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Written By Gwenna

Nov. 24, 2018, 8:11 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

I am often inspired by Princess Marian. Of course we heard the storied tales of her in Farhaven, and I was very excited to come to Arx and meet her in person. Since then, she has become like a sister to me; a confidant whose words are never disingenuous. If I struggle with a matter, she will give me her exact thoughts with a candor that I sometimes wish I could manage half as well. She is an exceptional War Chief, selfless in her duty and dedication to Redrain and her military, which I am thankful for every day. I feel quite lucky to call her both family as well as friend, which I surely do not tell her enough.

Written By Ida

Nov. 24, 2018, 7:41 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Austen

I have a few projects to work on and one would think with winter and people likely to remain indoors, I'd be at the warmth of the forge day and night. Instead, I've mostly just idled at sketches and been absorbing the quiet and seeming normalness for now. I felt such relief when my brother returned, bruised and battered as he was, that I guess I'm letting myself enjoy the two of us going about the days in the shop. Maybe when winter passes, we should take a visit back home; it's been awhile. Too long, maybe. The gods know letters hardly tell the tales as well as us all gathered over dinner and sharing them in person.

Written By Sina

Nov. 24, 2018, 4:55 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

When I consider the discussions I see in the whites, I can only ponder the significance of them. I am not entirely certain that the whites were intended for these types of discussions, but rather, more intended for thoughts and observations, rather than debate. Such musings rarely change the minds of others, and in the end, it seems everyone retains their opinion regardless of what is written, or words are misconstrued and read into in the wrong way and then it is necessary to spend the time of our Scholars in trying to explain oneself further.

So I think I shall, in the future, refrain from responding to such things in the whites, and save such discussion for meeting with people in person. It is so easy to misjudge the tone of words written on parchment, when you cannot see their facial expressions, their sincerity, their fierceness, their humanity.

In the coming months, I will be opening up the Vellichorian Academy for such discussions, should any wish to partake. A monthly discussion with a theme, where people can come together and speak of matters, whether from a philosophical standpoint, or a personal stance, a practical position, or perhaps sometimes a presentation may be made. Speakers may be invited to speak on various subjects so that we might learn more about one another. So long as such discussions are civil. It would be interesting, I think, to give the voices I see here in the white journals a face. So many passionate opinions, so many voices wishing to be heard. So many different perspectives. I invite anyone who wishes to speak on a subject, or if there is a matter people would like to discuss in an open, informal forum, to reach out to me, and I will schedule a gathering in the academy for such.

Do you want to brag about how much joy you find in killing people for hire? Well, maybe save that for your black journal, or your drinking buddies. That is one thing we will not be discussing during these gatherings. Such is not productive in my opinion. I would like these gatherings to be a productive opportunity, where we can discuss, learn about one another, share in our knowledge and experience. Who knows? Perhaps we can even help make a difference somewhere.

Written By Vercyn

Nov. 24, 2018, 4:53 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Then the next time you speak so poorly of the people of the Compact and your assumption of 'all' their views Shav'arvani, I would ask that you remember my family and those who pay fealty to them.

Spend some time, perhaps, speaking to the members of the Jastvotn tribe who have come to Arx. Or Count Magnus Stahlben and his. Maybe Cirroch, of Giant's Reach and his family.

I would far prefer to negotiate peace than to slay or put to death the Abandoned that are willing to work with one another and the Compact and I believe my actions over the years more than prove as much. So I do not appreciate seeing the people you have sworn to painted with such a broad brush because they include me and mine.

Written By Sina

Nov. 24, 2018, 4:53 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on River

You are right of course, and I do not mean to dismiss or diminish anyone's experience. However, I do take issue with someone claiming that the entire Compact believes 'a good shav is a dead shav' which is the comment by Shard that originally inspired me to make my voice heard. This is simply not the case, nor should every member of the Compact be held accountable for one man's words saying such. I, for one, count each life precious, whether they are people of the Compact or not. This is all I am trying to say.

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 24, 2018, 4:36 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Everytime I meet you now, and see that belly, I not only think it looks rather funny (you do waddle like a duck cousin, and it's adorable), I am also struck by that strange emotion of protectiveness. Have I truly ever felt that before? You protected me when we grew up, in many more ways than I even know about, I am sure. I got in trouble, you helped me out of it.

When did I grow up, cousin? Is this how that is, to feel that someone else matters more than yourself?

Maybe this might spark another journal debate - of what being an adult means.

I always thought it meant I could drink any time I wanted, go wherever I pleased and spend money on whatever I fancied (assuming I have it.)

Written By Jyri

Nov. 24, 2018, 4:30 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

I have much to be thankful and happy for lately. I've allied myself to the Whitehawks who have taken me in as a member of the family. They've even put aside a cottage for us to live in on their estate.

I've become an officer and now command the newly formed Iron Guard Rangers.

The paintings, though I've not done as many as of late cause I've just been too busy, they still sell - though I think I might need to scale down and make a bit more smaller paintings as they seemed quite popular. Can't help inspiration though, it comes when it comes.

I've met some astonishing people that offered their help with nothing asked in return. I have a patron that really goes above and beyond to make my life a good life, no, a /great/ life. We've moved beyond patron and protege now, to be good friends and allies.

I love and I am loved. I have friends and I have family.

What seemed impossible a few months back proved reachable. Some of it is my own hard work, but I'd be a man to scorn if I did not aknowledge all the help I've gotten along the way. I will not forget this and strive to come to their aid whenever they need me, and be a good friend at every turn. Because they are my tribe. They are what I fight for now.

