Written By Bliss
March 7, 2019, 12:33 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Written By Jeffeth
March 7, 2019, 12:24 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Zeriax
I have traveled much of the compact. Wolves are everywhere. Bounties for wolves are also in places where they get too populous and make the roads unsafe. As protectors of travelers the Knights of Solace are no stranger to fending off wolves, and these bounties are commonplace. A single noble woman beset by loss is not going to wipe out a species. Not even close. There was a danger with rabbits sometime ago, but that was something sponsored by the entire Compact. One noble lady isn't going to take out wolves, and if they are attacking this close to the city perhaps it's time to push them back a bit. The bounty will eventually run out of steam, especially as healing takes place over time.
My only concern would be is I haven't heard of any other attacks or wolves encroaching this close to the city. Seems strange. I would want to verify that they indeed are becoming an increased danger before I started beating them back. But I didn't lose a family member.
If you want to help. Actually help. Maybe you could do that, look into wolf activity surrounding the city. Take your findings to the grieving lady. In that way maybe you could actually help her rather than saying you're helping. Telling someone sick with grief that they're doing something wrong is only going to get you punched in the mouth. And you would very much deserve it. We're not drunk with grief it is on us to be the more sensible ones, to take care of those who hurt. Explaining to someone how they are not being sensible is not caring for someone and it isn't going to work.
Written By Rysen
March 7, 2019, 11:39 a.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
She accompanied me to The Spirits to meet with Marquessa Eilonwy Blackwood. There I hoped to gain her consent to represent her actions in a verse narrative - one which I'm hoping to perform for the upcoming Taste of Arx event hosted by Princess Elgana. The entire narrative is composed in the grand style - something closer to the epic than the lyric. Needless to say, the stanzas I recited sounded insane out of context, but Lady Eilonwy allowed herself to be convinced that it would sound less so in its entirety. For that, I am truly grateful - and even more so for the deeds she performed in the defense of Stormwall.
While I can make some apologies for the length of the poem and its numerous other defects, I will not apologize for its elevated style. Marquessa Eilonwy, as true heroes often do, pointed to the actions of others instead of her own - but the truth is that, without her, I and countless others would have been blotted out forever from the books of life. A defeat to the forces of The Gyre would have meant annihilation - of all culture, memory and free will - and the reduction of all my people to a single instinct to feed. Her courage is the foundation of my House, along with that of countless others who joined in the defense of Stormwall: Princess Marian, Sir Preston, Petal Penrose, Lady Eirlys... Eirlys. Gods and Spirits, I hope in the end, it's something of which she would approve.
Written By Martino
March 7, 2019, 9:51 a.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
While this did lead to me being referred to as 'old' for what seemed like wisdom to the younger guests. For a crude analysis, it still feels quite true.
A House with too many knives, will never know when to smile
A House surrounded by coin, will never spend it all
The House that throws parties all day? Prone to having it taken
Written By Rymarr
March 7, 2019, 9:49 a.m.(9/11/1010 AR)
We need to recognize we do not live in an imaginary place (debates about Aion and creation aside) where the world beyond the walls of our fortresses are safe. Rarely should we consider ourselves free to gallivant about without consideration for the perils of the world. Doing so is playing with fire and while one may get lucky regularly, eventually the fire will win.
If leaving the city is a necessity? Very rarely do so alone, always do so armed and able to defend oneself, and a good horse goes a long way. Literally and metaphorically.
Written By Ajax
March 7, 2019, 9:48 a.m.(9/11/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Zeriax
Written By Miranda
March 7, 2019, 9:43 a.m.(9/11/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Kincade
I happened upon it and met a man who has a passion for the stars.
Kincade, I look up now and can spot the horse in the sky. Thank you!
