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Written By Amari

March 6, 2019, 10:16 a.m.(9/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Tessa

You were too rare to die. It's hard to accept that you're gone, really. I'll remember always your one of a kind style and unique perspective on life, and definitely the kindness you showed me when I first arrived in Arx. It's sad to think your little cottage will be empty and dark now, and your pups in the care of someone else.

I think I would prefer to believe that you've faked your death to run away with a handsome foreign prince of good looks, silver hair and deep pockets. It's just more comforting to imagine that you're still out there breaking hearts and dinner plates, Lady Tessa.

Written By Gretchen

March 6, 2019, 9:45 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

When you're on the road there isn't much holding you to one place. Sure, there are quaint villages that seam idyllic, mountain views that take your breath away, and other places that make you pack up and go almost as soon as you set up shop, but there's a freedom to not being bound to one place. To have every day be a new adventure with a new set of people that you have to try to win over in one way or another. To wake up to a different horizon each day.

So when my cousin Tessa wrote to me and asked me to come to Arx I didn't reply for a good month. She knew I was traveling and likely put the long wait up to the fact that I was hard to reach or perhaps the messenger was delayed on either end. But mostly it was because I didn't really want to come here. I knew that once I entered the city gates and they closed behind me I'd be trapped here and unable to wander as I've been doing for the past several years. And I knew that I'd be unable to say no to her, since she has always been so sweet and generous and she genuinely wanted me to be here to help the family. Despite being the black sheep, my cousin Tessa always treated me like I was simply family. If she looked down on me like so many others she never said so to my face and I did not hear whisper of it from any of the more gleeful gossips who were always quick to point out where I might be bringing shame upon the family. Her inquiries into what I was doing were always sincere. She seemed genuinely enthusiastic about the stories I would send her of my travels on the road.

She was genuinely enthusiastic about everything.

She was the first to greet me when I arrived here, making sure I was settled, giving me a place to put my wagon (to the horror of the rest of the house I'm sure), and giving me little things to make sure I felt welcome. A new dress, a pair of slippers, a beautiful pendant, and some extra silver to get me set up as a city girl. It helped to get the Spa ready and opened in such a quick time.

News of her death hit me hard. Harder than I would have thought. It was so shocking. And so brutal. She didn't deserve that. Someone who delighted in life as much as Tessa did should have died a great grandmother surrounded by her loved ones in her bed. With a unicorn looking in the fucking window. Not out in the woods trying to have a swell time. She was probably chasing butterflies. That would have been like her.

I want to pick up and go. I can hear the road calling me even now. To get away from this sadness and these walls and move on to something new. But i can't. Tessa wanted me here to help the family and if I wasn't already held here by her in life, I am now saddled with a debt to her in death. She has left me everything. A home. Her things. Her promise. I will stay here and I will help the house thrive like she wanted.

And I will see every gods damn wolf culled from the woods so that this doesn't happen to anyone else.

Written By Delilah

March 6, 2019, 8:59 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

The Lasting Hope Observatory is open and dedicated, albeit at the denouement of the summer rather than the start as intended. Only appropriate given the events of 1010 provide reason to judiciously save the star-viewing parties for the right moment. We had a perfect, almost moonless night and the opportunity for people to look upwards to the sky and admire the stars or their earthbound peers.

Perchance, next time I will arrange a few more social activities, though it pleases me to know the Halfshavs came out en masse, and not a small number of Mourning Islanders, too. Hearing the conversations 'round me, while trying to keep events moving swiftly, I am delighted to know there remains a degree of normalcy to society regardless of what hurdles we face or thrilling advances we enjoy.

If this is a sign of things to come, I best make sure I have more prizes for events. In both the Star Hunt and the celestial archery, we ended up having ties. A four-way tie for second place in something I thought might be dramatically one way -- successful -- or the other -- not at all. The teams turned out fantastically, though Sir Jeffeth has rightly earned himself a special category in nearly all my social soirees, which is the "Jeffeth Challenge" or thereabouts. It's on par with Princess Reese or Prince Luca in a martial combat. There are regular targets, and then this one over here meant to be a challenge even for them. Master Harlex falls into that camp as well. Nonetheless, after taking down the silk veils and sweeping up the glitter, rolling up the tapestry mural, and admitting myself bone-tired...

