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Written By Orathy

Nov. 20, 2018, 6:03 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on River




Reckon this outta be fun.

Really I otta quit drinkin...

Written By Alrec

Nov. 20, 2018, 5:58 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Duarte

Every fight I have had, whiskey has been involved so, if whiskey could talk - it would not only say my name but demand a respond befitting a noble. My count, Lord Duarte Amadeo, I would like to challenge you to a rite of Gloria. If I win, your house Amadeo will put forth the bill to have a whiskey made that carries my name; The Alrec, whiskey of Amadeo. Ignore my challenge, as I have learned, it is a right afforded to you silks or accept and have your champion reach out to me, we know who's the better swordsman between the two of us, my beloved count.

Written By Shard

Nov. 20, 2018, 5:14 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

You and I will never fully agree on this, but the things you've written recently are less...harsh than I tend to expect from the Templars. Obviously there are dangers that have to be dealt with. Bandits. Cultists. The Compact and many Abandoned tribes have been raiding each other probably since the end of the Reckoning. But I remember the fear. I remember harsh winters with an empty stomach because we didn't want to take the risk of wintering somewhere warmer, for fear of being attacked by Compact soldiers. I remember all our avoidance, our hiding, our wandering, our running amounting to nothing in the end, because we had a contract taken out on our lives anyway, and now my tribe wanders somewhere much, much farther away from the Compact /and/ the Horned One, somewhere with less food, less shelter, less warmth, because both would destroy them. If he hasn't destroyed them already.

I think, though, that what I would say is more or less this; choice is a very inconsequential thing when it comes to him. For probably most of those serving him, they never had a choice, and they have no choice now. He takes what he wants, and what he wants is to remove that ability to choose anything. Some chose to fight...they're enslaved or dead. Some chose to flee...they're enslaved or dead. Some didn't know the danger until it was far, far too late. And some feared you more than they feared him. Certainly, there are Abandoned who made the decision to join him more or less on their own; I know stories of at least one tribe in particular. But those types of people are rare. A slaver doesn't care if his slaves want to be free. And this slaver removes the ability of his slaves to even think against him.

And he will come here, regardless of whether or not there are more people to harvest along the way. We have things he wants.

Written By Amund

Nov. 20, 2018, 4:38 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

People making excuses for Abandoned. A good shav is a dead shav. If they pillage, they raid and they kill, they deserve to be put down like dogs. Leave the others alone, but don't make the mistake of feeling empathy for the destroyers of good Compact lives.

Written By Fortunato

Nov. 20, 2018, 3:47 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

My concern is that we make the Abandoned and the Abyss one and the same. My caution is toward seeing every expulsion or skirmish as a righteous one. My caution is against forgetting that the Abyss does not need permission or worship to corrupt or destroy. Shard can forever speak better and surer about her own people.

I ask only that you be careful about seeing people as resources for the Abyss. There are those who have indeed thus advocated preemptive slaughter in the name of safety.

Written By Gilroy

Nov. 20, 2018, 3:33 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

That was a lot of walking.

But here I am in Arx, greatest city in the known world!

It doesn't smell nearly as bad as I assumed it would.

Written By Helena

Nov. 20, 2018, 3:12 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

Adept Scholar -- It's not yet official, but I have the recommendation upon completion of my test this evening. In truth, I was nervous -- not because I don't have quite a lot of information in my airy head, but because I am never sure if it's quite the right information at times.

The test -- which I had been so anxious about these past few nights -- turned out to be quite enjoyable, or at least, to me. Scholar Oswyn made it seem like this theoretical adventure I was on and it was rather intriguing. I now look forward to helping in such investigations in reality instead of merely my imagination.

And my dear family Redrain, if Scholar Oswyn has the impression that we all drink from strange basins of blood without question, I apologize for that misplaced notion. I simply was hedging my bets on the final question. Luckily he was not too disturbed, and I passed despite some grisly imagery.

Written By Isidora

Nov. 20, 2018, 2:57 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

I now have three apprentices. I hope they know that perfection isn't just an expectation I believe it is achievable.

