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Written By Valencia

Feb. 2, 2020, 8:15 p.m.(9.16961970899471/10.498703703703704/1012.6808016424162 AR)

Gods, how I love knowing that the world is so much more than we think we know.

Some may fear such things, but not I. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.

I cannot wait to learn more and to see what comes of all this.


Written By Strozza

Feb. 2, 2020, 8:09 p.m.(9.16930679563492/10.481180555555556/1012.6807755663029 AR)

Paperwork. I need more paperwork. It's a world I think I prefer to exist in. Black and white is growing more preferable to gray

Written By Tyche

Feb. 2, 2020, 7:24 p.m.(9.16707630621693/10.356273148148148/1012.6805896921848 AR)

When I left Caina this last time, I was more reluctant than ever to return to Arx. With the new work put in by Lord Sebastian, the Inverno island gains more and more mystery and beauty. I hope that at the next Bloodmoon, the reflecting pool illuminates the glory of the Thirteenth for all in attendance, both Cainites and pilgrims alike.

Written By Zacharie

Feb. 2, 2020, 7:24 p.m.(9.167064732142856/10.355625/1012.6805887276786 AR)

This city can run at a pace too fast for me. Things I'd like to help with are over and done with before I even hear the pitch.

Written By Gwenna

Feb. 2, 2020, 6:46 p.m.(9.165198412698413/10.251111111111111/1012.6804332010582 AR)

Relationship Note on Porter

That purple hat is near legendary.

Written By Jeffeth

Feb. 2, 2020, 5:28 p.m.(9.161337218915344/10.03488425925926/1012.6801114349096 AR)

Relationship Note on Baelor

There is a difference in an attack and a genuine sincere warning.

Lady Miranda's white no matter whether writing the correct name or incorrect, was severely flawed. This type of thinking must not be allowed to take root. It must be corrected. It is not a kindness to empower these kinds of sentiments, it is a dangerous act.

If either of you would like me to explain in more detail why this is so, I would be more than happy to address it in private. Though I feel it important to state this publicly as to not allow this to be interpreted as just another case of bickering in the Whites. While on many things discussed, it is good to hear a variety of viewpoints, on certain matters there is simply correct and incorrect.

Written By Leola

Feb. 2, 2020, 5:23 p.m.(9.161072668650794/10.020069444444445/1012.6800893890543 AR)

To all who journeyed with me on the Victorious; thank you. As soon as I've thought over what we found, I'll let people know where we need to go next. I need to make some preperations, and I'm not perfectly sure, but I think we may be going north.

Quite far north.

Into the Everwinter.

I'd like to do it before winter falls, as well. It might help? A bit?

Written By Apollo

Feb. 2, 2020, 4:38 p.m.(9.158840939153439/9.895092592592594/1012.6799034115961 AR)

I feel I've overextended myself. Once this round of commissions is done - once I'm back from traveling AGAIN - I think I shall have to have some lessons in saying no to things.

Written By Thea

Feb. 2, 2020, 4:31 p.m.(9.158489169973546/9.875393518518518/1012.6798740974978 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

I never thought I'd be saying this, but..I'm anxious for this child of yours. The gifts the baby will recieve..Marquessa Arcadia can probably warn you..

Written By Thea

Feb. 2, 2020, 4:15 p.m.(9.157713293650794/9.831944444444444/1012.6798094411375 AR)

I grow restless and I dont know why. Perhaps because I'm not finding all the answers I seek and I grow impatient? I'm not sure. It only lasts so long, right?

Written By Ophelia

Feb. 2, 2020, 3:08 p.m.(9.154412202380952/9.647083333333333/1012.6795343501984 AR)

Relationship Note on Flora

I miss winter for that very same reason, too!

Written By Roran

Feb. 2, 2020, 1:18 p.m.(9.148972387566138/9.342453703703704/1012.6790810322972 AR)

The Marquessa diFidante shared with me two cats from her household. If there is something that I love more than the people surrounding me and in the compact, it is cats. Not that this is a secret. They randomly appear and follow me now and then. It is not often to find a kitten in a pocket.

