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Written By Corban

July 11, 2019, 8:20 a.m.(6/11/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Juniper

How glad I am to hear of Sister Juniper of the Faith. She has heard her calling in service to others, and her taking of Godsworn vows brings her closer to Gild's Charity, which she embodies through her works.

Written By Arcadia

July 11, 2019, 4:15 a.m.(6/11/1011 AR)

Lately I have been bombarded with information, which makes me want to pull on the threads I've been given and unravel more of the thoughts and ideas I've been given, and head out exploring in earnest. I have never been one to sit behind a book. But, when should one stop?

I mean, curiosity killed the cat and right now I am pretty sure I going to be that cat.

Written By Vincenzo

July 10, 2019, 10:25 p.m.(6/10/1011 AR)

Words said can sometimes easily be mended. But putting foolish words in whites? You'll be remembered a fool by everyone forever.

Written By Svoli

July 10, 2019, 10:12 p.m.(6/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kincade

Not what I expected. In a very nice way.

Written By Shard

July 10, 2019, 6:08 p.m.(6/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alecstazi

What in the everliving fuck are you even talking about?

I've done bad things. I've even done at least one terrible thing. I have never, /ever/ done the things that we've been discussing. To be honest, if I wasn't so damned confused about what my title actually makes me as far as the Compact is concerned, I'd take up the offer to fight for me that I received a few days ago and challenge you over that accusation alone.

And even if I was whatever you're saying, whatever you're referring to, exactly how does that invalidate anything I've been saying? This argument was not about Shard, Better Than You. If that's how you've been reading it this entire time, you're not only hopeless, you're looking for excuses to ignore uncomfortable realities. I could be the biggest, most hypocritical monster on Arvum, and it wouldn't somehow make murdering babies /okay/. It wouldn't make butchering thousands okay. It wouldn't make torturing hundreds to death because you're mad at your liege and you think your new human body art project will get their attention fine and acceptable. It doesn't suddenly justify slavery.

I've never claimed to be a good person, let alone a paragon, so I don't see why you keep insisting I have. The more important question is why it is that someone like me, whoever and whatever you think /I/ am, seemingly has to point out these basic fucking things to someone like /you/.

Written By Vincenzo

July 10, 2019, 4:29 p.m.(6/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

A dress is temporary, like flowers in spring crowning green hills.
It will fray, just like the flowers wither in summer sun and perish.
But like the fragrance of a spring evening can bring memories,
I think having new dresses should always be a thing.

Live in and for the moment.

Written By Elloise

July 10, 2019, 3:40 p.m.(6/10/1011 AR)


Small breakthrough today on one of my experiments for House Leary. If this works, the house is definitely going to be thrilled!

Written By Alecstazi

July 10, 2019, 11:33 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

While this has been a fantastic exercise in learning methods for debating with a brick wall, I have been told who and what you are. You are a hypocrite. A hypocrite who cannot handle the truth of her own actions and deeds, and so you scream at the world about the things that you hate trying to assuage your guilt or hide the fact that you are the monster you claim to hate. That you are no better than those you so enjoy shouting at. So your words? Meaningless. You know what you did. And you will have to live with that knowledge for the rest of your life.

Written By Miranda

July 10, 2019, 9:06 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Thea

Soon, I will return to Gemecitta for a short while and do...
... Nothing. On the advice of my beloved second-cousin Lady Thea Malvici.

I've never done nothing. I mean, if when I sit drinking coffee in the Bold, I am thinking of things that require my attention. My body idle, my mind is not.

I am planning to be idle. Body and Mind.

I hope to achieve this state of 'nothing' my cousin has advised me to try.

I'll let you know how it turns out, Cousin.

Written By Miranda

July 10, 2019, 9:03 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

Indeed - a rather unlikely friendship. No doubt created through the bonds of playful mischief!

Arx ought to beware whilst we plot our fun!

I'm having thoughts - and you know nothing good shall come of that!!!

Written By Kedehern

July 10, 2019, 8:43 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Flavien

The other day, I passed my distant cousin Flavien in the halls. He looked at me with determined eyes, and exclaimed 'Sorry, not sorry'. I've no idea what the devil he was talking about, but I worry I shall soon find out.

