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Written By Corban

Nov. 19, 2018, 8:25 a.m.(1/9/1010 AR)

"She thanked Death for granting her the time that had been given to her, and hoped that her offerings had pleased Her. She thanked Death for what was to come, and said whether it was her enemies on her blade, or her own soul returning to the wheel, that she hoped it was a gift worthy of the Queen of Endings. She said though her own name may be lost forever, and her deeds go unrecorded, and she might die unknown, unmourned, and unremembered, that she still thanked the gods for the chance to live as a knight and to die as one, and she asked for nothing to be changed in that regard."

* * *

I have been thinking about this passage (which I have slightly edited for this forum) these past days. Many have written moving remembrances of individual soldiers and others who fell in the defense of the Lodge. But my thoughts lie with the six hundred Templars and Knights of Solace -- godsworn and disciples alike -- who fell. Their names may be quickly forgotten, recorded in the journals of their Orders and in condolence letters to families, but little mentioned after. They may have few journals recording their deeds and lives, because many that serve the Faith come from the ranks of orphans and others whose only families may have been the sisters and brothers that fell alongside them.

I will not call them heroes. Instead I will pay them a higher compliment: They did their duty. They faced unspeakable horrors and though they were but Children of Skald, they did not break. They did not run. They stood. They fought. And they died.

I thank the Queen for the privilege of letting them live and die as knights and in service of the gods. I hope their sacrifices pleased Her and their courage pleased Gloria. And I pray for their everlasting repose until the Queen decides it is time for their return.

Written By Josephine

Nov. 19, 2018, 1 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

This past week was a success. Saik was upon the lips of all, the Baroness Regent too. The hard work even placed the Arcuri name upon the lips of many. And so I repeat this again. It takes a significant portion of coin, but it's to a greater goal. Across the isles the Arcuri name means metalsmithing. This much I know. We are noted for our filigree, the same attention to detail that my mother taught me. That I have taught my daughters and sons. As fine as an Arcuri's filigree. They will speak this in the city, I will see to it. Displays of our family's work everywhere till they flock to the shop. And along the way? Along the way I will bring houses that should shine and gleam like the gems that I work with. Ones that should have more attention brought to them. Last weeks was Saik. These next two weeks, Whitehawk and Riven. Let us see how this goes\

Written By Luis

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:58 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Carmen

An interesting character. I do hope she finds her furs, it is not good to wander about the Winter nights without a proper source of warmth... If only there were a proper person whom could help the Lieutenant out.

Oh wait...

Written By Luis

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:58 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

The Lodge still stands. Such a marvel to see the compact rally and once again defend itself from the darkness that threatens us constantly. Where will they strike next? We shall have to always remain vigilant.

Written By Esoka

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:52 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

I am happy you like your horse and the other guards like your horse.

You still need to name her.

Otherwise, I thank all gods we're both alive. Maybe we can attend to more fun things now that the Lodge is settled. I shall prepare a calendar.

Written By Joscelin

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:32 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Many mothers old and young have offered much advice, and I'll admit in the beginning I didn't believe half of what they told me. Some things I expected, the cravings, the moods. Grieving makes some things worse, I'd imagine; several Mercies have come by to check on me now and then, Guildmaster Reigna's work, I suspect. They, too, warned me of my emotions.

Well-meaning questions weigh heavy on me. Inadvertent comments cut like cruel accusations. Repeated statements rub tender emotions raw.

I'll be glad to have this child. I don't think I'll carry another, I know this and I should savor these moments but, mostly? Mostly I want the hurricane of sensitivity to end. I'm better than this. I am.

I am.

Written By Michael

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:32 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Duke Gabriel Bisland is now the proud owner of a tomcat named Vigil in his recuperation. Please feel free to send cat toys, choice treats and books on how to keep a cat off your lap. That one is requested by the Duke Himself.

Written By Olivia

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:31 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

It seems now that the Lodges troubles are at last done, at least for the time, until the enemy pursues some new approach. I've written elsewhere of my own trials, but now, after great effort and worry, it seems that the others have all undergone their own. I am relieved to know they are over for the time, and that we have, in whatever fashion, succeed. But I cannot say that the costs have not been high. As it is, my brother is abed. Though gravely injured, it is expected he should recover.

His survival we owe to Sir Jordan Ober, who it is said fell in my brother's stead. I have written of him elsewhere too, and it is impossible not to be deeply saddened for his loss. And while I know not everything in his story went as he might have liked, I can still find some comfort in imagining the ending was not far off.

Written By Raja

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:16 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

I am extremely excited! For months I havebeen slaving away to save enough money for a new weapon! I was finally able to save the money to purchase all the materials. Though, I am unsure if I will be able to actually afford it's forging. I have sold all of my available resources and spent the vast majority of the money I earned. I will not give up! Whatever the price, I am willing to work for it! This will be something not handed to me. I /earned/ it! This gives me a sense of pride. I hope the Master Felix Meadson will have asmuch pride in the forging of it. I am only scared that it will be just stolen from me from never-do-wells in either high or low society. It happens both ways.

