Written By Preston
Nov. 20, 2018, 9:03 a.m.(1/11/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Fortunato
I also do not advocate slaughter. Many of the abandoned in the Oathlands, for example, hold corrupted variances of our own Faith. Now in that corruption there is danger, but I do not think them an enemy and I would hope they could be convinced to bend the knee and thus agree to remove the threat they pose to us. What I advocate is holding our land so that those who choose not to rejoin the Compact do not encroach onto the roads that we need to move our supplies, our silver, our armies. So they stop being able to strike at will when raiding into the heart of our lands. You say, and others say, that those who choose to side with the enemy are also victims. And perhaps I would agree. But, being a victim does not make you innocent. Nor does it excuse you from the consequences of the choice that you made in which type of victim you wished to be. Nor does it relieve us of our duties to safeguard our people, our faith and true innocents.
Nothing will make us fully safe, you are correct. But that does not mean we should stop trying, striving for a place where people are as safe as we can make them. And it does not mean that we cannot push back the threat so that at least our homesteads are protected and instead the battle takes place at the edges of civilisation rather than at its heart. It does not mean we cannot do something to stem the constant flow of dead.
Written By Domonico
Nov. 20, 2018, 6:23 a.m.(1/11/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Samuele
I plan to start testing him further soon and see what he is capable of.
Written By Preston
Nov. 20, 2018, 5:47 a.m.(1/11/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Delilah
Why, against such horrors as we saw at the lodge, the lines held - I could give in to hubris and say it was the presence of their Grandmaster, but in truth we had Dame Esoka with us - Gloria's chosen. When the beloved of our patron God steps forward, how can we do anything but match that step? She led the infantry with bravery and placed her own life in no greater regard than that of the most common born of her charges. And that is the kind of love we share in the Templars. None of us are better. The disciples have a voice. And the Godsworn knights will come together to discuss decisions at the Chapter House. Even if their Knights Marshall and I must make decisions ultimately, all voices are heard. And opportunity is there for all. I am, after all, a fairly simple orphan, and now I am the Grandmaster.
Written By Duarte
Nov. 20, 2018, 5:09 a.m.(1/11/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Alrec
Written By Fortunato
Nov. 20, 2018, 1:03 a.m.(1/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
Remember that a member of the Compact is not protected from becoming the same. Not if you killed or drove off every strange man or a woman in a thousand miles. We all grieve, but there is no 'safe'. And you cannot slaughter a place into being safe.
Written By Harper
Nov. 20, 2018, 12:26 a.m.(1/10/1010 AR)
I'm also happy that Uncle Cal, Kenna and Godric all came back in one piece with me. It was an honor to fight alongside all of you, and I'd do it again whenever any of you need me.
But now I reckon that I'm taking a little time to spend with my family. Think we've earned some time away. So I'll be off sailing for a few days with Magpie and Pie. Can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now, honestly.
Written By Shard
Nov. 20, 2018, 12:19 a.m.(1/10/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
You're right that he uses the Abandoned. He takes or kills anyone that fall within his grasp, and they don't have massive stone walls, or siege weapons, or enormous armies and orders of knights. All they can do is run, or fight and die, or start listening to his lies because he takes the truth of what the Compact has done and twists it back on you, convinces them that the only way they can have safety, the only way to have justice, the only way to keep what is most important to them is to join him. If me and my tribe had not already known some of the truth about him, we might well have done the same.
The way to stop this man is not by doing more things that he will use against you. It's not by attacking the people who are caught in the middle and pushing them further and further into his reach. The way to stop this man is to find him, to kill him, to tear him to pieces and burn the remains, to grind the bones and the ashes until nothing is left.
And do the same damned thing to anyone else that ever tries to take his place. That's how any of us get justice for what he's done. Or revenge.
Written By Alrec
Nov. 19, 2018, 10:06 p.m.(1/10/1010 AR)
Written By Meriah
Nov. 19, 2018, 9:57 p.m.(1/10/1010 AR)
And I saw all the things that I feared. Put into me by that Bringer, in that alley, so long ago.
Now that I've returned. Unharmed. I feel--better?
I feel strangely better.
I feel alive with quiet determination.
Written By Macda
Nov. 19, 2018, 4:58 p.m.(1/10/1010 AR)
Just Keep Lying
I want to know if it was love,
- Blessed of Gold, I never loved her.
Another one, another you?
- It wasn't me, there I said it.
- Smell of your hair, a blushing rose.
- You. could. be. the. one. for. me.
Or another body to get tangled in.
If anything was there, you dragged us low.
A physical kiss is nothing without trust.
You close your eyes to what you've done.
- The body that lies with her is foreign,
- She never remains after rising sun.
- Bright Eyes, she can't know love.
- Made of Gold, I never loved her.
Another one, another you.
It wasn't love, dare I say it.
A heart will swell before it hardens,
With a touch of ice, it grows cold.
Another wound that'll never heal.
I've left bare what keeps my soul.
- Bright Eyes, she doesn't know my love.
Blessed of Iron, I know, you never loved her.
Written By Delilah
Nov. 19, 2018, 4:14 p.m.(1/10/1010 AR)
It sings of a tale told long ago of another set of Knights who raised their swords against impossible odds. Each and every stroke they took against the enemy weakened the opposing hordes massed to slaughter the vulnerable, the unarmed, the helpless. Yet they stood. They stood knowing their deaths would be reckoned in that hour, that what they faced so greatly outnumbered each individual man and woman. What courage would it take to stare into the maw of an unspeakable horror, one whose craft and make hearken to an ancient, primeval age captured only in the ripples of ink on the page and the deepest tidings of the soul?
