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Written By Peri

March 5, 2019, 12:01 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

I don't know how to ride horses, but maybe one day I'll find sea horses. I think it much safer to fall off a sea horse than a land horse.

Written By Peri

March 5, 2019, 9:19 a.m.(9/7/1010 AR)

There are so many duties, but I love the work I've been doing for my house and the academy.

Will I find a priest of Mangata to bless the construction in Pearlspire? I hope she loves the new spume of new waves, and hope she will play in the eddies that swirl around us as we work.

Written By Ysabel

March 5, 2019, 5:21 a.m.(9/7/1010 AR)

Upon my arrival to Arx I have met many friendly people. Some have proven to be helpful and I think I have found a few possible friends. I am still trying to get my feet under me. Ruling a house is a challenge but I am looking forward to doing my best.

Written By Athaur

March 5, 2019, 4:08 a.m.(9/7/1010 AR)

I think, perhaps, that my search has come to an end. We shall have to wait and see

Written By Adelphie

March 4, 2019, 8:18 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

Traveling to Laurent lands to find a locale suitable for their School of Agriculture ended happily, even in the face of certain challenges. Sometimes we need the port in a storm and sometimes, we need to be it. Though my hand in that success was minor, I still turn from it with confidence to our own holdings. Aggravators bait our ships to involve themselves in ongoing conflicts. Distinguishing real threat from feint, and responding, falls to me.

Written By Acantha

March 4, 2019, 7:16 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Cadern

In reading Lord Cadern's entry to the latest Whites I have found out that Triton has returned to the North. It leaves me sad, but life must continue on. I will still work with House Ravenseye and I still enjoy Lord Cadern and Lord Danvir's company when I catch them. I look forward to future endeavors with them. The heart will heal. There are other things to attend to at the moment and I'm sure that I'll find someone in the future. Or Triton should he return some day. Who knows what the future holds.

Written By Miranda

March 4, 2019, 6:36 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

It's that moment when...

... you realize the lengths someone will go to for you...
... you realize the depth of their caring for you...
... you realize the impossible is possible...
... you realize you feel utterly inadequate to express your appreciation...

... even when the reason why it even came up turned out to be a prank...

All my love. It's hardly enough, but it'll have to do. Thank you.

Written By Miranda

March 4, 2019, 6:33 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Dariel

We will always have Domonico's room...

And the prank...

Most fun I've had in... forever!

Written By Rysen

March 4, 2019, 5:37 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

I had the pleasure of sharing some whiskey in The Spirits the other night with Lord Danvir. I hadn't seen him since we were boys, but time seems only to have deepened his curiosity and wisdom. He's delving into the history of the Old Ways, and seems to be uncovering many things that had been long forgotten.

For the second time, I find myself in debited to Princess Sorrel. When I first arrived in Arx, it was she who introduced me to Gianna Whisper, and saw me accepted into the Bard's College. More recently she agreed to train me in the art of sword fighting, where by moonlight beneath the willow trees she showed me the forms and techniques of a true master. The fluidity of her movements is astounding, and the speed and force with which she moves her blade have opened my eyes to what is truly possible.

After the lesson, Princess Sorrel took me to the sparring center, where the warrior Ajax, and the cunning and subtly charming Elise Whisper had been training. In that ring I experienced first hand the strength and agility of the Bladesong of Thrax. My old teacher in Stormwall used to say that steel sharpens steel - to say nothing of diamondplate - and though my body payed a high price, I left Princess Sorrel's presence feeling sharper than ever - that is to say, after another visit to Lady Gretchen's spa, a good deal of ale, and some sleep.

Note to self: buy some armor.

Written By Delilah

March 4, 2019, 3:15 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

You blazon me with a jeweled rhapsody,
A blazing galaxy
Limns the waning hour. Yet
You set
A light wrapping me in folds
Of antique golds.

Written By Gloriel

March 4, 2019, 2:50 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Lumen

My half-sister. I'm glad you weren't swept up in the madness that took Lili and Sarielle. I don't know you as well as I could. I've been distant of late. But... I would like to.

Written By Vanora

March 4, 2019, 2:35 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

And here I thought /I/ was your most valuable jewel, cousin. I'm wounded.

Written By Peri

March 4, 2019, 1:20 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

I regret being so busy that I was unable to attend the art appreciation gathering. While no great artist myself, I enjoy looking at the art of others.

