Oct. 8, 2018, 1:54 p.m.(9/28/1009 AR)
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Perhaps you should clarify the certainty of death. There's a big difference between 20%, 50% and 90% chance of death.
Incidentally have you updated your will?
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Oct. 8, 2018, 1:39 p.m.(9/28/1009 AR)
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The art of investigation and the study of the esoteric often draw bright minds.
Personally, I'm flabbergasted that smart people don't want to rush toward a chance at death.
Have you asked High Lord Victus Thrax for his secret? No few showed up the last time he promised a high chance of death for doing 'the right thing'.
Oct. 8, 2018, 12:07 p.m.(9/28/1009 AR)
Master investigators, masters of the study of occult, these people are exceptionally difficult to find when you're looking to take them on a mission that could result in death.
Maybe I ought to lead with something other than "You might die but it's for a good cause"... something to ponder.
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Oct. 8, 2018, 11:13 a.m.(9/28/1009 AR)
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If neither of us are to be married soon, I think what we should do is ennoble some puppies and kittens instead (especially if suitors are going to be sending you some by the basket soon). Then House Wagglebum of Barkwood and House Meowpurr of Clawshore would of course intermarry and have really elaborate wedding receptions and wear the finest in tiny fashions and it would be adorable.
It probably wouldn't cause bloodshed or heartache or anything.
No? No, it's fine. Countess River Wagglebum assures me this is a remarkably good idea and is not just a very strange way to cope with grief and guilt and other bad feelings.
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Oct. 8, 2018, 10:55 a.m.(9/28/1009 AR)
I write this from the rooftop of the shop, which I will bring for official transcribing once complete, but I wanted a quiet place to collect my thoughts. My coffee has grown cold as the bustle of the city echoes below and yet I sit here, cherishing this moment. I have completed and delivered a weapon for House RedTyde, as commissioned by Count Fredrik and with valuable insight from Mistress Helia. Not any weapon, but what they will use as their house blade. It is not an heirloom weapon, being young and fresh from the forge, but I hope could grow to be such when I am very long gone and lost to all memory. That makes it no less special to me. I am a simple smith, no legend, plucked from the Oathlands by His Grace, Prince Edain, to serve as a house smith here in Arx. To have my mark on something of such honor is a trust and grace I never thought I might be allowed in this life. The tears that sting the corners of my eyes feel very good, though I am not a woman given to such things often, and I am so grateful and humbled in this moment.
Oct. 8, 2018, 10:26 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
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Lastly-last: Corbit too? Blazes. I feel like crying, Scholar. Crying and eating. Crying, eating, and reading my book - The Foundations of Modern Alchemy.
Oct. 8, 2018, 10:21 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
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Lastly: Apparently my cousin ELIAS is in the city now and has been for a good long while and he hasn't WRITTEN me like a good COUSIN would and I hope cousin Fairen teases him mercilessly for not writing his other cousins.
Oct. 8, 2018, 10:20 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
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Second to last: Cady's gone. I don't know what caused her to head back to the Leaholdt, but I already miss her. I feel like a terrible sister. I hope she didn't lose a limb -- or an eye -- or something else while I was away.
Oct. 8, 2018, 10:09 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
We went to Whitefrost. There's something traditional about having children in the place where they're going to be ruling one day, but, it was cold. Cold - even in summer - and I decided that if I had to go back when I'm due I will turn into a miserable Elloise-shaped icicle - a misericle - and that wouldn't be good. At all. But it was a excellent opportunity to study the conditions before us so that I can continue with my project, moving forward from the research stage and into the tentative development stage. It's going to be an uphill process, but once you get going up a hill it all goes smoother until you reach the top. That's a silly idiom, but it's incredibly useful for the purposes of creating a visualization. But. This journal entry is about babies, I think, not inventions. So, I think that I will stay here for now and Cheese will simply need to make that face he makes when I do something that he doesn't necessarily like, but he deals with because I'm me.