I cannot fathom what kind of mettle they possessed to hold the line. To raise their shield against the blistering heat and then their sword arm against the abject terror crashing down upon them, heavy and potent as any cavalry charge heard thundering across the plain. No wall held back the foe they faced, no wall could. Nothing but their commitment, their vows, their promise to one another and themselves held them fast.
You cannot sing of the bravery of any sacrifice without countenancing the human cost. The very real consequence of asking a man to stand against a forest fire raging in front of him is tremendous. Ask a woman to hold the line against a great wave sweeping down the shore. Tell them to hold true against the uncanny forces of shadow and terror wound out from the deepest corners of the world. How would most of us fare? Not well, I imagine.
Yet they did. They held and fought with their last breaths. They raised their failing limbs and fought a little longer. When their peers fell, gutted or burnt or crumpled, they took another swing or made another shot. They took another opportunity in hopes it might swing the balance to our favour, away from abject loss.
They wound spells of steel and silver, of hope and heartache, into something as potent as any spell in a bard's tale. They wove courage and training into a thick fabric that would put steelsilk and alaricite to shame. All that, one by one, even as the threads frayed and lives gave out.
One by one they stitched together the Compact then.
Six hundred did it again at the Lodge. In the same spirit they raised their blades, shields, and bows. They set their spears. They rode in valiant triumph and against the wall of uncertain outcomes, fear, and despair. In the trees, warriors unnumbered have proven themselves, tried by the worst of the moment.
Remember who we all are. Know that flame was never extinguished and stands in the outstretched hand. It burns in the weary eyes meeting a Mercy's gaze, and in the flashing edge of training swords.
Thank you, for those who gave all they could. It seems wrong that I sit here to write when another gave their life in place of those who could not. I will never wield a sword the way that a fallen knight or a veteran of the Lodge can. It's not about equivalency, but I digress.
That was their gift and a legacy that will live on.
Remember always.
Written By Preston
Nov. 19, 2018, 3:40 p.m.(1/10/1010 AR)
But we should also ask how we came to this situation, how we could have stopped it. In the times of peace and comfort between these fights, some nobles try to bring more of the Abandoned into the compact - these are noble efforts and well worth pursuing. But we never then address the question of what of those who refuse to bend the knee. What of those who will not agree? The answer so far is that we leave them. The attitude given is that they are harming no-one. That they should be allowed to live their life how they wish. And a blind eye is turned to the slow drip of bodies that arrive at Arx, or at Sanctum or at any other holding where Abandoned tribes prey on our caravans, attack pilgrims, attack patrols. I understand this. We want to be good and gentle, we must never allow the innocent to come to harm, we must always do our best to save people.
That is why we supported Princess Reese in her efforts to convince the tribes of the Gray Forest to bend the knee. That is why we supported the Barony of Saik. That is why we have always, and will always, help those who wish to convince the abandoned to return to the love of the Compact and of the Faith. They should be given that choice. But once that choice is made, if that choice is to reject the compact, we must accept they are outside. We must push them from lands that our people need, we must push them away from our roads and settlements. And those who have made that ultimate choice, and who worship our enemies, I do not need to tell you what must be done - anyone who loves the Gods knows. It doesn't need to be done because it is easy. It doesn't need to be done because it is what we want to do. Because it is neither of those things. It needs to be done because we swore to protect our people. As knights. As Faith Militant. As nobles. As the Iron Guard. However we swore, that is our duty.
Because there is a cost for allowing Abandoned tribes to exist as a resource for our enemy close to our own people when they refuse to join the compact. We just paid the latest instalment of that price. And I for one will pay no longer.
Written By Elora
Nov. 19, 2018, 2:09 p.m.(1/9/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Gabriel
I can certainly help with training the cat to stay off of laps and furniture! Plus I have a slew of cat toys I can offer. Let me know if you'd like some assistance.
Written By Samuele
Nov. 19, 2018, 1:25 p.m.(1/9/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Domonico
Written By River
Nov. 19, 2018, 11:31 a.m.(1/9/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Orathy
Written By Sabella
Nov. 19, 2018, 11:24 a.m.(1/9/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Octavia
Written By Victus
Nov. 19, 2018, 10:06 a.m.(1/9/1010 AR)
We will always need to sacrifice just the right amount to keep this world safe from the enemies that plague us.
The Compact sacrifices much. But we do not waste the lives of those who defend us. Every death, a purpose.
Nobody who has died in defense of the Lodge has died invain. That will be enough.
Written By Auda
Nov. 19, 2018, 8:47 a.m.(1/9/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Enyo
I'm not sure how we missed each other growing up, but I'm glad we've found each other now!
Written By Lisebet
Nov. 19, 2018, 8:37 a.m.(1/9/1010 AR)
It was good to meet new people and run into acquaintances I've not seen in quite some time, even if I didn't stay perhaps as long as I could have.
Written By Corban
Nov. 19, 2018, 8:32 a.m.(1/9/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Lilia
Welcome, Lilia. You will soon be consumed with duties and other matters. But for now, I am glad I was one of the first to welcome you and take tea and cookies together.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.