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Written By Gunther

April 14, 2019, 11:57 a.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

(Turned in with some other journals dated some time ago)

My Sally,

Ain't sure what's what right now. I can't sleep none. Now don't you fret I reckon I will get my head sorted. Just, can't quiet things down none. It's the same thing that keeps poppin' in. I wish at least them Gods would give me dreams about you.

Nightmares. Good ones. I just miss ya face so much.

Some nights I just sit and stare in the dark imagin' you through the years. How your face changed and all. How them eyes just got kinder and sweeter as the years went on and such.

I love you... my woman, my wife...

Written By Gunther

April 14, 2019, 11:56 a.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

(Turned in with some other journals dated some time ago)

My girl,

Been some months since you been gone now. Ain't a day I don't consider you most the time. I get busy sweepin' and doin' stuffs and my eyes just get wet. Ain't no reason to cry. I just does. I hides it from thems thats around and keep on.

Sometimes I feel like I ain't meant to be here among peoples. Like I was supposed to be with you and the world just done turned screwy when you died.

I love you and I miss you so.

Forever yours,

Written By Gunther

April 14, 2019, 11:56 a.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

(Turned in with some other journals dated some time ago)

My Sally,

Remember that time we was eatin' our vittles at that little stream. You was washin' our clothes. And I was watchin' you there just with all that love in my eyes.

Them fellas, reckon a couple was bandits -- they comes up and they start hollerin' and tryin' to push us around. I was gonna go give em' a taste of my knucks when you put your hand on mah shoulder and whispered to me that you loved me and they was just words.

I felt the red in me go. I just felt calm and at peace. Ain't never had no other make me feel that. I sat there and took it and them fellas they didn't push none more. Afterwards we just went on our business. And we ate our vittles, snuggled, and I forgot about them fellas.

I ain't told you this. Next day I was in town and there they was. They was in the tavern just gettin' in their cups like I used to. But whatever that calm was in me was gone. I 'membered them foul things they said to you.

So I clobbered them but good. Put a bottle over the first fella's head, one I took from his mouth and then just flipped it over and smashed it. The next fella I got up on the table and put my boot in his mouth. His teeth went skittering' everywhere. And the one that said them bad things to you. I just pummeled him until his face was all mish-mash.

When I came home that night I saw that look in your eyes. That disappointment. And it crushed my heart. I felt sick in my stomach about what I done.

That was the moment I knew you was the woman meant for me. You filled me so full o' love that I saw myself for the first time.

Ain't hit no one out of anger never again.

I love you and I miss you,

Written By Gunther

April 14, 2019, 11:56 a.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

(Turned in with some other journals that were dated some time ago)

My Sally,

Reckon I sits sometimes and just stares at them walls. I just long to see you again. And I knows I can't. Some parts of me just pretends you are still here yanno? I talks to you before I goes to bed. Just yammerin' away like you was listenin'.

I then kinda just look at myself and it's hard. Hard knowin' you're breathin' and your best reason for goin' on is never gonna be there again.

I'm gonna do me some good with them times I gots left.

I love you girl,
Your Gunther

Written By Gunther

April 14, 2019, 11:55 a.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

(Turned in with other journals that are dated some time ago)

Sally girl,

I met me a Grace! Ain't like the graces you get when you prays to them Gods. Or when you got good fork and knife skills. Ain't like when you do something all smooth and what not neither!

Archduchess! Of them poison folks. 'cept they ain't poisoned no one I know of. But I reckon if they did it right I weren't to know about it no how. She was really nice and wanted to be a friend and all to me.

She lost her fella recently. I guess he was a Grace (not them other kinds as I says) too! She seemed real upset so I reckon it was recent. Gonna check in on her soon. Not like nothin', now -- told her I was always yours. Just makin' sure she is good an' all.

Love, Gunther

Written By Gunther

April 14, 2019, 11:55 a.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

(Turned in with a bundle of other journals that are dated weeks ago)

My wife,

I reckon I still call you my wife. I ain't never gonna so much as look at another woman again. Reckon we was really until death do... just you know, ain't wanted it to be you that tested them words. Wish it was me all the time.

