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Written By Preston

Nov. 21, 2018, 4:15 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

Again, I do not disagree - and on either side we must not see the Abandoned as one group, but know that some are close to us in style, some far away, some friendly, others not, and some are beyond redemption no matter how much love might be in our hearts. But, if the matter falls to the Templars, we are of the Faith Militant. We are an army of Gloria, of the Faith. We will see things as armies do, in military ways, and our solutions will match. This is why I suggest and encourage nobles to take the lead on such things, why we supported Princess Reese, why we supported Baroness Lucita.

Written By Preston

Nov. 21, 2018, 4:10 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I think perhaps there is a difference of perspective. You say they have no choice because it is enslavement or death - I would say that is a choice. It is not a good choice, but it is one. It isn't an easy choice either. I hope should I ever have to make it I have the strength needed to die.

I have never really blamed the Abandoned, or sought to ignore the harsh nature of some of the choices the Compact made in the past, but equally I cannot change those things. We must deal with the world as it is. And I do not blame them for choosing enslavement over death, though it forces my response. What I want though is to remove the need for them to make that choice if we can, if they will allow us, but where we cannot - where there is no understanding that can be built between us and the Abandoned, for whatever reason - that we begin to push them back from our holdings and roads so that when the enemy comes, as you say they will, that we have the first skirmishes occur further from our holdings, further from the innocents. So that defeat will not mean the end of our civilisation everytime we fight. Because that choice forces our hand in how we must behave, and it is not always in the way that lets us preserve lives.

The duty is on the nobles first and foremost - the land is theirs. And the Faith Militant - if Little Sister will forgive me for speaking for her people - will always provide support where we can. Sometimes our presence is enough to make it clear that fighting us is not as easy a choice to make either, and makes it clear that we can perhaps protect them against what moves in the woods.

Written By Juniper

Nov. 21, 2018, 3:20 a.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Aion's Grand Melee is almost upon us! I don't know about anyone else but I'm excited to see the people of Arx smacking each other with pillows, all in the name of raising funds to improve the Dreamer's own shrine.

As of today, we've a number of incredible prizes too.

Entwined Dreams, a pair of rubicund hairpins, by the legendary Felix Meadson, depicting a pair of slumbering lovers whose shared dreams depict Creation.
A Miniature Whisper House (complete with secret passages), by Mistress Adora.
Collectable dolls of Radiants Lumen and Saedrus, Softest Whisper Bliss, and Celebrated Whispers Calandra and Gianna.
SIX pieces of matched neodymium and champagne silver jewelry from Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius, in a stars and comets theme which may or may not go to several lucky winners or one very lucky winner.

Bring yourselves and your donations to the Shrine of the Lost on the appointed day and be prepared to take a pillow to the face! Or hit a lot of people in the face with the pillow. Either way, it's going to be incredible.

Written By Reigna

Nov. 21, 2018, 2:40 a.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

You'll have to forgive me, admiral Magaldi. I stayed away from the whites for over a month. I suppose my quill was rather backed up.

Written By Marian

Nov. 21, 2018, 2:01 a.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

I will not suffer an enemy at my doorstep. Nor would I sleep well while they rested on my lands. Because I have been raided in the dead of night by enemies of the Compact. I have woken to the cries of warriors falling at the hands of the enemy. Had to rush to grab my sword and defend children in a nursery from murdering marauders who entered my home. I have known the grief of losing family and friends from such a raid.

So for those critics that speak harmony, know that I lean more on the side of supporting Sir Preston's efforts to actively push back Abandoned tribes to the borders. If there is an Abandoned tribe found on Compact lands in the North, they are asked to bend on knee or move on peacefully. For diplomatic reasons, we've offered in the past to assist Abandoned tribes in their relocation off Compact lands, escorting them to the borders and helping them leave so they are out of the path of conflict with the Abyss. While I don't wish harm on these people that chose to live their lives in peace but outside the Compact, they are not my responsibility if they do not bend on knee. I shall not offer them my protection as long as they reject the Crown and Compact.

Violence is never my first option. If they answer in violence, they are killed without remorse because of the threat they pose to our people. Those survivors and non-combatants are given a choice again after the battle to bend on knee or move on. If they move on, then once again, we offer escort to ensure they arrive at the borders without incident. It's brutal but effective in keeping the lands as cleared as they can be.

There are large pockets of the land that are far away from civilized roads that only get scouted periodically because there are not enough warriors in the North to be everywhere. After the Battle of Stormwall, when many warriors fell in battle, those patrols became even less. As we rebuild from these losses, we start picking up these patrols when weather permits. I imagine it will be more difficult in this Spring because we had to take time to recover last season.

Those tainted with the Abyss are dealt with swiftly. There is no reasoning with the corrupted, no parlay to those that would serve the Abyss.

Written By Mikani

Nov. 21, 2018, 1:42 a.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

I had a great night with two new friends.

Carmen and Count Magnus. Next round is on me.

Written By River

Nov. 21, 2018, 1:29 a.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jeffeth

I am so sad to see you in such states as I have, but I think that today, we've come to an understanding. I hope there is room to improve on a friendship even though we disagree. I'll pray for your comfort and that you can find some peace.

Written By River

Nov. 21, 2018, 1:27 a.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amund

Such a direct, yet interesting man I met today, while drinking tea. Very kind, direct, but honorable too, I think

Written By River

Nov. 21, 2018, 1:19 a.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

I have warned you plenty of times that if you can't remember you shouldn't make a repeat of it.

