, 2020, 2:58 p.m.(10.256884507275132/8.385532407407409/1012.7714070422729 AR)

I find I am getting restless the more time I am on land, and the less time I am at sea. Hopefully soon that will change with I assist the Crovanes.

Written By Breidaia

Feb. 16, 2020, 2:57 p.m.(10.256827050264551/8.382314814814816/1012.7714022541887 AR)

I read a posting at the Society of Explorers, regarding what was spoken of at the recent assembly, and the offer that was put forward by Prism. Everyone deserves the chance to be free, to have a choice. I firmly believe this, heart and soul. I plan to send her my promise to work toward making sure that others get that chance.

Written By Shard

Feb. 16, 2020, 2:44 p.m.(10.256215277777779/8.348055555555554/1012.7713512731482 AR)

I don't understand the expectation so many people have to simply be told what to do, whenever someone with some amount of power offers them a choice or an exchange. I especially don't understand expecting that of the Seraph of the First Choice. Skald does not give orders. I'm confident he doesn't even give instructions. He doesn't even give /paths/. You stand in an open field with the entire world in all directions, and it's always up to you to decide where and how and why you move, if you even move at all. And if you're given an offer of power from him if you should choose to do something, of course you have to make all the choices to get there. Isn't that the whole point?

Written By Ciara

Feb. 16, 2020, 2:09 p.m.(10.254461805555556/8.24986111111111/1012.771205150463 AR)

I got lost again today. I really need to start paying attention to where I am going.

Written By Calista

Feb. 16, 2020, 1:59 p.m.(10.253940972222223/8.220694444444444/1012.7711617476851 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

I noticed my cousin and I had similar reactions to a situation at the Assembly of Peers. Perhaps we are cut from the same (velvet) cloth.

Time spent together recently truly allowed me to see what a brilliant woman she is. She brings out a side of me which has been buried under layers of responsibility. Like with anything that allows my more mischievous nature to present itself, I will have to Mabelle in moderation.

Written By Philippe

Feb. 16, 2020, 1:43 p.m.(10.253144427910053/8.176087962962963/1012.7710953689925 AR)

Autumn draws near. The first part of the year saw Chevalle prosper through the diligent labor of many hands. I am proud to say I helped to guide those skillful hands to the best of my ability. As color starts to touch the trees, our county sees the strength of the Rose of Chevalle standing proudly in the hills, holding vigil over the Blanchard lands. In the fields, the Lodge of Petrichor toils alongside my serfs, using their wisdom to ensure that no one in the county will go hungry this winter. The wilds are checked, nature's bounty turned to nourishing yield, and so this corner of Arvum may know peace some time longer.
Chevalle has many friends. We stand with the Faith, as no child of the Oathlands would stray from the flock. We build bonds with the other great houses through commerce and marriage, and in doing so, strive to create lasting prosperity and order. I slowly grow to find the work of maintaining these bonds comforting rather than distressing.
But yet the warhorses must be ready to ride. Even as I work to leave the world a place where my descendants may have the luxury to focus on art and beauty, the shadow of war still grows nearer each day. My works may only endure if I have the strength to keep them, and so I put my sword once more to the grinding wheel.

Written By Bianca

Feb. 16, 2020, 1:33 p.m.(10.25267113095238/8.149583333333334/1012.7710559275794 AR)

Relationship Note on Rosalie

I am so remarkably honored to have helped see Sister Rosalie Redtyde join our ranks. She was a boon as a Disciple of Vellichor; she will be a greater boon still as a fellow Godsworn.

And on a personal level, I am simply proud to see how far she has come -- and to know how far she can go still.

We do not always have control over the great changes in our lives, and even when we do, taking that first step can be a truly difficult thing. But still, no matter how that change comes about, I believe what is truly important is that we face it with eyes open -- and Sister Rosalie has undoubtedly done that.

Written By Brigid

Feb. 16, 2020, 1:08 p.m.(10.251447172619047/8.081041666666668/1012.7709539310516 AR)

Step by step, it feels as if I am traveling in the right direction - I look forward to the coolness of Fall and Winter's blanketing chill.

Written By Rysen

Feb. 16, 2020, 11:49 a.m.(10.247523561507936/14.861319444444444/1012.770626963459 AR)

I visited the Expanse at the invitation of the Rivenshari along with Mikani, Nakoa and Rukhnis. The evening of music, dance and storytelling took place amid the wild beauty of that place, adorned with lanterns, and in the center of which was a massive fire. The Rivenshari are well known for the bells they weave into their hair and clothing that grant them a musical quality when they move. These bells were freely granted to those who visited, and, to the delight of the children present, most of us wore them in our hair.

Pleasing and heartwarming it was to see the children of the Compact gathered to hear the stories told by Lord Maru, Lady Zoey Lady Oili, the songs of Marquis Athaur, Lady Mikani, and Scout Rowenova, and the dances of Nina, Rukhnis and Lady Eshra. The performances were awe inspiring and wonderful, and even more so to see them through the eyes of the children of Rivenshari, Kennex, Crovane and Stahlben families. The next generation of the Compact's leadership will be steeped in the deep wisdom and beautiful arts of our collective culture.

