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Written By Svana

Jan. 31, 2020, 10:18 a.m.(8.997183366402115/35.842268518518516/1012.6664319472002 AR)

Bored, bored, bored. As much as I love the city that I now call my home, it is always hard to come back from traveling. I feel the itch in my bones to be constantly on the move. There is rarely anything to keep me centered until I do it on my own or something catches my eye. Or someone. I wonder where that handsome Prince ran off to... or if we will ever meet again. Hopefully likely. But I have other things to do. The city is overflowing with shops yet no merchandise catches my eye. Maybe it really is time to "settle" here and strike into my own business serving the nobles. It sounds lucrative, but less fun than the life I know. I guess I'll have to decide which is important.

Written By Eirene

Jan. 31, 2020, 9:42 a.m.(8.995398892195766/35.742337962962964/1012.6662832410163 AR)

Now that they're old enough to grasp the concept, I'm teaching my children how to play Alarice and Elves. It's a game where you have one person as Alarice and the other as the sylph'alfar commander trying to break into the city. It's a game of tactics, skill, cunning, and downright cheating when you can get away with it. My siblings and I played it often growing up. I was always better than Roxana but she always made a better dressed Alarice.

Written By Eirene

Jan. 31, 2020, 9:39 a.m.(8.995245949074075/35.733773148148146/1012.6662704957562 AR)

I come back to the city and in no less than a fortnight there's a possible war going on. Lucky lucky me. Eirene- bringer of bad tidings. I'm like a fucking bad copper penny. At least I can be here for it to help organize what needs to be done.

Like medical attention for all those souls we've liberated from slavery. That's a big task. I presume malnourishment, physical and mental abuse... This should serve as a reminder to coordinate with the Physicians Guild on this. The freedmen's bodies and minds have no doubt been through trauma, and it's our Lagoma-given duty to heal them and guide them through this huge change in their life.

Written By Preston

Jan. 31, 2020, 6:22 a.m.(8.985498925264551/35.18793981481482/1012.665458243772 AR)

There is a great deal of conversation now behind closed doors, murmurs and whispers, messengers flying across the city.

What comes?

A force of Eurusi, ships containing unknown troops but likely sufficient at least to take and hold a staging area for further invasion. They appear to be being given safe harbour by a member of the nobility at the lands of Helicanthus within the Mourning Isles, encouraged by - and I shall spit these words - Seraph Waldo, may his name be forever a curse.

The Eurusi, for their practices of the most vile forms of slavery, for their worship which is deviant, for their practices that are insulting to the Gods, for claims which debase the divine, are heretics considered beyond the pale by the Faith. This condemnation is both long standing and also absolute. We have tolerated their presence in the city because they came as emissaries, granted guest right. Equally we have welcomed as friends those who have left those shores and embraced our culture and our ways, who are Eurusi no more but Arvani by choice - and continue to welcome them, and any who would harm them simply because of their origins while claiming justification of our words is a false friend to the Faith. No matter how base creatures the Eurusi "Prophet" and his people, we will never allow that to excuse an insult against the Gods for breach of guest right or sanctuary. Sadly, this also means if they are indeed welcomed to Sungreet, then they are welcomed and cannot be harmed while there, for at least as long as we hold with the Duke Helianthus and with the Seraph.

So. This force, still unknown in number, may be all that there is of this retribution they speak of or it may be the first part of a much larger force intent on coming. The fact it was mobilised so quickly makes you realise that they were perhaps waiting for a pretext for these actions, forces massed and waiting.

And we must act. We must. Grayson has already called their banners to muster, an act that will take time. If we do nothing but wait for them to land, to establish their beachhead and begin to move in troops /before/ we even think about mustering, we will still be gathering our armies when the enemy moves on, when they take more land. It may seem like prudent caution, hoping the war can be avoided. And I share that wish. But, if the war comes, that prudent caution and the delay it causes comes with a cost. Look at a map, pick the holdings you are willing to sacrifice for your caution. Tell Prince Victus which of his vassals, or even his own lands, we are willing to give up in the name of caution. We perhaps might even be too late to prevent their landing on the eastern coast of the mainland.

Mustering our troops does not remove options, but maintains them and provides pressure. Mustering our troops is not an instant matter, but a process. And we cannot forget that we are facing still threats within, this idea that we can do what we did for the Gyre once more is perhaps naive as well. To transport everything to the Isles would require shipping I am unsure we have. To fortresses unable to cope with such Garrisons. So I do not advocate simply raising everything and throwing it into the sea. But you will need troops to guard your lands and suppress threats as your trained forces move east if you respond to this threat. The Faith will need more disciples to slowly raise up to fight, as we send troops east. And equally we will need troops armed and ready to fight and end those threats within our lands already, to ensure we can focus east by the time their main force comes.