I think you woulda been so special here. What with your kindness, and your warmth, and your ability to make good vittles outta rubbish. They'd a really used you here. More so than a worn out ol' fighter. Ain't good for nuttin' save what my mitts do.

Some says it's hard my girl. Some days I wakes up and my chest is heavy. I breathe an' breathe but I can't seem to catch it. I think it's just my heart cryin' out for it's love. Ain't so easy some days.

But I prays. I give thanks and I put one foot forward over the other. And I keep on goin'. I know you'd want that for me.

Love always,

Written By Gunther

April 14, 2019, 11:54 a.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

(Turned in with a bundle of journals that had not been turned in for sometime)

My Sally!

I was on a boat!!!! It actually set sail and reckon we went into the ocean! Don't know how deep! I gots a little sick to mah belly an' all. But it was a big boat. Had this thing where you climb up and look off but I didn't onna account I don't like heights none. Close to the ground sort of fella like you knows.

This is one of them fancy ships. New and what not. Guess we had kinda poor ships before an' all. Now rest your heart I ain't 'bout to join the navy none. Still intent on bein' a knight an' all.

I miss you something fierce my Sally. I wish you was with me onna boat. You'd a looked so fine in some dress or somethin'. I'm makin' more money now and I coulda got you a fancy dress liked you used to always dream about. Don't worry none though, I'm givin' all my money save for my vittles scratch to them Gods and to them Orphans.

I'm doin' ya proud girl.

I can't wait until the next turn of the wheel my Sally girl. Them Gods gotta put us together again I just knows it!

Yours always,

Written By Brady

April 14, 2019, 11:18 a.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

"Are you ready? Okay...

I've found myself a dreamer, who is often half-asleep,
I've washed the dust from 'round my eyes,
But found my polish does not keep.

This is where the piano starts playing, Ahem.

I've found a mare within the night, it's mein so dark and deep,
I'd likely trade my own two eyes,
Just to make it turn and leave.

Tho' I've found myself a cool refrain, in a certain warm embrace, but the distraction itself is the prize,
Which makes me want to weeeeeeep-

At this point, the man, uh, rises from the bench, hands stilled upon the keys. You can tell he's distraught, and half the candles are snuffed to add uh, you know, dramatic effect. He sings softly now...

Between all of us, both lost and found, the wolves and our sheep,
do our dreams of Are just lie,
Trampled 'neath hard shod feet?

Then the man just collapses back onto the bench and weeps against the piano, and the rest of the candles are snuffed. So do you get it? No, wait, don't answer, I don't either. Go ahead and bring out the black one now, it's gonna take a while..."
(Editor's note: Written verbatim)

Written By Fairen

April 14, 2019, 11:07 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Iliana

It was delightful to share a dance with you, it's been...

... err...

Well! Quite a while. Hope the foot's ok!

Written By Valenzo

April 14, 2019, 10:52 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

...I'm no longer sure you understand the word "serious," Ev.

Written By Rysen

April 14, 2019, 10:34 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

I visited the Great Grey Hall for a ball hosted by Princess Liara. The music was exquisite and the company diverse and pleasant. It was good to spend time with the Learys and my fellow Northerners. Though I didn't have a chance to converse with him, I enjoyed sharing a dance floor with Lord Martino, as being in close proximity to those graceful movements is a living lesson on what is possible with dedication to the joyful art. It was also good to see Rukhnis dance, and, though she arrived at the ball with a book - on the ecology of lobsters, no less - I was, with much effort and varied arguments, able to persuade Lady Peri to join me on the dance floor, and had a wonderful time.

As I become more familiar with the city of Arx, my respect for the skill and warmth of Princess Liara continues to grow. It is easy for a battle-hardened solider to look on social events at court under a cloud of contempt; however, the alliances and fellowship of the Compact are tempered in just such joyful forges - and it is that unity that comes from dance, conversation and happiness, that, in the tests of fire and blood, harden our resolve and ignite our courage in the hope that our sons and daughters will know all the advantages of culture, trust and fellowship.

