Nov. 25, 2018, 11:48 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
Its been an interesting week. the Graysons had a memorial dinner for those lost at the lodge. It was a night of rememberance but meeting new people. I pray that there are no more usch meals though.
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Nov. 25, 2018, 11:48 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
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I am glad to hear that you have been inundated with a source of Winter cloaks. May you find warmth this season!
Nov. 25, 2018, 11:44 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
Things proceed apace. My lips upon the name of many, and the houses that seek to capitalize on that benefit as well. Saik is still being talked about the weeks after. Grayson has even looked in my direction. It is harder, but nothing worth doing is ever easy.
Too many nights at my forge. My back aches and my leg even more so. The other night the Hundred Cities was even too far and the lot of us dug up like proverbial ticks in the forge and Demetria and her husband kept the forge going. This is normal she told me. Not even Mortimer made his way over. I suppose this means more work is done, but less time in the market.
Though there was a lovely altercation in the market involving snow balls with mistress yasmine and Rowenova. I quite enjoyed my self then.
Nov. 25, 2018, 11:40 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
I hope I meet more studious folks, more religious folks, I wish to debate and learn more, expand my horizons and become a better templar. Arx deserves better, so I must strive to be better.
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Nov. 25, 2018, 11:39 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
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My niece. And Voice. She's all right. Isn't too much of a pain in the ass and is fairly level headed and helpful. Which is good to have around from time to time when you're not known for either of those traits.
Nov. 25, 2018, 11:37 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
It's been a flurry of activity the last few weeks, events such as balls, sip and spars, lonely hearts, and the debate at the salon. I shall endeavor to continue to make as many public functions as I can, gaining new friends and allies where I may
Nov. 25, 2018, 11:37 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
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Lord Dariel Bisland, cousin of mine, has come to Arx to seek his fame in the actor's realm I believe. I welcome him.
Nov. 25, 2018, 11:30 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
I had the most peculiar of dreams again. I stood at the helm of the Unsullied, surrounded by an endless shroud of mists so thick that I could barely discern where my own hands were upon the wheel. No matter where I looked - aftward, foreward, or portward - it was all the same; swirling fogs that hid all there as to see. I turned my head to look down upon the quarterdeck, hoping that I might be able to discern the movement of my men aboard. Nothing. I opened my mouth to call out for someone - anyone - and realized I could hear not hear my own voice. Nor the lapping of the waves against the ship; the wind in the furls.
I was alone, unable to move, for I knew a great tragedy would befall me should I abandon my post. So I stood there for what felt like an eternity, waiting. I didn't know what I was waiting for, only that it was the most important thing I would ever do.
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Nov. 25, 2018, 11:21 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
A late addendum: seeing so many missives flying about (sometimes literally--I really must discover the nature of these so-called "animal couriers") on Sunday requesting lessons before the week begins makes me think that perhaps there might be an opportunity for a weekly get together--an intellectual sip and spar.
Not that the attendees of the Golden Hart's weekly fête /lack/ intellect, of course. It is simply that the mêlée is more physical in nature. Perhaps the Hart would allow attendees interested in learning a side room.
Sip and suspect? Sip and substrate. Sip and seriously ponder...
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Nov. 25, 2018, 11:15 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
Now that the Lodge is protected, the citizenry of Arx has turned its mind from battle to learning. I have been positively deluged with requests for teaching! It is most flattering, but I am uneasy--I cannot help but think myself an imposter, one who merely flaunts at knowledge instead of truly possessing it.
Atreke says that this is normal for people like me. I don't know if that was a compliment.
Nov. 25, 2018, 11:13 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
An evening with friends I adore, where all talk of gloom and doom and sorrow were banned... It was lovely, and so very needed.
And now... now there are plans.... PLANS!!!!!
Muahahahahaha. Yes. You read that right. Muahahahahahaha!
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Nov. 25, 2018, 11:12 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
Love comes in shades and kinds, but I don't think there is any feeling on Arvum that compares with this one. The purity of emotion that comes with my children surrounding me, looking towards a bright new day; it's not much of a historical record, but when we look to the future, it must be with a powerful hope, built on the smell of baby hair and fresh soap.
Of course, then somebody spits up or hits their brother for no reason or tries to pull the ear off the dog and the moment shatters, but ... still.
Take hope. Have heart. We will build a future together. One sunrise at a time.
Nov. 25, 2018, 9:49 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
The ball at the palace was very much fun, though I admit I found myself wishing for the presence of someone who could not attend. My beau, as Elsbetta so gently said. So I left the ball and headed off to find him, which was - both a delight and a terror. Improvements definitely can be seen, but there is still weakness enough to leave me fretting.
It does seem though that things move in the right direction.
Nov. 25, 2018, 9:49 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
The ball at the palace was very much fun, though I admit I found myself wishing for the presence of someone who could not attend. My beau, as Elsbetta so gently said. So I left the ball and headed off to find him, which was - both a delight and a terror. Improvements definitely can be seen, but there is still weakness enough to leave me fretting.
It does seem though that things move in the right direction.
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Nov. 25, 2018, 9:45 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
The Lazy Afternoon Catnap and Research group was an amazing success. I came away with one great answer and even more questions, like why are felines so endlessly fascinating, and whose hands were those?
Nov. 25, 2018, 9:42 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
I am real glad to hear that Houndmouth is back in Arx, come along after word got around to him that I'd made it back myself. He never was much of a singer, as you might imagine from his name, but he could sure write some pretty words and that's why we used to employ him as a bard. I heard he lit out for Ischia after the last time we parted ways, and I heard it got about a hair more interesting than he'd have liked, but knowing that man I'm sure he put all the stories down in a book somewhere.
I figure it's as fine a time as ever for him to come crawling out of the woods, seeing as how I might have a couple of things in the works, soon.
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Nov. 25, 2018, 9:31 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
This week, I am giving thanks for those people who have been kind to me of late. Mistress Petal Penrose has allowed me to sell my various ointments, tinctures, and perfumes in part of her shop, The Tangled Skein. I am very grateful for the opportunity and hope that my fledgling efforts will be well-received. On that note, I am also thankful for Lady Kaia Bisland, who was my first customer of a custom-made fragrance; the blend was delightful to brew and makes me long for warmer weather. (Peaches, ginger, cherry blossoms, and jasmine.)
Nov. 25, 2018, 9:13 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
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I'm pretty sure I'm a terrible patron. In my defense, it's my first time.
Still, I seem to teach you all the wrong things.
Luckily, Rook is there is correct my mistakes else I'm not sure what we would do.
All in all, I like you well enough, even though you hang out with goats and get naked in my dining room for no good reason. You look good in umbra. The baby likes you very much. I'm not sure what you've been giving her for her teething gums, but she's hardly cried as much as I expected she would.
I might be a terrible patron, but you are a very good protege. I am glad you are in my family.
Nov. 25, 2018, 9:07 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
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I went to a funeral today. I only met Bashira once, but I liked her immediately.
I suppose that doesn't mean much, really. I like almost everyone I meet immediately.
I'm sorry for her brother and her family and her friends left behind. I am sorry for a world that is a little dimmer because her candle went out.
Rest well, Bashira. You earned it.
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Nov. 25, 2018, 8:59 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)
I did also want to say that I was thrilled with the tourney in the Telmarch. The best experience I've had there in a very long time, and I was so glad to see the enthusiastic response from the locals who gave our Champions a real run for their money. Don't worry, darlings - I'll be back.