Do not underestimate this threat that comes. Do not believe it will be easy. Do not believe that because we have won before, we can simply sit back and wait. Yes, we must discuss more and come to a unified approach, but the duty is on all of us now to prepare the tools that such an approach may need. Or our only choice will be how many innocents we allow to die before we succumb. And that is something we can never allow.

For the Faith though, this must be an absolute fight - there is no soft middle ground in this. These are heretics, come to punish our people for their obedience to the Gods. These are heretics come, claiming dark powers that no doubt will scare people with their nonsense but who do possess technology that is novel to our shores. And just because they send a small part of their force now, do not presume that we can overcome it simply, nor that there isn't a much darker and larger force coming behind. We must stand for the Gods, for the people, for the innocent. We must begin to levy the Templars, we must ask the Solace to prepare their ships and to place their forces to secure the roads we will need to move our armies and recognise the burden it will place on them as Templars mobilise and fewer forces will be keeping abandoned raids at bay other than them.

We must bring the mercies to prepare for the wounded. We must bring forward the Mangatans and the Jayusians to see what can be done to build an armada to transport our men who are first to fight to reinforce our brothers and sisters in the Isles, to hold the enemy's advance, to slow it. We must take scholars to find secrets and ways lost for so long that may help us. We must assemble the Liberators to rally their forces as they did before, to join the fight against slavers.

This requires and demands no less than our total devotion should this come to war. And that will require the Faith operating together, as one. It will require a Carnifex, and if this fleet does come, it will require a Crusade in relief of the Isles and the defense of our eastern shores. And to prepare for that may cost silver, it may cost pride should people decide we are foolish for over preparing, but the cost of finding ourselves in need of these things and not having them ready will be paid in innocent blood and that blood will drown the love the Gods hold for us.

The decisions that come will be for the Most Holy and the Legates, who solemnly consider the actions of the Faith and do so with wisdom beyond my own. Were I asked what must be done now in my opinion? Were it me, Seraph Waldo must be recalled made to answer. We must begin to bring together our forces in stages, not just of the Templars but of every discipleship. The fires in the forges must be lit, the harvest must be brought in, and we must prepare for a bloody autumn and a long winter. And for our ultimate victory, in the name of the Gods.

Written By Arcadia

Jan. 31, 2020, 4:10 a.m.(8.97891658399471/34.819328703703704/1012.6649097153329 AR)

When I was a child I had a spinning top. I had painted it green and pink and orange. It was garish, but I loved it so much. I loved watching it spin until my eyes and tummy hurt. I loved how I had no control over the thing. I was envious of it's freedom. It was my favorite toy for the longest time.

Of late, I've equated my life to that of the spinning top. That I spin out of control and with all those bright garish colors flashing across my eyes, so that even when I close them, those colors still startle across my mind and leave me trying to grasp each experience individually. I can feel those knots in my stomach and my head ache even as I write this.

There is so much going on right now, and perhaps I am young, naive and inexperienced. Perhaps I am trying to hold onto anything that resembles normalcy for dear life. Perhaps these experiences will be for the better, rather than another experience that leaves me sick to my stomach.


Written By Sydney

Jan. 31, 2020, 12:36 a.m.(8.96833912037037/34.226990740740746/1012.6640282600308 AR)

To the many experts who have proclaimed that a pugilist has no place in 'real' combat, allow me the opportunity to prove you wrong.

Take me with you, and I'll show you what can be done with fists and a touch of ingenuity.

Written By Jules

Jan. 30, 2020, 11:01 p.m.(8.963621858465608/33.96282407407407/1012.6636351548722 AR)

The Laurent slumber party was quite a delight. It's always nice when the noble families make the efforts that everyone is able to enjoy. I'm glad to know them!

Written By Jeffeth

Jan. 30, 2020, 10:32 p.m.(8.962189153439153/33.882592592592594/1012.6635157627866 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

Such hopeful thinking may be a good balm for one's soul when looking at a bleak situation, but spreading that as if there were truth to it is a dangerous disservice to the people around you.

Written By Tikva

Jan. 30, 2020, 7:54 p.m.(8.95434730489418/33.443449074074074/1012.6628622754079 AR)

Few bonds carry as much private and yet everlasting power as the bond of sisterhood.

Written By Miranda

Jan. 30, 2020, 6:41 p.m.(8.9507634755291/33.24275462962963/1012.6625636229608 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

Thank you, my Lord Arik Halfshav, for the correction...

In my post about Cardia and Eurusi, I misspoke.. or miswrote. I meant to say Cardia and the Undying Empire. Please just replace Eurusi with the Undying Empire.

Though, as Eurusi was there, suppose my mistake was understandable.

Thank you, Lord Arik.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 30, 2020, 5:42 p.m.(8.947841848544973/33.07914351851852/1012.6623201540455 AR)

Relationship Note on Dag

He doesn't have an establishment of his own yet, but he assures me that he has access to the forge. Which is made obvious by the fact that he's made a delivery of armor to myself. Hopefully this completed order will aid in speeding along his becoming established here in Arx.

