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Written By Perronne

Nov. 23, 2018, 11:58 a.m.(1/17/1010 AR)

A lot of journals about the Shav'arvani, of late. I suppose that makes sense - I mean, a whole lot of people in the Compact have been killed by Abandoned in the last few years: the siege on Arx, the attack on Malestrom, the attacks on the South and the North, the pirates of Seraceni, the scouring of the County of Darkwater, the burning and poisoning of the land in the Crownlands...oh, and of course, the spies! A Prince of Valardin murdered and replaced with a traitorous shav, for years upon years. Not to mention the murder of most of the leadership of Valardin House! Which both those things together seem a bit like overkill on one House, to me, but I'm not a shav! I don't know how they think. Maybe they were really angry that Valardin generally does such a good job on keeping them out of our lands. I don't know.

I'm not a noble, or a priest, so I don't feel right talking on grand visions of right or wrong, or the way that the Compact should be governed. And I'm not really a warrior, either, although I'm grateful every day for the soldiers and knights that keep us safe. I'm a merchant! Which, in laymen's terms, means I'm a giant loot-and-blood filled sack for any bandit that comes along. I don't really care if the bandit is a good person when she's not cutting my throat, or taking everything I own, or taking everything I own and THEN cutting my throat. Maybe she loves her children, or has a tiny Abandoned kitten rescue back home. But it doesn't really matter when she's right here, cutting my throat. And I've been all over the Compact, wandered (carefully! quietly!) through many Abandoned lands, and I can say: they kill each other a lot. A whole, whole lot. I don't know if it's more than die in conflict with the Compact or not (conflict which, lately, has mostly been them invading us and killing a lot of farmers, soldiers, and common people!) because I don't have access to those numbers, and probably wouldn't want to count that many dead even if I did. And we of the Compact kill each other a whole lot, too, so I'm not saying we're better, or anything. Just not worse.

As a merchant, I would like peace, too! War may make for good business, but battlefields are very sad and gross, and dead people don't buy a lot. So I do genuinely pray to the Pantheon that, by the grace of the Gods and the strength and honor of our lords, one day the Compact will reclaim all its lost lands, and bring all the Shav'Arvani back into civilization! No more heresies, or small, angry tribes killing each other and cutting merchants' throats. That would be the best solution. And think of the open markets! I support every effort of the Houses and the Faith to restore and hold our lands from encroaching enemies, just as they have done for a thousand years.

Written By River

Nov. 23, 2018, 11:21 a.m.(1/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

Maybe you are right. But if as a society a people chooses to protect the ones who make poor decisions, such as some of the things we write about here, It is easy to put blame on the people who stand by and say, it is not me who did this act, but he did what he thought was best for the compact, it is at best being passive to the suffering of people who must make difficult choices beneath the weight of death by the compact. it is not as if peace and love is brought to every shav, sometimes it is force and threats, under the guise of we do this for your greater benefit. If we ignore that fact, that there are selfish and evil men who do things under the banner of the compact, then we take on their blame as well. I do not blame anyone here in this situation, but to say that the compact always acts for the good of others is only coming from the situation of those who are in the compact. I am sure that thralls was very good for Thrax in many ways, but to the Thralls, I am not sure they see living under debt that is passed from mother and father to son and daughter benefitial for them.

My point is just because it is good for a people or a society, does not mean that we cannot see the other side and how it is painful and ruins everything for the people we turn from their traditions to the crown.

Written By Sina

Nov. 23, 2018, 4:50 a.m.(1/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on River

Choice is certainly the key word here, I think. Everyone has a choice, and each choice has consequence. We each make a choice, even to stick our necks out and write our thoughts in the whites for all to see, and judge. My choice was to speak out, to imply that there is another way - the finding of common ground. In the end, we all share the Dream - we are all a part of it.