I once tried to sketch the Valardin Cairn, and I ended up with what looked like a walking warty tree.

Vellichor, I hope this amuses you too,
Lady Peri

Written By Jasher

March 4, 2019, 12:20 p.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

Your Majesty is too kind. May your own works continue to improve, if you believe your current efforts are inadequate.

Written By Willow

March 4, 2019, 11:44 a.m.(9/6/1010 AR)

I need to learn better composure. Ah, well, it is possible it is also the locale. I have never lost my temper publicly in another location and today makes it twice in the same one. It was all I could do to keep it to words and not start throwing things. I suppose even though I got dark hair from my mother's side, I am dosed heavily with a northern proclivity to just snap.

Written By Lisebet

March 4, 2019, 8:28 a.m.(9/5/1010 AR)

That was a very exciting and exhilarating day, and now I am a married woman. With a new family.

Having two families feels that it is a good thing - I have been welcomed to my new family with open arms, and the warmth and friendliness is very much appreciated.

It is an interesting thing to discover more about Westrock Reach at nearly the same time as it helps me to feel that i am not leaving them behind, but rather adding more to be thankful for.

Written By Perronne

March 4, 2019, 7:45 a.m.(9/5/1010 AR)


It's not a dirty word, although if you'd asked me right around ten years ago, I'd have disagreed. Then, I had a stable path in front of me, and I didn't like the look of it, not at all. So I made everything unstable, gambled on the idea that I could walk away from the supports I'd had up to then and make it on my own. And I did! I mean, aside from a couple of bankruptcies and robberies and bouts of starvation, here and there. But even then, I mostly didn't seek out stability. I learned how to make better wagers, learned how to turn a profit in most markets, and what markets I really liked. I learned how to make sure I wouldn't starve, even if I'm stranded out in the woods with no supplies and no place in two weeks walk to buy them. Side note: turns out that once you learn how not to ruin them, furs and leathers are always good for a bit of funds, and some people will pay quite a bit for certain herbs and mushrooms that grow in the deep woods.

But what I mean to say is that until I came to Arx to try the markets, I didn't really have a conception of stability as a thing I wanted. In a way, I was fleeing from it again - my usual rounds, despite going all over the Compact, had become too well known, and I knew too well what to expect along the way. Arx was the new thing, the greater test. And now, with sales from the Almanac reaching a steady level, and the expansion of my trading houses, suddenly I have stability again - steady income, at least, that doesn't rely on me having to make a deal right now. I set things in motion, I write letters, I hire factors, I do research...and the money just flows in.

It's so weird! Do I like it? Maybe. Once you've starved, the thought of having a steady income is nice. And once you've had to live by your wits to eat or not, the idea of some sort of stability is double nice. But is it too much? I don't know. I don't know. We'll see how the trading houses go, and then see what I can turn my thoughts to, next.

Written By Dariel

March 4, 2019, 6:44 a.m.(9/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

The prank that Lady Miranda and myself pulled upon poor Lord Domonico counts as one of the greatest memories I have of my time in Arx so far. He took it in surprisingly good fashion too. Lady Miranda seems like a very dangerous pranking partner in crime.

I might possibly have to re-evaluate my perception that he has no sense of humour.

Written By Kaia

March 4, 2019, 12:41 a.m.(9/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Martino

Ah, Martino Malvici, you keep spoiling me with your precious gifts, outstanding cleverness and wit, and that lovely innate charm yours! You mesmerizing green-eyed tease, you are simply irresistible! Can anyone truly say /no/ to you?

Lately, I seem to find my thoughts are often drifting towards you, day and night, helplessly.
What am I to do?!

It seems you keep sneaking your way into my heart, my dear lord.
Truly, what am I to do, under such melting circumstances?
Should I fight it, or surrender?
I do wonder.~

Written By Cadern

March 4, 2019, 12:33 a.m.(9/5/1010 AR)

It's good to have Enid here. She provides another point of stability some normalcy. It looks like Triton will return north for a time. I'm sure Acantha is disappointed but hopefully when he returns they can... well it would be a good celebration. It seems Duchess Ann is returned with the twins safely delivered which is a nice sign of things to come. But more importantly it's been interesting to see different research going on. I can help Enid and Danvir hone their skills and have them work on Shamanistic things which still leaves me the question of my own affiliations. But the Scholar meeting was fascinating. Disturbing but fascinating. Still I can feel something useful there... so close but just outside my knowledge.

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