Written By Pharamond

Nov. 20, 2018, 2:31 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Delilah

Every now and then you bump into someone and they send you for a loop. In this case, a good one. There is a matter that's been weighing on my mind and I've not even known where to begin chasing it, no less who to ask. With merely a few hints, this amazing lady has set me on the right path and may even turn out to be a necessary ally in researching something I don't even have the words for how to put into an item to be researched.

Sometimes life is funny and sends you exactly what you need when you need it. Here's hoping I don't regret asking the question!

Written By Pharamond

Nov. 20, 2018, 2:30 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

It's been a busy time. The recovery of Duke Harlan is the most important. Responsibilities abound, and the thoughts of what to do next are quite pressing. It's no mystery that I've avoided responsibility for quite some time, taking a role that is rarely used while working hard to perfect my skill at something I hope to never need. Yet how long can one avoid responsibility? With Sir Jordan's passing and the fact that I wear the armor and sword of another great hero, Lord Killian definitely makes one consider how long they can keep going the happy go lucky route.

That or I clearly haven't had enough to drink today if i'm letting such thoughts actually get to me.

Written By Delilah

Nov. 20, 2018, 2:20 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

I should consider it concerning when my primary assistant believes the icon for proper behaviour is Princess Sabella. I have no chance in the Dream to match her ladylike refinement, and that just plain isn't good enough for Scribble. Woe!

Written By Jasher

Nov. 20, 2018, 1:44 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

((The handwriting is shakier than usual. The loops aren't entirely round, and some of the letters have been etched in odd angles.))

It will take some time until the dreams return to the sea. For now they are full of forests, dying men and women, and horrors read about but never seen until that day. Still, however raw the dreams are, they will fade. They will join the others in the background. They always do.

A kitten managed to sneak into my room; one of the Claw's brood, no doubt. I found it asleep in the bookcase after having made a mess of the place, and it was safely escorted out to rejoin the company of its family. Precautions were taken to ensure I don't have unexpected visitors into my room again.

The renovations will be done within two months, I was told. We'll see.

Written By Reigna

Nov. 20, 2018, 1:43 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

An Oathlander's perspective on the gods in brief, but Tehom mostly:

The gods provide us with this world that Aion formed in his endless Dream. Skald killed Fate and created humanity, creatures born free with the right to choose our own paths. Death gives of herself, her own blood to craft each of our souls and places them on the Wheel for us to sing our stories as we live. Petrichor provides us with the bounty of nature, giving us dominion over beasts, grains and plants for us to eat. Mangata blesses us with water, wind and wine. Gild teaches us to be a community, to be charitable to others even as we provide for ourselves. Limerance deepens the bonds between us, building off Gild's civilization to give us laws, to teach us that our words have power -- concepts that are furthered by Vellichor's thirst for knowledge, dedication to documenting so that the wisdom we accrue can not be lost to later generations, and by Gloria's gifts of honor and chivalry, an expansion of the idea that our words matter, that we should strive for greatness, and understanding that winning is not the end. The point of a journey is never the destination, but the acts and lessons acquired on the way there. When we fail, the Sentinel is there, unsmiling, featureless, as justice should be. To judge fairly without emotion, to hold us true to the righteousness Gloria demands of us. We are not without our joys, for there is Jayus to inspire us, to delights us with visions of beauty, to fill us with the potential to create wonders if we can just keep trying. Lagoma teaches us about change, how to accept it, reminding us that though change is almost always a painful process, there will come healing, and growth before change comes again. Her fires both burn and cleanse, removing the old to make way for the new.

