Written By Shard
Nov. 21, 2018, 4:17 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Amund
Don't talk to me about rabid animals when you and your kind can't even be bothered to tell the difference between actual threats and literal babies.
Written By Shard
Nov. 21, 2018, 4:08 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Marian
And I would ask people to consider this: if an invading army came to your holdings, demanded you join them or leave lands you have guarded and lived on for generations, possibly so long your people can't remember any time they did not live as they do, where they do...if this happened to you, would you join the invaders? Would you help them drive other peoples off their lands? Would you simply leave your homes, your villages, your holdings, be exiled from everything you've known, and take all of your people into unknown territory where there is no shelter, where there are hostile people or simply people who have their own spot of land they've lived on and who won't be happy with your trespassing, with only as much as you could carry with you?
Or would you stand and fight to defend yourself and your people and the place that you consider to be yours by right?
Written By Shard
Nov. 21, 2018, 3:57 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
I don't think we'll ever agree on what should be done, but your proposed solution is much better than what I've heard in the past. You making a distinction between different tribes is a lot more than I hear from most people on this subject. And when the Horned One is coming, I much prefer having tribes flee to simply wiping them out to make sure he can't use them against the Compact. This causes its own problems down the line, but it's better than the alternative.
Written By Meriah
Nov. 21, 2018, 1:43 p.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Amund
That is the truth of Medicine, my friend. It belongs to everyone. It heals the world. Not just our narrow view of the world.
It heals the heart, the soul as much as bones and flesh, as much as it heals disease.
Even a rabid animal--sure you see the irony here yeah?--deserves care.
My sympathies, though, that no one ever taught you that old 'violence begets violence' adage.
It sounds like you don't really like your work, either. Maybe you should take up cooking (you still get to stab things!) or woodworking.
You could make a few more bed frames for the clinic's new addition!
Written By Joscelin
Nov. 21, 2018, 1:42 p.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Before falling asleep, I've taken to chamomile tea to calm my nerves. My sleep isn't what it should be, it's hard to find enough peace to close my eyes. Often I wonder if I'd sleep at all if it weren't for the baby or Magpie's amazing tea. This part of the Murder is so quiet too. It should be easier.
Last night I had a dream. I wasn't completely asleep, I was half awake, but I was talking to the creature growing inside me. It prattled with joy, bubbling with thought, telling me about how happy it was it picked me to be its mother, that it was blessed to be mine, that Death made it but I would make its life and how -wonderful- was that...?
Manic. It sounded manic. A child with a kitten it could not stop talking to. I realize now, writing this, I should be more horrified. It was just a dream, but I still remember feeling amused in my half-awake doze, running my hand over my belly and 'talking' back. Trying to tell them I hoped they were alright with things being unfamiliar, that their new life not being what they chose, exactly. That there were pieces missing, and that I was alone.
Unfazed, that joy. Still carrying on. Chatter chatter chatter.
I've had stranger dreams but I can't think of any. So many odd ones since I conceived. Very vivid, threads of light and butterflies, and Death in the guise of a youth. They're worse when I read Aureth's writings, and by 'worse' I simply mean 'more intense'. I know it's my fault; I'm not obsessed with death, or Death, but I'm creating life and death has been a frequent visitor. I suspect it's the trait of pregnancy to feel more and more calm about large, philosophical ideas, accepting of the world in general.
I still want to throw things sometimes. Little things irritate me. I found myself crying at the change in -tone- someone had when speaking to me, immediately thinking the worst, but I'll have you know I waited until I was alone...! I only thought they were horribly mean for about a day, and then I was fine again. Someone brought me pie at the Trader but I'd asked for apple strudel and promptly sobbed into my hands. I think that was worse.
I'm still working thorough the interested applicants for Patron. I'm conflicted and interested in all of them, but there are strengths and weaknesses to consider. I think I'm also in the market for a protege myself, but I suspect that's far more selfish than I'd really considered. Where before I chose for social strengths and trade skill, I may need to consider something different. Or maybe just hire a bodyguard. That was supposed to be Oliver's job, but-
The hours pass. The sun rises and sets and the moon- ...well. I imitate the moon, awake all night, round and 'radiant'. I guess. I'm looking ahead to the years that stretch out before me and I feel painfully lonely. And yet? I'm also certain that despite that I'll be completely alright.