The quality of this steel suit is truly impressive. Which is saying something given that I'm sometimes fairly critical of the armor that I'll wear. He also informed me that he's capable of working with some leather materials, but metals are his area of expertise. He advised me that he can even work with diamondplate and alaricite, which is very impressive. He showed himself as quite professional, quick to provide the price he would ask for his work, and when the work was completed it exceeded my expectations.

Worth every coin. I highly recommend this armorer known as Dag.

Written By Harlex

Jan. 30, 2020, 3:28 p.m.(8.941190889550263/32.706689814814816/1012.6617659074625 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

I think you greatly misunderstand the situation.

I hope someone educates you, for the sake of any soldiers under your command.

Written By Saoirse

Jan. 30, 2020, 2:03 p.m.(8.936981233465609/32.47094907407407/1012.6614151027889 AR)

I cannot help but feel that there should be just one celebration when a couple is married and that that celebration should be entirely silent, preferably with no other people.

I would take just one celebration, at any rate, and not the bizarre cascade of fetes that come with every other announcement about two people who batted their eyelashes at each other.

Written By Tanith

Jan. 30, 2020, 11:06 a.m.(8.928182870370371/31.978240740740745/1012.6606819058642 AR)

Thanks to the advice of 'A', I've caught the barrel thief. Fox traps. So useful.

The screaming was a plus. Soothed the soul, it did.

So A, thanks. Great tip.

Written By Miranda

Jan. 30, 2020, 9:19 a.m.(8.922866650132274/31.680532407407405/1012.660238887511 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

Since my last entry was so serious...


Tag. You're it.

Written By Miranda

Jan. 30, 2020, 9:16 a.m.(8.92271949404762/31.672291666666666/1012.6602266245039 AR)

Is it innocence or naivete that makes me believe that we, that is, Arvum, is stronger than we know? More powerful than we realize?

So many tell me: Cardia and Eurusi are more powerful than us! They have magic!!!



I recall them coming to us, not too long ago, expressing this desire to "help us" with an "upcoming problem". Oh sure, "help us" really meant, bring us under their heel and be their cannon fodder. I got that. But let's really think about that a moment...

We did not go to them. They came to us, begging, for us to join them. In the guise of helping us. Each wanted us to help them against their enemies. We, who are supposedly weaker than they.

If we are weaker than them, truly, then how much of a problem will we actually be to those they will face? How much protection will we truly provide if we are so much weaker than they are?


Could it simply be other nations seeing a young nation, coming into their own, defeating major enemies without THEIR aid and wondering, "What if they come after us next??" So, instead of waiting for us to see our true power, true potential, they try to convince us of their superiority and our inferiority while we're still 'young' and 'new' and unaware of our true power.

It's easier to train a child into a talent when they are impressionable and young and eager than when they're an adult, somewhat set in their ways.

We are a child, learning the ways of the world, of magic, and of all things that came before.

Eurusi and Cardi are afraid of what we may become and want to stamp out our potential before we can see the truth of ourselves.

I think we should hold that to our hearts when others say they are stronger and more powerful than we. They are old and afraid.

Afraid of us.

And I think that should sustain us.

Written By Seren

Jan. 30, 2020, 4:58 a.m.(8.909930555555555/30.956111111111113/1012.6591608796297 AR)

I've never worked with Mirrorsilver before. The metal monger in the market was quite vocal about its beauty, shine, and its many uses. I couldn't not try it. It was new!

And quite difficult to work with. A challenge that will have to be taken up again. For now, a necklace has been placed in the shop.

Written By Seren

Jan. 30, 2020, 4:07 a.m.(8.907422288359788/30.81564814814815/1012.6589518573633 AR)

I'm not ashamed to admit I fell asleep in the workshop more than once this week. The journey to Arx has been long, eventful, and a treasured set of memories. But this week? That's been nothing but work. Worth it, though.

The wagon's parked in the back, ready for when I need it. The horses are stabled nearby and cared for. And now there's even metal in the stock room and orders flowing in. The Bright Forge, I've named it. A place to forge dreams in metal.

Written By Breidaia

Jan. 30, 2020, 2:59 a.m.(8.904015376984127/30.624861111111112/1012.658667948082 AR)

Relationship Note on Tarik

If you are going to make it grand, might I suggest adding in some daring adventure and perhaps some sailing. To help round out such a grand camping extravaganza. A bit land, a bit of sea, or river if that is your preference.

Written By Stygia

Jan. 30, 2020, 2:06 a.m.(8.901410796957672/30.47900462962963/1012.6584508997465 AR)

Arx prepares for war and nobles prepare themselves by getting married and having copious amounts of children.

I'm just waiting til they start listing all their valuables in the whites again.

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