Written By Preston

July 10, 2019, 7:45 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alecstazi

The prince of Thrax comments on the Valorous Few and perhaps on mercenaries more generally. I must admit, I am dull and predictable - I am wary of any who fight first for money. It places one at risk of dishonour, it pulls at the bonds of oaths. It is a path surrounded by murky waters, the beasts from which could at any time pounce from the depths to drag you away from the Gods. The Templars' displeasure with mercenaries and their actions has been clear in the past, with our issues with the Crimson Blades and their orders under Prince Alistair.

But what I will say is they are often the most honest of the secular forces we deal with. They are often the most willing to discuss matters with us. Now, I know this is because their motives are obvious - they want coin, and to survive to spend it. But some mercenary commanders have also been most willing to own errors and step up and pay with that same coin to rectify mistakes. Baroness Violet of the Crimson Blades is one such.

I never met Audric, I knew him only by reputation - I do not think we would have liked one another. I think the disagreements between myself and Prima Shard are written in the whites for the ages. But I have never found them to be dishonest. While I may often think Prima Shard is wrong, often self defeating, I may think she is at least half the cause of whatever distance she feels between herself and others in the Compact, I have never doubted that she earnestly held the views she espoused. And that earnestness is built on her experiences.

We each see the world from our own perspective. As a prince, as an outcast, as an orphan. As a noble, as a mercenary or as a knight of the Faith. Perhaps what is best is to agree on a common view of the future, than arguing over our perceptions of the past?

Written By Preston

July 10, 2019, 7:27 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

The Legate is most wise - as he ever is. I just hope more of the children of the Faith understand, and do not allow fascination or a desire for understanding to morph into holding mistaken trust in these foreign emissaries.

Written By Gwenna

July 10, 2019, 7:22 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

The wrap party for The Wager of Hearts was an absolute delight! Having the opportunity to play Lady Amaryllis in the production is an experience I do not think I will ever forget. Lady Evonleigh is truly to be commended and I would nearly jump at the chance to work with her again. Her gifts to us all were so touching, and it was a thrill to see my name in the programs she made available to those who attended. Both will be proudly displayed in the Redrain Grand Library.

While I am a bit sad that the show has concluded, it was such a joy to gather at the Bard's College with everyone who made it come to life. I sincerely enjoyed the event, getting to chat with dear friends and new acquaintances throughout the night. Princess Zara Valardin and the Nightingale, Gianna Whisper, put on a fabulous affair, at which I enjoyed myself immensely. Much to my regret, I had to depart a bit early, but I took even more fond memories with me from the evening.

Written By Elisha

July 10, 2019, 1:37 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Dianara

I watch you from this damp branch,
the cunning sun
across your sullen face,
your mouth curled, beautiful, angry--a child's lips

that linger on a word.

Your sisters, from the same Elysian womb torn,
cross the red sea of our maddening mother
through a wave-tossed sail-furled storm
and drown themselves

in your soft-throated mercy.

She applies her passions like
a pyre that burns the vellum of her flesh,
into a cloud of ash
that charts the arrival of the new banner,

and the betrayal of the old.

Even a newborn arrives in the world
with bloody hands.
To fight with honor is to fight with honor and
that double-edged sword leaves us

no choice except endings.

The stars know neither east nor west,
No moon rises; we have dreamed, cursed and blessed,
Of this contract through many Reckonings hurled,
To that bright reflection of our waking world
That sleeps on its pivot, the heart of rest.

(There are at least two kinds of stories: dramas and dreams. Every scene in a drama brings us closer to the end. Every scene in a dream bring us a new beginning. Every drama is staged within a dream, but no dream is contained by a drama. A dream understood by a drama is mere prophesy, or fantasy. The Silence, The Certainty, The Eater of Stories; all are welcome into my dramas. I raise them by clever mechanisms from the trap room. Never into my dreams. If the massacre of Abandoned children is the price of admission we gladly pay, the silencing of Abandoned dreams is )

Written By Mabelle

July 10, 2019, 1:05 a.m.(6/8/1011 AR)

