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Written By Drake

Jan. 26, 2020, 3:17 p.m.(8.655403852513228/23.70261574074074/1012.6379503210428 AR)

Congratulations are in order to Count Blanchard for the magnificent fortress. I am eager to visit and explore the gardens on my next trip out west, which, in fact, may not be long away. I hear they have an elaborate library. Which is not normally my area of interest, but did Katryn curate it...?

Written By Katryn

Jan. 26, 2020, 3:11 p.m.(8.655085565476192/23.68479166666667/1012.637923797123 AR)

Relationship Note on Philippe

My lord uncle has finished raising an inspiring castle, and I cannot be prouder! Oh, the way the fields of roses sway, beautiful, yet covered in thorns...

It reminds me of many parables of knighthood, of upright virtue that is still fierce, guarded with sharp thorns.

I can only hope your brotherhood with the Pravusi lords continues!

Written By Lenne

Jan. 26, 2020, 2:59 p.m.(8.654514302248678/23.652800925925924/1012.637876191854 AR)

It seems some new energy has infected the city. And maybe the world. A storm, following a lull. I suppose I'm grateful to have had quieter times to grow more used to my new life. Though if I will ever quite grow entirely comfortable here, we shall see. It provides so much more opportunity, but the vibrant social aspect of it remains difficult.

I've been lost in a mental haze of my own plans and goals, when I've not been getting battered, beaten, arrowed and sliced open, during the last month. But now this talk of Pravus' heroic actions has caught my attention, and provided a respite from obsession.

I have no great voice amongst the Peerage to sing their praises, so let this simple scholar use the Whites, to offer my voice to the roar of support.
Very well done, House Pravus! Great work has been done in the name of Skald, and for the simple good of humanity! You do yourselves remarkable credit.

I shall be looking out for a chance to put my meager coin and efforts to work, in helping those that have been recently emancipated, and shall be asking my betters in Crovane if we and our vassals can take up the task of finding some of them a new home, and a new start, if such is needed.

Written By Elgana

Jan. 26, 2020, 2:42 p.m.(8.65365699404762/23.604791666666664/1012.637804749504 AR)

It was delightful having the family, our friends, and allies, together for dinner, to see so many faces, new and old alike. It warms my heart to share such space with so many wonderful people. We will have to do it again, and soon. I'm happy everyone seemed to enjoy those adorable plush cows that Princess Gwenna had crafted up. I know I'll be hugging mine for some time to come!

Written By Lucita

Jan. 26, 2020, 2:19 p.m.(8.652520254629628/23.54113425925926/1012.6377100212192 AR)

Phew. It is over with, or rather they are over with.

I was delighted that the village came together so nicely, homes, farms, shops and markets, forges, even some soldiers for their protection. It will be able to self sustain and survive even if the adjacent castle does not get restored and will thrive even better whenever it is repaired and in use as a training school. The students coming and going will provide a steady flow of customers for the shops.

And the concert went better than I expected. All of the singers were well prepared and some of the special effects were so dramatic.

Written By Celeste

Jan. 26, 2020, 2:17 p.m.(8.652413607804233/23.53516203703704/1012.6377011339837 AR)

Any day you can return to Arx after an epic battle is a good day. I'm proud of my soldiers; they all performed above and beyond what I had any right to ask of them. But they have proven what we have always said: House Pravus protects its own.

Written By Selene

Jan. 26, 2020, 1:43 p.m.(8.650704365079365/23.439444444444447/1012.63755869709 AR)

Ode to the garden, how welcome is the sepulchral gloom that embraces me, and warms the gloaming with a smile.

Written By Rosalind

Jan. 26, 2020, 10:12 a.m.(8.640247602513227/22.853865740740744/1012.6366873002095 AR)

Had the best Redrain dinner last evening! So much to do and plans! I dont know which direction to go. Maybe all of them! And the adorable cows! Who doesn't want to bring home an adorable mini cow to name George?!

Written By Rosalind

Jan. 26, 2020, 9:55 a.m.(8.63942088293651/22.807569444444443/1012.6366184069113 AR)

We did it! My sister vision and all the hardwork from her and others paid off! WE HAVE A SHIPYARD! And it is magnificent! I cant wait to go sailing! I hope all those that came with us enjoyed our home too! Cadern and I got to tun our mouths a bit more than usual and tell everyone how fabulous working for us would be. But isn't a lie.

Also. I think we should give more of our friends a tour if our home. And others. Then theyll see we're more than some valley in a mountain. We're so much more.

Written By Rosalind

Jan. 26, 2020, 9:48 a.m.(8.639064566798941/22.78761574074074/1012.6365887138999 AR)

Relationship Note on Tyrus

It is! But I'm sure that me or anyone else in my family would be really happy to tell you about our home and..our shipyard!

