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Written By Elgana

April 12, 2019, 12:17 a.m.(11/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Maja

This one is a rising star amongst the glittering throng of Whisper House and I shall enjoy watching her as that glow of hers brightens all the more. I see nothing but dazzling and wonderful things in her future. Whisper House is lucky to count her amongst their newest apprentices.

And I look forward to calling her friend.

Written By Vincenzo

April 11, 2019, 9:03 p.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

I finished an autumn outfit for a talented person, trying to capture the colors I see when I walked in the forest.

Written By Iliana

April 11, 2019, 8:56 p.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Next time, I /will/ chain you to the desk. And I'll detail Emilie to start teaching you about the staff payroll. Just something for you to keep in mind.

Written By Riagnon

April 11, 2019, 7:58 p.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleanor

An explendiful patron, to be credited personally for everything I know about turtles.

Written By Harlex

April 11, 2019, 7:07 p.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ouida

The Great Hunt in Fair Harbour was something I needed.

When I set out with my spear, alone in the forest islands, no crowds to cheer or jeer, no spectators or witnesses to deeds, I felt a peace come over me.

As I first picked up the trail of that White Hart, I then felt a sense of calm.

And when that beast turned, knowing he could no longer run. I felt a thrill. He died with distinction.

The end of the hunt brought the same sorrowful bliss as the finale of any hard fought victory.

For that I will be ever grateful.

Written By Rysen

April 11, 2019, 6:15 p.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I come with a vision, and leave with a treasure. Your work is peerless, and the heirlooms of ages to come have been wrought by your hands.

Written By Willow

April 11, 2019, 5:38 p.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

I do love it when fate conspires to warp outside circumstance to favor one's already established aims. What a blessed week.

Written By Riagnon

April 11, 2019, 3:53 p.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

Any certified turtle dispensary will tell you, the best way to determine the gender of a turtle is to wait until the animal changes shells.
Another way would be via smell, but this method isn't for the faint of heart!

Written By Hadrian

April 11, 2019, 11:20 a.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

I suppose I should spend some time considering the notion of a patron. It seems to be all the rage these days.

Written By Hadrian

April 11, 2019, 8:53 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Vitalis

He is resourceful and dedicated. Rarely am I given a more thoroughly organized presentation. He reminds me of his father in that regard, which is a good thing. I wonder if he'll wage a war on floors someday, too.

Regardless, I know that I can rely on him to achieve results. Sometimes it's hard to find people who take pride in their work and demand the best of themselves.

Written By Hadrian

April 11, 2019, 8:32 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

Next time I'll just ask Luigi's help. He doesn't get so sour over being asked to pick up my things.

Let it be noted, Scholar. I didn't know she detested shopping so much when she offered her help. Had I known, I'd have politely declined her offer and reached out to our friend to do it. He seems mercenary enough that offering to pay him silver to handle a bit of order pick-up wouldn't have so much as caused him to blink.

Then again, he could have misunderstood my intent behind hiring him. Then there'd be some sort of incident. Then I'd have to make amends with a valued contact among the merchants. Then they'd want compensation for their 'pain and suffering'. Then there would be some convoluted story that would unravel from the whole ordeal that ultimately ended up with some tragedy or another.

Then just when you think the story is over, some upstart offspring of theirs turns up in fifteen to twenty five years, vowing their revenge. Catching the subject of their desired vengeance unawares, because they thought the whole matter was resolved fifteen to twenty five years ago.

Somewhere in that whole fiasco there would be an unlikely friend, probably some sort of animal bond, then everyone would cry when the animal in question died in some heartbreaking way, and finally there'd no doubt be a friend in a mask who turns out to be an enemy in disguise. Which only leads me to believe the friend-in-disguise would be Luigi. So now I've got to keep an eye on him and that mustache. I've never trusted that thing.

Written By Arcadia

April 11, 2019, 4:40 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Fairen

My Fairen is home!

The day started dreadfully. But then he came home and is not even all that angry at me.

Though, if he finds Carrots in the library we may be eating him for dinner.

Eating my bunny would be way worse than the stupid extra guards.

Written By Sina

April 11, 2019, 2:55 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

Another year has come and gone, and I am another year older. It has been quite the eventful year, with so many things happening throughout the city and the Compact, and I managed to forget my birthday once again. One of these years, perhaps I will remember it in time to plan some sort of event. I am, admittedly, bad about it.

Things have been moving apace. There are so many things that I have been dabbling my hands into that I barely have time to rest. I was happy to appoint Lady Lailah Bisland as Magister of the Academy, however. I think this will help to lighten the burden on both Lady Delilah and myself as we move into the coming year. I have no doubt that she will do the position justice, and thank all of those who applied.

Now, I have a great number of meetings to catch up on. Many have reached out to me, seeking this or that. Some of those things, such as joining the Academy, will now be delegated to the new Magister. Other things, of course, cannot be delegated. I hope to arrange those meetings within the coming weeks, and catch up on the backlog of matters that need my attention.

