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Written By Jeffeth

Nov. 22, 2018, 1:35 p.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

We all love the people from our past deeply, and someone talking about them disrespectfully can be surely hard to handle. But for someone sworn to the Crown and Compact you are using 'you' an awful lot instead of 'we'. I think it's important to remember we're all on the same side here in Arx. Despite our opinions, we fight for the same Gods, and the same King.

Written By Sina

Nov. 22, 2018, 1:11 p.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I have managed to stay silent on this argument for some time. I don't claim to know anyone's personal story. However, I think it is rather disingenuous to assume that all members of the Compact feel that the only good shav is a dead shav. Are you going to take these words from one man as a reflection of how the entire Compact feels? It is wrong to generalize, or assign blame to everyone, for one man's viewpoint.

During the Southport crisis, I encountered many shav'arvani, particularly those of Clan Brass Hawk, who demonstrated their love for the arts, and their appreciation for fine craftsmanship, their reverence for creating things with their hands. They found something in the precepts of Jayus to relate to, though our ways and our Faith are so very different. Art has a tendency to do that, of course... it is a universal language, understood by all. Our vision in such endeavors was to find a peaceable means to bring those clans into the Compact, rather than through the means of violence. It is incorrect to assume that the entire Compact condones the use of violence in attempting to bring others into it.

Rather than focusing on our differences, or the resentment that has been built up over the years, can we not find common ground somewhere? Or is it always to be an us against them mindset, or vice versa?

I understand you've been through some terrible difficulties; many have. But holding onto these grudges and this bitterness does not improve the situation, nor does it make anyone feel inclined to forgive, or build new relationships of trust and faith. It only serves to mire us deeper into those feelings that pull us apart and cause strife.

Perhaps, rather than finding things to hate about one another, we can instead search for those things which we have in common, and build upon those things instead. Perhaps it is idealistic of me, to think that such things can happen. But I have seen it work, and I know that this is one reason that I have chosen to serve the Gods - to build up, rather than tear down. To offer hope, rather than despair. To offer love and compassion, rather than hatred and resentment. We all feel that we are doing right by ourselves and our people based on our experiences, but each person's experience is unique. Let us not judge the whole based on the actions or words of an individual.

Written By Kenna

Nov. 22, 2018, 12:01 p.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Last night I sent out some messengers asking for help and bless everything, I got answers. Legate Aureth in particular was helpful and I cannot thank him enough for that help.

My curiosity is afame right now though. I had a conversation with Magpie Grayhope's ... actually I'm not sure what Zavi is to Magpie, but... assistant. We'll go with assistant. And he implied something but I'm not sure what he implied. Magpie and Harper are gone for a while. I really need to corner Zavi and make him tell me. Maybe I could bribe him... but perhaps a bribe doesn't work if you say you're going to try to bribe them.

Then this morning I had an interesting conversation with Sir Austen Ferron. He turned all sorts of red colors and I don't know why.

So many mysteries.

Life is good.

Written By Amari

Nov. 22, 2018, 11:47 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

I'm really enjoying my new furry boots (even Veronica approves). I need fear not any snowbanks that dare drift in my path. I shall boldly tramp over them in style from now on. Sadly, they'll not help much in snowball fights which apparently I'm very bad at. My usual strategy of looking entirely harmless didn't work. I was pelted and when I fell down, someone (who I shall not name for his own safety), dumped snow on my head. Apologies to my teammates for the poor showing, and thank you to Sir Floppington for finding my lost glove in the snow. Maybe Scout Rowenova will pass that thanks along.

The loss did inspire me to have warmer and finer winter clothing made, and it was fun, so it wasn't all for naught. If Lady Delilah organizes another match, I'll be properly attired. I plan also to ask cousin Jaerith to teach me the brutal art of snow warfare and perhaps Baron Norwood will demonstrate how to properly dodge thrown projectiles. He's quite spry.

Finally, a note of gratitude to Princess Alarissa for her hosting of fashion night. I couldn't think of anyone more qualified, and her gorgeous dawnstone jewelry and delicate sheer seasilks proved as much. I saw some truly wondrous items besides, like Lady Lisebet and Gianna Whisper's stygian insect rings from the Velvet Box. Gianna's dragonfly even had moving wings! Talk of Melody's attire in particular is sure to spread throughout the city and beyond. It won't all be wild exaggeration either; I saw her and it was a truly legendary ensemble. She was very kind and generous to gift me a part of it. I'll surely treasure it. The artisans here in the city have talent beyond imagination.

Written By Alrec

Nov. 22, 2018, 9:17 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Here here

Written By Draven

Nov. 22, 2018, 7:23 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

We have it! Nova and I do! We have a home! A place for future babies! A place for a growing family! A place of love! Of security! And you helped! I didn't know you! I still don't! But I like you lots! You've helped my growing family!

