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Written By Vitalis

March 9, 2019, 11:24 p.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

I am recently returned from a week serving with the Silent Reflections in preparation for taking oaths with the Scholarship. Many speak of the oppressiveness of the silence in the Shrine. The heartbreak of Silent Reflections and their terrible choices. At first, I thought the time was meant to underscore the seriousness of Oaths to show the consequnces of breaking them. To serve as a warning, a great finger wagged showing what awaits those who choose lightly or poorly.

It was not so clear once there.

I wondered, as many do, what might have driven these people to set aside their oaths, well-knowing the consequences. Greed. Spite. Honor. Pride. Love. Understandable things. Relatable things. My curiosity all too quickly became empathy. We all have our failings, right? These people broke oaths, but they are still people. Like me, right? Too much so, though not how my dear departed mother and valiant father might have hoped.

I wanted to know more. I observed one pair closely, friends they seemed, hoping to gain some insight. It is astonishing what can be communicated in pantomime and one-handed gesture. The two I observed have developed a kind of structure to the signals and gestures, and it allows them to communicate silently across distances, or even while eating in the brief breaks on long shifts. I think one even told a joke. The other laughed. It follows, doesn't it?

[SCRIBE'S NOTE: He demonstrates. I did not find it amusing. I think I would have benefited from being present at the time of the 'telling.']

I also think I wasn't supposed to notice this subtler communication, they were cagey when I reflected a gesture, a simple query, back at them. They affected not to understand. I didn't press. I felt like an intruder into their world. A dilettante. It seems preposterous that others haven't adopted similar methods to make themselves and their thoughts understood. The drive to connect and express is powerful.

I did not come away with compassion. I came away with a profound and wary regard for the cleverness and drive of mortals. I saw a number of Silent Reflections who were what you expect: somber, repentant. I saw others who were not so meek who may have even counted the sacrifice of their voices and hands as bargains well-struck. They did not seem punished, only leashed.

Written By Domonico

March 9, 2019, 11:07 p.m.(9/17/1010 AR)

The wedding party was an outstanding success and my wife Lady Aahana truly did shine brightest with her new outfit, Malvici Pride, I am truly humbled and honoured that she is my wife.

Written By Ilmia

March 9, 2019, 9:47 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

I had a wonderful time at Lord Maru Seliki's birthday party this evening. I was hesitant to go at first, but I am glad that I did. I got to see old faces and meet new ones. I feel as though my cheeks will be red for days following an admission from a Lord. But it wasn't bad. Just unexpected. The party was lovely and I wish to thank the families for letting me attend and celebrate with them.

Written By Cambria

March 9, 2019, 7:52 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

On the evidence, peace is a purely theoretical state of affairs whose existence we deduce because there have been intervals between wars.

Written By Ysbail

March 9, 2019, 5:05 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

It is interesting thing grief.

It drives one to all kinds of strange actions, some seek solace in the arms of a lover, an assertion of life in the face of grim reality. Others will plunge themselves into their work or a cause, something that can detract from the regrets and woes. Still, others seek revenge, to mete out punishment on those they feel did them the wrong.

It can make one stupid. Ready to accept whatever easy answers we are given. Or else it can drive one to seek out truths that simply do not exist.

In regard to the Moore family - and the unfortunate call of bounties on the Crown's Lands...

One has to wonder why the lady was picnicking outside the safety of the city walls, to begin with, or for that matter why she did not take a sufficient guard to ensure her safety. More curious still, Prima Shard's finding of the body. Especially since the Prima's own Capitan also died a rather bloody death recently. Ill luck indeed.

But I imagine for most what matters, in the end, is the blame. And it's easiest to lay blame on the wolves I suppose.

But who knows. I certainly don't.

Written By Willow

March 9, 2019, 4:12 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

This past week has been a busy one, overseeing numbers and taking a supervisory position to learn the ins and outs of the duties overseen by the Duchess daily so that I can be better able to act in her stead when other obligations keep her occupied. I do wish to do her proud, it was a surprise to learn she was a handful of years my junior. I can imagine when the burden of her duty fell on her it was as intimidating as it was an honor to be able to serve the North and our family and allies in that capacity. She has done us all so proud, and I am humbled by the kindness of her heart and the shrewdness of her wits, every time we have the opportunity to spend time together directly instead of through missives and notices and records kept.

Written By Willow

March 9, 2019, 4:06 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Lady Cady, I genuinely like you more than words can convey. You are sweet tempered, vivacious, and warm. Sometimes it hurts to be around you because you remind me of the me I once was, and that is a woman I miss. I am glad to call you friend and want to do all I can to help preserve the gormless joy in your eyes, smiling delight at this moment and that. You make duty feel heavy when countered against your bouyant lightness.

Written By Willow

March 9, 2019, 4:01 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

I despise myself when emotion gets the better of my reasoning in awkward moments. Luckily, this only happens on occasion and all but two times since hitti g puberty, it has been while drinking. This, truly, is why I do not drink.

Written By Evaristo

March 9, 2019, 3:33 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

I find myself entirely excited about the upcoming weeks of entertainment in the Lowers, particularly for children. Performing for kids is much more rewarding than performing for adults, because they... well I guess they just like a show even if it isn't perfect.

I'm considering something in which the kids can join in easily.

Written By Vanora

March 9, 2019, 2:56 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

Requiem for a Disappointment

He yearned for a life of battle and glory
A reaver born true and a reaver he’d die
Yet a twist unexpected took place in his story
His star would vanish before it could fly

An ill-conceived duel, a youthful mistake
It became the bulk and the whole of his shame
Doomed to isolation, pain and heartbreak
Deprived of even his family nameH
His father said “I have no son”
Once spoken the words became true
But his grief was too deep, he was undone
Thus he followed that lure down into the blue.