But you are correct. It is our choices that define us, and what we make of our lives. I choose to remain compassionate where I can, but I have a part of me as well, that will fight for what I believe in. Everyone does. Call it survival instinct, call it whatever you like. All of us are capable of violence, even me, though I prefer a peaceful path if I can. I carry a sword, daggers, and I have a set of armor, just like many of the people who write in these journals. And I will use them, if all else fails, if I have to. So far, I have not had to use them at all. But, I am young yet, and have not had a need.

Before I use them, I prefer to think that sometimes, there is a chance for a better solution. But it doesn't start with generalizing, putting everyone into one little box, and labeling them all the same. If someone decides to attack me, I will hold that single person responsible, not their entire house, their family, their people.

Therefore, I think it is unfair to blame the entire Compact for the behavior of individuals. Each person must be held accountable for his or her actions. Unless, of course, one is enslaved by a creature of the Abyss, in which case, does that person actually have free will? And when it comes to that traitor, that horned one you speak of, he doesn't care about your choices, or your free will. But I do, the Compact does, the Faith does, and so if you run into his arms, then you are still making a choice - to give up your free will, or aid and abet one who will take that choice away from shav and a member of the Compact alike. And that is what I, personally, will take up arms against. Anyone who will deny another that one thing - choice, or the knowledge that will allow one to make an informed choice.

Someone mentioned in a previous journal entry that we each fight for different reasons. I participated in the defense of the Lodge as well. I did not raise my sword, but I fought the same as any other, risked everything, the same as any other. To protect that one thing - our freedom to choose.

You say you were a former thrall. My mother was a thrall. I was a scullion in the kitchens of House Thrax as a child. Was I a thrall? I don't know. I was a child, and forced to work in the kitchens of the family that destroyed my father's ship. That seems somewhat like thralldom to me. But I was taken out of the kitchens, and raised up to be Princess Donella's handmaiden, then I chose to stay on and serve Princess Alarissa. Now, I serve the gods, of my own choice. What you started out as is not what you are now. Do not let that define you, unless, of course, you choose to. Because unlike many of those souls we saved in the forest these past months... you have that option.

Written By Andry

Nov. 23, 2018, 4:18 a.m.(1/17/1010 AR)

Hearing the unfortunate fate of Sir Daemon and my brothers promotion, I knew I had to make it back to Arx to make sure he's doing alright. Looks like he's still the same lumbering giant as ever and the house hasn't burned down yet which is always a pleasant surprise. I've been told I'm to be fitted for a new armor and that I should replacing my steel sword with something better, I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Written By Tabitha

Nov. 23, 2018, 2:50 a.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

One thing that occurs to me, having ventured out of the warmth of my room to come here and read the journals, is that I need to spend more time with my loved ones. These tales of loss remind me that the time we have in this life is too short to be squandered on solitude.

I really need to catch up with my sister Sapphira, especially. It's so nice to have her around.

Written By Melody

Nov. 23, 2018, 1:10 a.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

It's easy for many to turn a blind eye to the overpopulation witnessed in the lowers, but it seems as if now is a wonderful time to touch upon it.

Not only are the lowers a home to crime and the disorderly, but they're a home to many. This includes prodigals. A good number of these prodigals were given the tremendously difficult choice: death, or bend the knee.

When one bends the knee, they are not given land. Rather, the opposite happens. And what results is a home, or lack thereof, in the lowers. As a disclaimer, there are baronies, counties, and even marches of prodigal origins, but I'd wager that the majority of the prodigals find themselves struggling to survive within the confines of the city walls.

Guess who those born in the lowers blame for the overcrowding? They blame the prodigals, who 'made the choice' to disrupt their lives. The lesson to be learned is that some choices don't come easy, and seldom are they fair.

I've read my fair share of ignorant things on the whites, but this marks the first time that I have read that "a good shav is a dead shav". Maybe I don't read these whites enough. Maybe I've read enough. But for those of you who do practice compassion, might I suggest that rather than entertain prejudice, consider looking for a solution?

Written By Shard

Nov. 23, 2018, 12:44 a.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jeffeth

I'm not allowed to still love those people, Jeffeth. They're my enemy now, the same as for anyone else. So, yes, we're on the same side. But some nights that's not as comforting to me as it is to you.