Our work continues in Coastside. Thank the gods and spirits for Lady Amari Keaton. Her mind is keen and organized, and she is a sobering presence in a place where fury and sorrow threaten to turn justice into revenge. I am concerned about the safety of Duchess Fianna. I've added several of my most trusted retainers to her security detail, and Lygeia has boldly offered to taste all of her food while in Coastside, but I continue to feel restless and anxious as we search for answers.

Written By Willow

April 14, 2019, 9:50 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

Well, I do not entirely know what happened to the sweet person who I fell so hard many months ago... But some of the changes I really like. And others have me a bit worried. Perhaps my worry will prove unfounded.

Written By Archeron

April 14, 2019, 9:15 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

It is hard not to be cautious - life tells us to be cautious. We learn when we see others falter and they have all they are snatched from them. But. We also see people run headlong into danger with no awareness and live.

Written By Preston

April 14, 2019, 8:50 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

Perhaps for the first time the weight of what it is to be Grandmaster settles on me fully. It is not just accepting the losses that come, and the betrayals, but it is about understanding your limits. You cannot do everything, be everywhere. When I was just a knight, I was given my tasks. And I could handle them. Sometimes it might stretch me, but each I could take and act upon. Now that I am Grandmaster I must delegate these tasks, trust that others can do them, even understand that there are others perhaps better suited to some of our tasks than I am.

I have given my orders to some of my trusted knights. They go in every direction now. Across the spread of Arvum, from the everwinter in the east to the shores by the Lyceum. With them go our best disciples from Arx, but I know they will in turn lean upon Templars in those parishes they go to.

Written By Lucita

April 14, 2019, 8:44 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

This week Princess Valencia and I organized a dinner to recognize and thank ones traveled with us to Saikland to assist with the cleansing of the beach there. The weather cooperated to let us dine under the stars yet not feel the autumn chill with small warming fires placed strategically. We made a good team, a mix of fealties, skills, social strata and beliefs yet all with a willingness to work together, and did so peaceably and cohesively. It gives me hope and belief in the future together.

Written By Cristoph

April 14, 2019, 8:27 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

As winter draws another year to a close, I'm reminded of several important things.

This year was my fifth year as the reigning Duke of Artshall. It's also the fifth year since my father passed. I still desperately wish for his wisdom everyday.

This upcoming winter will be my fourth wedding anniversary with my wife. A woman with infinite patience, a unique perspective and a backbone made of the strongest steel in the Compact.

This upcoming spring will be Eadric's third birthday. He speaks well for a defiant, overly adventurous child that's turning every hair on my head gray or white. If we can ever temper that fiery personality of his, he'll be a fine leader. If he can survive climbing on every structure and causing chaos wherever he goes. So many Ifs.

Annalise has already turned one and her second birthday in the fall seems so very far away. But she's a delightful child, sweet and calm. Not prone to the same mercurial mood swings as her brother, reserved. I can't believe that I'm about to put this to paper but sometimes I wish she had a touch of his adventuresome spirit.

Written By Ajax

April 14, 2019, 8:26 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Rowenova

It's good to see you back in town, Scout! I really should prod around to see if your husband followed suit. It'd be nice to see more of both of you.

Written By Ajax

April 14, 2019, 8:25 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Drunk you is a lot of fun. Though, frightening.

Written By Ajax

April 14, 2019, 8:24 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

Mm, fall. I like fall, some people are complaining it's cold. But for me? The weather is perfect. A nice breeze, not too cold and not seething hot. It's perfect fighting weather! And the all the trees are pretty, that's also a plus.

Written By Cristoph

April 14, 2019, 8:16 a.m.(12/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Demura

The Peers of the Compact are often caught in situation where they must travel to and from their ancestral homes and Arx. It's not unusual for people to go months without seeing one another as they're embroiled in the affairs of stewardship. I experience this frequently with Marquessa Demura, a brilliant hands on leader of her people. When I do get the opportunity to sit down with her, usually at my home in Arx, I'm always impressed by her intelligence and ability to not become overly exited by any one emergency. And there's never just one, is there, Marquessa?

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