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Written By Sapphira

Nov. 26, 2018, 5:10 p.m.(1/24/1010 AR)

On the next night, I went to a Ball! I wasn't sure I would know anyone there, but the music was beautiful, and the people were too. I met Princesses and Knights, and the head of the Bard's College! I danced with 5 different people I did not know! The hostess was so gracious. In particular, my last dance partner was more daring than I thought he would be at first. All in all, a wonderful evening, full of inspiration! Only thing to make it better would be to have met my own special someone. But that is for a song I believe now.

Written By Sapphira

Nov. 26, 2018, 5:06 p.m.(1/24/1010 AR)

I arrived here on Friday. It was so lovely to be greeted by my cousins and sister. My sister, Tabitha, took me to a pillow fight, which if it wasn't quite so chaotic, or I was just arrived in town, it would have been fun to join in. I was happy to support Kenna as she participated, and see and meet new people.

Written By Sophie

Nov. 26, 2018, 2:55 p.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

The House of Solace has been busy since the defense of the Lodge, both in healing the immediately wounded and in treatment the festering wounds of those who were minorly wounded and chose to ignore them until they grew so much worse that they had no choice.
It seems that's the way with soldiers in general. To admit the need for help is seen as weakness, when admitting the help immediately when needed would make things much easier on all involved.
At least those cases are getting fewer and fewer, and the majority of the injured are back home with family recovering.
We have had our first few cases of soldier's afflicted with Soldier's Heart start to arrive at the House of Solace, and after perusing the white journals today I realize how important it is that we remind the residents of Arx of the Harrowed Heart Initiative that was first implemented in the aftermath of the Seige of Arx to treat those individuals afflicted with emotional trauma after the activities at the Lodge.
I just pray that those who need us are brave enough to seek help, and don't try to suffer silently to their own detriment. Lagoma willing, the Mercies can help them through this difficult time.

Written By Lilia

Nov. 26, 2018, 1:01 p.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

After far too long an absence from the Arvum Philosophical Society, I seized upon the opportunity to attend the Feast of Dissension. It was a joy to attend. The hostess was dazzling, the guests brilliant, the arguments on both sides of the table quite compelling. I am honored to have decisively settled the relative equality of the dessert realms of cake and pie, aside from those few stubborn hold outs who are unabashed in their biases toward the former, who can be forgiven for this single-minded adherence to taste and tradition.

It leaves more pie for the rest of us.

Written By Karadoc

Nov. 26, 2018, 11:21 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ophelia

I don't need a better bow -- I straight need a bow, your Highness. Also. ALSO. Why would I mind purple ribbons and matching arm guards in the same colors? That sounds AMAZING.

Written By Amari

Nov. 26, 2018, 10:12 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

The Feast of Dissension was fun, I thought. All of the guests gave their best and argued compellingly and nobody won by more than a single point. They were all very close contests.

I'm glad I didn't serve the lamprey stew though. Perhaps I'll save that dish for another occasion.

Written By Lisebet

Nov. 26, 2018, 9:59 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

I spent some time teaching over the last while. Different people, different things. But it's interesting how everyone I meet seems to be looking to improve themselves - their learning, their skills, their armour.

I guess we all have released our breaths for the moments, breathing again. And looking to the future.

Written By Macda

Nov. 26, 2018, 9:45 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

From the Sleepless Knight.


How could I've known that I could conquer your heart
By reflecting as someone else.
And who would've thought
I could comfort your heart,
When I can't recognise myself.

I know how she speaks,
How she moves when she doesn't know what to say.
Sometimes her emotions carry her away.
So she scales my rooftop every night
And when I sleep she disappears in moonlight.

For when she sleeps, she is torn apart
And I must banish her vexed counterpart.
I will follow her, she will be my possession
Everything you are is a piece in my collection.
I'll pick her up, mend her, until she is perfection.

How could I've known that at dawn you flee
Leaving only bones for me.
And who would've thought
You'd hide somewhere unfound
To conceal a piece that won't be bound.

You know how I speak,
How I try to imitate
The ways I know I should behave
But you've got nothing more to say
Down to every detail I won't miss today.

'Cause I know all her usual lines,
And all her favourite things.
How her broken mind
Keeps her up at night
And how she falls for lack of wings.

Written By Corban

Nov. 26, 2018, 8:33 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Paloma

One pleasure in being the First Captain is that sometimes the Lord Commander assigns you the duty of being the bearer of good news.

I had that joy recently in extending to Dame Paloma her promotion to Knight-Sergeant. She fought bravely and well near the Burrows and has made significant contributions to the Order's special projects.

May she serve well in her new role.

Written By Carmen

Nov. 26, 2018, 8:24 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luis

I'm lucky in my friends, Lord Luis. The Igniseri family are noble - in the best, lowercase sense of the word. I hope many people have the fortune to know you.

