Written By Cadenza
Dec. 30, 2019, 9:26 p.m.(6/21/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Gabriella
I mean, it was moved in the end, lest I be dead by now...
I mean, our drinking challenge what swore me as victor did also involve a dance number at one point that included several well-bred Blanchard stallions? Yes? No?
No problem! This inaccuracy between our proud, stone memories means that we shall have to arrange a rematch. Higher stakes! More stallions!
Written By Miranda
Dec. 30, 2019, 8:17 p.m.(6/21/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Domonico
Also, I can still kick your ass in the ring. Don't think, just because I'm a 'married woman' now, that I can't do that.
Just saying.
Written By Miranda
Dec. 30, 2019, 8:15 p.m.(6/21/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Thea
Besides, what if you decided that a prank was due???
I'd have to make a choice. To join in on the prank or cut it off before it could go on.
... Better that I didn't have to make that choice.
Written By Sydney
Dec. 30, 2019, 8:11 p.m.(6/21/1012 AR)
...but boy, when I get it wrong? I get it terribly, /terribly/ wrong.
Written By Eirene
Dec. 30, 2019, 6:40 p.m.(6/21/1012 AR)
I still have my Malvici family, and they will always come first. Thank the Gods for that. I also have two brats to look out for and ensure they grow and are cunning and strong enough to help me avenge their father.
Written By Ida
Dec. 30, 2019, 6:36 p.m.(6/21/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
Written By Martino
Dec. 30, 2019, 3:54 p.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
Well it is better than being on the road travelling from place to place after all.
Written By Eirene
Dec. 30, 2019, 2:32 p.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
Message sent: Lady <redacted>, it's been brought to my attention that you're adept in the detection and elimination of many threats beyond mortal capability. I'd appreciate it if we could sit and discuss more of your techniques and knowledge. Sincerely, Lady Brigadier General Eirene Malvici
Message Dictated: Hey <redacted>, someone said you're good at throwing down with supernatural shit. Let's chat.
Written By Eirene
Dec. 30, 2019, 1:39 p.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
Deal with it.
No doubt some of you are glad, others are glaring, and those of you who don't know me? You will soon enough...
Written By Sanya
Dec. 30, 2019, 1:26 p.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Dianna
That being said, I believe she is well loved. Not by all, since as you say it is not possible. But as well loved as one could be. And deservedly so.
Written By Gabriella
Dec. 30, 2019, 12:31 p.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Cadenza
But I am unconditionally certain I triumphed in our drinking contest, admiral.
I may not know the reason one would try to coax piss from a snake, but I know that much, at least.
Written By Amari
Dec. 30, 2019, 11:20 a.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Shae
Then to fully revive the tradition, you'd need only name your children something like Kerbert and Keatrice... or perhaps not. I suppose it's a custom only the Kertons have continued to this day. Maybe it should remain theirs alone.
Written By Strozza
Dec. 30, 2019, 10:02 a.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
I wonder where the images in the haze of my mind will rule?
Will it be tender? Will my mind be cruel?
A wandering tempest that begs for closer view.
A reflection of the self that beggars resolve on what is real.
Thoughts that leave one to consider is this my or the gods purview.
Written By Aelgar
Dec. 30, 2019, 8:23 a.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
Written By Gaston
Dec. 30, 2019, 4:57 a.m.(6/20/1012 AR)
...actually on second thought, perhaps it's best I make no guarantee, just in case.
Written By Dianna
Dec. 30, 2019, 4:07 a.m.(6/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Vanora
But I will return to them, to my dearest friends, even, should they question me in this:
Firstly: Is there anyone truly beloved by all? Do we not all have challenges, have disagreements with others, find those who do not respect us - and those who are not respected by us?
Secondly, and more importantly to me: What is gained by taking as a patron, or even a friend, one beloved by all but who can offer little in one's growth?
Does not the winter (much as I disdain it, yet, in Arx - to speak nothing of the climate farther north that I have not experienced) challenge growth, year upon year; and does not growth come, time and again, despite - and sometimes precisely because of the harshest of climes?
This is not to say that I find in any way Duchess Vanora Grimhall, my patron, to be harsh with me, personally, in any manner of speaking, nor do I find it difficult to embrace her as patron. (If I did, it would be beyond foolish to accept her patronage.) Rather, the difficulty, the harshness I expect to find may come from my friends, who have, perhaps, had their own difficulties with the Duchess - but those are their difficulties, their challenges, and not mine. Far be it for me to judge on circumstances of which I have little, if any, knowledge; and, regardless: as a Mirrormask, one ought to know that I am wont to question and question again reality and truths held by many, most or all.
For those of my friends, family, Brothers and Sisters of the Faith or any other reading this who may not know:
It is a Mirrormask's duty to defend those who are most defenseless. If I shirk this duty in any manner, particularly in this, what kind of Mirrormask am I? What servant to the Truth, to Tehom, to the gods - and to you? And what truths, in this, by this, would I deny?
