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Written By Fianna

Jan. 15, 2019, 9:17 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

It's difficult to put into words how proud I am of Phantom. He brought us to victory during the Raconteur Cup, even after I set us back during a stretch. I knew I messed up when I attempted to direct him around one of the other horses, so I loosened the reins and let him take over. He knew. He just /knew/ what needed to be done and did it. It's incredible how sharp his instinct is and even more incredible how I continue to hold him back from doing what he knows should be done. I keep telling myself that it's all part of the learning process and while I know that he and I have been training together for the better part of three years, I know that I've much to learn. The bond between horse and rider is not to be underestimated nor is it easily established. But, once it is, it is like none other to be experienced on this realm.

I plan to invest the silver that Phantom won into the Crovane stables and expand the building to make room for more horses. It might have to wait until the spring foals are born, though, which isn't a bad thing as it'll give me more time to design a new wing. I am beyond excited for this new project! And I'm very grateful to Phantom and the opportunity that was given to us.

Written By Silas

Jan. 15, 2019, 7:37 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

You need to still have the courage to trust people, lest you remain paralyzed by fear and go nowhere.

Written By Silas

Jan. 15, 2019, 5:49 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

I wasn't informed about Everard or my colleagues being evil cultists, long ago. I was a little peeved about it, but I'm fairly confident he and his followers weren't planning to be quietly and politely arrested.

I remember who helped us out when the last cult left with a third of our forces, and the city was preparing for a protracted siege, and there was an crime uptick in the Boroughs while I had to immediately conduct my first recruitment drive.

The Crimson Blades will receive no censure from the Iron Guard, and I look forward to fighting alongside them once more when war inevitably knocks on our door again.

Written By Reynir

Jan. 15, 2019, 4:39 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

At last the Singing Stones can open the doors! It took a lot of work, and I've still got to fix up some of the furnishings, but Mistress Josephine has been absolutely wonderful in helping me get everything set straight. Now to get the time and funds to stock up materials and any additions to the new building that need doing. And of course, there are new designs to be thought up. Ma would be proud I think.

The Marigold couch turned out really nice, I've got another in the works but sweet Jayus am I exhausted. Who'd have thought getting the place set up would take so much out of me.

Still, with what I have in the works, I'm excited to finally be getting started.

Written By Ysbail

Jan. 15, 2019, 4:31 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

As dear a friend as you have been, I cannot even imagine your loss.

Written By Ysbail

Jan. 15, 2019, 4:29 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

As I sit and read the public thoughts of an entire city on the events that have unfolded these last few months, I can only imagine the ink emptied in the blacks. It feels as if all of Arvum has gone mad - or perhaps this madness affects the entirety of the dream itself.

Yet for every life lost, every outraged pen put to parchment, the truth that provides the most comfort is this: life goes on.

With every birth announced, with every shopkeeper advertising their wares, every recreational event hosted, it continues on regardless.

Written By Ouida

Jan. 15, 2019, 2:18 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

It is not really true that a burden shared is less of a burden. At least, it is not always true.

But nevertheless, it is still good to feel the clasp of a friend's hand.

There are very very few choices that one makes, even those in the heat of the moment where we feel there is not other option or ones that we intend to be the most valiant, that do not have unintended consequences. Sometimes the consequences are so small that luckily no one but you notices. Other times a minor misstep can cause cascades that feel like utter ruin, at least in that moment.

It is not solely tied to the merit of one's intent. I know I have made decisions that would likely cause others to blanch and turn away from me were they to think on them--or to only see me in that moment of time. And yet, in the years or months since I do not find them plaguing my dreams. And yet other decisions I have made that had me toasted in one lord's hall or another, or that won me accolades and respect amongst my peers--those are the ones that I relieve in my nightmares, seeing all the other pathways that could have been chosen, seeing all of what was snuffed out in a single moment of decision.

I believe that often times in the quiet hours most of us are the sternest issuer of rebukes and penance directed inward, than any authority would demand.

If I could bestow one thing no matter how fanciful, upon every single living person in Arvum, it would be this: that when we are lost to worry and the unknown, as the ripples of the pebble we have just thrown into the world are still spreading and we do not know when it will end, that all should have someone come to take their hand, or stand beside them even silently to know that they will not face what echoes back alone. There is nothing wrong with feeling anger, hurt, betrayal, sadness. I have found that those who have stood most strongly beside me as friend and loved one are those who are quite capable of holding more than one feeling at a time, in regards to something that they think I have done. I do not deserve the riches I have been given in that regard. It is my most fervent prayer that I might be a source of them to others in my lifetime.