For my 18th birthday I received a new dress,
Voluminous and shiny and aimed to impress.
I was not quite happy as it did not fit well,
The colors not mine, it wasn’t quite “Belle”.
But my mother has taught me to always be kind
I was grateful, appreciative, to my instincts blind
I paraded my dress from summer to Fall,
But I did not like it, I could not stand tall.
One day a thread has escaped from the stitch,
The fabric turned unpleasant, making me itch.
Unwisely I pulled at the thread, that stray
And quickly a hole formed to my dismay.
The shape was lost, the stitches were loose
The dress was ruined, it was no longer of use.
All blamed me, pointing out it’s my fault,
“You did not guard it well, it belongs in a vault”
They did not know the dress was frilly,
The fabric a fake, the embroideries silly,
I could not prevent it from falling apart,
I claimed my innocence, crossing my heart.
I walked for a year, my eyes looking down
Avoiding the fingers, wagging around,
Until this evening, the tailor came forth,
He admitted it was made with such little worth,
The fabric was cheap, he lied of the cost,
I’d tell you the rest, but the purpose is lost.
My head held higher to hear him confess,
And I promised to never wear another dress.

Written By Peri

July 10, 2019, 1 a.m.(6/8/1011 AR)

I am glad people are sharing their thoughts on the visitors from Cardia and Jadairal. They give me reflections to study.

Foreign lands have been an interest of mind since childhood. I have investigated this matter and found that only every few years or so a traveler from Cardia reaches us, and that visitors from Nefer'khat or Jadairal are much more rare. It is exceedingly hard to learn about the lives of people like us from those lands. We find bits of ancient history and grudges held over millennia. We do not know what type of houses they live in, what rivers they ford, what they eat. The "Wager of Hearts" just closed in Arx. What could I learn from /their/ playwrights? What is life like for noble or commoner?

I trust them the same as I trust us - if you want to know about Pearlspire, ask me or anyone from Pearlspire. You can trust us to be ourselves. I think the same will be true for their peoples.

I have a goal of one day traveling to foreign lands much like Prince Cerdic Valardin did. I don't have a ship like the Nightstar, but I can see the progress being made in shipbuilding. In the past few years we have gained an ability to reach as far as the Suthryn Wastes - You can read about the travels of the Victorious in the Map Room of the Society of Explorers and the travels of the Carlotta in the whites to see evidence of that.

I would not go to any of them for matters of faith. If I understood the praetor right, the people in Cardia think our gods are alfar except for maybe Aion. It was very confusing; do not take my word on it. In contrast, the emissary from Jadairal called their faith the Grace of the Thirteen and said that they worship Skald. They at least sound like they worship our gods, though I question their understanding of Skald.

Written By Bhandn

July 9, 2019, 11:35 p.m.(6/8/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

I greatly enjoyed my long overdue talk over tea with our Mother Mercy. While it was a bit disappointing that no one intruded upon our discussion, as I rather wanted to see if any of my colleagues would be brazen enough to desire the consequences of which I gave warning, the conversation itself was more than worth the wait. Not only will I have to remember to bring only honey, and much more than I did today -- we both take quite a bit of it, it turns out -- but I will have to bring a second pot, to set on the fire while we enjoy the first.

Let this record show she has my support, after what we discussed today. I very much look forward to another such talk, when time allows.

Written By Helena

July 9, 2019, 10:44 p.m.(6/8/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Malcolm

Northerners told stories of Skald long before he was considered a god. One legend is that he is a shapeshifter, and can turn into a pack of wolves.

Written By Wren

July 9, 2019, 7:36 p.m.(6/8/1011 AR)

My mornings in the market are always my favorite part of my day. I get to visit with Bertha and inquire about her family while I enjoy observing as the city begins to come alive, to feel the rhythm and pulse, the heartbeat of the city, of Civilization. Few things bring me more satisfaction than the bustle and hustle of the market. Indeed, it is always immeasurable to strike a good deal with another merchant or on behalf of my lord patron, to calculate those silver knights as they go from pouch to palm to pouch again. I cannot deny that it is euphoric, and I chase that feeling with glee.

It is also good to work with other merchants, to see them rise ever higher as they take to their wings. I'm an opportunistic bird, but I do enjoy seeing others succeed. I'll never forget about my success in the process, though. One should never fail to take care of their own needs, wants, and desires.

I won't.

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