All went well as I could have hoped. I thank everyone who made the opening a memorable one, and the next events are likely to be closer to autumn's end with a mind for building and developing understanding.

Written By Gilroy

March 6, 2019, 6:05 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

When talking to someone whose cousin was killed in a wolf-related incident earlier that day maybe hold on to your Not All Wolves stance for a week or so.

Written By Skye

March 6, 2019, 3:08 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

My mother taught me how to paint by candlelight on the walls of our room. Red, blue, green and yellow flecks on her nightgown. Her fingers stained by her muse. Her shining eyes laughing at me when she would flick paint on my nose.

Time took her from me piece by piece, tear by tear. But she never lost that light. Even when her body failed her, she smiled through the pain. She was brave for me. It's taken me years to appreciate just how hard it was to keep her spirits up when every new day brought her closer to the end.

I wish I had told her. That I looked beyond my bedtime stories to see that real heroes don't always have bardic songs dedicated to their memory.

Written By Athaur

March 6, 2019, 2:45 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Iseulet

It was wonderful for a chance to get in touch with an old friend. I have hopes that we shall come up with something groundbreaking and profitable very soon.

Written By Marian

March 6, 2019, 2:35 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

My beautiful boys are two years old. They have their own way of communicating with each other that is so unique. Their poor big sister is on the outside looking in. When they move it's in sync. They are still exact matches in appearance.

There are differences. Fergus has his father's fire. He feels everything so keenly that I ache when life disappoints him. Valen is the calm in the eye of a storm. He watches and waits then strikes when no one is watching. He reminds me of his aunt, Freja.

They love to hear stories of their father. Even if they never met him, I keep his memory alive through stories.

Written By Joscelin

March 6, 2019, 12:18 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

An old teaching manual, from when I was learning under Wolbrand:

On the nature of platinum:

You will never find a more welcoming metal. Generous, malleable, it folds like clay and doesn't wear away like snooty silver or pliable gold. It shifts, movies, -squishes-, and must ever be worked on its own bench with its own set of tools.

It will absorb other metals into itself, many a master jeweler has forgotten in her moments this nature, this enfolding welcome, to find a bright gold spot on her perfectly polished platinum item. Damning, it is, impossible to unsee. Keep your tools separate! Mark them clearly! And if you can't afford with space or money your own bench, be meticulous! It will find that last speck of Stygian, that tart little bit of silver, and you'll have a spot, I tell you. A -spot-, that no polish or cleaning will ever undo.

Does it weaken the metal? No. No, only on appearance. In point of fact, the folding of platinum with gold and copper can create beautiful designs, much as damascus will do with steel, the enfolding properties of platinum lending it very well to this decorative technique. But if you want that pristine, perfect plain of white metal... meticulous, my fellows. -Meticulous-.

Written By Joscelin

March 6, 2019, 12:11 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

The many are great, overwhelmingly so, but I hope I don't forget to sift through the dregs for them that need the help. I don't want to forget anyone. I can't forget anyone. I fail, if I do.

Written By Mikani

March 5, 2019, 9:34 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Elise

A Haiku for Elise

Balanced Whisper.
Flury of frost and red.
Air current beauty.

Written By Seth

March 5, 2019, 9:26 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

I more then looked up to Padraig, he worshipped the ground he walked on. Padraig taught me how to trust no one but myself, how honor is only as important as what it earns you. This is why I agreed to follow his brother's scheme to depose Frederik and put the Chillhearted on the seat of the Highhill.

The plot didn't go as planned. While Padraig fought Frederik in an honor duel in the Great Hall, My job was to hold my cousin Sara and her mother Lydia hostage. It went poorly, even with my sword drawn and her unarmed, I was no match for the knight Lydia was, and by the time my brother was slain I was already locked in the room he planned to hold them in. It was Frederik's mercy after an oath of fealty that led to my release.

My foolish actions caused a tear in my family, and this I believe aided in aunt Lydia's eventual suicide at the site of her son's body being brought home. I went into months of isolation after this plagued by my own feelings of guilt and shame. I decided to return once more to face the effects of my actions. I can not change my unfounded ignorant choice to follow along with Padraig's plan. Had I known I would end up here is often a very common feeling that goes along with what I did.

