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Written By Kedehern

Feb. 2, 2020, 9:27 a.m.(9.137528521825397/8.701597222222222/1012.6781273768188 AR)

I would say that it's finished, but somehow I don't believe that's actually accurate. More like it's broken, but now with a whole new set of issues. We'll see where it takes us, I suppose.

Written By Flora

Feb. 2, 2020, 8:54 a.m.(9.13585441468254/8.607847222222222/1012.6779878678902 AR)

I miss winter. There were fewer songbirds waking me up.

Written By Imi

Feb. 2, 2020, 7:58 a.m.(9.133120453042329/8.454745370370372/1012.6777600377535 AR)

Relationship Note on Flora

So glad we ran into one another again. Friends from the past, from home, aren't plentiful in Arx.

Written By Baelor

Feb. 2, 2020, 3:05 a.m.(9.118587136243386/7.64087962962963/1012.6765489280203 AR)

Relationship Note on Norwood

I saw a friend that I have not spoken to in many years recently. Travels upon the road keep me from many things. It is not often one finds out a friend has become your brother by marriage.

Perhaps might settle with my sister of her house.

Written By Baelor

Feb. 2, 2020, 3:03 a.m.(9.118447007275133/7.633032407407407/1012.6765372506063 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

One wonders how people of Arx feel it so easy to attack another for a slip of the pen. I've heard tale of your abilities, and worry not for the men under your command.

Written By Allegra

Feb. 2, 2020, 12:35 a.m.(9.111145833333333/7.224166666666667/1012.6759288194445 AR)

It's true. Too long I've been hiding away with my books. It is time for me to step out of my room and begin truly discovering the world. And not just because there are more books out there. Although that certainly helps.

Written By Tarik

Feb. 2, 2020, 12:14 a.m.(9.110071511243387/7.1640046296296305/1012.6758392926037 AR)

Today was just like old times. I caught with Lord Wash, and the Golden Hart was packed with familiar faces. I didn't get any chance to gamble, but it was good to catch up. Beside I probably should save my coin for that future camping trip. I did really enjoy that Port. I might have to get me a case

Written By Drake

Feb. 1, 2020, 6:28 p.m.(9.092921626984127/6.203611111111111/1012.674410135582 AR)

News the first is that Dominique is discussing holding an exhibition tournament, for charity purposes.

News the second is that I've been drilling hard in the practice fields for our future deployments, but there are challenges. Heavier armor, which might be necessary against our most dangerous foes, also slows my sword arm in ways I hadn't anticipated. I believe more practice will be necessary if I am really to be declared Sword of Highhill - and investing in lighter summer armor might not be ill-advised.

But the third news, which is good, is that apparently the upcoming tournament will be shall we say armor-optional.

Written By Rosalind

Feb. 1, 2020, 5:41 p.m.(9.090571263227513/6.071990740740741/1012.6742142719356 AR)

I passed my entrance exam for the Explorers! More adventures here I come!

Written By Jourdain

Feb. 1, 2020, 5:24 p.m.(9.089723875661376/6.024537037037037/1012.6741436563051 AR)

Events conspire to force me to re-engage with the world again, after too long standing apart. It feels like faithlessness so much of the time, to find myself taking interest in things again, or even laughing -- faithlessness, or a lack of proper gravity for my situation and what I have done.

Yet does time not flow on? A certain Legate seems determined to remind me about this often. I know what you are doing, Bianca. I suppose that is what cousins are for, however -- to nag us.

Written By Amund

Feb. 1, 2020, 3:44 p.m.(9.08478587962963/5.748009259259259/1012.6737321566358 AR)

Learning how to brawl is an essential component in the art of fighting and those that belittle it don't understand how important it is.

Conversely, a line of brawlers is not a great deterrent in comparison to spears or swords and shields.

Written By Rosalind

Feb. 1, 2020, 12:33 p.m.(9.075334821428571/5.21875/1012.6729445684524 AR)

Well I lost the archery contest. And have to wear a dress of Marquessa Cady's choosing. Something to know about me though? I still find a way to be where I want with no restrictions...

Written By Hamish

Feb. 1, 2020, 9:44 a.m.(9.06693783068783/4.748518518518519/1012.672244819224 AR)

If you have earned a title, own that title.

If you fear that title is for people better than you, then be that person.

Written By Jael

Feb. 1, 2020, 9:19 a.m.(9.065679563492063/4.678055555555556/1012.6721399636243 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

I miss Sir Daemon as well. I had to slap him in the face one time. He was steadfast and gracious, as always.

Written By Anisha

Feb. 1, 2020, 8:12 a.m.(9.062344990079366/4.491319444444445/1012.6718620825067 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

My Princess has been named the Sword of Bastion. A great honour for her, and as her protege, I can't help but feel pride. I know she is proud too. She carries on a great legacy, and I am certain she will add a bold chapter to Elvesbane's legends.

