Written By Victus
March 8, 2019, 8:07 p.m.(9/14/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Joscelin
Written By Tescelina
March 8, 2019, 3:55 p.m.(9/14/1010 AR)
I have not been to Arx since I was a small girl and much has changed. They built an observatory, I'm told. How wonderful. I have always loved to look and listen to the stars. So very rich are their thoughts.
So very strange.
The carriage passed through a tremendous marketplace and I saw many faces. I saw their sweat creeping on their brows and I saw, in my mind you see, the vines of muscles which bunch up under all that skin.
Such marvelous things. We are. Yes. Such secret little mechanisms.
But I grow tired now. I will retire to the window. I will think on things. It is -- nice, yes. Nice to be here.
Written By Perronne
March 8, 2019, 3:09 p.m.(9/14/1010 AR)
But. I think we have finally come to a satisfactory conclusion in the matter of the Brindle Goat, and my only lingering regret is a strong yearning for goat stew.
But that's just one thing. There are many things! My fellow merchants have many, many opinions about all sorts of things, and it turns out that once you put any sort of 'organizer' or 'facilitator' tag with your name, you are contractually obligated to listen to all of them. And fix them.
I am very much considering just getting very drunk.
Written By Joscelin
March 8, 2019, 2:02 p.m.(9/14/1010 AR)
Ah, Oliver. You'd have laughed to see the look on her face, eyeing the soldier at the bar, a scant inch taller than me. Like a cat considering all the different ways to stuff a chicken.
Written By Monique
March 8, 2019, 12:21 p.m.(9/14/1010 AR)
An incredible painting done by Lord Jyri Whitehawk, whose subject must be seen to be believed. It is /divine/! I almost thought it was going to leave the canvas and scorch me! I am more tempted than ever to abscond with these prizes.
And last, but most certainly not least, Mistress Josephine, jeweler to my heart, miracle worker and Minx-tamer, has created a piece that makes me weep when I think about giving it away. Stygian, black gold, and iridescite, OH and did I mention, dawnstones? Gild preserve me and help me fight this temptation!
Tonight will be a night to remember!
Written By Marian
March 8, 2019, 2:57 a.m.(9/13/1010 AR)
Being old enough to question but young enough to not understand I asked my father, "How does he know he got the right wolves?"
The father placed a hand on my shoulder and hushed my questions. It took me many years to realize why someone would turn their grief in such a manner. How loss could overwhelm and consume your reason. It doesn't make it right or just, taking life because one was taken from you...but I understand that need for closure.
Written By Vercyn
March 8, 2019, 2:36 a.m.(9/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Orathy
I'll not mince words about the wisdom of insulting the peerage, nor about the complicated nature of land ownership as I am certain you would not understand or the points of it would be lost on you.
What I will say, is that wolves are not evil creatures. They hunger and so they eat. It is a terrible tragedy that a Lady was killed by them. But to speak of justice or revenge against a wild animal is meaningless. It is simply what they do.
Written By Jeffeth
March 8, 2019, 2:07 a.m.(9/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Mikani
There is no such thing as an understandable and reasonable request to a person who is deep in the midst of their grief. Of course it is understandable to you. But to confront someone in the Whites with this 'reasonable' request shows a profound lack of empathy and respect. This was not put out in a desire to help someone.
I am not saying the bounty was justified or right. But explaining to someone who is in the throes of just losing a loved one how they're doing something wrong... I am at a loss that I keep having to explain this. There are ways to help someone. There are a variety of different ways. And certainly in our grief, someone should try to keep us from acting out in a way that would hurt ourselves, those around us, our environment. But that is certainly not done in an essay explaining how someone is wrong.
Finally. I'm not very good at math, but I will put this out there. Pelts at the market go from 500 silver to 5,000 per pelt. There are a lot of pelts at the market. I am confident a good portion of those pelts are wolves. Those who sell the pelts need to gain a profit, so they probably buy them from the hunters less than 5,000. I'm no merchant but I would guess anywhere from 2,000 to 4,000 while the lower quality perhaps 250 silver? Lady Moore's bounty at its peak reached 2,000 silver I believe? So depending on the quality of pelt it could roughly be, the same that it already is with certain merchants?