Written By Aureth

Nov. 20, 2018, 10:56 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Death spun our souls from her own blood. It is not a gift reserved to those who live within the Compact.

The Abandoned you kill today could be reborn as your granddaughter tomorrow.

I have had reason to consider, in my musings on the topic of life, death and choice, that there are bonds between many of the gods in the Pantheon. Much has been written of the fidelity between Gloria and Limerance. Some has been written of the connection between Limerance and the Sentinel, on the virtues and demands of truth, duty, and honor.

Death sets you on your path, and the choices you make from there define it. I won't call it a binding between Death and Skald, for Skald suffers no bonds. But the fact of the matter is, the choices you make are what write your story, and that story is the weave whose weft and warp is the gift you give to Death, in return for your life, when she gathers you into Her embrace at the end of your days.

So. If you choose to bend the knee, and embrace the Compact, and the Faith, that is a choice that carries meaning, and entitles you to the fidelity and benefit of being a liege-sworn, oathbound citizen of the Compact, beneficiary of our history and our traditions and our cultural grace. And if you choose to reject the fidelity of the Faith, and the protection of the Compact, and live as an outlaw, a barbarian, or heretic, that choice, too, carries meaning. And that meaning makes you an enemy. Perhaps you made that choice because you were deceived. Perhaps you made that choice because you were afraid. Perhaps you made that choice because the life you live has turned you entirely to evil. Perhaps you made that choice because we failed to reach you, for one reason or another. Perhaps you made that choice because you have not yet had the opportunity to make another, because of where, and how, and to whom you were born. However.

I write now to caution from removing the humanity of your enemy. She is a human being. She has a human soul. When she dies, she will return to Death's embrace, as you will. That doesn't mean that she isn't an enemy. But it does mean that she is not a monster.

Fight your enemies. Fight them with honor, as you swore to Gloria. Perhaps that is a fidelity between Death and Gloria.

Written By Meriah

Nov. 20, 2018, 10:55 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amund

For a man of 'so few words', you certainly are outspoken about your opinions!

But I suppose its easy enough to be so -to the point- when your only sell-able trait is the murder of your fellow human.

Anyway, I'm commandeering your prejudice to draw attention to something that doesn't involve slaughter or poking things or whatever you serious-murderer types get along about:

The condition of the Commons Clinic is commendable but I think we can do better. If anyone is interested in adding another wing to the Clinic or additional floors. Or _anything_ at all to do with bringing good medicine to the people of the Lowers (locals, prodigals, or sad and violent sellswords) please send a missive my way.

I'm in the market for charity lately.

Written By Shard

Nov. 20, 2018, 10:52 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amund

Does the Compact deserve to be put down like dogs when its members raid, pillage, and kill? Many, many people make entire careers out of it.

No one has been defending bandits, pirates, cultists, or raiders that I've seen here.

Written By Kenna

Nov. 20, 2018, 10:09 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gilroy

There are plenty of places in Arx that smell VERY bad. I enjoy those places quite a bit. It's very strange.

Written By Alrec

Nov. 20, 2018, 9:48 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

I like hats. I mean, I really like hats but I like hat-makers even more.

Written By Thena

Nov. 20, 2018, 9:19 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Perronne

It's been difficult to write lately, both physically and emotionally. But I would be remiss if I didn't make a note here than I am thrilled that Mistress Perronne Amboise accepted my offer of patronage. She has the exact right knowledge and attitude to help me accomplish great things in the Knights of Solace. And while she is more than capable of accomplishing great things of her own with no help from me or anyone else, I am excited to see what she comes up with.

Written By Philippe

Nov. 20, 2018, 9:14 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Good Chevalle men and women lost their lives in the defense of the lodge. I hope I can honor their service by taking care of their families. Once I figure out the logistics, I want to invest in a fund that would pay a pension to the widows and children of these men and women lost in the battle for the defense of Chevalle but also for the men and women who were made unwhole due to injuries were taken in battle. I will call this project; The Silver Stallion Fund. I hope this can provide a little bit of solace for their families.

Written By Alrec

Nov. 20, 2018, 8:15 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Some people write books in their journal. Is it because they lack a publisher? I am sure theres one in Arx.

Written By Orathy

Nov. 20, 2018, 6:07 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Y'all done playin in the forests now? I ain't finished cleanin out yer closets... go back 'n play with them bunnies some more eh?

Written By Orathy

Nov. 20, 2018, 6:06 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

Ya shoulda hired me ta protect ya... shit, ya would've been a good reason ta die for, Old Grim.
Maybe yer son will consider a contract, eh?

Written By Cambria

Nov. 20, 2018, 6:04 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Daemon

Grief is an intensely personal thing. Some might believe it brings others together, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you are uncertain as to this truth, all one need do is skim the recent journals. People may share grief at the same time, but for everyone is it unique. There is nothing wrong with this.

I do grieve for the loss of Sir Daemon. I grieve for the many things I did not say, or did not do. I grieve because I will miss him, and because I feel as though I failed him. Yet to write over long on these things in a public manner, in my opinion, serves only to call attention to myself, and not the soul who has returned to the Wheel.

The knight that I knew was a kind man, of gentle demeanor and good humor. He did not shrink from adversity or challenge, and never hesitated to grab the handle of a broom over the hilt of a sword. He loved, loved, loved milk and cookies, and pie, and basically any sweet treat you might send him. I tried not to indulge that sweet tooth, though. Instead I asked if he would care to walk with me in the mornings, and he happily consented. In fact, he would often walk with me, no matter how early I called upon him to do so.

I will always remember Sir Daemon, and I choose to remember him with joy.

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