Written By Eilonwy
March 7, 2019, 3:59 a.m.(9/11/1010 AR)
Written By Eilonwy
March 7, 2019, 3:55 a.m.(9/11/1010 AR)
Written By Zeriax
March 6, 2019, 9:33 p.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Gilroy
Written By Zeriax
March 6, 2019, 9:29 p.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
I debated not writing this for some time, especially considering the sensitive nature of the subject. While it may seem like I do not care, or that I'm actively attempting to disparage one person or another, I would ask that any who have chosen to read this far not be so quick to grab their torches and pitchforks. To start, this is about a topic that has come up very recently, which has effected some people very dearly. To some others, this couldn't matter any less. While I really should be in the latter category, there are some very legitimate concerns I have, some of which cannot be voiced through a White Journal for very specific reasons. If you're curious about those, come ask me. I don't mind.
In an effort to be as transparent as I'm able, I will admit that I lack a number of social skills and graces that most people take for granted. I don't have any brothers, sisters, or cousins. I don't have any familial relations that I'm aware of, outside of my mother and father with whom I cut contact with more than a decade ago of my own volition. I've never really had friends either, the vast landscape on the horizon and in my imagination more than enough to keep me company when I was without companionship. I don't know what it's like to forge strong relationships with anyone, because I never have. Nor do I know what it's like to lose someone close to me, a la the aforementioned point. Strong emotional ties to any one person, thing, or place aren't in my repertoire. That being said, it's not like I don't understand the concept whatsoever. I still ''have'' emotions. I feel like every other person does. I've seen what loss does to people, and it's not easy to get past. It never is, and sometimes? People can't move on at all.
I didn't know Lady Tessa Moore. I haven't been personally affected by her passing. By the way people speak of her, she sounds like the sort of woman I would have loved to get to know. For those people who are affected by her loss, I will be praying for you to find the strength to make it through the pain. I truly wish you well, despite what you may think Lady Gretchen Moore.
Wishing revenge is a natural reaction. Hunting down those that harmed your loved ones is understandable, and is often romanticized in works of fiction. Your feelings are wholly and utterly valid. There is no dispute there. What I do have open dispute with, is your desire to cull all the wolves from the woods. If you are angry, by all means, lash out. Strike out at your foes. Kill a wolf. Kill a pack of wolves, even. Nobody will fault you for seeking out justice in the wake of a lost loved one.
As unpopular as this opinion is likely going to be, and for as much ire that I'm going to draw from people sympathetic to your loss, I simply cannot let it pass. Seeking to obliterate an entire species because they exist is ridiculous and unhealthy in ways you might not immediately recognize, and that's not in reference to your personal well-being. With such a large bounty that's been placed on the wolves, it's not hard to imagine anyone who has even the slightest experience hunting is going to take up arms for that silver. I don't think that the offer alone will amount to completely killing every wolf in the forest, but it's the implication and the potential for what might follow should this pick up even the slightest momentum that bothers me.
What if I discover that it was actually a bear that killed your cousin? Will you switch bounties? Will it suddenly be a crusade to kill off all the bears in the forest? What if I discovered it wasn't an animal, but a human? Would you desire the death of every person in Arx? Some people might say 'Who cares, they're just animals'. Yes, and so are you, human. A wolf has a family, just like a human. They experience emotions, just like humans. Fear, hate, curiosity, love, and sorrow are all part of their emotional spectrum. Including loss. They form bonds between each other, just like humans. They have to eat, drink, and breathe, just like humans. If a group of humans were hungry, and needed to eat, and single wolf happened to wander right up to them, what do you think would happen? The humans would kill and eat the wolf, and feel no remorse. Not because they are monsters, but because they ''need to''. This is what happens in nature. Would the wolf's family be sad? Of course.