Would I have posted this bounty? No. I don't think it will accomplish anything, really. But again, I didn't lose a family member.
So perhaps we take a breath. The wolf population is fine and is going to be okay. But on this side of the wall I think we could use a bit more compassion and a little less outrage. Or, if we must continue with our outrage, perhaps be consistent with it and direct it to at the merchants and hunters of Arx who consistently keep us flush with leathers and furs.
Even Orathy Culler deserves to say stupid things when in the throes of grief. I hope we can all let go a little bit of these 'reasonable requests' and instead take up some more compassion for our fellows.
Written By Alarissa
March 7, 2019, 9:25 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Written By Joscelin
March 7, 2019, 8:49 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Note to self: the unaffiliated messengers of Arx are not to be trifled with. You raise a challenge and by the gods, they will meet it, come Abyss or high water, plague of rabbits, or a fleet of naked party-goers.
Written By Mikani
March 7, 2019, 6:45 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Jeffeth
While I understand your words and I understand where you are coming from.
I am reminded of a quote I either read or heard once ... Do not do something permanently significant for a temporary emotion. While grief is overwhelming. Rage is overwhelming. Sorrow is overwhelming. All emotions I have felt. We cannot act out of them. Especially as a Peer. Our actions affect more than just our personal space. They affect those in our houses and those that are connected to our houses. They even have possible repercussions to the Compact as a whole. Zeriax's request for reflection of Lady Moore's actions and to not lash out at animals for a travesty is an understandable and reasonable request.
Written By Arcadia
March 7, 2019, 6:06 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Martino
Just because you're old doesn't make you wise.
Written By Arcadia
March 7, 2019, 5:34 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Willow
I think that is a clear indicator that Lady Willow Nightgold holds the best parties.
Written By Willow
March 7, 2019, 5:12 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Martino
Additionally, that party. I am not sure anything else could be said on the topic without reminding of things best left forgot. Suffice to say, there is a reason I do not as a prsctice drink.
Written By Orathy
March 7, 2019, 5:11 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Tessa
Written By Orathy
March 7, 2019, 5 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
They call it poachin all of a sudden to be killin animals... 'n yet they be doin it for years now! Reckon soon as a common man speak up bout it, it be illegal!
... YER peer got killed in the forest 'n all ya do is protect the vermin that did it? It ain't even bout the vermin it be bout the fact that yer protectin evil things that be chewin on people 'n ya don't even be realizing that not all of the city lives within the city.. ya FLUFFY HEADED idiots. The LOWERS lives beyond yer stupid ass walls of protection... If wolves be what we gotta hunt ta make sure we be safe, then that be what we gotta do.
Written By Ilmia
March 7, 2019, 4:35 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Lady Radhilde and Sir Corban were both so warm and welcoming. I look forward to spending some more time with both of them once I'm settled in a bit more.
Written By Valenzo
March 7, 2019, 3:02 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Zeriax
...Actually I can't say I've ever felt that urge, because it's insane.
Master Zeriax, if your intention was truly to help, some things are better said in private. Some of your reasoning following that bizarre introduction was sound, and I'd wager would be well received had it come in the form of a visit to check in on a grieving friend. Not a public confrontation.
However, if your real intention was, as seems more likely, to take advantage of a family's sorrow and make a spectacle to draw attention to yourself, well...congratulations?
Written By Reigna
March 7, 2019, 1:28 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Orathy
Tessa is gone. The fault lies at no one's feet. Tessa died as she lived, on her own terms, by her own rules and brave to the last. If you knew her as you say you did then you know that no one in this world could change her mind once she had set herself on a task. She would not listen to reason, no matter if you talked yourself blue in the face. She made her choice and she paid for it. Let it be done. There is nothing more you can do for her. She is home, at the side of the Queen of Endings. Whatever scene you make, whoever you threaten or harm, know that you are doing it for yourself. Nothing you do now is of any use to her.
Let her go.
Written By Gianna
March 7, 2019, 1:21 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)
I'm afraid I get rather seasick, and so I shan't be attending the upcoming event on the caravel. However, the book launch celebration sounds fun, and Lady Monique always has interesting prizes. I've another gown I've been dying to wear and jewelry to match.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.