The choices we make are important.

But so is how we react to the choices that others have made, and that too has unknown consequences that may echo just for a few minutes of a brief spat, or generations of near blood feud. There are so many reminders of how fragile peace can be, how easily resentments can spark or be formed to spark another day. I do not know that we could ever be truly rid of this, it seems to be in our deepest natures. Perhaps it is a good first step to remember that there are almost always choices to be made. And if even if you do not like what another has chosen, you look past your own ability to make choices at the peril of all around you.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 15, 2019, 2:14 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

The Sip and Spar, how I love to hate thee, I love the idea. The Vixen knows how to throw a proper party and the crowd is always good. The booze flows and people beat the shit out of each other. I hate it because I usually get bored and step into the ring myself when it's a lull and I am not being paid to fight. This kid Kanean really did well after taking some advice I gave him. Even managed to get a pair of very lucky hits in and take me out of the ring! Part of me is proud of him, but he seriously needs to work on his leg work before he goes to the field proper. It's too easy to actually hit him, and I have to figure out a way to explain to them that yes, even though your bow hurts. If someone can draw your blood easily, you may not walk away from the fight. If he doesn't get it into his head he'll end up crippled or worse eventually and to a kid his age? That's just unfortunate.

None the less, it was a good time and i'll make the next one. Drew some attention in the two fights I participating in even though I kinda mauled some poor silk. Maybe, not the best first impression admittedly, but an impression none the less. After I sleep off this soreness, I will be seeing about adding some more bedrooms towards our headquarters, with two more coming to town proper we need to be ready to receive them and get them kitted in something useful. Then we can start dispatching our people on missions. With the blood being spilled in the city, I can feel there will be plenty of it.

Written By Merek

Jan. 14, 2019, 10:16 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

I think that the winter weather's much nicer compared to things!

Written By Sparte

Jan. 14, 2019, 10:13 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

Physician Draven took a look at my nose when he came to visit me at the shrine. It still hurts as does the rest of my face, but his skill is something else. I'm confident it won't heal into a pretzel now.

Written By Kenna

Jan. 14, 2019, 9:11 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

As I slowly work on letting my anger slow and settle a new realization is creeping upon me.

Who can I honestly trust?

If 300 scholars can work in darkness without much of an outside hint... who else is dark? Have I given my trust where I shouldn't?

Written By Teagan

Jan. 14, 2019, 8:27 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

Sometimes, it is difficult to remember that diplomatic negotiations take time.

Some parties may be entirely satisfied with the proposal while others reject them outright and want to dither over a counter-proposal.

But we all must remember that while we can dine and talk, there are people out there suffering for our dragging of feet.

Written By Arianna

Jan. 14, 2019, 7:43 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Hey....remember when I told you sometimes I will say things to you without rhyme or reason? This is not one of those moments. Please...
...cease and desist. Please. I beg you to put the pen down buddy.

Written By Genevra

Jan. 14, 2019, 6:44 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

Armor's squared away, with a great deal of help from the family.

The world shakes, the bonds remain rubicund-clad.

Written By Sparte

Jan. 14, 2019, 6:34 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Violet

I do wish we had a better way. More time. Other options.

Perhaps they were there and we missed them, or perhaps the path we chose was the one that would not fail. Those questions will always nag at me as they do any time the fate of another hangs in the balance of what I do.

Yet, much as I might have wanted a different answer, the time to act came. I realize it could not be delayed, just as I realize that wallowing in what-ifs and regret leads to no better place.

You should feel burdened by what we have done. All of us should. A weight for our deeds that we carry with us for the rest of our days and to our final measure.

That weight comes from choosing to act when the choice was difficult. I believed what was done was important, and I still believe that. Even as it pulls down upon me.

So thank you, Lady Violet, for this burden. For leading us to action. We made our choices to stand with you knowingly, and we will carry our shares.

I will pray that we find the strength to carry it properly.

Written By Isobella

Jan. 14, 2019, 4:34 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Andry

I am a firm believer in the idea that boredom is a personal failing. To that end, it is imperative that one surround themselves with interesting people from varied walks of life, with worthwhile stories to tell, and purposes that intersect with your own in complementary ways without being entirely parallel. That having been said, I'm quite pleased to have met Sir Andry Bayweather. This disciple of Gild has an appreciation for commerce that rivals my own, while his travels have taken him down paths I shall never walk. As everyone knows, where trade and travel meet is where the magic happens - not the kind of magic that inspires fear and horror, but the kind that inspires growth and progress. It pleases me greatly to have Sir Andry accept my offer of patronage; may it profit us both.