Written By Jyri

Jan. 26, 2020, 8:30 a.m.(8.635182291666666/22.570208333333333/1012.6362651909723 AR)

I finished the items for Princess Alarissa's upcoming auction. I have been learning a new art the last few months and the culmination are these stained glass windows. Packing them to move them over to her was quite the undertaking, but they stayed whole, much to my relief.

Elora has come back home, after some weeks in Hawkhold. Though the house is never empty, with two boys, three dogs and now also a calf (thank you Lord Michael Bisland for the fluffy little bull named Buckley, he is sometimes walking right into our cottage), it is never quite the same without her. Or her bird, or her dog.

We might want to look into a larger cottage soon, or expand the one we have. It's getting crowded.

Written By Mabelle

Jan. 26, 2020, 6:08 a.m.(8.62817046957672/22.1775462962963/1012.6356808724647 AR)

Relationship Note on Shae

I owe you for saving my life.
That dog is soon to be spoiled rotten, as if I needed new excuses to spoil dogs.

Written By Strozza

Jan. 26, 2020, 3:38 a.m.(8.620732886904761/21.76104166666667/1012.6350610739087 AR)

We find ourselves a pile in red,
Crumbled all around
Mark that every piece is cracked,
And cast careless to the ground.
I wonder what we find this day?
What was left, what was its stead?
Now humped up in this mound.
What form was torn, twisted, wracked?
Till it tumbled, battered, cast away.

Written By Ryhalt

Jan. 26, 2020, 3:32 a.m.(8.620416253306878/21.743310185185187/1012.6350346877756 AR)

Relationship Note on Clover

Her absence has stretched too long to be anything other than worrisome given her propensity for clumsiness. With all the projects I have planned for Farshaw, I am in want of the wise council of my wife. I know I get too focused on the mercantile aspect and need reining in, she does it best. Farshaw needs her back at my side.

I also miss her continual smiles. In days of sinister tales and hard work, her attitude is sorely needed. I find myself too gloomy at times of late.

If she doesn't sent notice or return in a few weeks, it'll be time to send a party to search for her.

Also, I love her. Ivy needs her mother, if nothing else, lest she turn out into a trade-centric head like me.

Written By Strozza

Jan. 26, 2020, 2:09 a.m.(8.616273974867724/21.51134259259259/1012.6346894979057 AR)

I should remain in the sea.

Things on land are complicated.

I hate it.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 25, 2020, 10:03 p.m.(8.60410011574074/20.829606481481484/1012.6336750096451 AR)

Relationship Note on Ashur

Though tears come in many forms and for many reasons, you never cease to amuse me.

Gods know I've needed to laugh, and it's been some time since I've laughed as much as I do with you, Lord Ashur Sanna.

May you be blessed, in due time, with children who bring you laughter, joy and love.

If anyone does, you deserve it.

An afterthought: Though I can't be sure, I couldn't help but wonder if the wolf spider was taking vengeance for the tease. Either that, or you disturbed his home. You may wish to be more careful of spider's webs.

Written By Tyrus

Jan. 25, 2020, 9:06 p.m.(8.60127521494709/20.671412037037037/1012.6334396012456 AR)

I'll have to ask for updated maps. Last I heard of Stormheart, it stood in a valley among mountain peaks. Now it has a shipyard.

The wonders of the continent.

Written By Sydney

Jan. 25, 2020, 8:50 p.m.(8.600499338624338/20.62796296296296/1012.6333749448854 AR)

I rather dislike having quite so much time to spend with my own thoughts.

Not to say that this means I dislike thinking, but perhaps it's better said that I dislike standing still for too long. I can feel myself stagnating, and that feeling can be hard to banish. I've taken to dispelling that feeling by frequenting the Training Center as often as the bars - even if I'm not out making a name for myself, I can at least work at improving myself, or finding those who are fighting the same fight that I am - one against stillness, and inaction.

I get to witness a fine variety of combat forms, to test myself in ways that I'm not always able to out in the streets, and I like to think that I come away better for it.

Where else can one watch a barmaid square off against a champion duelist?

...Speaking of barmaids, some enterprising person should offer to sell spirits in the Training Center. They'd make good coin.

Written By Raja

Jan. 25, 2020, 8:43 p.m.(8.600105406746032/20.60590277777778/1012.6333421172288 AR)

Relationship Note on Ras

I don't trust him. This fellow is odd and has odd ideas. He opens his mouth and speaks dangerous things. I have my eye upon him.

Written By Raja

Jan. 25, 2020, 8:40 p.m.(8.599973958333333/20.59854166666667/1012.6333311631945 AR)

The best part of loosing a fight is learning. You learn a bit about your opponent. You learn a bit about yourself. You learn that you need to get better. I am thankful to have good friends that are on my side. I am thankful for the training to get better. I still feel that I have much to learn, but I will get there.

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