It's been a little over a year since I became Archscholar, and I suppose I should take a moment to reflect on our accomplishments. The Scholars have been pleased to sponsor some of Princess Helena's poetry readings, which I hear are a smashing success. We have assisted with a number of projects, including the new Twinbridge University, an important research project, the replacement of the bookshelves in the Great Archive with chained bookcases, and we have also assisted a number of refugees in finding work and education here in Arvum in a project headed by Princess Katarina and ARRG. We also assisted Sir Andry Bayweather in aiding a number of new Knights of Solace in integrating into the Faith, and we assisted His Majesty and Marquessa Sasha Sanna, Ambassador to the Marin'alfar, with a research project. Numerous investigations for personal projects, too, have been aided by the Scholars over the past year, and this is an ongoing effort.

Aside from this, numerous lectures and lessons have been given through the Vellichorian Academy, and a number of new books have been submitted for archiving, which I will be catching up on soon. In fact, I am quite astounded by the number of new books, and I am looking forward to making those available once they are properly archived, sorted, and shelved. We have lost a number of Scholars this year, but we have gained many new students and potential Disciples as well. Additionally, Princess Sorrel Thrax was promoted to Senior Scholar on account of her legendary Metallic Cycle for her project; Oswyn Spencer was promoted to Senior Scholar on account of his atlas project; Marquessa Sasha Sanna is nearing completion of her project; and Lord Vitalis Mazetti became a full Disciple of Vellichor.

While we are a fairly quiet Discipleship, our presence is felt and our knowledge valued. I hope that the coming year will result in even more fruitful endeavors as we continue to develop the liaison program and restructure the way the Academy is run. This has been a year of growth, and for me, learning how to become a leader. I am certain there are still many more lessons to be learned, but I feel a little easier with my role now as Archscholar, and hope that I will continue to guide the Discipleship well into the future. I have met so many intelligent, brilliant minds over the past year, and look forward to meeting more.

Written By Maja

April 11, 2019, 2:15 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

I have been given two gifts tonight. One is valuable and the other is precious. I cannot put a price on what they mean to me.

And just like that, I am a little girl all over again.

Thank you.

Thank you so, so much.

Written By Kenna

April 11, 2019, 1:37 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

I have to admit, I knew nothing at all about Acheron before this marriage was finalized beyond what I could look up in a general geography book. The only thing I had was a random comment from Evonleigh about turtles. Apparently there had been some gathering or another where Riagnon had been talking about them and Evon was completely confused.

I was confused also at first. The were quite a few turtles, and they seemed to show up in strange places. I got an explanation from Dame Elenaor once I felt comfortable enough to ask. Seems that she is fond of turtles and as such there are turtles about. I haven't gotten a firm count yet of exactly how many. I think there might be two called Responsibility? I'm not sure.

After Muffin came back to me I realized that dogs and turtles go together very well. There is one turtle named Bird in particular Muffin has taken a liking to. She will follow Bird about and let Bird try to crawl all over her. When I pick bird up and put Bird (I actually don't know if Bird is Male or Female) on top of Muffin she is very calm and doesn't move less Bird slips off of her.

Today I came home to Muffin scratching at Rhea's doorway. She wanted Bird to come out and play.

I think I am finally feeling a little settled. I still wake up most days expecting the bright sunlight from my Whitehawk windows, and not the darkness of Acheron, but I remember quick enough where I am. Comfortable enough at least, to join the yelling down the hallway that is apparently the best way to communicate.

Princess Acorn could care less about the turtles so long as they leave her nuts alone.

Written By Acantha

April 11, 2019, 12:42 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

The Clearlake Archery Tournament was a success and I cannot wait to hold another one. I think this next time though I will do it in the Clearlake Archery Grounds that I have a plan for. It will be devoted to Archery and I think we'll have competitions more often just to keep the Compact's archers in good shape. It would also be a fantastic place for people to meet and learn archery if they don't know it.

Written By Acantha

April 11, 2019, 12:41 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

I am always happy to see the ties that are made by betrothals, some might say I'm a hopeless romantic, but I try to keep a clear head on things. I do wish that I might find something again. As it has been so long since the man I thought I would marry went on his adventures. Time will tell. For now, I'll just sit back and be happy for those that are uniting and giving them my congratulations.

Written By Marian

April 11, 2019, 12:23 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

It's not always easy to find the 'perfect' gift, so sometimes you have to commission it from a skilled crafter. I have to say, I am very pleased at the design that Guildmaster Joscelin sent over. My sister's excitement at the precious stag brooch proved I was indeed correct in trusting her to craft this jewelry for me.

Written By Cambria

April 11, 2019, 12:22 a.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

You know what I detest?


Someone else can do it.

Written By Cambria

April 10, 2019, 11:42 p.m.(11/25/1010 AR)

One of the truths of life is that people tend to not notice what is happening outside of their cultural and social bubble. It is hard to step outside of your daily life and see the big picture, as far as political and cultural stuff. We mostly surround ourselves with people who hold the same opinions and have the same interests. Those with whom we are at odds, we navigate around and they navigate around us.

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