Written By Delilah

Jan. 14, 2019, 4:19 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

For friends, I am grateful. They bring a ray of hope in the dark tidings of the hour, and they ensure the golden fire of hope yet glows.

Written By Niklas

Jan. 14, 2019, 2:50 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

I fail to understand how people could be upset with Grandmaster Preston's stance on the Crimson Blades.

As a mercenary company they made their name as a precision organization, a scalpel to the sledgehammer of other companies of sellswords. With this debacle, whether or not those arrested or killed truly were cultists, this reputation has been sorely tarnished. As of now the Blades are just another group of men and women with swords for sale, but this group of people decided to kill disciples without speaking to the discipleship. They made a judgment against members of the Faith without consulting the Faith. That the Faith Militant does not wish to continue working with them going forward doesn't strike me as surprising.

Written By Perronne

Jan. 14, 2019, 2:15 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

So much excitement!

On a personal level, things are going quite well. I was elected to the Commoners' Council - and then we got some very exciting visitors from afar, which necessitated the first meeting of the Council, to develop a list of concerns and considerations for Crown review. (By the way, should anyone reading this have any concerns or considerations you wish to share, on this or any other commoner-related subject, please don't hesitate to send me a letter. We can have a drink and talk about them, or just correspond - I'm happy with either!)

I was also hired as an economist for the first time! It's VERY exciting, and I'm so pleased to have a chance to help lands prosper with a little bit of advice and investment here and there. Hopefully, this project will go well, and more demesnes will consider the benefits of hiring someone with expertise in both economics and the nitty-gritty of trading! And then I shall have enough silver to roll around in the bank vault. Roll, roll, roll, with the jingle jangle of coins all around me.

I'm also collecting data for the next and even more accurate and useful edition of the Merchant's Almanac, so ready your maps and coin pouches for the new, the improved, the best (and only) comprehensive guide to the continent of Arvum from the merchant's perspective, chock full of tips, tricks, and strategies to make your journeys successful and your purse expand to a satisfying weight and fullness. Markets, roads (yes, even that Great one), hospitality, emergent trends, the Almanac will have it all, without having to haul around a mini Archive!

On a wider note, of course, the news is a lot more sobering, although just as 'exciting'. Foreign visitors from Cardia and the Undying Empire, who come with desires to add Arvum to their own domains. Strife and border wars among the provinces - which, let's be honest, isn't really uncommon. The Great Road just made it sort of easier for people who didn't like each other very much to get together and beat each other up more. Or gave some people an excuse to kill others they already didn't like, which happens...well, it happens a lot in the Compact. I've seen a lot of burned out villages in my time, and it wasn't all shavs. Mercenaries always find work, and there are a lot of borders out there that are, um, let's say 'in contention', between lands of the Compact as much as between the Compact and shavarvani. Rebellion is a bit new, but not terribly unexpected, I suppose, considering all the instability and, um, innovation of late. And the murder of a lot of Scholars - even noble Scholars! Although I guess technically it wasn't murder, but rather execution? I suppose? But they didn't get trials, even the peers, which is usually something that only happens with people who don't really matter.

I think later generations reading back on the journals of this era are going to see a lot of interesting things, but they're never going to understand how it feels to live them, especially when you're not at the center of events, but sort of on the outside of many of them, not understanding why, or how, or more importantly - what comes next?

I'm hoping for a giant party and trade agreements with EVERYONE. But I guess I need a back up plan, just in case that completely plausible outcome somehow fails to happen!

Written By Aksel

Jan. 14, 2019, 2:14 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

I have known the man that became Prince Ettore for many years. From my early days in Stonedeep training with Nadia and her brothers Cassius and Dustin he was sort of a guide. Certainly not a friend in those early years, but he was a man that willing spoke with me and try as he might to teach me about number matters, it went right over my head.

When I first arrived to the city at the request of Nadia to carry The Sword of Stonedeep it was nice to see the man still at the thing he loved and that he found a new path to pursue. I don't understand all that is the Thirteen or even a fraction of it, but he believed and he found strength in that believe.

While our paths have taken each other in different directions these past years, know I will miss you Mydas. I guess I won't get to bug you about that doll now.

Spirits watch over you Prince Ettore.

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