Written By Shard

Nov. 22, 2018, 6:02 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amund

Let me make something clear. If it had been my choice, I would never have come here. I would have stayed with my tribe for the rest of my life if I was able. I was happy where I was. The only reason I'm here now is because my tribe /sent/ me. And they didn't send me because of the Compact's stellar reputation. I grew up with stories of the Compact doing everything you've described to the tribes they caught and more.

Do you think I don't know about aggressive tribes? Who do you think the Abandoned raiders prey on when they can't get at you? I learned to hunt to feed my tribe, I learned to fight to protect them. Do you think I don't know about Abandoned cultists, or tribes that bow to the Abyss? I've killed more of them since coming here than I can count, and my score didn't start at zero. But there are more tribes than that. More peoples than that. All we wanted was to live our lives by our own ways and for the soldiers to leave us alone. But they didn't, did they? They took coin to kill all of us, not because we attacked them, or raided, or murdered, or even because we had land their employer wanted, but because we were /inconvenient/.

Don't lecture me on the value of life. I know exactly how much life is worth here. I know how much my life was worth, I know how much my people's lives were worth. I've seen the figures written down, worked out, haggled over. You said it yourself: the only good shav is a dead shav in the Compact. And dead shavs are measured in silver.

Written By Audric

Nov. 22, 2018, 5:15 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amund

Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait. I'm sorry, I missed something. You chose to be a -sellsword- because you want to -help- people? Brother, that's not what we -do-! That's what the Knights of Solace are for! Or the various protective holy orders are for! Sellswords kill people because we like money and we like killing people without being criminals! You've got it all wrong! I think we need to start from the beginning. A virtuous sellsword is like saying someone's a bloodless butcher! It just doesn't happen unless you're really bad at your job. Really, that explains so very much.

Written By Audric

Nov. 22, 2018, 5:07 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amund

I do believe the title you're looking for isn't Prodigal. It's Vice-Captain of the Valorous Few, or Sword of De Lire. Someone who has done a lot more to protect the compact than you ever have. You aren't being impressive when you talk about the things you've seen. I've seen them too, my friend. I've done quite a lot worse. Everyone has seen horror. Everyone is capable of atrocity.

You speak as though every member of the Compact values life as something sacred. I have been hired to butcher whole villages of the Abandoned. To go through and put every one of them to the sword, to have my folks fan out and burn every last little shack. To take spears and stick them into the eyes of every corpse, just to make sure.

Get off your fucking high horse, sellsword, until you join up with someone with some actual principles and declare yourself. Otherwise, I'll come yank you off it and drag you through the blood-soaked mud. When murder for money is your business, you don't get to judge.

Written By Preston

Nov. 22, 2018, 5 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

A minor point, Lord Arik, but while it is true as you say the Faith Militant often goes only where invited, we are also already everywhere. In every castle, every village, every town you will find my brothers and sisters of the Templars. On every road our brothers and sisters of the Silver Order. We do nothing as we please, you are most correct. For we do not serve ourselves or our whims. Even my whims are unimportant - even the whims of the beloved Dame Thena. We serve the Gods and their righteous causes. Your points though are very well made - the land is primarily the duty of the nobles, though we are of course always happy to help and advise where we can.

There is a fascinating and detailed structure around the Faith Militant, and of course a bright and detailed history, that I'm always happy to discuss. Perhaps once his duties allow, I might convince Sir Leif to host some kind of event in the Redrain Ward.

Written By Preston

Nov. 22, 2018, 4:48 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

No time spend in discussion of important matters is time wasted. And we are a society of artists as much as warriors, farmers as much as nobles - the different viewpoints are important, I think. I would never consider you are nobody, Master Fortunato. You are after all a Grayhope, as Dame Thena and Father Aureth were. If any member of the Faith cannot make time to listen to the concerns of someone from a family who gave as great a gift to us as those two then something has gone wrong.

Written By Preston

Nov. 22, 2018, 4:44 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Thesarin

I am unsure if the people will forgive us for not dealing with a threat for fear they are becoming a threat. And we must remember that this is not theory, even if it appears so to those of us in Arx. Now, somewhere, the death continues. Our caravans, our roads, our holdings will be attacked and raided by the more aggressive tribes, by tribes who are hungry or desperate, by free tribes, by tribes under the sway of our enemy, by tribes who just happened to migrate in the wrong direction and who either themselves chose violence or faced understandable reaction from the local citizens. Not all who attack are evil, and many reasons are understandable, but does does not mean it is not happening.