Written By Shard

Nov. 23, 2018, 12:26 a.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

But by your own words, your actions against Valardin would have been grounds for your and your tribe's execution, 'without remorse'.

If you encountered my tribe now, they could move camp and change hunting trails. It would be cold, and hard, but they've done it many, many times before to escape danger or to try to find better routes. My tribe doesn't claim land. What about the tribes that live more like the Compact do? You can't pick up and carry a village. You can't take a planted field with you, or the graves of your ancestors, or the house your grandparents' grandparents first built, or the tribal shaman or priest's sacred places. So it becomes join the Compact or take your people into further exile and potential starvation and likely illness, or simply die while defending your home. And, if you don't join, and don't die? If you find somewhere else to settle that doesn't belong to another tribe? You have a few generations at most before the Compact is again taking the land out from under you. There is nowhere to go to be free of that.

I understand, it's not your responsibility. You have your own people to care about. But it is not a small thing to force a people to do, and it is never safe for them.

Written By Soren

Nov. 22, 2018, 11:49 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amund

War is shit. You wanna talk Abandoned killing each, I remember all those proxy wars the Lycene just loved throw together years back. They're experts at it. Killing is killing. Don't matter who's doing it, humans find a lot of fun ways to make each other bleed.

I remember being waste deep in the dead. I also remember making a lot of fucking money too. The more people were injured the, the more I got paid. Spilled blood means good coin to me.

War is shit. But it pays damn well. People talk about peace, but who's buying? Sure, it's nice, but it doesn't pay the rent.

Written By Alrec

Nov. 22, 2018, 10:55 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

The captain's table of the Black Fleet is full. To stare into their hungry eyes is a nightmare in the making. I could not be more proud.

Written By Draven

Nov. 22, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

It's hard to be Compacty! Is that what it means? Just completely forget who you were? That's not easy! Then they want us to not feel like outsiders! Trying to be Compacty! They don't know! It's not easy! I'm trying to be more Compacty too! I don't want to forget all of the Things or Stuff from before I was in the Compact! Not even the bad Stuff! It's a lot to ask!

Written By River

Nov. 22, 2018, 8:50 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

I wish many could take the approach in your response to Shard, but in this situation. NO matter what you do it is us against them. It is going into a person's home, telling them they are wrong, changing their culture, forcing them to swear fealty, and then if they don't well, they have the hope of dying or even worse being taken and used by the horned one. So, with that impossible choice I can understand the response of us, and them, because it is us and them, it's not we all serve the same king or the same god As Sir Jeffith says, it is some of us serve the same gods and kings willingly, and some are broken on the sword. It's not right or wrong that I comment on. All, have differing opinions on that point, but the resentment will always be there, it may even grow, but recognizing that resentment in my opinion does more than to say some of us are nicer than others.

I do not mean to be insulting, this is just how I read this statement. But then again I don't feel like my opinion matters in the long run. I am a former thrall, I was a whisper, now I am neither of these things, Lords tell me what direction is right, I sometimes disagree, but it wouldn't matter if I said I disagreed or not. So, in a way I find myself feeling that same divide. Maybe it would be best to show people how there is no divide in arx, how we want good for all, and that might ease tensions such as this.

Written By River

Nov. 22, 2018, 8:37 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

So I am sitting here reading through the whites today and the various thoughts of the people who either have gone and slane them, or who have thought them as enemies, or who seem to have a righteous cause or not. And I can only say to myself after shaking my head, how sad it is that is a pissing contest on who has done the most grieves acts and who has seen the most bloodshed. It seems that no matter what side anyone is on in this debate, it is a still a sinful stain, for life should be more precious than this.

It's not to say that it shouldn't be done, or that actions shouldn't be taken, but this... these words, these thoughts that people place on display, makes me ill, that the guilt is not seen in any of it. Maybe it is just the cold and my own moods, but I think I may keep to my own musings here. It is cowardly maybe, but it is better than to fill myself with such sadness.