Written By Raja

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:10 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

I find that when I have new goals, I am generally a happier person. It means that I can work towards something. I am going to need to prove myself in my new life. I think something up my alley would be to join the Explorer Society. It would be fun to have tales to tell and to go see new places far and wide. Perhaps I can discover my own place of origin across the seas one day. Maybe it will be a dissapointment. I think it would be better to just sit back and dream of how wonderful a place it would be than to discover it is some cesspit. That's alright, I should not focus on the past, but on the future.

Written By Raja

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:05 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Leaving the Cullers will be no easy task for me. When I was a child, they took me in from the streets. They fed me. They clothed me. They weren't exactly the best influence on a child, but I love them the same. I am nervous to embark on my new journey. There is a certain comfort of hiding in the Culler Den where I know what to expect. This new life ahead of me will mean some uncertainties for me. I don't know what to expect. Not much scares me, but this is admittedly intimidating.

Written By Carita

Nov. 19, 2018, 12:05 a.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jordan

Sir Jordan Ober

While I did not get a chance to know him as well as many seem to have, he was an incredible help with the rebuilding of Darkwater. He had such wonderful ideas for the future and a keen mind for his duties to Ashford. I only wish I'd written his ideas down. It goes to show that one should never take for granted the advice being given. Saying 'later' and expecting that time when you're ready for it is foolish and I regret now being so careless

He was a forgiving soul, even when an emotionally-wrought female slapped him across the face for practically no reason at all. He very admirably stared at her then dipped his head politely to me, to the others standing there, and walked away without a word. Then I witnessed him accepting her apology with a smirk of amusement.

What I'm saying is that his death made me rethink some topics I'd previously taken for granted. He'll be missed.

Written By Teagan

Nov. 18, 2018, 11:07 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gaston

I do wish my brother would not eat bacon with his hands before hugging me.

I just discovered a horrifying stain on the shoulder of my gown from this morning.

Written By Torian

Nov. 18, 2018, 10:36 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

I've really outdone myself this time. You know, between my staff and my apprentices, I move a lot of goods in a normal week, more than a man working alone ever could. This was a very good week though, and if I didn't know better I'd wager I had two or three times the help I do have.

Good job all around, might have to give everybody a day off for reward!

Written By Duarte

Nov. 18, 2018, 9:47 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

I made it out today to spend some time in the Redrain Ward at The Spirits. A perfectly blustery day; the whiskey took warm purchase in my belly.

It was a day of meeting strangers and forging new friendships. I don't remember the last time I just sat and enjoyed the company of new people passing by and learning new names.

Written By Mikani

Nov. 18, 2018, 9:16 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

A lot has made me think about family. Though I am not one to share too much; I am just thinking.

Written By Kaia

Nov. 18, 2018, 8:51 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Short after my arrival to Arx, I went out with my cousin to a place called: The Golden Hart? (I do believe it was something like that...) I met really briefly a pair of individuals, they seemed nice! I believe the lady was a Mistress Artiglio...? (At least that is what I remember my cousin Lailah calling her) and a man who introduced himself as...was it Caspian? (I don't quite remember that well). They invited us to join them in a game of cards (I'm sure there was a fancy word for it, but I'm not great remembering things as you can see it is!); but sadly and regretfully I had to decline. I couldn't stay long; you see, the journey from Pridehall took a toll on me and my body required me to make my way back to the Bisland Manor for some well needed rest. Hopefully I shall meet them again soon and take them on that game offer (even if it means I'll likely loose) it did sound fun.

Written By Edward

Nov. 18, 2018, 8:49 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

The Grim Duke was to me a father, mentor, and friend. I will miss the quiet times drinking with him in the library and talking about the history that he saw pass before his eyes.

Written By Oswyn

Nov. 18, 2018, 8:29 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

I'm almost finished with the maps of the Northlands. I'm just going over them for the last time before I start binding them into the book. I'm a little tired of all the drawing and copying, to be honest, and I'll be glad when I'm finished. At least it was a break from copying Principia's Anatomy again.

Written By Kaia

Nov. 18, 2018, 8:25 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

I have finally arrived to Arx. The journey from Pridehall was far from exciting, just a plain (but still thankfully safe) one. I chose to travel lightly, bringing with me only the essentials, as I plan to acquire whatever else I need from my new home, Arx. I admit that I somewhat regret forgetting to bring my cloak with me on this journey; I've found that to be somewhat problematic. I plan on getting one of those as soon as I'm able. Overall, my arrival to the Bisland Manor has been a kind and most welcoming one. Michael has been kind enough to arrange a suite for me, and sent some of the personnel to show me into it, it's a beautiful room (though I'll have to add some things to make it feel more homey). After unpacking what little I brought I decided to go out for a bit to read one of my favorite books. Not long after I had the pleasure to finally meet my dear cousin Lailah (we had probably met before when we were children, but I hardly remember). I find her to be somewhat serious yet refreshingly nice and lovely, I do hope we get to become good friends in the near future.

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