Written By Arianna
Jan. 28, 2020, 11:17 a.m.(8.785944940476192/24.01291666666667/1012.6488287450397 AR)
Relationship Note on Leola
It will bring me great pleasure to see the worship of Petrichor grow through your efforts with the Lodge. As always you and the Lord of the Deep Woods have my blade, my words and my devotion.
Written By Lucita
Jan. 28, 2020, 10:04 a.m.(8.782358217592591/23.81206018518519/1012.648529851466 AR)
Relationship Note on Quenia
Written By Talwyn
Jan. 28, 2020, 9:03 a.m.(8.779326223544974/23.642268518518517/1012.6482771852955 AR)
Relationship Note on Arn
People of the Oathlands,
War is upon us. For some of you, this is your first opportunity to fight for your high lord. For others, it will be your last. For an unfortunate few, it will be both. In the end, it is in the hands of the gods when we live and when we die. While we live, we do what we can to protect those close to us, punish the wicked, and uphold the just. Have faith in the gods. Have faith in your commanders. Have faith in your lieges. Have faith in your high lord. Have faith in yourself. Above all, have faith in the men and women standing beside you in the field of battle. It is these people to whom you will entrust your life and your mission.
We go to war not for the petty grievances of men but for the survival of our people against a wicked foe. They do not attack us directly, but should the Lyceum fall or the Mourning Isles, or the North, or even the Crownlands - the Oathlands could not stand alone. We have no peer in faithfulness nor knighthood, yet even a land as strong as ours would fall if isolated.
Clear your minds, warriors of the Oathlands. Toughen your hearts. Say goodbye to your loved ones. To those who sail the seas, remember the words of Farshaw - The Horizon is Ours. To those who ride to Southport, remember the words of House Laurent - Loyal to the Queen. To those riding north with our high lord, show our enemies that steel bends but honor holds. But above all, Oathlanders:
Arn Telmar
Duke of the Telmarch
Written By Evaristo
Jan. 28, 2020, 4:22 a.m.(8.765459242724868/22.865717592592596/1012.6471216035604 AR)
Mockingbird Evaristo Arterius sang Calithex's Song
Prince Talwyn Valardin sang Tristan Valardin's Song
Duchess Vanora Grimhall sang Primeria's Song
Princes Tikva Grayson sang Alarice's Song
Princess Berenice Velenosa sang Procella's Song
Lady Sanya Grimhall sang Triscali's Song
Lady Evonleigh Whitehawk sang Axia's Song
Baroness Lucita Saik sang Lianhan's Song
Princess Sorrel Thrax sang Sugan's Song
Mockingbird Prince Niklas Grayson sang Tyrval Ael'Noctis' Song
Princess Sabella Grayson sang The Lady of Twilight Dreams' Song
Radiant Emeritus Selene Whisper sang Queen Elisia Ael'Noctis' Song
Nightingale Gianna Whisper sang Elegon's Song, with Bard Haptenna playing
Written By Saya
Jan. 28, 2020, 3:28 a.m.(8.762760416666666/22.714583333333337/1012.6468967013889 AR)
Written By Sunaia
Jan. 28, 2020, 12:07 a.m.(8.752781498015873/22.15576388888889/1012.6460651248346 AR)
Relationship Note on Ashur
Written By Vanora
Jan. 27, 2020, 9:50 p.m.(8.746005704365079/28.776319444444447/1012.6455004753637 AR)
Whether what I expect, who I expect people to be, who I know they can be...is who they will be.
Written By Jules
Jan. 27, 2020, 9:32 p.m.(8.745113260582011/28.72634259259259/1012.6454261050485 AR)
Written By Ras
Jan. 27, 2020, 6:28 p.m.(8.736041666666667/28.218333333333334/1012.6446701388888 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
But if I never get that far, I hope at least you'll be proud of my choices when I see you again. Cuz I'll do the right thing, and I know what it is.
And I'll do everything you asked in the letter, too.