The cookies of the Rivenshari cook Amelia are delicious. Though I failed to acquire any myself, Lord Ian found the means to gather some, and showed god-like generosity in sharing. I am very grateful to the Rivenshari for welcoming us to the Expanse. The only shadow on the brilliance of the memory is that my friend Lady Willow Nightgold, who at previous celebrations danced as only a free-spirited Northlands artist can, was not present. Wherever you are out there in Stonedeep, My Lady, you are dearly missed.

Written By Calista

Feb. 16, 2020, 11:10 a.m.(10.24562003968254/14.754722222222222/1012.7704683366402 AR)

The Assembly of Peers was for a lack of better terms, historic. Regardless on where one falls on the decision that was ultimately made, I bore witness to an important moment in Arvum history. In addition to the creation of a new Great House, we were greeted once more by the Seraph of Skald. Her words moved me and I know I am not the only one who shared the sentiment of hope.

Written By Nina

Feb. 16, 2020, 10:13 a.m.(10.242804646164021/14.597060185185185/1012.7702337205137 AR)

What an eventful day!

The Rivenshari fire party was so beautiful to behold. I saw so many amazing dances and heard lovely music and stories. It was an honor to be called the top dancer although I honestly am not sure I deserved it! Everyone was so wonderful!

I knew when I was coming to Arx that Pravus was soon to become elevated. It seems as if this has begun and now Pravus is becoming a Great House! That means there's so many new Princesses, and more titles to remember. I may have to brush up on my courtly etiquette so that I don't make any embarrassing mistakes.

Written By Lou

Feb. 16, 2020, 8:30 a.m.(10.237715773809525/14.312083333333334/1012.7698096478175 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

I wouldn't be too hard on them. They are likely still smarting from the Silence War. They memory of it might still be too fresh, and they may be still to wary to trust a true Seraph when they see one standing before them, for it was "seraphs" who duped us before. And yes, do please notice the difference in how I spelled the word. We had people coming to us, claiming to be voices of the Gods. People believed them, joined their cause, and almost ended the world. A war was fought, and many, many died.

However, I have it on good authority that Prism is the real deal. She's good people. The best person even. That she is potentially a person I could entrust to ensure the safety of my children from the threats coming from Eurus; from many sources of people that I trust. So, I have every bit of Faith that if Prism says she'll do a thing for us, she'll do it, so long as we do our part in helping to end the slavery of Skal'daga, to free its people.

But, in order to do so, we'll have to have Faith in her, and in Skald, and in the Gods themselves; we'll have to get over our fears of the past, and the fears of what might come tomorrow, and decide to do this thing. This thing that is so, so /very/ right to do. Given our past, this is not an easy ask. It should be, but it's not. Doing something based solely on Faith is scary. People want assurances that everything will be alright. Those are not assurances that can be given. It will be a long, hard road, and people on both sides will die along that road, but I have every bit of Faith that once accomplished, we'll be all the stronger for it.

Like I was telling people at the Grayson family dinner. . .

Sometimes, you won't always have more information at your fingertips to make a decision. Sometimes, you have to make a decision based solely on Faith alone and trust that the people you surround yourself with will come through in the end. I say this as the leader of the Society of Explorers, of course. Most of the places we find are based in part due to research, but largely because we have the Faith that all of the effort we've put into a project will follow through and we'll find the lost races we're seeking, like the legendary dwarves, and the lost places of magical wonders, like Whitepeak. We never know, when we start a journey if we'll ever find these places, but it doesn't stop us from trying all the same, nor does it stop us from having the Faith to put one foot forward and simply try.

Written By Rosalind

Feb. 15, 2020, 10:55 p.m.(10.209185681216931/12.714398148148149/1012.7674321401014 AR)

Went to the Rivenshari's fire and and dancing party this evening. It was amazing! There were so many stories and amazing dancing! I had to much fun! And I came home with bells and cookies. I suppose I could share with Aella and Cadern...

Written By Thea

Feb. 15, 2020, 10:20 p.m.(10.20744212962963/12.61675925925926/1012.7672868441358 AR)

Hard times are coming, decisions to be made. You can feel it in the air. And no, I do not mean the coolness of the weather change. How prepared will we all be?

Written By Preston

Feb. 15, 2020, 4:53 p.m.(10.19123263888889/11.709027777777777/1012.7659360532407 AR)

Relationship Note on Teagan

I am delighted by the Direhorns - and am glad Dame Flora and the others could help. They should certainly help hold those mountain passes in your land. And well, they are - I am sure - adorable in their own way. We will have to probably get a sturdy stone enclosure for the ones sent to us however....

Written By Sydney

Feb. 15, 2020, 2:59 p.m.(10.185586970899472/11.392870370370371/1012.7654655809083 AR)

These are strange times, when those with voices would insult and belittle the Seraph of Skald, and those who stand in solidarity with her are given scathing glances for breaking with decorum.

All the more reason to reevaluate who gets to speak at these things.

Written By Jourdain

Feb. 15, 2020, 1:13 p.m.(10.180316633597883/11.097731481481482/1012.7650263861332 AR)

Relationship Note on Katryn

There are... so many new things I am learning about you, Katryn!

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