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Oct. 8, 2018, 9:44 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
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I still think of you now and again, generally when I'm crafting something or going through old sketches. Mention of you by your brother recently, of course, brought you back to mind. Your kindness to the Guild, back in those early days when Joscelin took it over, as well as to us all when we started opening our shops is something I will never forget. When you would visit mine, I swear it became brighter, and your generosity in both word and silver was beyond. I feel like you trusted me too, which I can't imagine was easy for you to do with a lot of people. That always meant a great deal. What I miss most, though, were the small notes you would send saying how much an item pleased you - you always called it artwork - and your enthusiasm and excitement always made me very proud. I hope I will get to see you somehow, some way, one more time, whether in this life or another. Gods know I don't understand how that all works, but it doesn't make me any less hopeful.
Oct. 8, 2018, 9:38 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
Redundant storm names. Please see all of the sentimental reasons outlined in another entry that I did not read. I didn't have the time. I feel terrible and my feet are swollen and I am eating everything all the time. I did something interesting to some cheese that Cheese had, and added blueberries to it and then I spread it on my griddled cakes and it was VERY good until Nikola decided he wanted to share his breakfast too and he dropped the mouse in my lap. I thought about the name Storm-Tossed-my-Cookies Stormbreak. But that's a mouthful. So is NO-Nikola-NO Stormbreak. I like Sparrow. It's an interesting naming convention, and I will need to consider it.
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Oct. 8, 2018, 9:35 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
Thanks to Dame Ida, I now have the most beautiful sword I've ever seen. Or rather, Redtyde does. But for now it's mine. Mwahahaha!
Oct. 8, 2018, 9:08 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
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Perhaps because storms are powerful in so many ways.
They are:
Beautiful. Like watching a dancer, with clouds that swirl like skirts and brilliant flashes of light like the jewels a woman might adorn.
Dangerous. Be it at land or at sea, their strength can destroy.
Thrilling. The rumble and boom of thunder like a drum in your chest, quickening the heart as much as a lover's kiss.
Lethal. There are tales of those who have called a storm to fell their foes, like wielding a bolt of lightning itself.
Protective. The harshest of storms can keep others away. Those that live within the clime adapt and thrive in the conditions, while others often can only pray to make it through alive. They can try to prepare, and they might succeed, but only the bravest (or dumbest) of souls usually attempt to do so. Cities surrounded by storms of winter or sea are often visited by outsiders far less than other places.
Or perhaps they just like storms.
Oct. 8, 2018, 3:34 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
Why we name so many places after storms?
Oct. 8, 2018, 1:34 a.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
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Quite the toddler whisperer. Nia just adored his story of princesses who rescue a prince from the bad mermaids.
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Oct. 7, 2018, 11:59 p.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
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As always, my cousin, the marvelous Marquessa, has carried the house through more trying times. Though I do wonder about her current state of seeking a spouse. As someone whom does enjoy the chase I fear that I have watched her trip and fall and stumble about like a newly born fawn. It would be adorable, were she not the landed power in Granato. I feel as though I must set up a proper match for her, so for all those unwed men out there looking for something more secure, do seek me out and I shall veto your skills and abilities prior to setting you up for a time with my cousin.
Seems like the only way this is going to end without someone getting run through with a blade...
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Oct. 7, 2018, 11:54 p.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
Once again, I am impressed by the family that has come to Arx with me. They have taken to the city and shown they can soar, no matter the conditions, I am truly blessed to have them here with me. I shall look forward to all that they will accomplish in the years to come, even as turbulent waters threaten the Compact on all shores.
Oct. 7, 2018, 11:50 p.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
Traveling is always something of an adventure, even if a minor one. With a manor in the City and the residence at Stonehearth, I've got two places I feel comfortable calling home. How the men and women who explore can feel comfortable away from such a place, I may not be qualified to understand. Give me either of my two beds and I am a happy man.
Oct. 7, 2018, 11:50 p.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
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Been thinking about you lately, sister of mine.
I think it's time for another grand, sweeping gesture the likes of which always used to annoy you, for old time's sake.
Oct. 7, 2018, 11:49 p.m.(9/27/1009 AR)
Maelstrom is quiet. But I think that I needed some. Though I miss my atrium and Astrids battlecry. Too much to do here as I meet with artisans, suppliers and artists who are making their way to plan and provide for the renovations. The chance to be some small portion of the estate in the city and the exposure brings many to vie for their chance.