If the intention was purely to make the area safer for citizens of Arx, and for legitimate reasons, I likely wouldn't have spoken up in opposition to your ads. As a hunter, I've killed more than my fair share of...well, everything, and normally I wouldn't turn down such an amazing offer of silver to ply my trade. Killing off dangerous predators around the area isn't a bad thing. Potentially killing off corrupted beasts is an even greater accomplishment, a means to purify the land. Will people be safer if there are no more wolves? Sure. No wolf will ever attack a human again. That doesn't mean you should strive towards this goal. That doesn't make your goal noble. It doesn't even make it ''good''. Lady Tessa Moore could easily have fallen prey to something besides those you seek to annihilate. At the core of things, you don't want to protect people, though that may be a nice side-effect you can exploit. You blindly lust for blood. Not against those who directly wronged your cousin, or those who might even have been on the periphery of involvement. You just want blood. Any blood will do. All the better if you have all of it. Kill them all. Fuck the consequences. Fuck having to listen to any other opinions, or better options that might actually help preserve more lives in the long run. Fuck everyone else, in fact.
Lady Gretchen Moore, Tessa is dead. Wholesale slaughter of a species isn't going to bring her back. I am sorry for your loss. I am. But you cannot continue to perceive her death as a personal slight against you. This is very unhealthy, and I'm genuinely concerned for you. I'm concerned for where this path will lead you, and for what the results of your actions might mean for everyone else as well. If you wish to vent your rage, please do. Everyone does. Please, just consider what it might mean to have this bounty up beyond what it will do to satisfy your feelings.
Written By Willow
March 6, 2019, 6:26 p.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Written By Orathy
March 6, 2019, 6:13 p.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Tessa
.... Ya were supposed to take me along! If me axe weren't stolen from me ... I would 'ave been able to protect ya.. SHIT...
... WOLVES MY ASS! Ya hear this all ya fuckin gods 'n shit 'n dickbags who be readin this! WHO BE BEHIND TESSA's death I WILL RIP YER BLOODY HEART OUT WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!
Written By Gretchen
March 6, 2019, 5:12 p.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Amari
Written By Gloriel
March 6, 2019, 4:19 p.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Rayne
Written By Reigna
March 6, 2019, 1:51 p.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Tessa
I love Lady Tessa Moore. I say love because though she is no longer with us here, her soul lives on, and my love endures. She was mine in the way all the people under the protection of Keaton are mine. She was this bright, vivid ball of energy and light. Stubborn, obstinate and determined to have her own way. To live her life by her own rules, no matter how hard I tried to get her to conform. She fought for Keaton. She fought for Laurent. She was foolhardy and brave. And she always spoke her mind.
I rarely agreed with her perspectives, but I could always trust her to speak the truth as she saw it. She always grabbed at life with both hands and demanded her share.
She will be missed.
Written By Vincenzo
March 6, 2019, 1:21 p.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Autumn is coming, with it the world sheds the pale blue skies with those golden rings around the hot sun and gives spring a run for its money with trees changing fashion with all the amber, burnt oranges, sepia browns, russets and scarlets that flood the eyes and crackle merrily underfoot. Of dark brown branches turning skeletal with their last crimson and carmine leaves clinging on.
I'm looking forward to new colors and fabrics to dress Arx in.
Written By Vanora
March 6, 2019, 11:50 a.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Skye
Written By Rysen
March 6, 2019, 11:21 a.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Skye
Amid the dancing candle light,
She brought her paints and brush
To her gorgeous daughter’s room
While the sleeping house was hushed.
Together wrought them artwork
On the young girl’s bedroom wall -
Reds and blues and yellow hues
That on the mother’s gown did fall,
And in those shinning eyes there lit
A feeling none mistake:
The strong love of a mother
For her daughter while they paint,
But time is ever gnawing
Upon our mortal frames,
And piece by piece she withered,
But naught touched her inner flame,
For even as her time grew near,
A smile warmed her face;
Though her body burned in agony,
She’d not be bowed by pain,
And left a potent legacy,
A foundation for her line:
Deep roots of love immortal,
Untouched by flight of time.
Written By Lisebet
March 6, 2019, 10:51 a.m.(9/10/1010 AR)
I heard that Lady Tessa Moore somehow died. It sounds very scary and I'm a bit worried about going out of the city now. Even if there are folks making it safer outside the city. I wonder if that will work?
I have been having a lot of interesting conversations with people here and there, about all the things going on. There is so much going on, it feels incredibly busy. I think I am behind on returning messages!
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.