Written By Roran
Jan. 23, 2020, 1:58 p.m.(8.437230902777777/18.484930555555554/1012.6197692418981 AR)
You have done a great thing for you and your house. For your lands and the compact. Never, shall you be underestimated again by at least one person in this city. Now, go enjoy a walk with your dogs and this entry into this Archlectors whites.
Written By Martino
Jan. 23, 2020, 1:56 p.m.(8.437142443783069/18.479976851851852/1012.6197618703153 AR)
I. Win.
Written By Strozza
Jan. 23, 2020, 10:07 a.m.(8.425789103835978/17.844189814814815/1012.618815758653 AR)
Relationship Note on Braith
What mysteries might our joint studies unlock? Hopefully something to benefit the family as much as our own persons.
Written By Strozza
Jan. 23, 2020, 9:59 a.m.(8.425389798280424/17.821828703703705/1012.61878248319 AR)
Japes derived by ones mind's eye
The truth is sweeter
Written By Selene
Jan. 23, 2020, 9:42 a.m.(8.424539930555556/17.77423611111111/1012.6187116608796 AR)
Written By Lucita
Jan. 23, 2020, 8:35 a.m.(8.421211144179894/17.587824074074074/1012.618434262015 AR)
Written By Tanith
Jan. 23, 2020, 8:04 a.m.(8.41968005952381/17.502083333333335/1012.618306671627 AR)
Written By Denica
Jan. 23, 2020, 7:09 a.m.(8.416924189814814/17.34775462962963/1012.6180770158179 AR)
Written By Anisha
Jan. 23, 2020, 6:28 a.m.(8.414916087962963/17.235300925925927/1012.6179096739969 AR)
I don't know that I can answer Blessed Roran's inquiry in the Whites. But I have answered, as best I am able.
It is rare for me to see my thoughts put down in the Whites these days. It is, perhaps, time for me to make a choice about changing that, at least.
Written By Anisha
Jan. 23, 2020, 6:11 a.m.(8.414044312169313/17.18648148148148/1012.6178370260141 AR)
Relationship Note on Qadira
She lost-
But not before standing against him longer than I thought possible. Not before scoring marks against Sir Jeffeth, multiple. Telling.
I spoke with Lady Lenne and met Fidget, which apparently follows Sir Jeffeth around, now.Watching the battle in rapt fascination. She went down, several times. Was bloodied as he was and more. But she kept coming back up for more.
Sir Jeffeth lifted her over his head and it looked like, for a moment, that he'd driven her straight through the ground and into the depths below.
She lived, and that was how we met. We took her home, so Lady Lenne might look after her.
Mirari Corsetina might still owe her a drink.
I admit a passionate admiration. It's not about whether we fall.
It's about getting up again.
Written By Lenne
Jan. 23, 2020, 2 a.m.(8.401607142857143/16.490000000000002/1012.6168005952381 AR)
Relationship Note on Roran
You ask what the biggest change in our lives was. And how it affected us.
If one had asked, anything before four months ago, I'd have said the Burning of Stormwall, during the Gyre War. Were it not for that, I doubt I'd have been nearly so passionate about being a healer, and certainly wouldn't have my life's goals, as they are. Having one's home burn around you, and choking on the smoke, while people die to evil things just beyond the walls leaves an impression.
Now? I know the real change happened when I came to Arx.
The Burning was a direction. Arx was a change. Father told me more than once that Arx would chew me up. And it has, but not as he thought.
I have been reinvented as Lenne a half dozen times. Chewed up, sometimes, but just into a different, better shape.
I didn't have friends, to speak of, in Stormwall.
Now I have a host of people I trust with my life. And who trust me with the same.
I didn't think I would ever fall in love, in Stormwall.
Now I have. Head over heels. More than once.
I didn't have a clue, in Stormwall.
I suppose I still barely have more, in the grand scheme of things, but I do feel like quite an accomplished scholar, some days. Increasingly more days, even. People who know me are better armed with knowledge, for my presence.
I didn't do worthwhile things, in Stormwall.
I dreamed. But here I actually do the things I dreamed of. Here, I have gone out on adventures. I've seen incredible things. I've faced battles. I've uncovered ancient mysteries. I've saved lives.
I didn't trust myself, or believe in myself, in Stormwall.
Given all the rest, above? For once, I begin to think that maybe Lenne is worthwhile. That maybe my reach might not exceed my grasp. I dislike arrogance. But maybe a bit of pride is something I'll allow myself.