And then there is Tehom. The most uncomfortable of the gods. Lagoma gives us pain, but Tehom gets under your skin and itches. He dwells within the shadows of your heart and your mind and he lingers there. Oh, you can choose to ignore him. To try to pretend he is not there. But he is still there, lurking at the periphery, a grain of sand in your boot, a splinter lodged under your nail. Tehom teaches us not to be afraid. Fear makes our lives smaller. We might believe this gives us control, we can fool ourselves into thinking this is a choice, but it is not. It is allowing your fear to take the reins. It is removing freedom. Can you truly be free if fear drives you? Tehom does not let us forget those places within our hearts that we like to pretend are not there. Those sides of ourselves that, for whatever reason, make us feel shame. What is shame but fear of someone finding out? But there is no reason to be afraid. We all judge ourselves so much more harshly than anyone else might. When we make a mistake, how many are quick to say 'Well, that was stupid!'. Now think for a moment -- if your friend did the same thing, would you call them stupid with the same sincerity that you used on yourself? I very much doubt that you would. That self-directed criticism drives us to shame, to fear. If we stop running from those feelings, if we look inside ourselves, take the time needed to really listen to ourselves, I believe we could all be so much stronger, freer. Tehom's lessons also keeps us safe, keeps us from falling into traps disguised as harmony.

Dominus Orazio is fond of saying 'Unity is not a virtue of the gods'. I will admit I struggled with this concept for a long time. My first impulse was to think his journal had been taken over by a prankster. How could a Legate (at the time) not want his flock to be unified? The longer I thought about it, the more sense I began to see. When people choose to unify, when they make that choice to set aside differences, it is a powerful thing. But unity for the sake of itself... that breeds conformity. And conformity is a sublimation of self. That strips us of our power by removing choice. To blindly follow out of a misguided desire for 'unity' plays into the hands of our enemies. Which is why we must always question. We must face that which we do not know, release our shame at the thought of being ignorant -- Ignorance is not a crime, it is a state of being, one people must choose to get out of -- and question. If your belief or Faith cannot withstand questioning, perhaps your belief is not as strong as it should be. Questioning will only deepen your belief. You will find the answers you seek to prop up your faith, or you will confront the fact that what your belief is not as certain as you think it is.

One of the most common complaints I have heard from my fellow Oathlanders is an objection to the contrarian nature of Mirrormasks. And I agree, there have been some in my experience that seem to delight in being so, delight in not testing someone's faith but genuinely attempting to tear them down because they feel powerful in doing so. That attitude, in the opinion of this Oathlander, demeans the worship of Tehom as much as someone using Gloria's righteousness to bully someone else. Our Pantheon is supposed to be asperational. The virtues and strengths embodied by our gods should be tools we use to better ourselves and the world around us. When it is used as a weapon... it becomes a twisted, ugly thing. Do not deny your faults. Acknowledge them. Embrace them and move past them.

Written By Samuele

Nov. 20, 2018, 1:38 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

I have now made a few contacts in the city, but one of them truly did interest me. Princess Macda seems to have such a formality about her that truly seems refined and well practiced rather than overblown and attention seeking. She interests me as a person and it was a pleasure to make her acquaintance.

Written By Reigna

Nov. 20, 2018, 1:24 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

I have been thinking a lot about the nature of Oaths. What is an Oath vs a Promise vs a Vow. Two of these are typically made to someone or some entity in front of witnesses, the other something made in private. Are these things the same thing? Are not all of these, at the heart, giving your word to do or not do something? And are the gods not always witness to the things that we say? It is said that the Sentinel sees all. He may not be able to act, by vow or by principle we cannot understand, but we will all find ourselves held accountable. Does he have Death's ear, do you think? A word from him helping her decide if someone should be sent onto their rest, or if they need another turn on the Wheel to learn the lessons life teaches?

I am getting away from myself I think. But back to the point about Oaths.

If someone's word is given, it must be upheld. If it is not, then the person who failed to live up to their word deserves to be punished. There should be social condemnation, or pressure applied to them, some form of penance required before they can reestablish themselves. Only by accepting that penance wholeheartedly, not grudgingly, but willingly, can the stain be removed from their honor. Obviously the severity of the penance should be appropriate to the circumstance, no false equivalence should be pushed to lessen or deepen the punishment, but there needs to be genuine contrition, an understanding of wrongdoing and an acceptance of that blame. It is like an infected wound. When rot sets in there is no way to reverse the death of tissue. If left alone the rot will spread and a limb or even life might be lost due to not facing the truth of the situation at hand. The sooner acceptance of what is happening occurs, the sooner a surgeon can excise the rot, leaving only healthy tissue behind. It will hurt, but it will also heal. There may be a scar, but what is a scar but a reminder of something overcome?