Still, all of these reasons yet speak nothing of the truths that rest so easily before me for why I chose to accept Duchess Grimhalls' patronage:
* That Duchess Vanora Grimhall was raised and educated to be what I am now: From the youngest of ages, she had intended to be a Godsworn Mirrormask, a Priestess to Tehom, the Thirteenth, and was to avow herself to serve all of the gods. Who better to give me an education in my duties, in what I have but begun to learn than the Second Reflection - a woman who would have been me? True: I learn yet from the Archlector to Tehom, Blessed Vayne; but I wish and aspire to learn all I may, and take on as many teachers are as willing to give their great or small amounts of knowledge to me.
* That Duchess Vanora Grimhall is and has been, for some not small amount of time, of the most notable philanthropists within this great city and continues to give generously - not only to the Faith, not only to the Mirrormasks, not only to her family, friends and proteges, but to the entire city.
* That Duchess Vanora Grimhall has weathered storms and difficulty since the time of her birth - and manages, yet, not only to survive, but to prosper, to grow her family and House Grimhall, to gain the respect of many throughout the Compact - if, also, their fear. (Fear, though, is a matter I shall leave to another journal, as I have so very many thoughts and feelings regarding an emotion drawn so much more often of one's own refusal to question, face and accept reality - and is more indicative, in truth, of one's own mind and strength of character than of the object one claims incites one's fear.) If there is one thing I or anyone might come to learn, it is in how best to weather storms of skepticism, disapproval and hatred by others so well and gracefully as she, my patron, while still finding the strength to grow, in oneself, and accomplish one's goals.
* That Duchess Vanora Grimhall is of the Lyceum, thereby being one who is, by birth and heritage, one who is familiar with the customs to which I am accustomed - and yet, is married now and has been married to men from other Noble Houses so vastly different from her own heritage, has helped both in their successes - provides me with still more opportunity to learn how to set aside what is familiar to me, or to use what I have learned to help, to the best of my ability, not just the Faith and the various differences I already and inevitably find therein, but any who may seek aid and advice in any number of subjects.
I firmly believe we are not meant to exist only for the pleasure we might find in life - though, certainly, there are boundless joys to be found, particularly and most often when we are truest to ourselves and to the paths we take in honest self-reflective states.
Certainly and without shame do I admit that my patron blesses me with her favor, praise and assistance in gaining favor from the people of this good Compact. What better way to help, to reach out to the world than if one is in their favor? For one is trusted - and one hopes, as I strive, to be trusted for their good and honest works, for the quality of their heart and mind, and for the merit of their work. I strive for this every day, as I have striven for it every day since I was a child.
This is why I accept such patronage, such favor from Duchess Vanora Grimhall.
I find that I am blessed with enjoying her company, as well - having a commonality of purpose in growing the trust of the people in the Mirrormasks, in assisting others to reflect upon their weaknesses, their darkness, their fears and to overcome, become stronger with this knowledge, that we may, as a Compact, be strong together and well.
And I am blessed with the prospect of becoming her friend, and she mine. Friendships are strange, sometimes, and grow from differences as well as from similarities; and I find I have more questions than I have time to ask them all - but hope, through her patronage, to earn true and sincere trust, to give to her peace and love that she surely needs - as all need, most particularly those who are, for whatever reason, considered askance.
I give to her my trust, in return; and what favor my words may bring. And I hope and pray to the gods that my friends, my family will do me the honor of respecting - or at least of questioning - my choices.
It is the best we can give to one another, and the only true way to bind us all, despite fears, disagreements or lack of understanding.
I look forward to knowing you, Duchess. And thank you again for your patronage.
Written By Richard
Dec. 30, 2019, 2:43 a.m.(6/19/1012 AR)
To tell the truth, I am not. I am heartened, instead. Heartened whenever I am reminded of the capacity for a citizen of Arx to hold a righteous red rage against the injustices in this world that lurk in the darkness of night and the shadows of stately manors and cramped alleyways both. You may read this and believe I am being patronizing.
I assure you that I am not.
Such conversations remind me of the importance of my duties as Knight and Physician both. I feel firmer than I have in quite some time, and I hope you too may find your way to stability. I do not know you and you do not know me, but permit me to give this advice: Look to those who are around you and with you, whether it is doubt or frustration that you feel. I cannot know the Question that you chase. We exist in worlds out of step with one another. But there is always, always value in asking the Question aside from the content of the Answer, even if it is a ripple in a pond.
I do hope that we meet again in a more suitable time.
Written By Theo
Dec. 30, 2019, 2:23 a.m.(6/19/1012 AR)
I am loyal to the Lyceum because I am loyal to the Lycene people as a whole. I, Prince Theo Velenosa, see it as my responsibility as a Lycene prince to go out of my way as a show of good will to every house in the Lyceum.
You are my people, when Pravus becomes a great house they will still be my people, just as Velenosa are my people.
I will be here forever, never to abandon a single Lycene noble or commoner who is simply doing their best to thrive and grow. So I hope that this serves as an olive branch between myself and every Lycene house.
Written By Brigid
Dec. 30, 2019, 1:09 a.m.(6/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Katherine
I am proud to have you at my side and the Moore family grows ever greater because of you, cousin.
Written By Brigid
Dec. 30, 2019, 1:05 a.m.(6/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Gaspar
Well met, Mr. Fox.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.