Look at me? No so morose, for once.
Written By Isidora
Nov. 21, 2018, 12:46 p.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Therese, my cousin, is wanting to learn to help our family survive things like the Lodge better. I commend her. I started teaching as many as I could so that when things happen more people are able to help with the healing.
Carmen. A Lieutenant with the Crimson Blades. Upon first meeting I can tell she is a hard worker. I always appreciate that. It means one will go far.
Sunniva. Queen of the Herbs. In that she may surpass me. Always good to know where you need to learn.
Written By Amund
Nov. 21, 2018, 12:36 p.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Audric
Written By Arik
Nov. 21, 2018, 12:17 p.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Beyond my questioning observation my only advice to offer is simple. No matter what is said or written the results of your decision are your own. Be you the head of your family, the voice of your house, or the war minister for your people. Never can you shirk responsibility and say but they said. You must do as you feel best for your people and your lands be it mercy or brutality. All that comes after comes because of you.
Written By Miranda
Nov. 21, 2018, 11:52 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Roran
But thank you for your kind words and thoughtful advice.
I'm not one who usually seeks out the faith to talk, but it was a good conversation about a heavy subject.
Needless to say, my head is high and life goes on.
As always, things change.
Praise Lagoma
Written By Miranda
Nov. 21, 2018, 11:50 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Orathy
You've been cleaning out closets?
Well, you missed mind, cobwebs still right where they were when I left.
Next time, I suppose!
Written By Thesarin
Nov. 21, 2018, 11:16 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
Written By Fortunato
Nov. 21, 2018, 10:53 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
Written By Josephine
Nov. 21, 2018, 10:03 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
I miss Lenosia. I do not think that my children sufficiently warned me enough about all this blistering cold and snow. Clearly I need a better cloak. To go with this scarf.
Written By Alrec
Nov. 21, 2018, 8:50 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
Written By Verity
Nov. 21, 2018, 7:58 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
I have been blessed with many a change over the past year. A change of outlook. A change of friends. A change of fortunes, if you will. Not the least of which is the blessing of having Mother Bianca as my patron. Many who now reside in Arx can say the same for themselves, if these journals are any indication. The city may be dedicated to the Queen of Endings, buts the Lady of Flame has certainly found a way to touch us all in these walls.
Likewise, I have watched many call for and receive the blessings of Mercies. With the constant trials of combat with which we make our stand against the forces that assail us, the healers of Lagoma's Discipleship have been in great demand.
So, for the blessings She has given me personally, and for those she's given to the rest of Arx, I have decided to sponsor a pilgrimage to one of Lagoma's most active centers of worship. For those in Arx, any Mercy, or any man or woman who has received the aid of those mercies, that wishes to take pilgrimage to show their appreciation for Lagoma, should know that I am offering to cover the cost of travel and protection along the way. I've already begun working out details with those who can aid in this endeavor. We will set out in two months.
Written By Amund
Nov. 21, 2018, 7:15 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Meriah
If you act like a rabid animal, expect to be treated like a rabid animal. Nothing more, nothing less.
I leave diplomats to do diplomacy. When their heads inevitably get impaled on boar spears as a warning, that's where 'serious killers' come in.
To get the job that should get done in the first place.
Written By Alrec
Nov. 21, 2018, 7:03 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Shard
Written By Alrec
Nov. 21, 2018, 7:01 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Harald
Written By Lou
Nov. 21, 2018, 5:32 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
What I found among the Abandoned were not people who wanted to be enemies of the Compact, even though technically they were. I found a people willing to talk, and potentially even compromise and join the Compact, for the sheer reason that they were frightened of the growing situation in the forests and wanted our protection. People in their villages were disappearing, without a trace of how it happened. Whole villages were wiped out in sacrifice. Many were captured, to be used to fuel dark deeds or to be made into mindless slaves.
During my time in the caves, seeking out the cultists, I saw the product of what some of that mindless slave business was like. Some might have been willing, but I choose to believe that most were not. No one deserves that kind of fate, to be in a living nightmare that they can never awake from.
It is easy to forget, as history is fraught with many hurt feelings and feuding between our cultures, that the shav'arvani people used to be our people.
Written By Audric
Nov. 21, 2018, 5:25 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Amund
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.