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Written By Felix

Nov. 18, 2018, 8:16 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

A bit late in writing, but the Flotilla Gala was a very fun event, and I hope all that attended enjoyed it and the prizes that came from both the race and the raffle.

Written By Valencia

Nov. 18, 2018, 8:06 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

I'm so very sorry. You will be so very missed. With all my heart, thank you.

I have nothing else to say.

What more could one say?


Written By Octavia

Nov. 18, 2018, 7:56 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

It's around this time of year that I start wishing I could return to Stormward. Sure it's cold and pretty much always rainy, but at least it doesn't snow there.

Written By Caspian

Nov. 18, 2018, 7:52 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bashira

I remember when our parents died that one winter so many years ago. We both cried for what felt like days. You weren't that younger then I was, but I swore I would take care of you. But we ended up taking care of each other. It took me until this moment to stop telling myself I didn't take care of you. That I let this happen to you. You were doing what you thought was the right thing to do.

Gonna miss you Bash.

Written By Cirroch

Nov. 18, 2018, 7:46 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

Happy birthday. May all your years be blessed by good fortune.

Written By Joscelin

Nov. 18, 2018, 6:17 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

To the surprise of no one, I wear a lot of jewelry. What many might not realize, however, is that everything I wear means something to me. A person. A moment. An idea. A relationship. In the beginning, Ianthe used to laugh at me about it. I would forgo gold and iridescite for woven silk cords, carved ivory, intricately braided hair clasped in silver. She didn't understand at first, and of course she wouldn't; the gaps between my training and her adventures left much to catch up on. And when she understood, she gave me a braid of her own hair. I used to keep it in my apron. I wear it as a bracelet now, with carved aquamarine beads.

Silas gave me Oliver's ring the night he died. I wear it on my thumb. Our courtship jewelry rarely leaves my skin. It may be that someday I'll take them off, set them on display. Or maybe I'll keep them until our child is old enough to wear them themselves, a living testament to the love that made them.

Jewelry isn't just about ornamentation, sometimes it's truly about love, about family, wearing their symbols on our person to keep them with us wherever we go, or to tell the world that this belongs to more than just me. A wearable memory. A piece of their heart.

One day I will write in my Whites and feel less morose, less somber, but these weeks have been full of words, conversations about the imperfection of people. A silly conversation to begin with; no one is perfect. Flawed beings, perfect in our imperfections. I wonder if it isn't respect that we're truly looking for. You don't meet a person and discuss the contents of their chamber pot, you don't meet a grieving widow and detail the worst parts of their spouses' lives, or telling a mother who's lost their child the worst parts of their daughter's character. It is in most of us to provide comfort to those that sorrow, to them that grieve for loved ones lost, to speak of the good days, to glow over the shining moments, to remind those that have lost that there was a life worth loving, and we are blessed to share in it.

I miss my Oliver. I miss his stupid temper and his dumb drinking, I miss his jealous nature, his insecurities, his courage despite his fears. I hope that Death keeps him safe, and blesses him with a life of adventure because I know that's what Oliver would abhor the most: a boring life lived slow and sheltered. I hope his soul finds joy. I'll remember who he was while I had them, and tell our child about their beautiful, stupid, brilliant, strange father, and keep him with me that way too.

Written By Maddox

Nov. 18, 2018, 6 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

The Princess Zara was accosted in some way last evening. I know that its not actually my position, but, as her cloak was torn beyond use, I have contacted a tailor to make a new one for her. She is focused on helping others, so perhaps it is good to help her a bit.

Written By Domonico

Nov. 18, 2018, 5:21 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

It seems that everyone's eyes are turned to the Lodge and the battles, victories and losses that are coming from there.

Perhaps in years to come some may ask the question, 'Where was Malvici? Where was the House of War?'

Will the efforts of Southport's navy and her sailors in keeping the Empyrean Trade Route clear of pirate attack be acknowledged as equal to the heroics at the Lodge?

I think not. However it is not why we do such things. We do it because it needs to be done. Not for glory or renown but for the simple good for the Lyceum and the Compact.

Written By Modi

Nov. 18, 2018, 5 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Perhaps the most fascinating thing I've found in my studies of the Compact's culture is just how draped many are in the facets of superstition. My clan was very deeply engrossed in mythology as well, I'd expect that would be one of the many things I would have to leave behind when I bent the knee. Yet everywhere I turn it seems there is a new tall tale. Griffons, sphinxes, sea serpents, dragons... The ancestor's imaginations must have been running wild.

These creatures make for fine metaphors. Though still surprising to see them so often talked about in the present, the tales of my clan usually whittled away after childhood.

On a different note, duskstone... Marvelous little gems.

Written By Calaudrin

Nov. 18, 2018, 4:26 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

I turned forty a few weeks ago. Feels exactly the same as thirty-nine. Except now I have this horse that Esoka got me. It was a really thoughtful gift, even if I don't know the first thing about taking care of horses.