To choose to do nothing therefore is not a neutral or good stance, but it is to say the current death must continue, on both sides. It may well be the lesser of evils, I do not think so, but it is an argument to be made. And yes, what I propose does mean conflict as well - just as we have conflict now. Some will resist such moves, some will die. Though it will perhaps be more an open and free choice than previous, and it will be levies and those who have chosen to fight on our side who will take that cost, and not our husbands, wives, daughters and sons who sit at home, where we have promised them safety. Nor those simply travelling the roads to visit the sites of the Gods.

I am certain there are other solutions, and many may indeed be better. I am not Father Aureth, I am not Mother Ailith, I am not Most Holy Orazio. I am a simple priest and warrior of the Faith, my answers are incomplete. But they are solutions. And the ones you will get should you leave the matters to me and men like me. I would encourage you to find better answers - I would encourage all to.

Written By River

Nov. 22, 2018, 4:09 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

It scares me, it truly scares me of late that the work I love doing is turning into a punishment. I sleep and I toss and turn, I hurt when I leave my clients, the counsel I give makes me suffer. And I just want it to ease, to give me some peace so when I close my eyes I do not ache, so that my bones do not feel as if they are being ground to dust at times, or that someone's anxieties are my own. But I swear I will find the cause of this unease, this thing that separates me from the things I care about so that I may be better.

Still, for now. It is only prayer and tolerance that give me comfort, though I am slowly yet surely running out of the latter.

Written By Sparte

Nov. 21, 2018, 11:17 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

Two years. Two years, I have tried to meditate and failed every time.

This week I was finally able to succeessfully clear my mind and meditate. The things I imagined, what I envisioned, it was beautiful. This was worth the effort.

Written By Prisila

Nov. 21, 2018, 11:17 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

Very wisely written my Lord. Too often do I see people in power only make a move when they feel that they will have everyone's approval. This is a disastrous way to lead as this kind of person will hesitate to make the right decisions for their people, even if it is the unpopular one. As if the opinions of people they don't know or are unlikely to ever meet actually matters more than administrating and cultivating the prosperity and well being of a people, domain, family or business should be secondary to clout.

Written By Amund

Nov. 21, 2018, 10:48 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

You speak as though shavs measure life as something sacred.

I have seen shavs kill babies. An entire village's worth of babies, in fact.

I have seen shavs spear the mothers of these babies through, leaving their corpses supported against the weapons that killed them.

I have seen more as a child than any child should ever had to.

Yet, I'm still alive. I'm alive and I chose this profession so it never happens to another village again, if I can help it.

I understand your angle just fine, Prodigal. But remember that: you're a citizen of the Compact.

If the alternative was any better, don't you think you'd have stayed a shav?

Written By Aleksei

Nov. 21, 2018, 10:06 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

He may very well give them a choice for one very good reason: the chains you choose to bind yourself in are far stronger than the chains someone forces on you. And I imagine the Traitor wants his chains to be very, _very_ tight.

Written By Macda

Nov. 21, 2018, 6:46 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

Standing here again, another Dawn threatens the twilight and I find myself musing in my juxtaposition. My father's words scrape at the edges of my restlessness, creeping upon my core with frosting memory. I had complained about being wintered in Arx many years ago. As I remember it, I created a perch on the roof above my room in the mid-winter storm, and with only a blanket, my obstinacy, and warm cider; stolen from the party that roared within.

"The view from out there is no better than from here."

Is it though? Are these snow-covered balconies and darkly iced lampposts the same from this window; only two floors removed from stepping stones, granted the glamour of stillness and cleanliness, in a quickly sullied illusion?

Should the view lack of quality here in the quiet of a false solitude; when he sleeps deeper in this one span of two precious hours than any all night? Or should it only compare from the same relative opulence and risk?

A small truth may be that it is all the same. The view is dependent on a single moment in time crafted from all the possibilities- never to be hated or cherished again.

So he sleeps, and in his silence, his mind finally exhausts of a familiar battle with hauntings of compassionate empathy. They let him sleep.

The snow keeps falling over the Palace in the distance. Several views from this window are much better than the nest on high.


We all fall down from here.

Written By Monique

Nov. 21, 2018, 5:01 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

It has been an eventful week. I was fortunate to be given copies of the esteemed Princess-Consort Alarissa Thrax's works for the library, and the latest tomes from Commander Sparte Fatchforth, whose riddles are no easy feat to solve. Now I have been gifted by fortune once more, this time with the excellent works of Master Jyri Tersk for the library of the Gilded Page. My thanks to all the generous authors who have made the Page what it is.

Written By Leta

Nov. 21, 2018, 4:41 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

My stitches are smaller and more even. My carving is finer. That's about all there is to it. You don't become a proper craftswoman in a fortnight. The cats are alright. Don't suppose there's anything else that's worth mentioning.

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