PS: It turns out it's really hard to get a plant in the middle of winter. You don't need my more practical services, but I'm happy to offer them, all the same.

Written By Mirk

Nov. 26, 2018, 6:17 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

Cascade Springs is thriving. Arik will be pleased; it's been his pet project for six months. It felt good to build a township up, and see my family's lands and people prosper. Worth every month I spent raising the funds, or securing the support of our allies, or brokering the deals needed to see it through. My thanks to all those who lent their talents to the township: I don't have a fraction of the expertise it would've required to do this alone. My thanks to Sir Jordan Ober, who offered sound advice and guidance when I was still in the planning stages, and uncertain about undertaking something of that scale.

The work isn't done. Cascade Springs is a prosperous village, but I have further plans for it. The second phase of the expansion will be underway in the coming months, and it will require additional support and fresh expertise, in new fields.

There's always more to be done.

Written By Duarte

Nov. 26, 2018, 5:57 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Rinel

Brew n' Brood

Written By Teagan

Nov. 26, 2018, 5:22 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

While my brother may dread it, it was lovely to hear from the Princess in regards to ensuring he learns proper table manners. I am glad I am not the only one who wishes to see that he learns them.

And if he does not enjoy her visit, I shall.

Written By Ophelia

Nov. 26, 2018, 4:50 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc

You just need some archery practice, my sweet! Perhaps I can help! Or perhaps you need a better bow? I've a few you can use if you don't mind purple ribbons and matching arm guards. I've quite a collection.

Written By Katarina

Nov. 26, 2018, 4:35 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

It happened again. This time, I was bound to the helm by chains and the mists were as red as the blood that stained my raw hands. Figures came from the quarter deck to surround me; thirteen of them. Hooded, identities shrouded behind masks and veils. They chanted in unison, circling around me until it felt as though the world quivered and ... something had finally been stirred that shouldn't have been. When I looked up, I saw what I had been waiting for all that time: eyes like my own, but not. Gold, but full of so much vitriol and fury. Then there was the blade through my chest, and I awoke. Screaming. Again.

Written By Clover

Nov. 26, 2018, 3:16 a.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

This story is my own, not our lost history:

He is the warmth of day. He is the sun-baked rocks you lean upon when you need steadying. He is strength and dignity. He is unmoveable and radiates with heat. The Midday Lord is a man of black hair that glints with red. A man of skin so richly dark it shines like bronze in the rays of the sun. He cannot be tempted from the path of Righteousness, he cannot be swayed or moved from the light. He will warm you when the night has chilled you to the bone. He will always pull you up when you have fallen.

The Midday Lord is a pillar upon which you may rest and draw strength. He is the light of day warming your skin and guiding your way.

He will lend you his strength... all you must do is walk in the light.

Written By Clover

Nov. 26, 2018, 3:07 a.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

This story is my own, not our lost history:

She is the mystery of night. The soft chill of a velvety sky full of bright sparks of silver stars, on an expanse of a blue so deep it's almost black. The Midnight Lady is a woman with hair so dark it shimmers blue, with eyes of bright silver. Skin so pale a trace of silvery blue seems to gleam at her cheeks. She moves with a grace so true it fills the onlooker with wonder. When she moves it makes you want to say, to dance in time with her. The Midnight Lady calls you to the shadows and the night; tempting you away from the light, from the hearth. She is cool and chilled.

The Midnight Lady is grace, wonder, and touched with the chill of the grave. She is the beauty of the dark where mystery lurks and the unknown is just beyond your fingertips.

She would share ... if you can find her in the dark.

Written By Orvyn

Nov. 25, 2018, 11:50 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ouida

It is truly family whom can recall the past and the entirety of our lives and in so doing, provide the most perfect of gifts for us in such times. Lady Ouida Harthall is both as wise and intelligent as she is loyal. I fear that whomever shall fall for her will be in for quite a formidable battle.

Written By Maddox

Nov. 25, 2018, 11:49 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

The Royal Ball was massive, and I was about the lowest ranked person in the room.. Princesses and princes were in abundance, and the dancing was marvelous. it was oddly wihtout rancor, though there was some hard feelings in somespots. It was well worth the time though.

Written By Arik

Nov. 25, 2018, 11:49 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

My former protege now turned Marquessa. She has an appropriately practical outlook on her situation and the prospects before her. For any Lords seeking a northern match might I suggest the Marquessa Blackwood. No calling could be greater than the taming of prodigal lands to reap the benefits of the Compact. Nor do I find many Peers as pragmatic as Marquessa Blackwood in pursuing their noble duties. Perhaps the one thing that can be said of the neo-noble is should they recognize the obligation they must live to fulfill they make rather dogged traditionalists.

I do like tradition.

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