I ever keep Lagoma's teachings, in mind. Change is inevitable. Change for the better, growth, is what we must ever strive for. Arx hasn't just changed things for me. It has changed the nature of change. It has let me grow. It has burned away some of the dross, and left something better, behind. Warm hope springs, where I coldly despaired before.
Written By Vanora
Jan. 23, 2020, 1:43 a.m.(8.400757688492064/16.442430555555557/1012.6167298073743 AR)
I expect that this won't be a luxury I have for long, that soon again events will dictate where I must focus my attention, that I will be overwhelmed with what I must do and not quietly delighted by what I can do.
But for now, I will choose. And all of the options sound like sweet music.
Written By Rysen
Jan. 22, 2020, 11:38 p.m.(8.394560598544974/16.09539351851852/1012.6162133832121 AR)
Marquessa Arcadia, too, I had the fortune of seeing, and with her help I prepare for a journey I have long hoped to make. The time has come, and I am grateful to have the Marquessa's support. She pledged it so long ago, and so much has happened in the intervening seasons since, that I scarcely expected her to face looming danger, with so little to gain, save on behalf of her friend. Yet she shows the immeasurable value of her honor and friendship when it matters most - and I will never forget it.
By chance I also had the pleasure of the company of Lady Colette Laurent, whose charms and daring reminded me of perilous quest we'd lately undertaken with the Gold Order. I could ask for no better company with which to enjoy some tea and conversation. I found myself looking for any excuse to ask her about the prized commodity of her homeland, just to hear her pronounce, in her beautiful Oathlands accent, the word "'oney."
Poet's hearts are wild, fiery things, and must be shielded from the public, lest the raw and uncouth energy of emotion shock and bewilder them. Thus I must leave my encounter with Rukhnis unwritten, save only to say that no man has ever experienced a more joyful meeting, nor a more sorrowful parting than when I saw her in the library of the Black Hall, or when she turned her horse from the wooden gates of T____ in the west of Stormwall.
Written By Ringvald
Jan. 22, 2020, 9:11 p.m.(8.387257771164021/15.686435185185186/1012.6156048142636 AR)
Firstly, in my haste for improving relations in the city I had made the mistake of nearly becoming betrothed, I didn't understand the customs here and promptly had to withdraw due to inadequacy of my post. I had made a foolish error after never having received such attentions, and gave into them far too easily. I will resume alone as I am meant to be, as not to interfere with my work.
Then I joined an expedition, we were going to a field to search for something, some relic in an old battleground. I thought it would be interesting and historically relevant, though I didn't expect to see hostile spirits and swarms of mankilling bees. I am no warrior, though I can say I'm not a coward, in an attempt to help I burned my cloak, using it to take down the bees like a flaming net, though between that and the stings my hands were and still are quite unsightly. I have opted to wear gloves from now on, nobody wants to see these hands less than I, it's for the best.
Finally, we are working on a project to enhance the possibility of growing in the Clearlake Hold, I'm unsure how it will go, so I will write of this at a later date.
~Lord Ringvald Clearlake
Written By Aureth
Jan. 22, 2020, 8:50 p.m.(8.386240906084655/15.629490740740742/1012.6155200755071 AR)
Relationship Note on Alarissa
Written By Preston
Jan. 22, 2020, 4:48 p.m.(8.37422867063492/14.956805555555556/1012.6145190558863 AR)
The most tragic news comes though when we hear of events that occur, events where things occur or information comes out that we know we could have helped with, and we were never spoken to, our aid never sought.
But such is the way - there is still much mistrust. And it gets people killed.
Written By Preston
Jan. 22, 2020, 4:45 p.m.(8.374076140873015/14.948263888888889/1012.6145063450728 AR)
Written By Torian
Jan. 22, 2020, 2:29 p.m.(8.36735656415344/14.571967592592593/1012.6139463803461 AR)
Farming is hard work, maybe harder work than I've ever done at the tannery. It's certainly less forgiving by quite a lot, and a lot less rewarding when it comes to coin. One might say it's thankless.
That's why when the wind brought me word that some were saying farmers couldn't be trusted, I wanted to make clear that wasn't the case. Farmers work hard and they don't lay down and die. When a storm comes in to their land, you had better believe they know how to resist and recover.
And they grow our food, so crossing them is foolish on two fronts. At least.
Bad for business, and bad for your larder.
Written By Jules
Jan. 22, 2020, 1:25 p.m.(8.364161706349206/14.393055555555556/1012.6136801421958 AR)
Written By Appolonia
Jan. 22, 2020, 10:21 a.m.(8.355021494708994/13.881203703703704/1012.6129184578924 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.