Her appointment comes alongside the declaration that House Grayson is rallying the banners. That, of course, is less fortunate. The Compact has known peace for scant time, and I've seen whites expressing worries in various directions.

I say that when the weapons are drawn, my mission has failed. But sometimes, weapons must be drawn to protect that which we care for. I have faith. Faith in the Compact, faith in the people who are drawing arms to protect us. Faith in my Princess.

She will draw on the virtues of Gloria and she will staunchly defend our values, and she will stand shoulder to shoulder with so, so many others willing to do the same.

And I am thankful.

And I will do my best to remind people why they fight.

That is the least I can do.

Written By Ida

Jan. 31, 2020, 4:30 p.m.(9.015658895502645/1.8768981481481481/1012.6679715746252 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

I no longer fight like I used to. Well, it's better said that I do not step into a ring as often as I used to; certainly not as I did as a younger woman in the circuits around the Oathlands. People do tend to pass over those of us who practice pugilism and forgo a blade or stick for fists. I entered a grand melee once - poor Lady Eirene who got paired with me - and wasn't the first one down. I think it surprised no few. Another time, Sir Daemon - and gods how I miss that young man - and I rode into an ambush on the back of a war elk. He trusted my fists and I guess they served us both well enough since we lived to tell the tale.

I'll never give up fighting with my hands, or learn a weapon. It would seem wrong, I think, y'know? While my focus the last few years has been more on weapons and metal, if only because they seem to often be more helpful than my fists in some things, I won't hesitate to clock someone if it might be necessary. It sucks when people pass us over thinking...well, I'm not sure why they underestimate us. We need more Sir Daemons.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 31, 2020, 3:53 p.m.(9.013819031084656/1.7738657407407405/1012.6678182525903 AR)

The pack has grown.

I am, apparently, blessed - and have named him 'Ash'.

The other thought, of course, was 'Soot,' as he was a byproduct of my visit to the Shrine to Lagoma - but he's an Ashford.

We will love him well. He's perfect, of course. And the pups are already carrying him everywhere.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 31, 2020, 12:39 p.m.(9.004174107142857/1.2337500000000001/1012.6670145089286 AR)

It is always strange to me that anyone should take idle interest in the writings of others' journals - even white. What draws someone to want to read another's thoughts, unless there is some specific reason for it - such as information sought, specifically?

I can't help but think of Killian, in this time. I wish he was here to share in everything.

Written By Shard

Jan. 31, 2020, 11:44 a.m.(9.00145419973545/1.0814351851851853/1012.6667878499779 AR)

Has it been such a long time since the Compact faced an existential (or potentially existential) threat that some people just don't actually know how to deal with it? I suppose mostly soldiers and sailors saw the true scope of the Gyre War. Not too many saw what came for the Lodge. And the Silent War? I don't know. They were all victories though. Costly victories, but victories. They all let the Compact, as a whole, retain the idea that they're the biggest, baddest piece on the board. It seems like the reality of Jadairal and Cardia--the reality of them, not the concept of some vague empire in that direction we've never seen or talked to--just drives some people out of their head to the point they start insisting that no, really, the Compact is still superior in power, the other empires are secretly afraid of us for some reason, and we actually still hold all the cards. Or some other people decide that the only thing we can do is start throwing our weight around and grabbing everything in sight as fast as possible, as if this will impress the other empires and convince them that we actually are the big bullies we say we are, worthy of being respected and feared.

The Compact did not get through the Reckoning or the War of Stolen Names by puffing out our chests, overextending ourselves, or denying the reality of the situation. Importantly, the Compact also didn't get through the Reckoning or the War of Stolen names alone. The Compact had /allies/. And those allies weren't won over by braying about how we're just the /best/ and everyone should look up to us by virtue of our existing. They weren't won over by force, or dragged kicking and screaming into an alliance against their will. We cannot take on the entire world by ourselves just by being /stubborn/ enough. Or, at least, we can't do it /only/ by being stubborn enough. Wouldn't that be nice.

Being the underdog isn't the end of things. Take it from someone who has been the underdog her entire life. It doesn't mean you roll over and submit, or give up what's important to you. It doesn't mean you let them change who you are. But it does mean thinking differently. It means approaching things differently. It means being at least a little bit cautious. It means making friends, and not enemies, where you can. And it also means you don't always get everything you want by shouting and waving your weapons.

Written By Lucita

Jan. 31, 2020, 11:39 a.m.(9.001227678571428/1.06875/1012.6667689732143 AR)

The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. I've probably said that before, but the lesson gets reinforced or retaught often enough to keep it fresh in mind.

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