Written By Preston
Jan. 27, 2020, 6:16 p.m.(8.735466683201057/28.186134259259262/1012.6446222236001 AR)
These people mean us harm - they mean harm to our bodies, they mean harm to our minds, they mean harm to our souls. They wish to separate us from our Gods, to reduce us to unthinking chattel, beholden to their beliefs and twisting the commands of the Gods.
This Seraph, this Waldo, must be brought to Arx to answer for his assault upon the Faith. And the Faith must act to defend the innocent from the predations of these Eurusi.
Written By Strozza
Jan. 27, 2020, 5:25 p.m.(8.73309730489418/28.053449074074074/1012.6444247754079 AR)
Our wrath would be the inferno to claim and render the realm around the city in ash. Woe would be the morning mist and the wailing of the dying begging for release the birdsong.
Written By Alarissa
Jan. 27, 2020, 4:25 p.m.(8.73015666335979/27.888773148148147/1012.6441797219467 AR)
I still don't like to look at it. I despise it. Abhor it. Such a strong word. To abhor. A part of me that I still consider mutilated. I don't know that I will ever not consider it such. The scars though, are not so raised, softer and as always with regina's minstrations, it heals just a little more each time. I catch myself thinking about it in the quiet moments when my mind wanders.
Written By Arianna
Jan. 27, 2020, 3:05 p.m.(8.726155340608464/27.664699074074075/1012.643846278384 AR)
Relationship Note on Valdemar
Written By Vanora
Jan. 27, 2020, 2:56 p.m.(8.725724206349206/27.640555555555554/1012.6438103505291 AR)
While this is not my first time on the stage, it /is/ my first time performing for the city of Arx, rather than elsewhere in Arvum. Though I know the acoustics in Anekke's Ampitheatre are without peer anywhere in the Compact, I expect that the concert hall this event was staged in is quite close.
It was particularly thrilling to perform before the Queen of the Compact herself, among countless others both noble and common born alike.
I hope that the future presents us with many more chances to share the arts with the city.
Written By Tesha
Jan. 27, 2020, 2:30 p.m.(8.724446511243386/27.56900462962963/1012.6437038759369 AR)
Written By Saya
Jan. 27, 2020, 2:01 p.m.(8.723003472222222/27.488194444444446/1012.6435836226851 AR)
Written By Juliette
Jan. 27, 2020, 1:54 p.m.(8.722629381613757/27.467245370370367/1012.6435524484679 AR)
I welcome the Saffron Pravosi with open arms and an open heart, and look forward to many years of getting to know one another and growing to trust and embrace one another as we move forward, together, seeking the grand and glorious heights of our shared fates and mutual destinies.
Written By Tyrus
Jan. 27, 2020, 11:04 a.m.(8.714219576719577/26.996296296296293/1012.6428516313933 AR)
I spent so long making my own path, intent on having it be so, to be free of all ties, all things that reminded me of the chains the Eurusi forced on me for thirteen years. In the end, it was a path I intended to walk alone. I never was, not really, able to count upon the support of true friends. Yet in other ways I walked alone, without any of you.
They say a man cannot survive in that place, when two titans do battle. Not unless aided, shielded, by one of them. I dismissed it at first. Assumed the worst after. Accepted not knowing even later on. Left it aside, put it out of mind.
Yet now... I've seen you. Another of you. For a man who has spoken of walking a solitary path, it is one that has crossed with yours more often than I would have expected. A humbling experience, yet freeing as well.
I understood the power of belief. I now understand the why of faith.
Thank you.
Written By Thomas
Jan. 27, 2020, 9:41 a.m.(8.710124007936507/26.766944444444448/1012.6425103339947 AR)
How strange to discover my mind has not changed in that regard, given how different everything else has become, again. Including now how I must understand myself, and everything around me.
I asked for this, but I do not think anything could have prepared me for the extent of it. Nor told me how to properly express a gratitude that defies my attempt to contain it to a simple missive.
Thank you.
Written By Martino
Jan. 27, 2020, 9:09 a.m.(8.708502397486772/26.676134259259257/1012.6423751997905 AR)
Relationship Note on Lucita
The small tavern, the well at the centre, the houses and the forges - to aid the construction of that ruined Castle. What will become, I hope, a beacon of Saik. Congratulations Baroness.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.