Written By Elora

Nov. 24, 2018, 3:13 a.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Meriah

This response may be a touch belated, but I would be quite interested in helping bring better medicine to the Lowers. I will be sending a messenger soon.

Written By Lys

Nov. 24, 2018, 1:57 a.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Theo

I dreamt of an endless stretch of sand. No water, no trees, no grass, no life. Sand in rolling hills as far as the eye could see. I dreamt my lips cracked and bled. I dreamt my skin felt like parchment-- bleached and brittle in the sun. And just as I fell, a shadow stretched over me and in his hands was a skin full of water.

Written By Juniper

Nov. 24, 2018, 1:27 a.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

I owe so many thanks. First to Father Aureth for trusting me to organize an event of this stature and then to Radiants Lumen and Saedrus, for supporting me in doing so.

To Master Felix, Guildmaster Joscelin, Mistress Adora and Lady Delilah, for providing prizes which inspired our combatants to greater heights.

To Dame Esoka, Colonel Harlex, Marquis Gaston, Dame Felicia, Lord Brogan, Marquessa Demura, Lady Kenna, Grandmaster Caspian, Celebrated Gianna, and Mistress Adora, for stepping up to battle with pillows in Aion's name.

To Grandmaster Caspian, crowned as the Dreamer's Champion for a day, and to the other victors: Celebrated Gianna who has the Most Flair, Dame Esoka who was Best Dressed and Lady Kenna who was the Fiercest.

To those who donated, my greatest thanks. Through your generousity, we raised 62,345.67 silver and 1760 economic writs, as well as 150 military writs, to be put towards the refinement and refurbishment of the Dreamer's own shrine. Not a space that was once shared, or one dedicated to Lost gods, but one which will be solely their own, for respect and worship. When the Faith has made its decisions as to the final form the space will take, I don't doubt everyone will look on it and know it was meant to be... though I wouldn't be surprised if we're still finding feathers there for years to come.

Thank you, all. You've made this mountain girl feel very, very humble and very, very proud.

Written By Shae

Nov. 24, 2018, 12:09 a.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

If it harms the pack, it should be killed. If it can be eaten it should be. If it can't it should be left to rot away from the dens. There are more packs than mine, more families, some are small, some are large. They have the right to fight, eat, breed, love, sleep, same as me. Enough space in this world for everyone to do this, for families to live as they please. It confuses me that some choose to take territory when they don't need it, when it does not threaten. It doesn't make sense.

There's room enough in this world for everyone. Threats must be dealt with, but after? What's the point in killing cubs too young to know they're meant to be my enemy?

Written By Delilah

Nov. 23, 2018, 11:11 p.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Juniper

I do not deserve the praise heaped on me by Juniper Whisper, when she is so often the source of inspiration. If I am to be given credit for the products of my creativity, scant as it may be, then let it be because she opened the door for me to daydream and sketch a quill across countless pieces of parchment. I feel satisfied by the outcome of that creation, though.

May whomever wears it find it pleasing and a celebration for Aion's work.

Written By Delilah

Nov. 23, 2018, 11:10 p.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

Few can tell a tale so evocative as yours, and still come away with a powerful lesson out of it. Thank you for sharing this, as a testimony for your experiences.

Bending the knee to the Compact, and how the Abandoned come to their decisions, is a uniquely personal decision and we would be mistaken to assume all motivations are the same.

Written By Cambria

Nov. 23, 2018, 10:23 p.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

It is right to pay heed to the stories of our people, for that is how we learn who we are and what is required of us.

Written By Gianna

Nov. 23, 2018, 10:17 p.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

I'll have to plan some more jewelry around this lovely necklace I won at Aion's Grand Melee. I don't have any other neodymium, though I do have some champagne silver. I've been meaning to see about some pearls, too, so this is very fortunate. Absolutely lovely.

Written By Jeffeth

Nov. 23, 2018, 9:06 p.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

We are her tribe. We support her and we protect her. With all due respect, my Lord, suggesting a Crownsworn abandon their oath does not seem a noble thing to suggest.

Written By Joscelin

Nov. 23, 2018, 8:15 p.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

'Sweet sassy molassy'. Adding that to the repertoire. Also ow. My ass.

Written By Shard

Nov. 23, 2018, 7:48 p.m.(1/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

Anger, frustration, and bad memories are not the same as hatred. I reserve my hate for one person these days, and anyone that would willingly help him.

Written By Vanora

Nov. 23, 2018, 3:37 p.m.(1/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

I found this tucked into the blackwood box where he'd know that I or Valdemar would see it before long.

My children,

Grimhall has been greater than any one man since our ancestor Grihem forged our family in steel and blood, centuries ago. In the days ahead, a strong House, guided by fiery youth and tempered by wisdom will serve our people better than the cold house of an old man.

I have no doubt that our people will prevail against the coming storm; you must not fear the sacrifices that victory will demand, for fear is the guardian of hate. In times of trial, know that my eye remains upon you. May you all grow greater than your father, and do deeds worthy of legend. Until we meet again beyond death, fare well and remain strong.

He did not sign it, he did not need to.

Thank you for this.

Written By Vercyn

Nov. 23, 2018, 12:54 p.m.(1/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

You seem to have a very deep hatred for the Compact and her people.

Perhaps you should return to your tribe.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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