Written By Cambria

Nov. 22, 2018, 7:52 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

People speak of ill luck. Mischance. They speak of unruly spirits and vengeful gods. And some speak of the idea that the world and all life in it is nothing but a blind concatenation of random occurrences. Cause and effect do nothing but map out the absurdity of things, before which even the gods are helpless.

Written By Lisebet

Nov. 22, 2018, 7:43 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Princess Alarissa's Fashion Night out was lovely. Such ideas for new outfits. Which is a very good thing, as there's a ball coming up. I have a couple seamstresses very busy for the next couple of days.

Written By Marian

Nov. 22, 2018, 5:45 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I was born Marian of the Green March, an Abandoned tribe occupying territory in the Oathlands. My Abandoned tribe had broken from the Compact more than 1,000 years before I was born. My life changed when I made the choice to ransom rather than kill Prince Valen Valardin after capturing him and his knights with my war party. During his captivity, he showed me honor and faith. I ended up negotiating my tribe's return to the Compact and my marriage to Prince Valen Valardin rather than his release.

So yes, I have fought against my 'invaders' rather than buckling under their might. It was his diplomatic efforts that convinced my people to end the conflict. When I joined the Compact, Abandoned tribes that did not follow became my enemy. I have joined Valardin in their efforts to protect their lands. Since my people were not defeated in battle, I can not speak to the question of being pushed off my lands.

I honor Gloria in all ways so I have not participated in the slaughter of innocents. I have never accepted bounty for killing warriors of Abandoned tribes. I would bring a commander of mine to my liege and Sentinel's Justice if they did these foul deeds. Because Gloria teaches honor and chivalry, not widescale genocide.

The Abandoned tribes have choices. My story is just one of many. I am proud to have rejoined the Compact. I have embraced a Faith that I was not born into. My people thrive under the mantle of the Compact. For those who do not because they chose another path, that is not my focus. The 'fairness' of their difficulties can be debated. They have my sympathy to a point. It stops when my people are put at risk.

Not all stories follow the same journey. Because we have choices, different personal circumstances. Those choices have consequences, regardless of the events that brought matters to that escalation point. Our enemies leverage ignorance, fear and prejudice to keep the advantage, to foster distrust. Hence why words, diplomacy and compassion are leveraged first. Swords are brought to war if my people's survival is at risk. My people are my priority. Their health and safety are my responsibility.

Written By Jyri

Nov. 22, 2018, 4:02 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Draven

I leased that house because I wanted it to be a family house, for myself and my son. May you be as happy there as we were.

Written By Reigna

Nov. 22, 2018, 3:56 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

I feel it must be some strange alignment of the stars. Today I read something from the quill of Audric De Lire and I agreed with it.

I feel like I must spend sometime looking into the mirror today and making sure that I am me.

Written By Juniper

Nov. 22, 2018, 3:52 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Sometimes, a messenger arrives with a delivery and you have to forget that you're a cultured, dignified courtier, so that you can squeal with delight and maybe do a little dance too.

Lady Delilah Whitehawk has sent another prize for Aion's Melee and it is absolutely beautiful. A silk cloak dappled with stars and filigree and silver... oh, beautiful! Whomever wins this will look like a Seraph, shining and bright.

I truly cannot wait for the day itself.

Written By Thesarin

Nov. 22, 2018, 2:19 p.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Grandmaster, I ain't saying we ought not kill our enemies. That's been my business damned near thirty years.

Would be nice if the world were one peoples didn't come across every border to take what they could from those ain't could stop them. For all it'd mean folk like you and me would needs learn a trade. But that ain't the world we live.

Wherever the Compact can't hold, more like than not Abandoned will settle. Wherever the Compact can hold, it'll border spots it can't. Learned folk tell me there's two of the Abandoned or more for every soul in the Compact.

There's Abandoned who needs be your enemies and there's Abandoned who ain't. March on folk ain't your enemies and it's damned sure they are after. Tens of thousands of Abandoned, these last years, have taken shelter in Deepwood and Riven from the Horned God and his slaves; who do you reckon they can look to for shelter when it's the Compact coming for them?

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