But I have made my mind up to stop moping and living in the past and make steps forward to become a different man, the kind worthy of respect and honor. One my friends and allies can trust again. This is my story and the things I seek penance for.

~Lord Seth Steelhart

Written By Reigna

March 5, 2019, 7:57 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kael

Four years ago this day, a frightened young woman walked into the Shrine of Limerance in a brand new gown. It was the finest gown she'd ever called her own. A simple thing of linen and white lace with a blue silk trim and pale blue beading. She stood at the altar, her mother to one side, and watched as a trip of men approached. She had no idea which one was to be her husband and she shook to her toes. The handsomest and youngest of the three stepped forward and wordless, picked up the quill to sign his name on the parchment. Sealing the contract that forever bound their lives together.

What began with awkward glances and uncomfortable silences has grown into a powerful partnership, a devoted friendship and an unexpected romance. Marrying into Keaton has been one of the greatest changes in my life. I thank the gods daily for the life I have. The successes I have contributed to. I thank them for the best friend I have ever known. I thank them for providing me a fantastic father to my children. I thank them for the love of my life.

And I thank you, Marquis Kael Keaton. For being open to the possibility that we might share the same ideals. For being brave enough to trust me when I was still a stranger. For taking a chance on an unknown young lady and showing her through thoughtful words and deeds that she could trust you too.

My life began four years ago this day.

Limerance be praised.

Written By Jaenelle

March 5, 2019, 7:46 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

That wasn't the quote. I believe it was demolish half the baths, not simply close. A lot more destruction in one verses the other...Tsk.

Written By Monique

March 5, 2019, 7:46 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

The book launch is soon and my excitement and gratitude grows. I've had the brocade cloak, hat and gloves prizes made, and I won't lie, keeping them has been high on my list of priorities that I shouldn't prioritize. And then there's the fabulous scents from the incredibly talented Mistress Jacali! I rarely see such beauty in design and she has only grown in talent since The Gala. Not to mention the custom portrait prize agreed to by the exceptional Lady Willow Nightgold! If you have yet to see her work, ask Princess Reese. It's breathtaking. Last but most certainly not least, there is a painting done by His Majesty, King Alaric IV, entitled 'Voice of House Don'tgotothedarkwaterareyoucrazy' and must be seen to be fully appreciated. It's art, after all. High art.

There is only one prize left to procure and I am open to ideas!

Written By Martino

March 5, 2019, 4:17 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aahana

Close now to the final week when you shall formally be a part of the family. Truly, Lady Aahana, I look forward to calling you my sister-in-Law.

Written By Kenna

March 5, 2019, 1:57 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

I'm personally perfectly okay with not getting visions.

I'm good with what I have thanks.

Written By Alaric

March 5, 2019, 1:38 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

That wasn't a request.

Written By Alaric

March 5, 2019, 1:38 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

I wonder if I'll ever get someone petitioning the Crown to close half the baths in the city for the sake of 'maintaining the balance' between clean and stinky.

Written By Mara

March 5, 2019, 12:40 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

This night I record the passing of my existence, late in the hour, in the sultry heat that covers this city of Arx.

Before me lies a bundle of incense, three sticks in fact, that I've been watching while contemplating. Did I require extra musk to go along with the humidity and heat? Perhaps not, but I've always found an affinity with smoke. When the sticks of incense burn, the fragrant smoke takes to the air, twisting and bending on the whims of whichever current bids the stream to dance for it. Hypnotizing. Artistic.

This last month has blown a breeze that has landed my life's story with the privilege of association with the Crimson Shark of Setarco, Lady Valentina Pravus. My new life within the Pravus walls are exactly one would expect; Lacking for nothing, inspirational, and perhaps a bit of a daydream. That there are thousands of women who would suffer to sit in this very seat, before this incense, is not lost on me. All I can do now is submit to recorded history that to be in the presence of these inspiring, powerful women is a moment in time worth suffering for, but in the end there's no suffering involved.

It is sweet, like late night incense, thoughtful journalism in reverie, and summer fruit.

Written By Peri

March 5, 2019, 12:05 p.m.(9/8/1010 AR)

Vellichor, Future Scholars,

Sometimes people drink too much and then think that childhood fancies are of historical import. It is a think that happens. There is a book on drinks of Arvum here, should you wish to know our customs.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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