These are the lessons we receive from the gods. Not just devotion to one, but to all. That is the life that we all should strive for. One that blends the lessons, the virtues of our Pantheon and illuminates our personal stories with wisdom.

We of the Oathlands hold honor above almost everything else. For if we do not have honor, what do we have? To be without honor is to be outside of the Compact. Our society revolves around the only true currency any of us truly have. Our word. If you cannot trust me to fulfill my word, how can you barter with me? How can you ally with me? The social contracts that make our civilization depend entirely on the faith we have in one another to keep our word. Without honor? We have nothing. We are nothing. Now we all may squabble among one another about what exactly is honorable. The Valardin have likely the most rigid views on what behavior is expected to retain one's honor. We have the reputations of being fussy and demanding. Righteous, and not in the good way. The Lycene may well think that having honor is about being practical and seeing the hard truths that the idealists of the Valardin look away from, try to pretend are not there. The Thrax find honor in the traditions that have remained intact within their culture, in the ability to endure the test of time without wavering. But all must agree, that if one cannot keep their word, in the spirit as well as the letter, then they are lacking the most fundamental element of honor.

To return to my previous metaphor, it is far better to cut out rotted flesh. It will hurt. It will take time to heal. But it WILL heal. Embrace the pain, embrace the cost and come through it stronger, better. Come through it with unstained honor.

Written By Lisebet

Nov. 20, 2018, 12:49 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

Despite fretting and feeling somewhat sad about all the lost lives, I went out to a snowball fight, hosted by Lady Delilah. It was a lot of fun, though I am still terrible at such things. I did learn however that I am not so bad at snowball wall destruction.

Written By Lisebet

Nov. 20, 2018, 12:49 p.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

Despite fretting and feeling somewhat sad about all the lost lives, I went out to a snowball fight, hosted by Lady Delilah. It was a lot of fun, though I am still terrible at such things. I did learn however that I am not so bad at snowball wall destruction.

Written By Carmen

Nov. 20, 2018, 11:53 a.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

Can't say for certain what it is - relief after the goings on at the Lodge, the extra cold, something got put in the water - but fancy folk keep hugging me and it. is. odd. Nowhere in my training did they talk about what to do if fancy folk hug you and it's not on account of saving their lives.

Written By Sparte

Nov. 20, 2018, 11:19 a.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

Because of multiple requests, I am considering a revision and new release to the Liquors of Arx. This was originally an experiment to prove my ability as a scholar to myself. It wasn't something I expected to do more than once. The Liquors of Arx, Revised for the new year, would be a text meant to list what liquors are currently available and prominently displayed for those seeking exotic libations.

I am requesting the assistance of a co-writer and access to the collections of those in Arx with a penchant towards imbibed spirits. The text will credit all parties appropriately, and will be shared at no charge with those whose liquors show amongst their pages - if the maker is known. For those who requested this, know that I won't be undertaking the effort with a co-writer.

Written By Sparte

Nov. 20, 2018, 11:01 a.m.(1/11/1010 AR)

In speaking with others a common thread of discussion of late has been what we fight for. Do we fight for an ideal like honor or justice? Do we fight for personal gain such as wealth or glory? Do we fight for others out of a sense of duty or loyalty? Or do we feel the need well within us and fight out of a sense that we should, without tying it to a reason?

I can have five people and get six answers to this. Not because it is a difficult question, but because rarely are people so simple as to have only a single motivation. I have had the privledge of serving alongside people so very different from myself yet united in common cause. There is something magical, something holy about people coming together in such a way.

I will pray, as I have after every battle, that people remember that unity. That we hold onto it. If only for a short while.

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