Pretty sure the guards like the horse more than they like me. Not sure i can blame them.

No, Riagnon. I don't need you to confirm it.

Written By Edain

Nov. 18, 2018, 4:15 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Daemon

There are some people you are not ready for the idea of a word without. Sir Daemon Dracone is one of those people. I would be lying if I said I knew him well, but I knew him through the fraternity of knighthood, and I knew him through his actions, and his honor.

I remember when my wedding party rode out to the Vowkeeper hills and he charged the flank of some 50 Abandoned raiders that attacked us riding a Greenwood War Elk, Dame Ida riding with him and punching people as they passed. I thought for certain they were both dead but they came through it a little battered but in good spirits. After that.. I just I forgot that he could even fall, just like any of us could.

I haven't heard the story of how he feel yet, just that he has, and I will wait to ask those that where there with him until they have had some time to grieve, they were those that knew him best. I cannot help but imagine it involved doing something crazily heroic. Rest well Sir Daemon Dracone, I your soul still craves to much adventure to rest in Elysium, I hope you are sent back to us sooner rather than later.

Written By Maddox

Nov. 18, 2018, 4:02 p.m.(1/8/1010 AR)

Its been a busy week. I attended the Grayson dinner, and found that it had been declared a memorial for a Grayson that I had not met. He was clearly much beloved, and I wish I had met him. But it was an enlightening eveneing, both as I watched my pupil, and as I met many nobles I had not met before.

Written By Preston

Nov. 18, 2018, 3:19 p.m.(1/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Daemon

Sir Daemon was Dame Thena's shadow, the gentle voice in her ear. As Dame Esoka is to me, he was to her. An aide. A friend. Even someone respected beyond what one might expect of the disciples. Someone who gave their life to the Faith Militant.

Dame Esoka strode forth - spreading the light of Gloria to the wavering soldiers - at the lodge. I can imagine but for a bit of luck in where a tree fell she could have been lost entirely. So my heart does bleed for Dame Thena and the Silver Order, for the loss they have suffered. For the hole left behind.

Stormwall changed all of us, as Sir Jeffeth says, but each of us who survived knew how thin the line was between life and death. How easy it is to find yourself on the wrong side of that line, a step to the side one way or the other can place you in safety or the fall of the enemy's arrow. So many I thought invincible I realise now are just human and soft and vulnrable as we all are, and we should treasure those moments.

I will pray for Sir Daemon, I will wish him well on his journey to the wheel as his body joins our brothers and sisters in the Maosoleum. As we welcome all the knights who fell at the lodge if they wish, to honour their oaths to Gloria and Limerance.

Written By Hadrian

Nov. 18, 2018, 1:37 p.m.(1/7/1010 AR)

Our second child is born. He and I are doing wonderfully; Cambria advised me to write that.

He will be called Verus for now. Though I'm sure we'll change it a half dozen more times this month, then another thirteen times before adulthood.

Hadrian III will be debuted in approximately one year. Give or take a few months.

Written By Luca

Nov. 18, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(1/7/1010 AR)

Who knew that an afternoon catnap and research gathering could prove to be so relaxing and informative?

I did. That's why I started it. And what a turnout!

I'm in my territory.

Written By Harper

Nov. 18, 2018, 12:03 p.m.(1/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Daemon

We lost too many good folks out at the Lodge. But I have to say that Sir Daemon's passing took me real hard. I thought he'd made it. I thought he was gonna be okay, up until he wasn't.

He was a real special sort. One of the ones that made me think that knights might be more than shiny and irritating. I'll always remember him sitting at the Murder with me, letting kids color his armor and being so patient that it was amazing. He's helped me with a lot of the work that I've done for the orphans too.

I promise that I'll help keep things clean as much as I can, too, just for him. Cause I know he wouldn't have it any other way.

Written By Jhond

Nov. 18, 2018, 11:55 a.m.(1/7/1010 AR)

I think I may be busier now than I was before. It is amazing how some things can open so many doors but hold you back just the same.

Written By Macda

Nov. 18, 2018, 11:05 a.m.(1/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Katarina

Twice now you have indulged me. Twice now I have enjoyed myself. Princess Katarina, Twice Blessed.

Written By Audric

Nov. 18, 2018, 10:37 a.m.(1/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Forato

Also, you're a Duke. Don't admit when you don't know things like that. I wasn't born a Lycene, but I know our games. Never admit a weakness: it's how we get you. It's how the Hounds of the Velenosa find their teeth on your throat. You really don't want that.

Written By Audric

Nov. 18, 2018, 10:35 a.m.(1/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Forato

Welcome to being a bad leader. A good leader can, at least, know the name and a single fact about everyone who serves underneath them. I can tell you the blend of tobacco that every member of the Few smokes, and if they don't smoke, their preferred drink. That's one of the tricks to being a good leader - you don't have to know their every detail. Just enough to connect. That way, when they die, you feel the pain and you can use it to enact vengeance.

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