Sing of this boy, of this drowned heir
This Dirge won’t save him from despair.

Written By Domonico

March 9, 2019, 1:56 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aahana

My wife is beautiful

Written By Kaia

March 9, 2019, 1:17 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

During the past week, I was able to partake in the viewing of an impressive spar between, my dear and outstandingly skilled cousin, the Lord Michael Bisland -Sword of Pridehall, and the Count Orrin Seliki.

It was quite the fight!
For a while, it was unclear who would win.
They both deserve some stupendous praises, for such an outstanding demonstration of skill in the arts of combat.

Still, in the end, our Voice emerged victorious.
Surely, word of it should be spreading soon enough around Arx.

"Whoo! Sword of Pridehall- you make us proud! Well done Michael!"

Written By Kaia

March 9, 2019, 12:59 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gailin

About Count Gailin, I must say, I have never met anyone quite so brazen and forward, with his intentions of courtship, before. I was quite surprised and flattered to have learned of his feelings and intent (much so, that I almost spit my drink when he spoke to me of this ever so boldly); and, although, currently I cannot say I correspond his vociferous state of mind, one should never discard the possibilities.

Written By Ida

March 9, 2019, 12:31 p.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

There is nothing wrong with being tall. How else would the stuff on the top shelf get reached?

I mean, I guess with ladders, but we're probably more convenient and less prone to cause you injury.

Written By Peri

March 9, 2019, 11:52 a.m.(9/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Lord Michael Bisland has earned his fame. I recommend sparring with the Sword of Pridehall. but be sure he remembers to equip his wit.

But in all seriousness, He is the best teacher. One day I will have fewer scrapes and bruises after only one exchange in the practice ring.

Written By Beatrice

March 9, 2019, 9:16 a.m.(9/15/1010 AR)

The city hums with jubilation. I expected to return from Nilanza to a dour Arx. I happily commit to history my wrongness.

The Carlotta is magnificent. I am grateful to Archduchess Regent Jaenelle Velenosa and the crew for the opportunity to see a caravel up close. It is an inspiring creation.

Lady Monique Greenmarch's launch party for the Adventures of Zeriax series was a charming gathering, startlingly entertaining and unexpectedly poignant. The Gilded Page is a treasure.

These joyful events will sustain me through the Assembly, I think.

Written By Martino

March 9, 2019, 3:35 a.m.(9/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aerwyna

The seamstress has very quickly developed a special place for as being the go-to for a doublet, cassock or anything else that I need made. Her deft cuts, the use of the reds to suit my Malvici tastes, and well fitted fabrics. Her recent creation, a formal mid-calf length cassock, even came with superbly jeweled pyrope buttons.

Written By Lucita

March 8, 2019, 11:59 p.m.(9/15/1010 AR)

The Courtin' Song
For Luis and Juliana

Luis went a courtin' and he did stride, un-huh
Luis went a courtin' and he did stride, un-huh.
His eyes held mischief and his smile was wide
His armor polished and sword at his side, un-huh, un-huh, un-huh.

Juliana went a courtin' and she did flirt, un-huh
Juliana went a courtin' and she did flirt, un-huh.
With a winking eye and a swirling skirt
And a sense of humor, that did not hurt! un-huh, un-huh, un-huh.

Luis looked all around at the ladies fair, un-huh
Luis looked all around at the ladies fair, un-huh.
But none had such lovely long brown hair
And the risque gowns Juliana'd wear, un-huh, un-huh, un-huh.

Juliana looked around at the men so brave, un-huh
Juliana looked around at the men so brave, un-huh.
Which one from bachelorhood would she save
But the charming Luis, who the ladies crave, un-huh, un-huh, un-huh.

He wooed Juliana with his pale moon light, un-huh
He wooed Juliana with his pale moon light, un-huh.
For it was still day, oh yes that's right
And lovely Juliana winked at the sight, un-huh, un-huh, un-huh.

She wooed Luis with paint and a gauzy gown, un-huh
She wooed Luis with paint and a gauzy gown, un-huh.
The most risque dress you'd see in town
Made all the modest Ladies gasp and frown, un-huh, un-huh, un-huh.

The heads of house the contracts wrote, un-huh
The heads of house the contracts wrote, un-huh
With political gains for both to note
And a lively couple on whom they'd dote, un-huh, un-huh, un-huh.

What's that sound, was that a clink, un-huh
What's that sound, was that a clink, un-huh.
Thats wine poured to toast and drink
Till the newlyweds to their bed slink, un-huh, un-huh, un-huh.

(OOC Sung to 'Frog Went A Courtin' an old Scottish folk song from the 1548. If you are unfamiliar with the tune look up Bruce Springsteen Froggie Went a Courtin' on You Tube)

Written By Silas

March 8, 2019, 11:52 p.m.(9/15/1010 AR)

I am looking forward to the Tournament of Roses.

Maybe I should finally refine my old gear...

Written By Lucita

March 8, 2019, 11:32 p.m.(9/15/1010 AR)

After plans have set, it has been pleasant to spend time talking with friends, actually doing a tiny bit of shopping. Discovering the twins did not care if I read 'The Clever Fox stories' to them for the hundredth time or reports from Saikland Glassworks or letters from family in Saikland, as long as I use a 'story telling' cadence to the voice and reach over to give a hug now and then, has freed up a tiny bit more of time.

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