Dee and Ree were wonderful companions and I look forward to seeing who else will reach out so that I may experience life with their companions be they animal or human and gain a changed perspective.

Written By Martino

Feb. 2, 2020, 12:53 p.m.(9.147717840608466/9.272199074074074/1012.6789764867174 AR)

There is always a faint regret in hosting the a tasting event that always seems to revolve around the morning after.

Well, next time, perhaps not being two ahead of everyone before they arrive should help.

Then, again, what is a tasting if not the host keeping the crowd entertained.

Written By Mercedes

Feb. 2, 2020, 11:36 a.m.(9.143909143518519/9.058912037037038/1012.6786590952933 AR)

I hide nothing from those I trust, but I am a private woman, I think. My thoughts and opinions are my own, given only when they are needed. But there are dark times ahead, and we all must do our part to encourage and support the greater sum of our parts. This is a time for alliance, and solidarity.

I write and publish this in the hope others read my words and are stirred.

The Eurusi menace is upon our doorstep, and much lurks in the entanglement of their being that could prove a greater threat still. These terrible matters are not for public journalizing, but they are real, and know that many of us stand in the shadows to protect Arvum and the very world. We need no thanks, or recognition, but every living soul on this continent must make hard decisions and sacrifices of their own.

Nobles; stop your petty disputes and talk to one another. Send your finest and wisest diplomats to negotiate agreeable terms - knowing that you do so for all our futures. Be decisive, and just. Be incisive, and be quick. To the common folk I joined by choice, because I believe there are things in this world far more important than wealth and power; set aside your prejudices, find your trust, and fight for your very lives. Protect your loved ones, but bring in the crops, move your heavy burdens willingly, deal amicably with those who strive to fight the battles you cannot. In time, tomorrow will belong to us all.

Today, it is my sword that belongs to us all. I have two hands with which to fight, and I will do whatever I can. Whatever I must. This is about more than duty. More than greed, or the acquisition of status. We fight for survival. So, fight. With all of your hearts.

Steel bends, honor holds. Non Omnis Moriar. Whatever words empower you; use them. Believe in them. Have Faith.

Dame Mercedes Valardin
Knight of the Inquisition

Written By Evaristo

Feb. 2, 2020, 11:19 a.m.(9.143075810185184/9.01224537037037/1012.6785896508487 AR)

It is truly astonishing to see the number of caravels being built. It's moving fast now.

I am not sure it is the threat of war or people's curiosity to travel that drives this, but either or, we are about to see an era where we travel further than we have travelled for centuries, maybe millenia.

Written By Amari

Feb. 2, 2020, 10:49 a.m.(9.141592675264551/8.929189814814816/1012.6784660562721 AR)

I feel so much better now.

I recall having gamely offered to harvest pumpkins, pick apples, plow fields and chop down trees for various folk in Oakhaven while I was celebrating. I was feeling rather spirited at the time and full of reverence for the land and Petrichor. I think I even promised one of the Everettes a new cow as fine as Laurent's fabled Sheila and Duskshire mules for - well, I'm not sure who that was. It's a bit of a blur now, but come fall I'll make good on my promises. I just may need to be reminded what they were.

Written By Porter

Feb. 2, 2020, 10:47 a.m.(9.141466187169312/8.922106481481482/1012.6784555155974 AR)

My brother made me an admiral this week. I also now have possession of this ridiculously large purple hat that I plan on wearing at every opportunity.

Written By Rey

Feb. 2, 2020, 10:21 a.m.(9.14016658399471/8.849328703703705/1012.6783472153329 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva

It was nice getting to spend time with Tikva and catch up. I'm looking forward to the promised picnic, and getting to see my niece and nephews.

Written By Estil

Feb. 2, 2020, 9:44 a.m.(9.138365162037037/8.748449074074074/1012.6781970968365 AR)

It is wonderful having so many projects to work on, I'm looking forward to all of them. Hopefully, I will have a chance to speak with Duchess Delilah soon about assisting her as well, with some research.

Written By Kedehern

Feb. 2, 2020, 9:29 a.m.(9.13760333994709/8.705787037037037/1012.6781336116622 AR)

Relationship Note on Norwood

I bet he'll be an amazing grandpa, won't he?

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